Hot & Horny/Chelsea/Josh/Miranda

From All The Fallen Stories
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"If I were you, Josh, I'd take Miranda's virginity while she takes yours."

Josh looks absolutely stunned as you suggest that he fucks his little sister. He slowly nods "Okay."

"Here, follow me." You open the door to the hallway where the rest of the house is seemingly still asleep and make your way with Josh to little Miranda's room. As you quietly open the door, both enter Miranda's room and then close the door behind you can hear her sleeping and breathing quietly.

"What now, Ma?" Josh asks in a whisper.

"Watch." You take a seat on the bed next to your tiny daughter. "Miranda, honey. Wake up, dear..."

Miranda yawns and opens her eyes. Her tiny body moved around gently. "Mommy? Hi Mommy!"

"Good morning, sweetheart! How did you sleep?"

"Good! I dreamed I was a princess and I had a pony! Can I have a pony, Mommy?"

And that's when it hit you. "Well, you can ride Josh like a pony, sweetheart..."

Miranda's heart jumped. "Really? Can I Joshie?"

Josh looks at you uneasily, wondering how to proceed. You nod and reassure his assumptions.

"Sure, sis!"

You smile from ear to ear knowing exactly how to do this. "Okay, sweetie! Joshie will be your pony and you can ride him all you want!"

"Yay! Thanks, Mommy! Thanks, Joshie!"

Miranda jumps at Josh and tries to ride his back but you know what kind of riding you want to see between your daughter and son.

"Wait, sweetheart! You have to be able to control your pony!" Josh is only wearing pants, and you begin to undo them and slide them off so he's buck...or stud, in this case, naked.

Josh blushes.

"What's that thingy, Mommy?"

"That's how you control a pony like Joshie! Now you want to ride your pony and control them because they're your pet, right?"

"Of course, Mommy! Ponies are pets...everyone knows that!"

The irony of Miranda riding Josh's cock and being his pet was completely lost on her but such is the way life is.

"Well, that's how you control your pet. Watch:"

With Josh's cock free you know what you have to do: get it hard and wet so your daughter can ride him. So you bring his nice young cock to your mouth and start sucking on it. Josh moans and starts to melt like butter.

"See, Miranda? Now he'll do whatever I want."

"Mommmmmmmyyy...but he's my pet!"

"Then you'd better control him. Put your mouth there and lick like a popsicle."

Miranda brings her mouth to Josh's cock and he moans, loud. "Now what, Mommy?"

"Now he's all yours to ride, sweetie! But if you're going to control your pony, you need to take these off." You say as you start to strip off her pajamas.

"But Mommy, I'm naked!"

"And so's Joshie, sweetheart! Now you're ready to ride your pony!"


Miranda climbs on top of Josh and starts to ride his chest.

You smile lustfully.

"Here honey, let me show you how to control your pet pony."

You briefly suck on your son Josh's cock to get it ready to lose his virginity and take the virginity of your youngest daughter, Miranda. The thought brings back bittersweet memories of being violated by your own father.

You pick Miranda up and hover her naked, nubile little pussy over your rock-hard son's cock. Your own pussy is sopping wet. you want that to be you! You want to be your son's first but also want him to take your daughter like your father took you.

Do you?

Name Chelsea a 36 year old female.