Little Sister: Lilly's Corruption/ Part 17

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 17

In the weeks that followed their mother’s departure, Anna and Lilly hardly slept in their own beds anymore. With their mother gone, Rob was free to fuck his little girls however and whenever he pleased. There was no need to sneak around and pretend. So they mostly just slept with him, too.

He would pick Lilly up from kindergarten, strip her bare and toss her onto his bed. And he’d climb on and fuck her little asshole to his heart’s content all afternoon if he wanted. And while the best students always did their homework as soon as they got home from school, Anna was often taken to their parent’s bedroom for a good after school dicking instead.

Understandably, Robert was determined to make the most of it.

After a week, Lilly had grown more accustomed to getter her asshole ravished. In large part thanks to the number of butt plugs Robert made Anna insert into her. She would still whine and complain if he moved too fast or went in too far, though. He was pleased with what great sluts both girls were becoming. While he hadn’t yet popped the youngest girl’s cherry, it would only be a matter of time. He’d began dropping subtle—or perhaps not to subtle hints to Anna about it, toying with the overprotective big sister. But he knew the sooner he did it, the more fun he could have with the girl’s little cunt while his wife was away.

Anna was still never enthusiastic about having sex. But her attitude had certainly relaxed now that she understood just how far it could go. Having her father fuck her regularly wasn’t such a big deal anymore when the alternative was a whole room-full of men filling her holes as much as they could manage.

Still, Anna had certainly enjoyed the money she’s received. She replaced her torn dress, bought her very own iPad, and got her sister one, too along with a new shirt. Along with a few other odds and ends, there was one other purchase she really wanted to make.

“Daddy?” Anna spoke up one Saturday morning. “Can we go to the dance store today so I can get a new leotard for the competition next weekend?”

“Don’t you have enough leotards?” He panted as he drove his cock into her. They had just woken up and Rob was quick to shove his morning into her cunt.

“But I want a new one!” Anna’s voice came out as a whine when she was taken aback by her father’s sudden quick thrust.

“Well, you have your own money, so I guess we can take a ride over there,” he answered. “Lilly, get behind me and lick my balls!” He tapped the younger girl on the shoulder. She, too had barely woken up but crawled over her father’s leg to do as she was told. Meanwhile, Rob went on fucking her older sister.

Lilly was already naked—both girls didn’t usually wear much when they slept with their father. Her slim frame rubbed against Robert’s hairy leg as she got into place, doing her best to lick his sack as it moved with his thrusts.

Shortly thereafter, Robert began to cum. He moaned again as he filled up Anna’s pussy. And when he was finished, he pulled himself away but pushed Lilly down to Anna’s pussy. Immediately, the five year old knew what she was supposed to do. Before even sticking out her tongue, she opened her mouth to complain about the taste of the liquid leaking from in Anna’s snatch…

Gymnastics competitions were always a family affair, even when their mother was busy, she always tried her best to be there. This time, she was of course far away in India. But Anna spoke to her on the phone on the way there and Rob assured her he’d send plenty of videos and photos.

As for Lilly, she enjoyed watching her big sister. And Anna was actually getting quite good. But Lilly was never too excited for competition days as they were always long, drawn out, and very boring for her. She did however make friends with a few other younger siblings her age from Anna’s team and they would often run off playing together when they had to tag along.

At this particular competition, Rob sat by himself, snapping photos of Anna and taking a few videos for Lisa. She called him once to see how thing were going and he’d just gotten off the phone when a man he recognized approached him. He was the single father of one of Anna’s friends on the team. Their girls has always gotten along well together and Robert found his daughter, Kelsey quite cute. She had wavy blonde hair and was a year younger than Anna.

“Hey, what’s new?” Kelsey’s father asked, approaching Rob, who was sitting off by himself.

“Hey, Wes, how’ve you been?” Robert reached out to shake his hand as Wes took a seat in the empty spot next to him.

“I’ve been well, how about you?”

“Oh, you know, wife’s working on a long distance outsourcing project, so I’m a single dad for the next few months,” Robert replied.

“Welcome to my world,” Wes looked out as a gymnast from another team set out to do her vault. “Look, I wanted to make sure to catch to you today because it turns out we have a mutual friend.”

Robert looked slightly puzzled, “Someone from the team?”

