A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School/Barely/After/Shriek/Protest/Talk/Nurse/Lunch/Return/Window/In/Quiet/Leave/Bored/Shocked

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | School‎ | Barely‎ | After‎ | Shriek‎ | Protest‎ | Talk‎ | Nurse‎ | Lunch‎ | Return‎ | Window‎ | In‎ | Quiet‎ | Leave‎ | Bored
Revision as of 04:59, 28 September 2023 by BraveNudeWorld (talk | contribs)
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Mr. Vice wasn't sure what to expect by the time he finally reached the janitor's closet. It had taken longer than he hoped, mainly because he'd run into Alice McKay in the hall, who shared a very alarming story about a student claiming to see a female streaker. She was doubtful that the streaker existed, but James of course knew better. And if Sally had been spotted, he worried whether she had been able to reach the closet at all. If not, goodness only knew where should could be hiding, and that would be a whole new problem to deal with.

But all that said, one thing he definitely didn't expect to see was Sally pleasuring herself with a broken rocking horse right in front of the door.

He stared, dumbstruck for several seconds. And then he just barely had the presence of mind to close the door behind him. This of course made the room very dark again. There was a pull-chain light switch, but he didn't dare. Sally had her eyes closed and was apparently still too involved in her "ride" to notice him come in, but turning on the lights would surely be too much.

There was not, of course, any legitimate reason why he should just keep standing there instead of announcing himself or perhaps better yet stepping back out and knocking to give her warning, but his "higher functions" were not functioning very well at all, and such options didn't even occur to him. It didn't help when he realized Sally was actually moaning, or perhaps panting more like. Just a little "heff, heff, heff" as the rocking horse went back and forth, but to him it was the sexiest sound in the world. Even in the dark she was captivating.

And soon, he could hear her breathing quickening even further, until it almost was a proper moan, and then quite suddenly she let out a loud "ohhhhhh", trailing off into a sigh, and stopped rocking. It was obvious to James that Sally had just climaxed, though he wondered if she herself even knew what that was yet.

She didn't, in fact. But although it was a little scary, she knew she liked it. What she didn't like though, was opening her eyes and seeing someone standing in front of her just then. Even with her eyes being adjusted to the dark, what little light there was came from behind him and she couldn't tell who it was. All she knew was that someone had finally caught her, and at the most embarrassing moment possible.

She tried to get off the horse and away, but between the darkness and the fact that her seat had inexplicably became rather slippery, this did not go well. As soon as she started trying to shift her weight backwards the whole rocking horse tipped back—waaaay back—and she slide off the rear end. She landed flat on her back and had the wind knocked out of her before she even had a chance to scream.

Perhaps in a way that was lucky. Sally certainly didn't want any more attention, and another scream was absolutely the last thing James needed. But her fall did finally snap him out of his stupor. He pulled the light chain and rushed over to see if she was hurt. By the look on her face, it was clear that she wasn't entirely unscathed, tears were starting to well up in her eyes and she looked absolutely panicked. He'd seen kids fall and get winded on the playground before, so he had a good idea that this was the main problem, but Sally had never had the misfortune before and was freaking out, momentarily unable to speak.

"It's OK, honey, you just had the breath knocked out of you, relax and you'll be fine in a second."

Sally pretty much jumped into his arms, but still said nothing.

He put his arms around her too, being unable to resist comforting the a distraught child. "Nice and slow, in, out. You'll be OK"

Soon he heard her breathing again, though it came in the form of sobbing.

"Shhh. It's alright. The worst is over. Now all we need to do is get you home."

Hugging James felt really nice. Almost as good as hugging her own mom or dad, and it wasn't something Sally had ever done before. But she tried to compose herself and get back on her own feet. "I-I-I'm sorry... Y-you really startled me... I didn't see you come in."

"I guess I should have knocked or something. I... uh... wasn't expecting to interrupt you doing anything private."

This apparently was the wrong thing to say, because Sally only looked more upset. She didn't say anything though, so he just waited, until finally she said "What's wrong with me? I think I peed on it. And-and-and I lost your key."

"Forget the key, I'll look later and I can get a new one if need be. And that wasn't pee you just... got a little to excited. It's normal." James ran his hand over the back of the rocking horse. It was indeed wet and slippery, but he knew perfectly well it wasn't urine. Sally cringed to see him touch it, but James could barely restrain himself from tasting it. Instead he just sniffed his fingers and declared "Nope, definitely not pee."

"B-but it still came out of me... isn't that gross?"

"Not to me, Sally. I already admitted I liked seeing your privates. I liked hearing you have fun on the horse, and yes I even like your slippery stuff." Now, obviously precisely none of this is what James should have said, but he really wasn't thinking too clearly. And what little rational thought he could muster was solely concerned with getting Sally calmed down so he could figure out how to extract her discreetly.

Sally stopped sobbing, and made a strange face as she took in this new information. She didn't comment though.

After a moment, James spoke again. "Alright, well now we still need to get you home, don't we? First thing's first, though. I better call your parents and make some excuse why you're late. Normally you'd be getting home about now and we don't and them to worry. How about I just tell them your uniform was torn in a playground accident, and we're getting you a new one?"

"Yeah, that's fine I guess."

So Mr. Vice made a quick phone call and relayed that sanitized version of events.

"So does that mean you're really getting me a new uniform? One that actually fits?"

James chuckled in spite of himself. "Well I better, don't you think? I can't really send you home naked, can I?"

Sally laughed too. "No, I guess not! Thanks, Mr. Vice."

"So I'm going to check on the spare uniform locker. It's been a little while since I've been down there, but think I remember where it is. I hate to leave you on your own again, but suggest you just hang tight while I find you something to wear. I've leave the light on this time, and the night Janitor shouldn't be here for an hour or so yet, so you don't need to worry."

How did Sally respond?