Squeeze/Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The little tyke caught sight of me in the doorway and ran screaming, “Unky!”

There was a bit of kinetic energy imparted to my midsection when she flew off the ground about three feet in front of me and collided head on. Then, her arms went around my neck and legs around my waist. I was left with two delightful handfuls of soft, knicker covered bottom before she plastered her wet little lips to mine.

Then she reached down ran her hand over my hard bulge and squeezed, while she cooed like a dove and squealed, “Awesome!” Which was by far her favourite exclamation.

“I bought some clothes for you to model for me. Let’s see if your mum approves of the sexy panties and bras,” which made her eyes get very big while they sparkled with a naughty little glint.

“Can we go and fit them? I don’t have sexy bras or panties,” she related, and then wiggled out of my arms.

So, I took her to my room and spread them on the bed, and of course, she squealed, “Awesome!”

“I get to fit them on you,” I informed her and removed her school clothes, which had her down to her blue cottons and knee socks in no time.

Her uniform looked sexy on her, but even sexier was what lay beneath. As baggy and unattractive as her uniform knickers were, they did hide everything, but nonetheless were exciting. What was even more exciting, and what I enjoyed the most, was to slowly work them down her hips. Every little bit of flesh that was exposed then received a kiss, a lick and a nibble. I loved to run my tongue through her bum crack and over the pouty peach of a mons before I sucked it into my mouth. It was very tasty and exquisite to feel the tiny muscles ripple while they received attention.

After a hard day at school, the scent of her little pussy and bum were more than a little delightful. Everything down there had brewed and mellowed to a hearty, musty fragrance with more than a hint of sweat and wee. Her bottom exuded an extraordinary musky perfume that went straight to my cock. The sexy underthings were forgotten as I succumbed to my desire and smothered myself between her legs.

“How about a nice lick before we try your new things on?” I begged and anxiously nodded so she would get the hint, while saliva threatened to dribble on my shirt.

A big grin broke out on her face, and then she nodded her head and popped on the bed. Her bum fidgeted and squirmed in anticipation and looked so inviting, I decided to start at the bottom and work my way up. She squeaked and squealed while I nibbled around her little brown bud before I speared my tongue into it. It slid inside like warm butter over hot toasted bread. The zesty, pungent, earthiness first stormed my nostrils then danced and burst over my taste buds. It was a savoury, spicy nirvana for my senses.

I wished my tongue was longer so I could delve deeper inside, but was delighted that the mouth of such a tiny wrinkled opening could blossom so wide, my curled tongue could slip inside and lave the crinkled, spongy walls. Her bum writhed under my ministrations while pleasurable little effervescent sighs bubbled from her lips. I believed she loved the arse reaming as much as I loved giving it.

Reluctantly, I withdrew my tongue because it was time for her to consider another treat; the new buzz toy I bought. So, I quickly twisted it on and ran the humming tip in circles around her tiny clit. As if on cue, a thick bead of juice, not unlike a teardrop, rolled from the mouth of her tiny entry, which had darkened to a rosy pink glow while it flourished and unfolded before my eyes. I ran the whirring tip of the plastic pleasure maker through the slippery syrup to coat it and ease the friction on her tender nub. Her legs snapped shut, she shuddered and squeezed them together so tight I had to wedge them open so I could continue the titillating torment.

“Wow… wow… wow…,” she wailed as she hunched her hips up into the source of her pleasure.

Then, she tossed her head back and it lolled from side to side, while she flopped around on the bed, until she flew into the deep chasm as convulsions seized and shook her tiny body. Little tremors and aftershocks continued to dance through her limbs for almost a minute before she finally settled and seemed to melt into the bed.

I was so caught up in her orgasm I missed my own until I noticed the cooling, slimy mess I left in my shorts. In my opinion, my niece’s orgasms far surpassed her mother’s in drama and shear intensity. They were so powerful, in fact, they dealt her a knockout blow, that made me blow a load in my pants.

In the words of my niece, “Wow! Awesome!” It was a remarkable experience I would not soon forget. I was so drained from her orgasm, which, by the way, was contagious; not only did I catch it but so did my shorts. My only regret was that she had not sat on my face so I could experience its full efficacy and glory. The only drawback would have been possible face injury, which I viewed as an acceptable risk.

Before I could swap my sodden shorts for new ones, a “Rap, rap, rap,” came to my door and I quickly pulled on my gown to answer it. If only to hide the fact it had soaked through to my trousers.

Jazz was a bit early and she held up cartons of Chinese take away, then gave me a peck on the lips before she carried them to the kitchen, where she asked, “Did she spring her surprise on you yet?” I’m afraid my quizzical look informed her that I didn’t have a clue. So, she pulled opened my gown and when she spotted the stain, asked, “Did you squirt your trousers?”

Solemnly, I nodded my head and told her, “Yeah, we got a bit carried away.”

“It must have been good if you couldn’t get out of your trousers first. What happened, if I might ask?”

I led her back to my room where the little love was sprawled across my bed and still meandered away in La La Land. Then, I showed her the sexy panties and bras, before I held up the new buzz toy.