“Oh no, not from the team,” Wes leaned in and whispered. “Andre.” With that, Rob’s eyes widened. He knew that could only mean…

“You see, he sends me videos and stuff on the regular,” Wes explained. “So last week I met up with him and later that night I’m watching some new vids he gave me and. . .well I gotta say I was shocked to see both of your girls doing some pretty advanced gymnastics.” Wes laughed nervously at his own joke.

“Andre?” Rob repeated.

“Yeah, I’ve been friends with him for a few years,” Wes explained.

“So, Kelsey, does she do—gymnastics with him?” Robert agreed the topic of gymnastics seemed like the perfect cover in case anyone over heard them.

Wes sighed, “No, I’ve thought about it, but I just can’t ever bring myself to do it. I almost broke down a few weeks ago, but I…” Wes paused to think for a moment. “I’m just too nervous about it. She hasn’t done that with anyone”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Robert scanned their team below, picking out Wes’ eight year old daughter. He would have loved if she were up for grabs.

“Look, I don’t know if this would be up your alley or anything,” Wes went on. “But if you wanted to. Maybe our daughters could have a sleepover at your house? Like—I don’t even need to be there. I’d probably just get in the way, I mean. I don’t even know if I’d want to do anything with my own…” Wes stopped himself, realizing he was speaking a little to plainly out in public.

“Look, the thing is,” Wes lowered his voice, even though nobody was close enough to hear them. “I just want someone to break her in. Take her home with you, have fun with her, and bring her home a lot less innocent.” He quieted to a barely audible whisper toward the end.

“Wes, don’t take this the wrong way,” Rob started out cryptically, getting quieter for the next part. “But nothing would make me happier than to take you hot little piece of ass back to my place and fuck her brains out. You serious about this?”

“Absolutely. Send me videos?” Wes asked.

“Of course,” Robert answered. “And if you’re up for it, you can have some fun with either of mine.

Wes thought, “Look, I appreciate the offer. I might just take you up on that sometime—but take Kelsey for the weekend. The thought of some other dude fucking my little girl just makes me so fucking horny.”

“I know the feeling,” Rob agreed, recalling how he felt leaving Anna at Bill’s for the first time.

“Daddy, can I have money for snacks?” Lilly came running up to the two fathers. By then, her pink hair had all washed out and it was back to her natural golden brown.

“Of course!” Robert fished in his pocket and pulled out a few dollars.

“If they have muffins over there, can you get me one?” He asked her as be handed her money.

“Okay,” Lilly replied.

“Man, already getting her own snacks.” Robert reminisced for a moment, realizing she was doing it all by herself. Competitions were always a good place to let her be a little more independent anyway. There were plenty of other kids and parents around everywhere who were always looking out…

“So you’re absolutely sure about this?” Robert returned to their conversation.

“Absolutely,” Wes looked almost as excited as Rob felt. Robert nodded at him and glanced back out at the competition stage, picking out Kelsey once again…

When it was all said and done, the competition went well. Anna’s team had come in second all around and Anna herself got first place on the balance beam. And as it turns out, Kelsey came in second.

The two fathers were all too happy to take the opportunity to celebrate by taking both girls out to ice-cream after their win. The girls were both pleased by this suggestion and Lilly had the benefit of bring the little sister tagging along.

Anna and Kelsey were quite chatty at the ice cream parlor, occupying their own table and relishing in their win. Lilly sat with the older girls while the two fathers sat one table over. Robert eyed Kelsey the entire time, admiring her skinny frame under the yellow leotard she was wearing. Her blonde hair was up in a side ponytail and she twisted back and forth in the parlor's swivel chair.

Just after they had finished eating and were headed out the door, Wes piped up, "Hey Kelsey, why don't you and Anna have a sleepover?"

"Yeah, that would be awesome!" Kelsey's eyes widened. "Can Anna come stay at our place?"

"Sure," Wes answered. Anna was equally enamored by the idea, but then her father piped up.

"I guess if the girls have a sleepover at Kelsey's it will just be you and me tonight," Robert looked at his five year old. "But I've been wanting to have some good Lilly time..." He looked back at Anna who was already looking at him. He'd been steadily dropping hints at taking Lilly's virginity and she was accustomed to reading in between the lines. Anna curled her toes nervously.

"Or you could stay at our place and we could go swimming!" Anna blurted out. There was no guarantee their father would go for it, but this would give both her and Lilly a break. There was no way he'd have sex with them while her friend was there...

"Fine by me!" Robert said happily, all according to plan. Anna turned back to Kelsey excitedly.

