User talk:Dein0clies

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I see you're writing a new story for the site. That is great, but to keep everything separate, all options in a story need to start with the story name or a designation for the story. Please reference the page Format Rules/Links for details on what is expected on this site in relation to links in stories. You can fix your current pages by choosing the Move option under the More dropdown at the top of the relevant pages and adding the Story Name to the beginning of the page name, then adding it to all the links on every page of the story. This keeps every story to itself so there is no chance of bleedover. If you need any help or have any questions feel free to ask me on my talk page. --Elerneron (talk) 14:26, 8 March 2020 (CET)

Let me know what you need for the Gru'Thrak Character Sheet. --Elerneron (talk) 19:33, 22 April 2020 (CEST)

Gru’Thrak Well firstly, I would like to ask how orcs, in this world, name themselves: do they use surnames, nicknames, etc. I also would like with the social section, since I don’t see an orcish leadership model, like the Western Rulership. -- Dein0clies (talk) 13:50, 22 April 2020 (EDT)

When you respond to someone on your talk page, you should respond to them on their talk page. For that reason, we should probably talk on the talk page for the character sheet itself to keep everything together. --Elerneron (talk) 20:06, 22 April 2020 (CEST)

I can do either. I can define one of the races that I haven't gotten to; or if you want a race defined that fits the setting I can do that too. --Elerneron (talk) 00:58, 23 April 2020 (CEST)

It might be okay to create pages for races. I would have final say about the races as I have a specific idea about a lot of races for the setting. Regions are a bit more iffy. Each region in the world I already have ideas for. If you are referring to the Garian Orclands, there might be a little more leeway. Orclands are a little looser based and the four major settlements are already defined on the Garia map (though not their basic nature yet). You can write up the race and region pages with the understanding that I may be making some major modifications. --Elerneron (talk) 10:56, 23 April 2020 (CEST)

Garia is England-LIKE. England is the closest equivalent to our world's countries, but that is not exactly what it is. It is a generic mix of European culture and ecology. One of the reasons why I have the write-up on Garia is that it is not exactly England. The Garian Orclands would have a similar ecology, but tend toward the colder aspects therein (More wolves and lynxes, less insects and reptiles. --Elerneron (talk) 20:12, 23 April 2020 (CEST)

It might take me a day or two, but I'll get incubi/succubi written up. (The difficulty being that they are a type of demon, so I have to write up demons in general). --Elerneron (talk) 21:21, 25 April 2020 (CEST)

Attributes are a general measure of both the character's potential and limits. They don't change, though the abilities of the character can fluctuate around those levels. The point of attributes is that the deity that is the focus of the story is trying to build a stronger avatar. To do so he needs to seek out complimentary mates for his chosen to make stronger offspring (meaning higher attribute levels and more abilities) to take over for the next generation.

Body, mind, and spirit are generalizations. Body relates to a character's physical potential. Mind relates to a character's logical and reasoning potential. Spirit relates to a character's emotional, artistic, and social potential.

I hope that answers your questions. --Elerneron (talk) 21:29, 26 April 2020 (CEST)

It's actually a major part of the story that the deity must inhabit a direct descendant. It drives the character to reproduce quickly in case of the worst happening to their host. This concept was originally intended for a video game (that I still intend to make one day). So, no sideways transitions. Also, if the offspring was already conceived before the deity took over their parent, they don't count. They have to be children produced while the deity was inhabiting the chosen. --Elerneron (talk) 05:42, 27 April 2020 (CEST)

Divine power is derived through the faith of mortals in your divinity through worship. Gaining more divine power is a matter of getting people to worship you as a god (or as close as you can). One of the points to breeding a powerful avatar is to create a different source of power that isn't reliant on the belief of mortals. So to gain new divine power create a cult with you as the cult focus either directly or clandestinely. Getting the power to back up your claim is going to be about breeding your avatar and learning new skills. --Elerneron (talk) 18:04, 27 April 2020 (CEST)

Sorry I haven't gotten around to detailing demons yet. Just letting you know I haven't forgotten. --Elerneron (talk) 04:12, 30 April 2020 (CEST)

