Going Nova: A Wide-eyed Adventure/Going Nova: Heat Release

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←Chapter 13: Sick Day

Synopsis: After they were caught making love together by their father, the two Brannigan sisters must reconcile and confront their true feelings for one another.

Part 1: The Confrontation

Mallory left school on Wednesday in a hurry, her head down, avoiding looking at anyone or anything, except for what was directly in the path to her bicycle. The eighth-grader knelt down at its wheels, quickly undoing the lock while other students swarmed around, elbowing each other for enough space to free their own bikes. There was a buzzing excitement in the air because on this particular day school had been let out early. A heat wave had shorted out the school’s overworked air conditioning and, because the windows had been poorly engineered and were unable to open at all in any manner to let in a cross breeze, officials had deemed it unsafe for students to remain inside the sweltering building.

Mallory pushed off, gears whirring, eager to get away from her schoolmates, and especially intent on avoiding the likelihood that her bothersome, nine-year-old, little sister would pester her for attention, like she had for the last three days. Ever since an ill-considered after-dark game with young Elsie, Mallory had felt a burning humiliation whenever they were together, the third-grader an explicit reminder of Mallory being caught in a vulnerable state by their father.

For that reason, the fourteen-year-old didn’t want to go home either. Instead, she pedaled her way to a quiet strip-mall parking lot in a suburban neighborhood where a shave ice shack was stationed. It was where she had worked since the last summer, doling out custom-flavored frozen treats to children and families with a sweet tooth and a desire for something cold in the seasonal heat. Now that school was back in session, she still picked up a few hours a week for spending money and a little bit of savings.

Piper, a 19-year-old working in the shack, saw Mallory incoming while she was handing off a dish of rainbow-striped shave ice to a customer. Piper was slender and tall, with sweeping curves, a curly red mop of hair spiraling outward in all directions, and a splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Perking up, she called, “Mal! What are you doing here so early?”

“They let us out early today.” The younger teen answered with a slight smile.

“Win!” Piper yelped and they both chuckled. “I was going to say, I heard Matteo had hired a new girl. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he brought her by to shadow one of us, but seeing you show up? You know you don’t work for like two more hours, right?”

Mallory devised an excuse. “Yeah, I guess I just didn’t want to go home when I knew I would have to come back out here, anyway.”

“Shit,” Piper mumbled, so as not to let the customer hear her swearing, “I wouldn’t be out here in this heat any longer than I have to.” She pulled at the front of her tank top, fanning herself, a streak of sweat evident from the décolletage between her apple-sized breasts.

“Yeah, well,” Mallory said before trailing off, an image of her and her sister flashing back into her mind. Three days ago she had been seduced by small, blonde, nine-year-old Elsie with whom she shared a bedroom and, following the erotic throes of their resultant mutual climaxes, they had been caught by their father, naked and, furthermore, pussies still engaged with one another on her dildo. Mallory had felt so humiliated that she was avoiding being home unless she absolutely had to be there. As much as she wanted to be relaxing in the air conditioning, she couldn’t bear to be there with Elsie. Even frolicking with her friends felt meaningless, and so she had gone to the shave ice shed to burn off the extra time away from the house while she waited for her actual shift to start.

At least, she figured, Piper had to keep things professional, which would help keep her mind on work, and off of everything else. They were co-workers after all, so Mallory felt there was no risk of the older teenager digging in to her personal life.

“Well, come on in, kid,” Piper said, nodding toward the door. “You can’t be sitting out there in the sun for two hours.”

Mallory grinned and slipped in the side door. Already beads of sweat had formed, and when she got inside, a small fan blew against her, loosing some of the droplets, which tickled as they slid down her modest cleavage.

“I like your outfit, by the way” Piper cooed, “It’s so cute.” Mallory looked down. She was wearing a pair of white shorteralls, underneath it a tan tank top, school appropriate, and on her feet she sported a basic pair of white Keds. She looked back at Piper and smiled, feeling honored to be complimented by the high school graduate.

A man and his two sons came up to the counter and ordered three shave ices, each in the biggest size they had. Piper got to work making them while Mallory sat out of the way on a tiny, wooden stool. “It’s so hot,” she said, mostly to herself.