"Who am I to argue with a swimming pool?" Wes put his hands up, pretending to claim defeat. "Well, I'll take you home so you can pack an overnight bag, any time you want me to drop her off?"

"We're headed straight home after this, so whenever you're ready just head on over," Rob answered. Both Anna and Kelsey were celebrating the arrangement and waved goodbye to each other as their fathers had parked at separate ends of the small lot.

"See you soon," Kelsey called behind her.

"See ya," Anna skipped toward her father's SUV and climbed in after Lilly.

When Wes arrived at Robert's house drop off Kelsey, he and Anna both greeted them. Kelsey had on a pink and white sleeveless t-shirt that was long enough to cover the shorts she had on underneath. Her blonde hair was done up in two loose pigtails and she had a large pink and yellow backpack for all her overnight stuff.

The girls quickly ran off to Anna's room. Meanwhile, Wes and Rob shared a few final words before he left. The single father was quite nervous about all of it, but gave Rob his final blessing, making him promise that he would return his daughter much less innocent than he’d left her. It was a promise that Robert was all too happy to keep.

Upstairs, the girls both wasted no time changing into bikinis and like true gymnastics girls, were soon doing flips into the swimming pool. Anna was happy to have a friend over, feeling more relaxed at home since she knew her father wouldn't be bothering her. It felt just as if her mother was home. And she knew it was rather unlikely that he’d try anything with Lilly when there was someone else around.

However, while the older girls swam, Robert wanted to entertain Lilly in order to give Anna and Kelsey some time to themselves. The two older girls didn’t need a five year old to tag along, after all. But instead of coming up with some kind of game or finding some other way for her to pass the time, he brought her to his bedroom. He fully intended to get the most out of his time with Kelsey and he wasn't about to have his moment ruined by cumming too soon.

Robert hadn't had a chance to time to share his cock with either of his girls that morning. Plus, eyeing all of the little girls running around in leotards that day had him increasingly horny. But that was nothing compared to how excited the idea of fucking Kelsey had gotten him. Indeed, he needed Lilly's help if he was going to last any significant length of time at all.

"Here," Robert was already hard and pulled down his pants. "I just need you to suck it real quick!" He had sat Lilly on the side of his bed and walked into place in front of her.

"Can we do it with whipped cream?" Lilly asked, crossing one leg over the other and looking at her father's erection.

"No, just put it in your mouth," Robert instructed. Lilly made a weird face an pursed her lips to one side. She rubbed her hands up and down her shirt and lowered her chin. Then, Lilly opened wide and began to suck his cock.

Robert stood there with his hand on her head, enjoying the feeling of the little girl in between his legs. He could hear Anna and Kelsey outside, laughing and splashing in the pool. Meanwhile, his youngest went on pleasuring his cock, pulling away to lick his balls, too.

When his orgasm came, he tilted Lilly’s head back and rested the tip over her open mouth, steadily jerking his cock with one hand while the other held Lilly in place.

She braced herself, waiting for the inevitable flow of cum. With a few quick jerks of his cock, it began. Ropes of cum shot onto the roof of her mouth, dripping over her tongue. The girl made a sour face at the taste as a large pool of cum started to form in her mouth. All the while, he was squirting even more into her mouth. The excitement of the day was quite apparent by how much he was able to manage.

“Swallow!” Rob said when it was over. She grimaced as she gulped, swallowing more than once to get it all down.

“Gross!” She looked at her father who had begun to pull his pants up. “I want some whipped cream.” Somehow she’d managed to keep her shirt clean, though that was more of a testament to Robert’s impeccable aim than anything else.

“You can go down to the refrigerator and get some,” Rob looked at her.

“Nuh uh, I can’t reach!” She answered defiantly.

“Oh alright, I’ll help you,” He gave in. Lilly was pleased to be able to wash down the taste of her daddy’s cum with a few squirts of whipped cream. Though she would have preferred doing it before hand, too.

A while later,Robert made spaghetti for dinner and called the older girls inside. They had been enjoying their time in the pool and climbed out to dry off. Robert eyed them in their adolescent bikinis.

Anna was wearing his favorite, all black outlined with pink. But Kelsey’s bikini was truly a sight to behold. It was a light yellow with bright blue stripes, but Robert loved how little it actually covered. In the front, it was a thin strip of fabric, tapering out slightly where the girl’s breasts would one day be. And it tapered down to an even thinner strip in the back.

