Sweet Cheeks/Chapter One

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Sweet Cheeks

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Chapter One

For several years now I’ve taken my tea at three in the afternoon at Bloom’s Cafe in the town’s Milby Square. I believed it was ideal because they had not only the best tea, but also the finest tea cakes in the county to accompany it. On a warm, if not hot, summer day, their pergola vine shrouded patio was a pleasant and quiet respite from the heat and a hideaway from the bustle of foot traffickers in the square. Customers were few and business was always slow that time of day. When I arrived, Milly, who owned a dress shop nearby, and her daughter Carol were leaving and they paused to greet me. We exchanged a few pleasantries which led to experiences and revelations I would not soon forget.

I always loved chatting with the mum, because she was not only a brilliant conversationalist, but wore the most obscene dresses which featured plunging necklines that offered a breathtaking view of her spilling cleavage. She delighted in the way my eyes were magnetically drawn to the lovely things that graced her chest and ruthlessly teased me sometimes with the possibility of a little something extra. I was blessed because she didn’t mind sharing the bounty with my hungry eyes. It was hard sometimes, well, you know what I mean, for me not to prop an obvious tent in my trousers, which was a bit embarrassing at times, like now, because we were in a public place. However, today it was a lost battle to restrain the old boy. I didn’t mind if Milly noticed because she always took it as a compliment. But since her daughter was with her, I knew that I should hide the evidence, so, I quickly took a seat.

“You certainly are happy to see me today,” she said when she noticed the sudden development in my pants, “It’s always a pleasure for me to spread a bit of joy around.”

I glanced over at her daughter whose eyes were glued to something on her mobile and pointed out, “I certainly am and always happy to see your... err…” and lowered my voice to a whisper, “It was better for me to sit down before someone noticed.”

“Just wait, the way she’s developing it won’t be long before she’s competing with her mum and you’ll quit expressing your admiration for me.”

She was right about that. The girl was already sprouting tits. They were a bit big for a ten year old and her tight black t-shirt only exaggerated their size.

“No, never for you. She still has a way to go…” I started, but when Milly leaned over in front of me, her unrestrained beauties took my breath... and my voice away.

The lovely things nearly spilled out of her dress and increased the pressure inside my pants dramatically. I had to drag my jaw up from the table while I drooled over the large, hard nipples and giant, yummy chocolate brown areola that I gobbled up with my hungry eyes.

“Mum, ask Mister Trevor if he would mind me while you pop out. I’ll miss Cathy if I go with you.”

“Carol is suffering from acute boredom,” her mum explained to me, “She can’t visit with her friends and hasn’t seen her best mate since classes broke out for the summer school holiday. I have to pick up my stock shipment in Nantwich and you shouldn’t be burdened for more than an hour.”

“No worries, love, she’s never a burden. Look on the bright side, it will give me time to enjoy more of the delicious tea and cakes and maybe a biscuit or three.”

“You’re such a sweetheart,” she told me as she nibbled on my ear and then planted a kiss on the edge of my mouth.

Carol had taken a seat at the next table with her back facing me. She was still engrossed in her mobile and what I didn’t notice while she was standing, was the great expanse of bum crack she sported above the belt line of her jeans. Clearly, they were low cut, which greatly emphasized her hip development, but more importantly, her marvelous fat bum. As much as I loved titties, I loved fat bums even more. The jeans were so tight in the crotch area and thighs, she constantly tugged at the fabric which only drew them further down and revealed even more of her back cleavage.

I licked my lips at the quite perverse thought of sneaking up behind her and dragging my tongue through the delicious crack. Then she set her mobile down, stood up facing me and pulled the jeans down her thighs even more. It didn’t help my throbber when she walked over to me while she pried the fabric out of her fat camel toe.

“Your jeans look a bit uncomfortable,” I observed but did not mention how much of her bum crack showed when she sat.

“Mum insisted on getting them for me. She said they make me look sexy,” she explained as she turned and pushed her bum out at me.

“That they do,” I thought, “Especially from the rear.”

“Cathy will be here in five minutes.” She informed me, “She got all excited when I told her you were minding me.”

“Didn’t she tell you she’s my niece?”

“Really? No, not a word.”

“I can’t imagine why. Listen, your mum told me how bored you were staying at the shop with her. How would you like to come over to my place where you two could have a fine reunion until your mum closes shop for the day?”

“That would be super! You don’t mind?”

“Of course not, why should I? Cathy’s so bored she’s trying to get her mum to let her stay with me over the summer. You could drop by and visit with her every day if your mum will allow it. Be warned though, we’re coming here for tea and cakes every afternoon at three.”

“Oh, yes,” she squealed and threw her hands in the air, “That would be awesome. I think mum would be glad to be rid… get me out of her hair.”

“We may be able to schedule a sleep over or two… Oh, well, speak of the devil and see who tips up,” I said as my niece appeared out of nowhere, squealed and flew into my lap with her arms around my neck.