Piper was at the machine grinding away at the large block of ice stored within when the already loud sound suddenly grew even louder and more erratic. The chips of ice, which normally snowed freely out of the machine had stopped coming, though the machine whirred on, rattling over the countertop on which it sat.

Piper switched it off. “What the heck?” she grumbled, and gave it a once over. “I just put a new block of ice in there. Why isn’t it working?”

Mallory got up to help look, but she had never had to troubleshoot any of the gadgets on her shifts. Together they determined there was nothing they could do without opening up the housing, and neither of them were keen on doing something they weren’t authorized to do, nor potentially hurting themselves on its sharp blades and other industrial parts.

Piper returned to the counter.

The father chuckled, “Sounds like something’s going haywire.”

“Yes, sorry, I don’t know what happened, but it’s not making ice anymore. Would you like something else for you and your boys?”

“Sure,” the man smiled, “We’ll take three of your largest twist cones.”

“Thanks for understanding,” the teen smiled, and quickly drew out three rounds of chocolate and vanilla soft serve for the customer.

Left to themselves again, Piper turned to Mallory. “Can you help me get this off the counter?”

Together they moved the broken machine to the floor of the truck. Piper stood over it and thought. She looked it over again from the new angle and pulled the lid off the top. Peering in, she still couldn’t discern what was wrong. “I guess it’s out of order. I’ll have to let Mateo know.”

Just then, they heard a voice, “Hello? Are there any babes working the shack today?”

Mallory raised an eyebrow and scowled at the harasser, but Piper’s eyes sparkled, and a broad grin spread across her face. “Braeden!” she swooned.

Mallory’s irritation ebbed when she realized it was Piper’s boyfriend, whom she had heard about, but never met before.

Braeden was tall and lanky, with dusty brown hair on top in a fairly boring barber’s cut. He sported a basketball tank top and cargo shorts, along with a bit of a goofy grin, in Mallory’s opinion. Even so, she thought he was attractive enough, in a Finn Wolfhard kind of way.

“I thought I heard you in there, Pip. So, any free samples today?” He asked half-jokingly.

Piper giggled. “No, you know I can’t give you anything for free. I could get fired.”

“Aw, babe, nobody’s gonna know.”

Piper rolled her eyes, “You say that every time. And anyway, Mallory is here. What if she tattled on me, huh? Who would be your sugar mama then?”

Mallory reddened. She didn’t want to be the uncool girl making Piper’s life difficult. She stepped into the light. “Oh, I would never do anything to get you fired!”

Braeden smiled his goofy smile at Mallory. “Oh, I didn’t know you had new sweet treats on the menu back there.”

“Oh Braeden, you don’t have to be such a flirt with every girl,” Piper whined.

“What? I’m just being nice!” the boy backpedaled. “You know I’d never cheat on you.” Then he added, “Even if I am dating down.”

“Ooh, you’re such a jerk!” Piper fumed, yet with a rowdy smile on her face. She took a styrofoam cup of melted shave ice and dumped its contents out the window at her boyfriend, who dodged, cackling hysterically.

After the laughter died down, Piper had a thought. “Oh hey, our shave ice machine is broken. Would you know how to fix this?”

Braeden definitely did not, but he didn’t admit that. Instead he offered to take a look, knowing it was a free pass to getting close with his girlfriend.

Piper gave a plaintive glance to Mallory. “Just real quick,” she assured her.

Mallory was a little concerned, because during her training she had been instructed not to let non-employees into the building, and owner Matteo had specifically called out boyfriends on that list. Piper was breaking the rules. While Mallory was learning the ropes, she was visited often by their boss to check up on her and make sure things were going smoothly, and that there weren’t any problems that she couldn’t handle on her own. If he made an appearance now, she worried that she would get in trouble, too, even though she wasn’t clocked in yet.

Mallory shrugged, “I don’t care.” She did, but she wanted to be cool to the older teen.

“Right on,” Braeden said and bounced over to the side door, letting himself in. He immediately grabbed Piper by the hips and leaned in to kiss her. She accepted, then demurred with a giggle. The boy took a look at the failed machinery, but after a cursory once over, he quickly became more interested in working on his girlfriend instead.

Mallory sat there, all but ignored by the couple as they tittered to themselves about their jobs, friend drama, and weekend plans, plus all the cutesy kissing and softly whispered flirting that she couldn’t always catch. She sighed quietly, slightly jealous that Piper had an attractive boy who wanted to be with her.