When the girls came inside wrapped in towels, Kelsey’s bikini top had ridden up, displaying both of her nipples prominently. She hadn’t noticed this, but Robert couldn’t possibly have missed it.

“Come on, let’s go changed out of our swimming suits before dinner,” Anna suggested.

Ah, no need to do that,” Robert chimed in as the girls walked through the kitchen. “Dinner is basically ready, you girls might as well just sit down. Anna got the idea he just wanted to see them in bikinis, but Kelsey was quick to agree and Anna was unable come up with a good enough reason why they should get changed.

“Anna, can you run upstairs and find your sister?” Robert began dishing up four plates. “I think she’s in her room.”

“Sure,” Anna ran off, leaving Kelsey alone with her father.

“I like your bikini,” Robert complemented, carrying two plates of spaghetti and meatballs to the table.

“Thanks, it’s new,” Kelsey answered. “Daddy got it for me for my birthday.” Robert was a little dismayed when she realized her nipples were showing and adjusted her top. He cursed himself for drawing attention to it.

Anna returned moments later with her little sister in tow, just in time for Robert to seg all the food out. Together, the four of them ate at the table for dinner. Robert was happy to see that Kelsey’s top riding up was a feature of her bikini. Her nipples were quickly on display again and this time, he wasn’t about to slip up and mention anything that would cause Kelsey to check.

All throughout dinner, Anna and Kelsey chatted and Lilly even joined in with the older girls occasionally. Robert simply enjoyed the view, checking out Anna’s body every so often, too.

Robert did the dishes when they were finished eating and the girls went upstairs to hang out in Anna’s room. Thanks to Anna’s new iPad, the girls started making silly videos and showed off their gymnastics skills. Lilly’s weren’t all that developed yet, but the older girls helped her do a handstand and kick her legs over from a bridge.

Robert let them play for a while before heading upstairs to find the girls. When he got to Anna’s room, none of them had changed out of their swimsuits yet.

“Hey, I’ve got a game we can play, but you girls should probably all get ready for bed first,” he peeked into the Anna’s room.

“What game are we going to play?” Anna asked, rather confused. It seemed rather out of character for their father.

“Just get dressed for bed and meet me in my room,” he answered. This confused Anna even more, but she simply shrugged and they all dressed for bed. Kelsey put on a yellow onesie, Anna had a purple pair of pajamas, and Lilly wore one of Robert's old t-shirts.

Lilly was already sitting on Robert’s bed when the two older girls arrived.

“What are we doing, Daddy?” Anna asked, walking in with Kelsey.

“I thought the three of us could play a game together,” he answered. Anna was annoyed he didn’t answer her question.

“What game?” Lilly asked.

“I don’t know, how about truth or dare?” He replied. Kelsey and Anna exchanged weird looks. Playing truth or dare with an adult seemed kind of strange. But they both shrugged it off. Anna still had no clue what was going on just yet.

Robert had all three girls sit on his bed with him and started the game. It began rather normal, with Lilly doing a simple dare of trying to put her foot behind her head and Anna admitting she’d hit a boy at school one time when he stole her pencil but she never got caught. When Kelsey chose a dare, Anna immediately dared her to lick her foot. She wasn't keen on the idea, but giggled at the silliness of it as she obliged.

As for Robert, he didn’t actually join in on the truth or dare part, but facilitated everything and made sure the girls kept the game organized. Of course, this was all a part of his plan.

When the game came back around to Anna. She said truth once again.

“Have you ever kissed a boy?” Kelsey asked. Anna froze for a second, unsure of how to answer.

“And family doesn’t could!” Kelsey was sure to add.

“It’s okay, go ahead and tell her,” Robert encouraged, seeing the perfect opening.

“Y-yes,” Anna said carefully.

“Who? Was it someone from school?” Kelsey was a year younger, but knew some of the boys in Anna’s class and figured it had to be one of them. Anna stayed silent for another moment, but looked at her father who nodded and encouraged her to go on.

“You can tell her,” Robert assured.

“I kissed—four boys,” Anna admitted.

“Four!? I haven’t even kissed one,” Kelsey’s surprise was evident. But Anna was a year older, so it made sense that she had more experience. Anna was glad it wasn’t her turn anymore. She’d felt as though she’d been in the spotlight and it felt weird to tell her friend about the stuff she’d had to do with Bill and the other men, even if she only admitted to kissing them.

