Possession Chapter3

From All The Fallen Stories
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There was a knock on the door. Ellie took fright. It was her father. If he came in now, he would be looking straight at her wide-open pussy, still pulsing in reaction to her play.

“Ellie, are you home?”

She sat up on the bed. Lower body naked, shirt pulled up, panties somewhere on the floor.

“Yes dad, a moment!”

Had her voice sounded different? She smelled her fingers. Definitely suspicious odor. She quickly put on a dress and opened a window.

“What is it, daddy?”

“Dinner in 15 minutes”

“Ok, thanks!”

Ellie grabbed her clothes but decided against putting them on. Her crotch was so wet, it would soil her panties. Instead, she decided to keep the dress on and sneak to the bathroom. There she looked at herself in the mirror. Flushed and trembling, she needed to calm down. She used the toilet and took a cool shower. That seemed to do the trick. Even the slit between her legs seemed to return to normal.

“Ellie, come on! We have hot dogs.”

Suddenly Ellie felt hungry. She pulled the dress over her head, wrapped a towel around her hair and ran to the kitchen. As she sat at the table across her father, she felt the hem of the dress rise over her knees. The air between her legs made it feel weird. If he looked under the table, he would see her bare crotch. Ellie crossed her legs and felt the lips of her slit rubbing against each other. Labia, dad had called them. Never before had she been so aware of her anatomy down there in company. Now everything felt awkward.

Daddy seemed a bit odd, too. He barely ate anything, just sat rubbing his temple and stared blankly at Ellie devour three hot dogs. Suddenly he stood up and rushed to the bathroom. When he returned, he was noticeably pale.

“I´m sorry darling, not feeling very well. Please collect the dishes when you´re finished. I must go rest.”

Left on her own, Ellie took the hot dog Dad had barely nibbed at and poured herself a large glass of Coca cola. She put the dishes in the machine and went to check on her father. He was in bed, wrapped in blankets and shivering. Ellie wished him good night.

Ellie browsed her homework half-heartedly. She knew it had to be done by tomorrow, but some subtractions seemed impossible. Usually she would ask Daddy to help, but now he was ill. Her mind wandered to the game she played yesterday. When stuck, there was always some helpful tips on the Internet. She googled her mathematics assignment, and got the job done swiftly, even though her browser lagged a little. She typed “what is wrong with daddy” and got many search results on daddy issues and books with that title. Her search “sick daddy” returned some children´s songs and picture books. She scrolled down and found some links marked “explicit”. She was just about to open one, when she saw “Ellie´s sick daddy”. She tapped that one. Her phone screen showed another porn video. It was a close-up of a pussy, spread open and small hands fingering it. It was not as wrinkled and puffy as most of the ones she had seen on porn sites, and above the hairless mound she could see a flat chest. Just when she realized she was watching a child masturbating, her own face rose to look at the camera. Ellie panicked. Had she accidentally recorded her touching herself today? Was it out there on the Internet for all to see? She swiped the video away. Her phone returned to her Google search, but now it looked different:

What is wrong with Ellie´s daddy?


Daddy will wither away in horrible pain. You may have even months to listen to him cry in agony

Heart Attack

Daddy´s heart has stopped. He lies dead in his bed right now, and his body gets cold and stiff


Daddy sweats and vomits his blood out. He will spasm and shake and spread slime and blood everywhere. You are probably smitten too.

Demonic possession

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Ellie put the phone in the lowest drawer of her desk. Then she went to check out on her father. He was asleep. His computer was on, and Ellie contemplated trying to google herself, to see if the video really was out there. But what if daddy woke up to see that picture? While her attention was on the screensaver moving around, she heard a crash behind her. She jumped and turned to look. A picture had fallen off the wall of her father´s bedroom. Her father kept sleeping. She went to pick the picture up. It was a photo of her some years ago, in their previous home. The string behind the frame was still intact, and there was a nail on the wall. Finding no reason to the picture falling, she just hung it up again.

It was still early, and she could not use her phone or dad for company. She played with her dolls and plushies for a while. One Barbie felt a little slimy to touch and her hair was stuck together. She decided the doll needed a bath. She filled the bathroom sink with warm water and undressed the doll. There was a drawing on Barbie´s belly. It was a star, with one of the five points at the crotch of the doll. She had drawn on her dolls when she was little, but they had been just scribbles she later wished she had not done. She could not remember doing it when old enough to draw such a precise design. She got the ink to fade a little in the water but could not get it all off. She left the doll to her bath and washed the tiny clothes. Warm water felt so nice that all the other dolls wanted a bath also.

Ellie filled the bathtub and added a generous amount of bubble bath. She undressed all the dolls and herself and climbed in with them. She made the dolls swim one at a time and played that they flew around clouds made of foam. The diving Barbie was exploring the deep when the last of the bubbles vanished. The doll made a dive thru a cave under Ellie´s knee and stopped at her pussy. Ellie opened her slit with her other hand and pressed the doll against the sensitive spot. The warm water made it nice and relaxed, but the plastic body of the doll was too hard. She let go of the toy and rubbed the spot with her finger. The doll floated to the surface. It was not as slippery down there as before, but keeping her touch light, she got the nice feelings to grow. When her pussy started to twitch, she could not help but spasm with her body, making waves in the water. The dolls floated up and down, and some water dropped over the edges to the floor. She stopped to let the water calm down. She grabbed the diving Barbie and turned her hand to point out. Then she spread her pussy with her fingers again and located the hole she had found. She pointed the doll´s hand to the opening and pushed it carefully in. She felt friction on the edge of the hole, but further inside it glided in easier. The hard plastic felt rough on the skin that had never before been touched, but she wanted to see how far she could push it. Very slowly and carefully she got the whole arm of the doll inside her vagina-hole. The doll´s head, complete with scuba gear, rubbed the sensitive spot on the front of her slit. She tried rubbing it against her vulva and got the familiar throbbing reaction down there. This time the hard pointy object inside felt very uncomfortable. She pulled it out and left the bath.

Dressed in her bathrobe and towel around her hair, Ellie went to say goodnight to her father. He was still asleep. The picture had fallen again. As Ellie went to pick it up, she noticed that there was some sticky slime on it, covering her face. She used her towel to clean it. Now why did it keep falling? She examined the wire used to hang it to the wall and saw that there was another five-pointed star drawn on the back of the picture. There was nothing wrong with the wire and the nail on the wall was firmly in place. She hung it up again and left to go to bed. Outside her father´s room she heard a thud. She turned to look, and the picture had fallen again. Somehow the picture face down on the floor, the star and her sleeping father felt ominous. She picked up the picture and put it on his bedside table, then went to bed with Marshall, her stuffed dog.

Chapter 4