Mallory had never been with a boy, especially not sexually, and her thoughts wandered again to her recent encounter with her sister. She thought about how they had shared a sex toy, how they had touched their genitals together, and about all the silly things she had said to her preteen sibling while she was in the grips of an arousal she had never known before. It was so embarrassing that Elsie had seen her so vulnerable, so unlike herself. She wanted to put it all behind her, but the images she had seen of the naked little girl, even in the dark of their shared bedroom, continued to replay in her mind, over and over again.

“Earth to Mallory,” she heard, suddenly breaking from her stupor of self-loathing.

“Huh?” Mallory gawped.

Piper chuckled, “There you are. Did you hear what I said?”

“No, sorry, I was distracted,” Mallory answered, her face glowing red.

“I didn’t think so,” Piper chuckled. “I asked if you wanted some extra cash.”

“What do you mean?”

“Since you’re here now, if you wanted to clock in, you could finish out my shift?” she suggested. Then she added, “Braeden’s roommates are going to be home by 5:00.” Piper swallowed, showing her cards.

Mallory’s eyes ticked wider for only a moment when she realized Piper and Braeden wanted to fool around, maybe even have sex, but she managed to play it cool with her co-worker’s tawdry suggestion. She considered the offer for a moment and then agreed. “Yeah, I can take the rest of your shift.” She had, after all, felt a little silly hiding out out at her place of work instead of at a friend’s house or a coffee shop, or somewhere she could relax. Piper had given her the opportunity to escape from her humiliating home life, and working a shift would also give her a purpose that would distract her from what she had done. Plus, she’d be getting paid.

And anyway, she’d feel a whole lot less concerned about being caught with Braeden in the truck if the two of them weren’t around. “Yeah, go have some fun, you two.”

Piper burst with excitement. “Really? Thank you so much, Mal,” she gushed, sweeping the 14-year-old up in a tight hug.

Mallory blushed and just accepted, giving a light hug in return. A small part of her wished that Braeden would also hug her. “Sorry I’m a little sweaty.”

Piper stepped back, still grasping the girl by her shoulders. “Oh, it’s fine. That small fan isn’t doing anything for me in this heat. And anyway, we’re friends, right? What’s a little sweat between friends?”

“Right,” Mallory blushed again, a nervous smile spreading across her face. She had always admired her senior co-worker, but she never thought Piper would consider her a friend. The revelation cheered her up a bit from her sullen attitude.

Before she knew it the couple were out the door with a clatter and she was left alone inside the small building, just in time for a new wave of customers looking for an afternoon treat with which to cool off.

Mallory worked efficiently, settling into an easy groove of taking orders, preparing food, and serving customers. After about thirty minutes, while she was handing off a sagging twist cone, Mallory’s eyes caught a familiar gait. She turned and squinted. Off in the distance she saw a twiggy girl approaching. Oh no, she thought, it can’t be. But, sure enough, it was, and when the approaching girl caught her eyes, she skipped merrily over to the shed and waited patiently off to the side while Mallory attended her customers. “Elsie,” Mallory said tersely.

The preteen girl was wearing white Keds like her sister, and navy, dolphin-hem shorts with white piping along the seams, which rode high and showed off her smooth, coltish legs. On top of that, she had her taut belly peeking out from a slouchy crop-top with chunky text saying “Scarlett”—a brand she had modeled for—cheap, pink sunglasses, and a straw hat.

Mallory could feel her heart beating strongly in her chest as she finished completing an extensive order for a family of five. What is she doing here? she thought. Whilst fuming, it was hard to keep her customer service in top shape knowing that a chaotic element of her home life had suddenly showed up at work.

Eventually the family made their way down the block, leaving the area devoid of customers.

“I found you,” Elsie said cheerily, stepping forward.

Mallory’s cheeks burned at the sight of her sister standing at the window. “What are you doing here?”

“You didn’t come home, so I went out to look for you.”

“Okay, well, I’m working.”

“I know, that’s how I found you,” Elsie countered.

Mallory sighed, “What do you want, Els?”

Elsie knew her sister was cross, but the ebullient child that she was couldn’t help but ask, “Can I come in there with you?”

“No, we’re not allowed to bring anyone back here unless they work here,” Mallory said, turning away, finding something to work on. “What do you want?”