“Alright Kelsey, your turn!” Rob turned to her.

“Dare!” Kelsey said confidently.

Lilly was about to give her a dare, but her father cut her off, “I dare you and Anna to kiss!”

“Uh…” Kelsey was frozen in shock. She looked over at her friend, nervously. Anna was looking down and twiddled her thumbs. She was just beginning to realize was her father was doing. But how far would he go?

As for Kelsey, her initial shock began to subside as she contemplated the dare. Sure, it sounded weird—especially since they're both girls. But she kind of liked the idea of doing something a little naughty...

“Go on,” Robert said to Anna. She recognized his tone.

"Well, okay," Anna looked at her father for a brief moment before turning back to Kelsey.

Kelsey leaned in innocently, completely unaware of Robert’s devious intentions. Meanwhile, Anna leaned in more slowly, feeling anxious about where this would lead. The girl’s lips soon touched. Kelsey began to giggle, finding it amusing and fun. Her soft laughter caused Anna to do the same. After a brief moment, they pulled away.

“You girls should do it longer than that!” He told them.

“You didn’t say that in the dare!” Kelsey countered.

“Yeah, I guess you're right," Robert gave in, turning next to Lilly. He didn't let her choose whether she wanted a truth or a dare, instead he leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Neither Anna nor Kelsey could hear what he had said, but Lilly's eyes lit up.

“I put everything back on the lower level, so you should be able to reach,” he added.

"Okay!" the youngest girl said happily, leaping off the bed and running out of the room. Her large night shirt almost seemed to follow behind her and footsteps could be heard from the room as she ran down the stairs.

"Well, no sense sitting around while we're waiting for her," Robert went on with enthusiasm in his voice. "Anna, I dare you to kiss Kelsey, now. And do it longer this time!" Anna gave her father an annoyed look.

“No fair, thar’s basically the same dare twice,” Kelsey countered.

“Oh. Well—my game, my rules,” Robert replied.

Kelsey signed and tossed her arm in defeat. Then the girls leaned in to kiss again. Their lips touched and as instructed. their kiss went on for a longer this time. Kelsey laughed once more, feeling really silly about the whole thing and quite oblivious to what was coming next.

Lilly had yet to return when they broke their kiss, so Robert took the opportunity to give Kelsey another dare.

"Now, Kelsey," Rob paused. "You said you’ve never kissed a bot before, right?"

“Yeeaaah…” the girl cocked her head.

“Well, how about you kiss me,” he dared. “Then I’ll be your first one!” Her eyes widened.

"But—you're like, old!" Kelsey looked at him in shock.

"That's okay, the youngest boy Anna kissed was fifteen!" He offered.

"You kissed a fifteen year old!" Kelsey looked at Anna in surprise. Anna nodded slowly. Her friend seemed not to notice the little detail about a fifteen year old being the YOUNGEST boy she'd kissed. The rest where of course much older.

"Come on, I won't bite," Robert leaned in. Kelsey hands grasped the comforter on either side of her, nervously.

“Daddy, stop!” Anna finally chimed in. As Rob’s antics escalated, Anna was coming to realize just how far he might be willing to go. And she knew she had to stop it.

“Well, what are you waiting for,” Robert ignored Anna and leaned in.

“Daddy, don’t!” Anna whined again.

This time, he turned to her, “Anna, if I hear one more complaint out of you at any point tonight, all three of you girls can get in the car and you can all have your sleepover at Bill’s house, understood?”

Hearing that, Anna froze and knew that she had lost. She just nodded and accepted whatever her father had in store.

“Good,” Robert said, leaning even closer toward Kelsey. “How about that kiss?” Kelsey was looking down and fiddling with the zipper on the front of her onesie. But eventually, she leaned in.

He felt her flinch when their lips touched. She smelled so heavenly, he noted as he ran a hand up her arm. She tried to pull back, but he leaned closer and held her shoulder.

"Daddy!" Anna couldn’t help but whine when he refused to let Kelsey pull away. Instead, he started to feel the front of her onesie, touching her flat chest through the thick fabric.

"Okay, I got the stuff!" Lilly announced, running back into the room. She’d barely even noticed their father kissing Kelsey before he pulled away.

Kelsey wiped her face with the back of her sleeve. The eight year old laughed nervously, feeling that their game had gone a bit too far. Though she wasn’t too alarmed yet. Anna was glad to see that her friend wasn't too traumatized by her father as the girl’s exchanged glances.