You can make a character sheet for a character in Generations without putting them as a "playable" on the front page. If you think they would be interesting as a "playable" character, by all means add them there. For instance, Elyae I find interesting, and seems to me a good choice as a possible chosen for the deity. Garidon does not seem particularly good as a "playable", and could therefore just have a character sheet and no entry (though you seem to have done the opposite). If you think they are both worthy as a possible character that is fine; but take my example of Vita Kaster. She is not on the first page, but as a possible mate for Cinder she has an entry that is linked to when we first postulate her as a mate on the page Generations/Through the Baron. Do it however you wish. Garidon isn't my cup of tea, but he might be other's. Just letting you know there are alternatives. --Elerneron (talk) 07:23, 1 May 2020 (CEST)

I'm liking your work on Jaedyn's story. You should be careful when using a word processing program to write for the site, however. Many of them replace quotation marks with opening and closing quotation marks. This has the effect of ruining the single quote markup that causes bold and italic text in the wiki. It can also cause problems with links as the system reads opening quotes, closing quotes, and standard quotes to be three different characters. They usually have a setting for turning the replacement off in most word processing programs. --Elerneron (talk) 01:35, 2 May 2020 (CEST)

Nothing is set in the "story" Romp. As long as it makes sense with what came before it (or at least transitions well enough), go where you will. --Elerneron (talk) 13:15, 4 May 2020 (CEST)

Villainy: Yes, it is fine to have more than one character from the same origin. I thought I made that clear on the pages that I wrote leading into their stories.

Generations: There are more languages than racial languages. They are regional languages. I never got very in depth on that though. The language of Garia would not be Garian, however, as Gar took the kingdom only about six generations ago. That isn't long enough to evolve a new language. It would likely be named for their former peoples . . . that I never bothered to name. --Elerneron (talk) 22:37, 4 May 2020 (CEST)

The character pages in Villainy are just for flavor. I'll get around to adding the flavor at some point if you just wanted to make an entry. --Elerneron (talk) 23:42, 5 May 2020 (CEST)

Ok. Thanks. --Elerneron (talk) 18:32, 5 May 2020 (CEST)

I'll try to get to the goblins too. The goblins are actually one of my favorites; I just hadn't gotten to them. --Elerneron (talk) 02:17, 7 May 2020 (CEST)

It's been about 20 years since the God War. You can transfer to your children as early as implantation in the womb; though transferring in that young would be a risk. The former chosen dies when you move into a new chosen unless magical means are used to give them a new soul . . . which is some of the most powerful magic there is. --Elerneron (talk) 21:32, 10 May 2020 (CEST)

The Eudresian Empire was the reason I lost interest in Generations in the first place. True Empires are complicated things. Leones, Samaeria, Thesk, and Eudrick itself are VERY different countries held together under the common rule of the family of the Eudresian Emperor (whose family name was originally going to be Eudrick, like their country; but as I already did that with Gar and Garia, I'm kind of glad you didn't go that route as I originally intended). I will likely not get to defining the empire anytime in the near future as that would entail defining all four countries that comprise the empire (not to mention the maps thereof). I can give you a general rundown on the countries so that you don't have to wait on something that may never occur:

  • Leones is much like the Earth kingdom of Medieval France. There is a lot of focus on pomp, ceremony, and fashion. They are a very shallow, hedonistic society. Slavery is legal there, and sex slaves are the norm for nobles. What is popular is very fickle there, changing constantly. If one is not up on the current vogue, there is a great deal of social backlash. Being out of fashion is highly offensive to Leones noble, but VERY easy to do unintentionally.
  • Samaeria is kind of a fusion between medieval Spain and Arabia if you can picture it. They are a very honor and explorer based society that is highly religious in an Islamic sort of way. Since the God War, they have a new religion that is similar to Islam, but has no gods; instead focusing on the pursuit of man's own divinity through suppressing material comfort and excess. Very much the opposite of Leones, the countries would likely be often at war were it not for the Empire keeping them in check.
  • Thesk is a dark or "evil" kingdom. Run by a Witch-king, magic users are treated like a master race in a way. Those with magic are the only ones with any rights in Thesk. All others are considered lesser beings that are barely above animals. Just having magic makes you the equivalent of a "noble" from another kingdom. Magic users may take whatever they want from non-magic users so long as it doesn't inconvenience another magic user of higher status.
  • Eudrick is the capitol kingdom of the empire. Formed by the adventurer Eudrick the Bladedancer long before the godwar, the main focus of the kingdom has always been an attempt to merge and fuse the surrounding kingdoms into a whole. Try as they might, this has never had a significant level of success. Eurick is your basic example of a fantasy kingdom, making it much like medieval England (the baseline for fantasy kingdoms). They are highly political in the kingdom; and diplomacy is the weapon of choice for most of the country, even trickling down to the common folk. There is a lot of bureaucracy, political discourse, and negotiation throughout the kingdom.
The Emperor has little fear of losing his empire as he is protected by an ancient artifact called the Bloodstone found by Eudrick the Bladedancer when he was an adventurer. The artifact makes it impossible for him to be killed. With the artifact, only old age can kill the emperor, and the new emperor is bonded to it immediately upon the death of the previous emperor. Once bonded, the Bloodstone can only be seen or touched by its owner; all others pass right through it as though it weren't there. Even a total Coup D'etat could be undone, even if the emperor had to kill them one by one.

