Possession Chapter2

From All The Fallen Stories
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Ellie dreamt she was poked with sticks of meat. She heard her father´s phone alarm. As he sat up next to her, she awoke too. She had kicked the blanket away and her hand was in her pajama bottoms, touching her slit. Embarrassed, she pulled the blanket over her and pretended to go back to sleep. She sneaked a peek at daddy´s pajama covered crotch. It looked like there was no big pole like the ones she saw in Internet. He stood up and walked away. Soon she could hear the sound of shower.

Ellie´s father came back shaven and with a towel around his waist. Ellie kept her eyes closed when he looked her way. She heard him take off the towel and got a quick look as he put on his underwear. He had a funny little tube hanging between his legs, just like she remembered. There was some hair on top of it and it was all skin, no purple head. When he had his clothes on, he stroked her cheek and told her that it was time to wake up. She pretended to stretch and yawn.

Ellie dressed up in her room and checked her phone. It seemed quite normal. She went to have breakfast with her father.

“Daddy, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“So, I saw this weird picture. There was a lady, and she was naked. And there was a hole between her legs.”

“Well, that picture is probably pornography, and you should not look at that. But there is a hole there on all girls, it´s called vagina.”

“But the picture did not look like what girls have down there.”

“There are parts inside your vulva, behind the lips, they are called labia. It´s ok you get curious about your body. You can explore there, but you can´t see it very well – without a mirror or something. Just do it in privacy, no one else should see your private parts. And don´t touch yourself with dirty fingers.”

“Ugh daddy, don´t be gross! I was just wondering.”

Ellie´s face was beet red. Her father decided it was best to drop the subject here. He should tell her about periods soon, but there was still time for that.

At school Ellie was finally able to talk with her friends about the games they had played. It turned out no one in her class had been allowed to watch Wednesday, but all had seen clips on YouTube. She discussed the tv show with some older kids, which impressed her friends. She mentioned them that she had watched an adult site, and that it was yucky. Some other girls had seen some porn too, and they agreed that it was gross. They ended up watching porn pictures on Ellie´s phone and enjoyed being disgusted by it.

Back home Ellie was still thrilled by the great day she had at school. Not able to concentrate on homework, she closed the door to her room. She hesitated a little, her father was due home soon, but he never entered her room without knocking. Ellie dropped her pants and knickers and felt herself between the legs. She spread her legs and felt the slit open a little. She pulled the lips apart with her fingers and felt herself opening. She could see something pink there and tried to crouch to see better. Remembering what daddy said in the morning, she searched her drawers for a mirror, but couldn´t find one. She put her phone on the floor with front camera on and kneeled on top of it. It almost worked but there was a shadow under her and the picture was not clear. She tried moving with the phone in hand, then had an idea.

She put the phone to lean on her headboard and lied down on the bed on her back, knees up and pillows under her neck. Now the light from her reading lamp reached her crotch. She spread her slit open again, and it did look a little like some of the porn pictures. She got one finger free and slid it inside the pink groove. It was sensitive to touch and a little sticky. Touching very lightly she moved the finger up and down. On the bottom of the groove, she found some moisture. Was that piss? It felt more slippery and smelled different. She got some more of the stuff on her fingertip and kept exploring. On top there was a spot that kind of tickled. She pressed a little harder and felt a strange twitch down there. She tried again, same result. Watching the screen, she saw her bum hole pulse and more moisture came to view. She moved her finger to the fluid and got it all slippery. She felt something else on her fingertip. Adding a little pressure, the tip went in a little, moist hole. It was a little scary stretching herself like that, and she removed the finger quickly. On the screen she saw now that she did have a pussy that was similar to the pictures. It glistened in the light with the slippery liquid, there was the hole and the lips were swollen. Even without her spreading it with her fingers, the pink insides peeked out. Would it stay that way permanently? She was a little concerned it would get noticed in shower after PE class. Looking at it, the picture reminded her of some of the porn she had seen. She smiled at the camera and touched her nipple with her fingers. The pose was just right, but she did not feel anything special rubbing her tit. The hand between her legs did feel good, and she soon forgot about the phone and lied down sliding her finger around the spot she found on top of her pussy.

Chapter 3