When Anna saw the goodies Lilly had brought from downstairs, though, she was quickly alarmed.

"Daddy, no!" Anna whined. "We’re not doing that."

“Yes we are!” Lilly piped up before their father could answer. “We haven’t had dessert.” Kelsey perked up when Lilly mentioned it.

Robert looked at his eldest daughter, "What did I tell you?"

Anna sighed, “Be good or we have to go to Bill’s house.”

“That’s right, now are you going to play along like a good girl?”

“Yes,” Anna said quietly.

“Good, that’s your last warning,” Robert promised. Kelsey sat there quietly without the slightest clue as to what was making Anna so upset. Dessert did sound good after all.

Lilly had already plopped a collection of goodies onto the bed and lifted herself back up. She had brought two bottles of whipped cream, sprinkles, caramel syrup, and a bag of strawberries that Robert had pre-cut into thin slices for the occasion.

Robert picked up one of the cans of whipped cream and aimed it toward Kelsey, "Open up!" She did do and giggled when he squirted a dollop into her mouth. Anna and Lilly both got a squirt, too.

Then, Robert resituated himself on the bed, laying down right in the middle, Anna and Kelsey remained on his left, while Lilly crawled around to his other side with the bottle of whipped cream in hand.

"Okay, Lilly, time to do your dare!" Robert said, though Lilly didn't need to be told. To Kelsey's shock, the little girl's hand went to the man's crotch and began to unzip his pants.

“What’s she doing?” She wondered aloud, though no one answered. Lilly undid the button on his pants and then wasted no time pulling them down along with his underwear.

“Ew!” Kelsey watched with steadily greater discomfort as his cock came into view. The blonde haired girl leaned back, sliding slowly toward the edge of the bed, probably without even realizing it. Still, she continued to watch Lilly toss her father’s pants off the bed and then crawl back toward his cock where she began happily squirting whipped cream onto it. And when Kelsey watched the five year old lower her head down and stick it into her mouth like she was eating a popsicle, she fell into a state of complete shock.

Lilly giggled, looking up at her father as she moved up and down on his cock. She pulled away and licked whipped cream up the shaft, too; before reaching for the bottle to squirt more. But then, Robert pushed her back and said it was Anna’s turn.

Without a word, Anna followed her little sister with less enthusiasm. Still, she too enjoyed licking off whipped cream. At least it tasted good. Like Lilly before her, Anna took his length into her mouth before licking off bits that had wound up in his pubes. Robert added a few slices of strawberries into the mix which Anna was happy to eat off.

“Hey, did you sprinkle sugar on those?” She asked when she realized the strawberries were especially sweet. She didn’t even seem bothered that she had to pull a couple of pubes from her mouth.

“Of course,” Robert replied as he squirted out more whipped cream and pushed Anna’s head back down. He delighted in feeling her tongue wriggling around his shaft. Meanwhile, Kelsey was watching closely and taking it all in.

“Alright, your turn,” Robert looked toward the only girl that wasn’t his daughter. She was still watching off at the edge of the bed, astounded by what she had witnessed.

“That’s okay,” Kelsey shifted nervously. “I’m not hungry.” She folded her hands in her lap where she kneeled and pinched up her shoulders.

“Oh, nonsense,” he replied. “Every little girl has room for a little dessert!” Anna wanted to speak up, but remembered his warning.

Kelsey suddenly felt Robert’s hand running up her arm and leaned away from him, “Come on, just give it a try.” He encouraged her, putting his hand around her shoulder. With his free hand, he sprayed whipped cream up the length of his erection.

“Yeah, it’s not that bad!” Lilly encouraged.

“Put your mouth right over the end like Anna did,” Robert instructed, wriggling his cock. Kelsey looked around the room nervously, resting her eyes on Anna.

“The strawberries taste really good!” Anna suddenly encouraged. “It’s weird at first, but you get used to it.” Anna’s words earned herself a quick glance of approval from her father. And it was just the encouragement that Kelsey needed to reluctantly lower her head down to Robert’s cock.

She closed her eyes, flinching when her lips gently touched the tip, spreading a bit of the whipped cream above her mouth. Then Rob felt her tongue lick a tiny dap of whipped cream off the end.

She pulled back slightly, but he nudged her closer and encouraged her to continue. The second time, Kelsey stuck her tongue out further and stuck the tip in her mouth, licking off what whipped cream was left.

