Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Attributes/Mental Attributes

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Influences problem solving ability, and how to utilize one's current base of knowledge.

Note: Knowledge is a derivative trait that cannot be affected by a slider. It is affected by skills and experience within a given subject, or by study of that subject.


Influences the ability to make predictions based on experience and knowledge in order to predict the smoothest course of action to achieve an end result favorable to the one making the plan while taking into consideration the wider reaching effects of their actions. Wisdom also allows for predictions on what others may do that the one making the prediction can do nothing about other than plan a course of action around what this other person or group is doing. Higher wisdom scores allow for more accurate predictions and a broader scope to the potential outcomes they take into consideration.

Mental Processing speed

Influences how fast the brain can work in accomplishing a task. One who's brain processes thoughts faster will subjectively feel as though time has slowed down. This phenomenon, when the brain is processing at its full physiological limit, will perceive time as moving at 1/8 normal speed. No brain will function at its full speed all the time naturally as a faster processing brain requires glucose as fuel, and a brain that is functioning at its full functional speed will consume glucose at a rate up to 50X the normal rate. The score in this attribute merely measures the maximum capacity that can be reached in short bursts without an adrenaline rush.

Note: The average human has a score of 120 in this attribute, and it can normally range from 80 to 160 depending on the physical and mental condition of the person and how glucose rich their diet is. These numbers also assume mind altering drugs are not involved. Neural inhibiting drugs can lower it below 80, and stimulants can raise it as high as 180 temporarily. A naturally produced adrenaline rush can, if the stimulant prompting the adrenaline rush warrants it, temporarily raise any normal human's mental processing speed to 200. (Humans are the only creature that can reach this extreme high in mental processing speed as humans have the most well developed brain of any creature in the game.)


Influences how well one can understand new information they are taking in.

Note: Comprehension, memory encoding, memory storage, and recall collectively influence the accuracy of one's memory and ability to learn new information.

Memory Encoding

Influences the accuracy with witch the brain renders information from the short-term memory into long-term memory, as well as the amount of information percentage wise that gets encoded from short term memory into long term memory.

Note: Comprehension, memory encoding, memory storage, and recall collectively influence the accuracy of one's memory and ability to learn new information.

Memory Storage

Influences the amount of time information in long-term memory remains, and how clear that memory is.

Note: Comprehension, memory encoding, memory storage, and recall collectively influence the accuracy of one's memory and ability to learn new information.


Influences one's ability to accurately retrieve information from their long-term memory.

Note: Comprehension, memory encoding, memory storage, and recall collectively influence the accuracy of one's memory and ability to learn new information.

Occular integration

Influences the accuracy with witch visual stimuli from the eyes is interpreted by the brain, and how well the brain can encode all the details that the eyes take in.

Auditory integration

Influences the accuracy with witch auditory stimuli from the ears is interpreted by the brain, and how well the brain can encode all the details that the ears take in.

Gustatory integration

Influences the accuracy with witch taste stimuli from the tongue is interpreted by the brain, and how well the brain can encode all the details that the tongue takes in.

Olfactory integration

Influences the accuracy with witch scent stimuli from the nose is interpreted by the brain, and how well the brain can encode all the details the nose takes in.

Tactile integration

Influences the accuracy with witch touch sensations from the skin are interpreted by the brain, and how well the brain can encode all the details taken in via the sense of touch.


Influences the accuracy with witch the brain can interpret data from the semi-circular canals of the inner ear in order to give a person an accurate sense of balance and orientation relative to gravity.

Note: The sense of balance is sometimes noted as the 6th primary sense, but this has no equivalent physical attribute because all variable factors of the sense of balance assuming the semi-circular canals are not damaged and the fluid inside them is at the right levels are on the neural level in terms of integration with the brain. Any physical abnormalities that would disable the semi-circular canals would be filed under "traits."

Kinestetic Awareness

The brain's ability to entigrate the sense of touch with other senses such as balance, sight, and potentially scent and hearing under certain conditions, to determine the exact location in space of any part of your body, and move it accordingly.

Note: Hand-eye coordination is one product of kinestetic awareness.

Spatial orientation

The brain's ability to figure out how objects you perceive with your eyes or ears relate to you or to each other. Spacial orientation influences several things, such as the ability to roughly estimate an object's size, distance from you, the speed at witch it is moving, and where it will be in space a given amount of time in the future.

Note: Driving is one of the most taxing uses of spatial orientation a human exposes themselves to on a regular basis, and is involved in everything from merging into traffic to parking in a tight parking spot.

Haptic Awareness

An extension of Kinestetic awareness to objects one is in physical contact with. Influences one's ability to know and control the exact location of the end of a stick-like object one is holding, and also allows one to make estimations about the size and/or weight and general shape of an object you are holding or just in physical contact with in the case of an object you may not be able to pick up for a given reason. (estimations are more accurate for objects the individual can lift completely off the ground.)

Note: something the likes of hitting a base-ball with a bat would be the ultimate test of both haptic awareness and spatial orientation in a single task.

Visceral Awareness

Determines one's awareness of the activities going on inside their own body.

Note: The skill by the same name must be activated in order to consciously interpret the information brought to the brain by this sense, and this attribute must be at least 80 in order to activate that skill.

Reticular focus

The ability of the brain's reticular formation, the integration center of the brain, to weed out extraneous sensory information that is not important to the task at hand.

Note: Unless the "dysfunctional reticular formation" trait, or any other trait such as autism or active migrain that has "dysfunctional reticular formation" as an aspect of that trait is active, this attribute will gradually raise to be equal to the highest sensory attribute. The larger the difference between Reticular focus and the highest sensory attribute, the faster it will raise. The average time it takes to meet the raised attribute is 6 hours regardless of how big the gap is.