I still had a bit of a bone going and when Cathy felt it poke her bottom, she wrapped her fingers around it. “Not here,” I warned her, as I reluctantly pried them away.

Then, she pulled me to her lips and gave me a wet kiss saying, “I missed you, Unky.”

“I missed you too, sweet cakes,” I told her as I nibbled on her lips and gave a bum cheek a squeeze through her dress.

Not only was her dress thin, but my fingers didn’t detect a hint of knickers. The fact that she was bare under her dress sent naughty thoughts swirling around in my head.

“I can’t wait to get you alone so I can find out what’s underneath your dress,” I whispered as I nibbled on her ear lobe.

“There’s nothing underneath it, Unky,” she told me as she nibbled my lips, “Guess what?” she breathlessly whispered, “Mum said I could stay with you until you toss me out on my ear. My things are stuffed in your car so she doesn’t have to make another trip.”

“Did you leave us any room to sit in my car?” I asked.

“There’s plenty of room in the front,” she told me as she ran her tongue over my lips.

“It’s too peaceful and quiet around the the place when you’re not around. Listen, I suggested to Carol that she could stay and visit with you during the summer holiday. Won’t that be fun?”

“Wow, I never thought of that. Of course it will be.”

“Tell me, why didn’t you tell her I was your uncle?” I questioned.

With downcast eyes, she explained, “After she told me how close she was with her favourite uncle, I didn’t believe it was a good idea, if you know what I mean. Because I might have to reveal certain things to her, you know, about us.”

“I appreciate your discretion. Now, hop off and go visit with Carol. Her mum will be here shortly and after we get back to my place, we have a lot of catching up to do.”

“Can she sleep over tonight?”

“Love, if she does, we won’t have any time alone. For the things I have in mind, we should give it a few days, don’t you think?”

“I won’t go into it now, but remember what I mentioned about her favourite uncle? Let’s say I don’t believe she will object to anything you may have in mind.” She turned around and slapped her hand over her mouth. I gave her a questioning look and she pointed at her friend’s bum crack, gave me a little peck and the lips and said, “Enjoy,” before she flew over to her table.

“I wanted to enjoy… scraping my tongue through that crack. Favourite uncle… things she won’t object to that I have in mind… such juicy tidbits.” I thought, while the possibilities rattled around inside my head. Then the girl leaned over the table and “Oh, gawd!” Her jeans slid down even further, but… but, “Oh, no,” she tugged them back over her cheeks but gratefully left a little crack visible; at least until she sat and they slid down again.

Oh, but to smother myself between those luscious mounds of flesh. My niece’s eyes followed mine and she gave me a crooked but knowing smile, before she puckered her lips and blew me a kiss. Then, she mentioned something to her friend, who reached behind herself and ran her fingers over the exposed flesh. I thought she would tug her jeans up, but instead, bent over the table and said something to my niece which made them slide even further down her cheeks. Then, with a little wiggle of her bum, she settled back in her chair… practically sitting on the belt line which left an enormous portion of her sweet crack to taunt me and cause my tongue, among other things, to stiffen in delight.

“That was deliberate,” I thought, “She knows her bum crack is showing.” But, did I mind if she wanted to show it to me? Heaven forbid, it was so glorious I had to give the little man a reassuring squeeze to calm him down.

However, the show was short lived because she stood up when her mobile rang, exchanged a few words before she brought it over to me and said, “Mum wants to speak to you.”

“You are a brave man,” Milly said, “Are you sure you are up to having two rowdy, screaming girls overnight?”

“Surely you are not referring to the two angels in my presence? They won’t be a bother, my love.”

“I’m still in Nantwich. Why don’t you take them back to your place and after I close shop. I’ll bring her overnight things and some take away for supper. Is Chinese alright with you?”

“Yeh, well, sure, Chinese is fine.” It was hard to keep the disappointment from my voice because I looked forward to having succulent pussy for supper.

“See you about six… click,” Milly rang off and both of the girls rushed over to my table, hopping on their toes as they impatiently awaited the verdict.

“Carol can sleep over,” I blurted.

“Yeah!” They both squealed and took turns hugging me and each other.

“You won’t be sorry,” my niece whispered in my ear. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to find out what she meant.

So, we all scrunched ourselves into the front of the old banger and took the short drive back to my place. I had a quaint old cottage, on a quiet, shady lane lined with high old hedgerows. It was on the edge of the old town proper with a vast open green that led to a babbling brook on the edge of a wood. It was the family home I grew up in and my parents left it to my sister and myself. She never claimed her share, so I’ve lived there alone since my wife left me.

Oh, how I wanted children, but that was not possible, so I unofficially adopted my niece as a surrogate daughter. She normally spent holidays with me and her room was filled with so many of her ‘things’, she didn’t need to bring much with her when she stayed and couldn’t imagine what she had filled the back of my car with.

End Chapter One

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