Pedo Paradise/male/You are a pediatrician/Jacob Klauser/Yes

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You enter the room and see young Jack there with his mother. You close and lock the door saying hi to Mrs. Klauser as you do so. She is a rather attractive woman in her mid 30s but anyone who didn't know that would assume she was in her early 20s with light blond hair, c-cups, she is not fat nor overly thin. After you have locked the door you turn to Jack.

"Hey little man how are you doing?"

"I am well doctor." He replies smiling. Jack is one of your more happier patents with hair like his mother's.

"Glad to hear." You reply. "You know the drill. If you could please get undressed." He nods and gets out of his clothes while you get stuff ready. You go through all the actual medical stuff as you are a doctor after all and need to make sure this wonderful boy is in good health. After all of that though you put his file away and tell him, "Now that we got all the medical stuff out of the way time for a bit of fun." unzipping your pants while doing so. He nods happily as his small 3 inch penis stiffs.

"How do you want me doc?"

You tell him you have a lollipop for him Test

You tell him you need to see if he can cum yet

You tell him you need to give him a warm shot in his butt

You tell him that mom gets to join in the fun