BSIC/3/Accept her explanation, and agree to help babysit.

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well, that explanation seems reasonable enough. Something does still seem very off about everything here, but you have always thought Ms. Sarto was a little off from the start considering the rumors going around. Seriously, anyone who treats her pre-teen children like that has to have some kind of mental problems. You don't really see a reason to hold that against her children though, and it is really not a good idea to have an 11 and 10 year old be by themselves for that length of time. Damn. You just know you are going to regret this, but you decide that it may be a good idea to accept her request.

“Umm.... yeah, actually I think I could probably do that.” You say. You see Ms. Sarto's face drop for a second as though she was thinking you were rejecting her like everyone else, but then you see her freeze and cock her head slightly, looking at you in slight confusion as though trying to figure out if you really said what you just said.

“Huh?” She said, raising her head back up to meet you eye to eye, looking at you as though you were the only thing in existence.

You feel a sudden tightening in your chest as you get ready to step with the other foot into this unknown possible disaster waiting to happen, jumping off the precipice into the terrifying darkness with no purchase on the reality you had been expecting when you got out of the car just two minutes before. “I said I could watch your children.” You re-emphasize far more confidently. “I have some vacation time I can call in, so....”

You aren't really sure what you were about to follow up with, but as you see the change in Ms. Sarto's demeanor as your words seem to register you wind up deciding you don't have to finish that sentence. “Really?” She asks, looking a little weak in the knees, to witch you give a nod and an affirmation. She looked nervous and a little haggard a moment ago, but it seems you didn't even know the half of it until you saw her reaction to the relief of having her burden removed from her. It seems she was just hanging on by a thread, and now that she no longer had the stress and the drive of needing to find a sitter for her children she actually looks like she is about to faint.

“Are you Ok?” You ask her, taking a quick step forward in case you need to catch her.

“Oh my God!” She says, still half stunned. Fortunately, it seems the effort required to talk has brought back some of her color. She looks away for half a second with a slight twitch at her serious expression. Trying to pull it into a smile, she quickly glances at her daughter while sliding the arm she had been using to clutch her for dear life with up to her shoulder to gently caress the kid before looking back to you with stars in her eyes as she begins to almost fall forward, throwing out her arms as she stumbles in to embrace you. “Oh thank you!” She says as she collides with your chest and you find yourself with your arms full of this adolescent looking woman who could probably pass for a 14-16 year old if she wanted to.

Before you even knew what was happening, you suddenly found yourself with her dragging your head down and pressing her lips rather forcefully against yours. You are stunned by this and attempt to pull away and say something, but it seems as soon as you open your mouth to protest she has found her way back to it and you feel her tongue slipping into it. The inside of her mouth is warm, and her tongue and lips are both so soft. While you are still reeling a bit at the unexpectedness of it, you find yourself becoming lost in her tender mouth and find your tongue even starting to react by seeking hers out as you begin to reciprocate in this incredibly passionate kiss.

Just when it seemed like it was starting to get good, it was over just as suddenly as it had started. As she broke from the kiss, she just seemed to leap out of your arms before taking half a step back forward. “Oh my God, oh my God, thank you.” She innotes in her apparent state of rapture as she grabs both your hands and press the backs of your knuckles against her chest. Not that you can pay much attention to it with all this craziness is being taken up by her enthusiasm, but the tips of your fingers are actually brushing against her perky B-cup breasts.

“You really have no idea how much this helps me.” She says, holding your hands tightly to her for a moment before suddenly letting go and rounding back on her children as she bends down to embrace her daughter, kissing her quite enthusiastically on the cheek, close enough to the mouth that if you were standing at more of a distance you would think she actually was kissing her daughter on the lips. She then leaps out and snags her son and tightly embraces him for a moment as well, witch you subconsciously register to be about half the time she had spent hugging Julie.

Suddenly, she pops up as though realizing something. “I... I should go. I need to pack, I am way behind time.” She took a few teetering steps away before turning back to her children who both looked very lost at the moment. “Ok, I am going to go see grandpa now. He is going to be watching you like Ms. Harrison does. You do everything he tells you to, Ok?” With this, she turns to take off walking, only turning back to yell over her shoulder as she retreats away. “I'll make this up to you, I swear!” She says, already half way across the parking lot toward the building you had remembered as being hers.

You just stand there, still more than a little stunned. Your mind drifts back to the kiss. What was that all of a sudden? She certainly was a good kisser. You touch your finger tips to your lips remembering the feeling of her thin body against yours, and your ravenous penis is quick to take note of what is on your mind, raising to attention in this rather inconvenient situation. 'Jeeze,' you think to yourself as your eyes wander over to the only female in the immediate vicinity, the little 10 year old who has been placed into your care. Damn it, that wasn't an appropriate thing to think about. Gotta think about something else.

You can't help but think about the two of them though as you take in the two children just placed in your care, at the very least to take inventory of your impressions of the ones you will be looking after for the next week. Of course, Julie is most central in your vision due to her mother having just gotten you riled up. The first thought that entered your mind was, 'is she really 10?' You had heard she was, that was one of the key features everyone was so constantly taken aback by when the rumors about the way Ms. Sarto raised her children made their rounds, but she looked like she might have been younger than that. Maybe she had inherited the same trates from her mother that would have her short and child-like even as an adult and this was just normal for her. At any rate, she stood at about 4 feet tall and had the cutest little face that, at the moment, seemed to be showing quite a bit of uneasiness at having suddenly been left with a stranger and having her mother go away leaving her behind. She holds her hands up to the base of her neck and keeps her elbows tucked tight against her body as she looks around trying to figure out what to expect.

Her brother on the other hand seems to just register his mother leaving, but his demeanor doesn't seem to change much. He is fidgeting less, standing with both feet flat on the ground now, but he is still looking down for the most part. He is looking a little more toward you though. You hadn't paid much attention to him before, but you get some faint impression that he is a little more open now with his mother gone.

You take a deep breath, wondering what to do. Everything had happened so damn fast, you hardly even got a chance to process it. About five minutes ago, your mind was filled with thoughts about getting into your house and enjoying a relaxing night unwinding and browsing the internet, maybe rubbing a few out to relieve some stress and tame your never stopping sperm factory of a set of balls. That was another issue, how were you supposed to get any relief for your “problems” with two little kids running around?

Well, at any rate, it was not time to dwell on that. Time to take on the immediate task. But first, what is running through your mind right now?

1. You think you are falling for Ms. Sarto.

2. Gotta find some time to yourself to give yourself some “relief”

3. Maybe you could give the kids some of the “sexual education” they have been lacking.