Sexy Fun Times/Back to Sleep/Mom/Bathroom

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When you open the bathroom door, you are surprised that the shower is not running. When you look inside, you are even more surprised to see your kid sister sitting on the toilet with the lid down. Her legs are spread wide apart and your mother is on her knees in front of her. When Mom hears me come in, she stands up. "Your sister is ten years old and her cunt is full of your spunk," she says. Oddly, she doesn't sound all that mad about it.

"Mom licked it out," Katie says with a grin.

"I had to make sure you hadn't injured her with that monster of yours," Mom says, looking down to where your half-hard cock is visible through the open front of your robe.

"I think you'd better open your bedroom window and change the sheets, don't you?" Mom says.

By the time they get out of the shower, you have put the sheets and your dirty clothes in the wash and tidied your room. Mom's sitting on the couch, dressed in your spare robe and Katie, wrapped in a bath towel, is on her knees, having her long hair brushed. The towel has slipped down to reveal her embryo breasts and her black hair contrasts sharply against her pale skin. "Anyone want coffee," you ask.

On your own, you often make do with instant, but you get the French press out and get that going. Katie has some kind of malted milk drink at home, so you heat up some milk and add a splash of coffee and some sugar for her.

When she stands up, Katie's hair, normally restrained into a plaited rope, has been left loose. Mom has put a couple of grips to keep it off her face, and it hangs like a straight, black waterfall down her back as far as her towel-covered bum. She looks suspiciously at her drink, but sits down and sips it without bothering to hide her so-cute perky little boobs.

"Are you staying for lunch," you ask, pulling your robe tighter to cover your swelling cock.

Mom grins. "I don't know about you two, but I could do with a lie down," she says.