She twisted it on, gripped her hand around it and declared, “It’s smaller and a lot more powerful than mine. From what I can see, she really enjoyed it.”

“Did she ever! The girl turned into an animal when I buzzed her with it. The front of my trousers will tell you how exciting it was for me. Oh, and here, this is for you,” and I handed her the full size bullet dildo I had purchased for her.

She immediately flipped it on and commented, “I like this a lot,” and rubbed it over her girl’s mons and got a little twist and bum wiggle from her, “Yes, I believe this will do nicely.” Then, she laid next to her daughter, pressed the tip of the vibrator against the girl’s clit and nibbled on her ear, saying, “Nancy… mummy’s here and it’s time to wake up. Let’s get a wiggle on so we can eat.”

The girl’s eyes popped open wide, and then she snapped her legs shut around the vibrator. With a loud squeal, she informed us, “I’m going to pee.” Then, she cupped her hand over her pussy and blazed a trail to the loo.

“That’s the bad thing about these vibrators; you need to have a good pee before you use them,” my sister confided.

“I’ll remember that,” I told her, “Why don’t you set the food out while I change my shorts.”

She stood up and with a wink, suggested, “Might as well leave them off. You know, less in the way after supper,” then trotted off to the kitchen while I stripped off, but decided to wear my gown, then I went to collect my niece.

The little nymph was still on the bog. Her eyes were scrunched shut, while she swung her legs to and fro with a frisky finger in the top of her split.

“Just what do you think you are up to,” I growled at her.

She was startled, her eyes popped open and her little rhythm was interrupted. Her face lit up and she informed me, “I’m still tingling… right here,” and she pointed at the angry looking little clit that poked from between her lips.

“What if I take care of those tingles after we eat?” I asked and gave her peck on the forehead.

Then I scooped her into arms and carried her squealing and thrashing into the kitchen. After I set her on her feet, her mum asked, “Where did you find the naked little girl?”

My niece put her hands on her hips, stamped her foot and informed us, “I am not little,” and then a flesh coloured blur vanished from the room.

Her mum asked me, “What’s with her?”

“I’m not sure if I made her mad or not. I found her on the bog rubbing herself and she told me her clitty tingled.”

Then, just as quickly as she left, she returned wearing her thong panties while she fumbled with her bra as she tried to fit it. Then demanded, “Fix it for me, Unky.”

I tousled her hair and had her turn around so I could fasten it and her mum told us, “My girl has titties now,” and when her daughter heard that, she giggled and puffed out her chest. Then my sister squeezed one of them and informed us, “They are so nice and soft.”

My little niece twirled around for us and told her mum, “Unky got these for me. Aren’t they sexy?”

Then, I reached over, goosed her bum and told her, “Really sexy… I love those knickers on you.”

“Turn around, munchkin,” Jazz instructed her daughter and when she did, “Now bend over… oh, they are sexy. You can see her sexy little bum hole and those gorgeous cheeks. Now, show your uncle,” then my sister pulled the string from her crack and asked, “See something you like?”

“Most certainly,” I answered as I recalled what it was like to have my face between those gorgeous cheeks.

We quickly finished our supper without much chat, and then my sister whispered something in her daughter’s ear, that I couldn’t make out, and the girl vigorously nodded her approval. Then she turned around, put her hands on her hips and my sister informed me, “Nancy believes its time to give you your surprise now, the one you know nothing about,” she winked at me, “Don’t ya munchkin?” The girl gave me a single stern nod, tapped her foot and my sister continued, “Do what mummy told you while I clean up and toss the rubbish.”

As if on cue, the little girl bent over and touched the floor. That pooched her little pussy out of the thong and pulled the string so deep in arse crack, her arse hole opened around it. It was a remarkable sight to behold. Then, she shook her bum at me, spun around and pulled open my gown so she could settle my stiffening member between those lovely, warm cheeks. But that was not all she did. She pulled my hands to her padded chest while she worked her wonderful crack over my cock. It didn’t require much for JT to reach full throbber status.

Then, my sister whispered more instructions in the girl’s ear. So, she clasped my hand and dragged me to my room with my sister close behind. After we arrived, my niece crawled on the bed, pressed her cheek to the bed with her bum in the air and told me, “Now kiss it for me.”

How could I resist such a wonderful demand? If I could, I would live between those warm cheeks. Without a second’s consideration, I drew the obscenely small thong down, spread the lovely cheeks apart and dove in face first.

After a minute of a thoroughly enjoyable and delicious arse reaming, my sister dragged me away with the words, “My turn now.”

“No,” I told myself, “My sister’s not going to eat her daughter’s arse, is she?”

But, she did with an exorbitant amount of enthusiasm and relish while I watched with mouth agape. That wasn’t the only gape. Nancy’s little arse hole opened wide for my sister who had her new, full sized vibrator poised at the ready. The sperm sizzled in my balls when I watched her slip all but an inch of it into the little girl’s arse. For some reason, it occurred to me that my niece’s arse might be the surprise.

I was even more surprised when my sister told the girl, “Now tell him what you want.”

“Mum said to tell you, ‘give me bum a good shag’.” Which was another bugger… BUGGER... B-U-G-G-E-R, moment for me!

End Chapter Six

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