“Yeah, just like that,” Rob moaned, feeling her wet tongue swirling. Her pushed her further onto his dick and she continued on hesitantly. Robert pushed his hips forward to fuck her mouth a bit before she pulled away. And following Lilly and Anna’s example. she finished, by licking up a few spots she’d missed and then ate up an few strawberries Rob set out. He tried to go easy on her and keep them away from his pubes, this time.

When Kelsey was done with her turn, Robert instructed all three girls work together to lather his cock with toppings. Anna squirted whipped cream on his cock and balls. Lilly was in charge of the sprinkles and berries. And Kelsey squirted the caramel.

In no time, Robert’s crotch was a mound of deliciousness. And of course, the girls were in charge of taking care of it. This time around, Kelsey was less hesitant this time and joined in as all three girls giggled when their faces got in the way of each other.

They all worked together, licking up the whipped cream and caramel and eating the little bits of sprinkles and strawberry. Anna licked all around his balls while Lilly and Kelsey mostly took care of either side.

Without meaning to Kelsey went down rather enthusiastically when she spotted a big dab od whipped cream and a couple of strawberries near the base of Rob’s cock. But along with her treat, she wound up with a mouthful of pubes and was taken aback.

“Pleugh! Deugh!” Kelsey kneeled and wiped her tongue. “Gross!” She said it in a rather playful manner which caused all four of them to laugh. It seemed her playful nature was coming back and licking dessert off of Rob’s cock simply seemed naughty and fun. Kelsey lowered herself back down and made an effort to avoid Rob’s pubes as she continued.

After a few minutes, Robert’s cock was more of less clean. But it was still as hard as a rock. He looked at each girl carefully, but knew he wanted to give Kelsey her first taste more than anything.

“Okay, Kelsey,” He put a hand on her arm. “I need you to give it one final go. And just keep going ‘til I tell you to stop.”

“Uh, kay,” Kelsey eyed it nervously. Anna understood what her father was going to do, but wasn’t about to open her mouth to test his promise to make them all sleep over at Bill’s house.

“Do I put stuff on it first?” She asked.

“Nope, not this time,” Rob reached for the back of her head. “Just your mouth.” He pushed her down and felt his cock make contact with her tongue once more.

“That’s it, girlie,” Rob complemented. “Really good for your first time.” He helped her bob her head and moaned at the sensation. Kelsey was taken aback when he pushed her down a little too far, almost causing her to gag.

“Cah I staw now?” Kelsey tried to speak after a moment, muffled by the cock in her mouth!

“Just a little more!” Robert moaned, pushing against the top of Kelsey’s head and helping to keep her bobbing motion going.

Robert’s breath began to quicken and he curled the end of his toes. Kelsey felt his leg twitch, but wasn’t alarmed until a strange tasting goo began to shoot into her mouth.

She let out a sound of surprise and started to pull away. But Robert had both hands on her head, keeping her from pulling away. The girl coughed and whined as she tried to push herself up with both hands. Tears followed when she realized there was no escape from the onslaught of jizz that was shooting into her mouth.

Kelsey gagged at the taste, not swallowing a drop. Instead, it dripped from her mouth and fell around Rob’s cock. She whined again and kicked at the bed to no avail. Anna watched and wished she could help, but knew that it was hopeless at best. Instead, Kelsey was made to keep Rob’s cock in her mouth until his orgasm subsided.

Kelsey was glad when Rib finally let her up and quickly sat up to her knees, “Nawsty!” Cum dribbled out of her mouth when she spoke and dripped down her chin.

“That was great, Kelsey,” Robert panted. “That felt really good.”

“Yugh, what was that stuff?” She wiped her tongue with the sleeve of her onesie and then cleaned off her chin.

“I’m called, cum,” Anna answered, handing her friend the bottle of whipped cream.

“It tastes nasty!” Kelsey took the it gladly and proceeded to spray whipped cream into her mouth.

Kelsey had spit the vast majority of Rob’s jizz out on his cock, so it was covered and had dripped down to the base.

“You girls can go play a bit more before it’s time for bed,” Rob said as he propped himself up. “I’m gonna go take a shower. Lilly why don’t you join me, you’ve got caramel and whipped cream in your hair.”

“Okay,” Lilly hadn’t even noticed it until he said something. As for the older girls, they didn’t need to be told twice and left the master suit as quick as they dared.

Chapter 18