I hope that helps while I procrastinate . . . possibly forever . . . on fully defining the Eudresian Empire. --Elerneron (talk) 01:14, 19 May 2020 (CEST)

The problem with the images you posted were due to case-sensitivity (In the case of the Ape Man picture) and the image not existing (for the lizard man picture). The system is case sensitive, and you had Ape-man instead of Ape-Man for the first problem. I can't find any instance of a lizard man picture having been uploaded. It could be around somewhere, but if so, it is not in the story's image category. --Elerneron (talk) 22:50, 19 May 2020 (CEST)

You may use whatever artwork you would like for the races you create for Invasion. I do expect pictures to reasonably match the race; but if you are an artist that shouldn't be an issue. --Elerneron (talk) 09:38, 20 May 2020 (CEST)

Generations: Offspring should have a link to their character sheet on their parent's template once they are concieved. It should be of what there stats will be when they are in their prime using the info from this page: Generations/Lore/Race Crosses.

Villainy: I never finished the rules there, but it was almost ready. You can add to the story if you like. Sorry I never finished it to the point of getting out of WIP status.

--Elerneron (talk) 06:19, 23 May 2020 (CEST)

That is one of the problems with writing for Villainy if you don't have The Blood of Heroes RPG (Formerly known as DC Heroes RPG). I use the system from the role-playing game Blood of Heroes because it is hands down the best roleplaying system that has ever been made for the superhero genre. The first thing you need to realize is that in Blood of Heroes APs (attribute points) are exponential in value. 2 APs are twice as effective as 1 AP, 3 APs is twice as effective as 2 APs and 4 times as effective as 1 AP. Even 0 APs isn't nothing; instead representing half the effectiveness of 1 AP. Even negative APs are just half as effective as the number above them. It is an open ended system; which is pretty much required for a good Superhero Roleplaying System.

There are human maximums that if you exceed indicate superhuman abilities. First, I should probably go over the stats. Basically the stats are arranged by cross-referencing two categories: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual; and Action/Reaction, Effect, and Resistance/Damage. They are usually displayed differently (Physical, Mental and Spiritual being on their own lines instead of columns) but I needed to edit their orientation to make it easier to display a status bar. Maximum human dexterity (DEX) is 10. Anything higher is superhuman. The most agile a human can EVER get is 10. Maximum human Strength (STR) and body (BODY) are both 6. Anything higher is superhuman. The strongest a human can EVER get is 6. The most durable a human can EVER get is 6. The rest have a human maximum of 12. 30 is basically god-level of power; and can be considered for all intents and purposes to be omnipotent in most settings. There is a pretty big community that used Blood of Heroes to define established characters at

Motivations are actually very specific in BoH. They are a lot like alignments in D&D. There are different selections based on whether you are a Hero, Anti-hero or Villain. Here is a breakdown of Motivations and the best example I can think of off the top of my head to represent them (Hopefully I get them all, I don't have a book with me right now):

  • Heroic Motivations
    • Upholding the Good - This hero believes in doing good for the sake of doing good, and providing a positive role-model for others. Superman.
    • Responsibility of Power - This hero believes that they have a responsibility to use their powers to help others. Spider-Man.
    • Seeking Justice - This hero is motivated to see justice done; and is willing to bend the rules (but never break them) to defeat the villain. Batman.
    • Thrill of Adventure - This hero does what they do for the fun of it; but also to help people. Beast Boy.
    • Unwanted Power - This hero would rather not have their power, but use it to help people while trying to find a way to rid themselves of it. Bruce Banner (The Hulk).
  • Antiheroic Motivations
    • Responsibility of Power - This antihero believes that they have a responsibility to use their powers to defeat evil. (I can't think of one right now).
    • Seeking Justice - This antihero is motivated to see justice done; and is willing to bend or even break the rules to defeat the villain. Punisher.
    • Thrill of Adventure - This antihero does what they do for the fun of it; but also to help people. Deadpool . . . maybe?
    • Unwanted Power - This antihero would rather not have their power and try to find a way to rid themselves of it. (I can't think of one right now).
    • Power Lust - This antihero seeks power to try to help others. Magneto.
    • Mercenary - This antihero is interested in money and material gain, but has a moral code that they adhere to. (I can't think of one right now).
  • Villainous Motivations
    • Power Lust - This villain seeks power to subjugate or rule over others. Lex Luthor.
    • Mercenary - This villain is interested in money and material gain. Deathstroke.
    • Thrillseeker - This villain is in it for the kicks, and is likely to just split of things get too dangerous. (I can't think of one right now but I know there are plenty).
    • Nihilist - This villain wants to kill or destroy, usually on a massive scale. Thanos.
    • Psychopathic - This villain is motivated by some obscure drive that can't easily be nailed down. They are the most unpredictable and dangerous. Joker.

I hope that helps. --Elerneron (talk) 22:38, 23 May 2020 (CEST)

For the setting of Villainy the only natural super-powered individual should be the Patriot. The circumstances that create supers from people with the rare gene are so rare that they could only occur naturally every one hundred thousand years or so. This is about half as long as their have been humans. It is possible that there could have been ONE (two at the very most) naturally super-powered human prior to the Patriot. That super (those supers) still being alive would be so improbable that I am willing to use a term I almost never use . . . impossible (it really isn't, as nothing is truly impossible, but it is so improbable that having it occur in the story would strain suspension of disbelief to the breaking point for me). It is more likely that a different race still had a naturally occurring super still living on the Earth than there be another naturally occurring human super . . . and I don't want that for the story either. For the purposes of the story I intended the Patriot to be the only naturally super-powered human. The purchase of super powers, and the morality questions therein, are central plot points of the setting. --Elerneron (talk) 08:49, 1 June 2020 (CEST)

Noxsylvania is my take on a Romanian/Transylvanian country. It was suppose to be a mixture of the familiar western model flavored by the character of the near east (as those countries do). --Elerneron (talk) 08:31, 3 June 2020 (CEST)

I didn't come up with a standard for determining if a character gets pregnant; only how to define the offspring when it happens. Pregnancy should be determined by the needs of the story, keeping in mind the lore about the ability of the two species to cross and the relative fertility of the species. If a goblin is involved; it should almost be expected that pregnancy should occur. If a fey is involved, it should feel a bit special. As far as an elf-human cross, that is actually more likely than an elf-elf cross paradoxically. Elven infertility would make it a bit more rare than a pure human pregnancy so one might make a point of how it was a lucky/unlucky event depending on one's perspective. If the story works well with a pregnancy, and that pregnancy is possible, go for it. --Elerneron (talk) 20:06, 4 June 2020 (CEST)

Just like in the real world when you cross two species, pregnancy length is the average of the two species pregnancy lengths. For an elf and human that would be: 24 months + 10 months / 2 = 17 months . . . so almost a year and a half. --Elerneron (talk) 04:37, 5 June 2020 (CEST)

Giant races are a bit complicated, but I'll see what I can do. I don't feel I can do them justice without writing them up myself. --Elerneron (talk) 11:28, 6 June 2020 (CEST)

If you want to transfer a story from another website, you should first try to get permission from the author. If there is a single author, this is a requirement. If it is a collective story like the stories on or and you can't get permission from the originating author we will allow the transfer of the story unless the originating author requests the story's removal. As derivative works are protected by copyright, only stories that are open for collaboration on their original site, or those that you have permission from the author to contribute to can be listed as anything other than Closed for permissions. This is partially from previous rulings, and partly a common sense judgment call on my part, so this policy is subject to possible change in the future. --Elerneron (talk) 13:53, 28 September 2020 (CEST)

Feel free to write any character sheet that you would like to. --Elerneron (talk) 04:37, 25 March 2023 (UTC)

I believe my original intention was for the children section of the template to be for children that you are able to transfer your essence to, therefore after possession only. --Elerneron (talk) 16:03, 29 March 2023 (UTC)

I don't have any plans to work on Generations pages in the near future. Feel free to add any pages that you feel that you need to in order to write your story there. --Elerneron (talk) 12:52, 13 October 2023 (UTC)

Though it isn't my favorite, I was going with the modern v3.5+ version of kobolds that makes them distantly related to dragons. This is not my prefered version of the creatures, but there's not a lot of dragonkin oportunities. --Elerneron (talk) 13:16, 19 October 2023 (UTC)


Templates are like any other page for the most part, except that they can be inserted into other pages. The other major aspect of templates is the use of parameters, which can be used to change parts of the template base on the value you assign to the parameter on any particular page. Most of my templates are based on MediaWiki Tables, HTML Tables, or Nested CSS Flexible divs. This (with appropriate CSS) allows me to get the look I want. I then use parameters to allow the template to change where I need it to. More on Templates and Parameters can be found Here. You can always copy one of my Templates, and modify it to fit your needs. If you go to a page with a template, and press edit for the page, the templates that are used on the page are listed at the bottom of the page. By selecting edit on the template you can copy the text, then you can paste it to your template page and modify it to look the way you want. My Genereations template is actually one of my less complicated ones, so that is a good place to start. It is a MediaWiki Table with quite a few parameters and some simple CSS. To save you some time, I'll copy the code below:

| bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="center" width="20%" colspan="2"| '''Chosen - Generation: {{{Gen}}}<br>Time Passed: {{{Time}}}'''
| bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="center" width="20%" style="text-align:center"| '''Abilities'''
| bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="center" width="20%" style="text-align:center"| '''Equipment'''
| bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="center" width="20%" style="text-align:center"| '''Mate(s)'''
| bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="center" width="20%" style="text-align:center"| '''Children'''
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center" width="8%"| Name
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center" width="12%"| {{{Name}}}
| bgcolor="#GGFGG" valign="top" width="20%" rowspan="9"|{{{Abilities}}}
| bgcolor="#GGFGG" valign="top" width="20%" rowspan="9"|{{{Equipment}}}
| bgcolor="#GGFGG" valign="top" width="20%" rowspan="9"|{{{Mate}}}
| bgcolor="#GGFGG" valign="top" width="20%" rowspan="9"|{{{Kids}}}
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center"| Age
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center"| {{{Age}}}
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center"| Gender
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center"| {{{Gender}}}
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center"| Race
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center"| {{{Race}}}
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center"| Social Class
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center"| {{{Class}}}
| bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="center" colspan="2"| '''Attributes'''
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center" | Body
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center" | {{{Body}}}
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center"| Mind
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center"| {{{Mind}}}
| bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="center"| Spirit
| bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="center"| {{{Spirit}}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Generations| ]]  [[Category: Templates|GenerationsTemplate]]</noinclude>

I hope that helps.

--Elerneron (talk) 14:08, 20 November 2020 (UTC)

You've been forgetting to add your categories to pages recently. Please go back over your recent additions and add the category to the pages please. --Elerneron (talk) 14:15, 11 December 2020 (UTC) I don't see anything about Twi'lek reproduction either. But I did find more info on their biology



Although Twi'leks normally had two lekku, some individuals had four. The species had two sexes, male and female. While males had ears with lobes resembling those of humans, females had cone-shaped hearing organs, found in the same place on the head. Although Twi'leks naturally had blunt teeth, males typically sharpened them to points. Breeding with humans is possible. No body hair

non canon (Legends)

Male Twi'lek have human ears, but females can have either cones or human ears. Body hair is possible.

--MrPib (talk) 20:16, 3 December 2020 (UTC)

User Rights

You have been granted rights as a Trusted Contributor. This will allow you to do a bit more on the site, including moving pages without creating redirects and deleting pages among others. I hope this little powerup is helpful. --Elerneron (talk) 00:44, 22 June 2021 (UTC)