“I want to talk to you.”


“Because you haven’t talked to me in like three days,” Elsie answered.

Mallory could hear the hurt in her sister’s voice, but lashed out anyway. “Because you got us in trouble!”

Elsie became indignant. “I did not.”

Mallory turned, leaning over the edge of the counter and pointing to herself. “Well, it wasn’t my fault,” she insisted.

“It wasn’t my fault we got caught either.”

Mallory knew that they both shared the responsibility for their predicament, but she wasn’t in the mood to concede. “You started it,” the teen accused.

Elsie threw her hands in the air. “Oh, it’s not like we’ve never played Truth or Dare before.”

Mallory gave Elsie a shush and looked around nervously, making sure nobody was in the area who could hear about their risqué game. “You’re so embarrassing, Els, jesus christ.” She returned to work, puttering about the space.

“Can you just let me in?” Elsie bounced impatiently from foot to foot, but Mallory refused to acknowledge her request. When the third-grader realized her sister would give her no quarter, she sighed. “He’s not mad at us, you know.”

“Who?” Mallory turned, knowing just whom Elsie was talking about. Their father had caught them making love, and while there had been no consequences, Mallory had barely been able to look at him or her sister since the incident.

“Daddy. I know you think he is, but he’s not mad at us.” Elsie insisted.

Just hearing those words was a relief, but still Mallory was hesitant to believe what the girl was saying. “How do you know?”

“Think about it, Mal. He hasn’t said anything to us about it at all. Do you think he would wait three days to punish us if we were in trouble?”

“I… I dunno,” Mallory admitted. She felt a little silly that her kid sister was so much more perceptive than she.

“I think he talked to Mama about it. Cuz she gave me a… thing.”

Mallory gave a start. “What do you mean? What thing?” she asked, eyes boring into her sister. She hadn’t been given anything.

Elsie glanced around nervously, then quietly answered, “I can’t say it out here. Just let me in the truck with you, pleeease?”

Mallory had a feeling she knew just what their mother had given her, but the morbid curiosity to confirm her sense weighed on her. She, too, looked around, ensuring nobody was paying attention to them and she rolled her head toward the building’s side door. “Alright, you can come inside, but you can’t be seen by any of the customers when you’re in here.”

Elsie lit up and skipped over as Mallory swung open the door. The younger one stepped inside and looked around. “Whoa, I thought it would be bigger in here.”

“There’s not much room to put things back here, so all the equipment and everything has to be crammed somewhere.”

“It’s so messy,” she marveled.

Mallory rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ask for your opinion, Els.” She noticed the waistband of her little sister’s shorts were rolled over twice to give her a lower rise than the school dress code allowed. “I can see your panties,” she pointed out.

Elsie looked and saw that the ruffled band of her underwear was peeking out the top. She rolled her eyes in turn at her sister’s observation and pulled her shorts up higher to compensate.

Mallory guffawed, “Well, now I can see your front wedgie.”

Frustrated, Elsie jeered back, “Well, I didn’t ask for your opinion, Mal,” and stuck out her tongue.

Mallory peered out the window and saw a mother and her son waiting. She quickly attended to them and while she was fulfilling their order, Elsie peered around at the various post-it notes smattered everywhere, and bits of junk jammed onto metal racks. Looking for a place to take a load off, she didn’t want to take the wooden stool, assuming it to be her sister’s seat, and plopped herself down on top of the broken ice shaver in the middle of the floor and waited.

Before long, Mallory was done and she turned back to her sister. “So, what did Mama give you?” she asked conspiratorially.

Elsie snickered. “Well, it’s something you’ve kinda seen before.”

“Is it a…” Mallory leaned out the window one more time, then leaned back, then mouthed the word with barely a whisper. “Dildo?”

Elsie grinned big, he eyes squinting brightly. “Wanna see?”

“You bought it to school?” Mallory marveled.

“Cuz I wanted to show Brie.”

“Of course you did,” Mallory said wryly. “Speaking of which, I’m surprised she’s not with you now.”

Elsie grumbled, “She’s been boring lately.”

“Really?” Mallory asked, surprise evident in her voice. After what she’d heard about Elsie’s nine-year-old friend during their recent modeling stint, boring didn’t seem a suitable description of the nymph.

“Yeah, she won’t leave the house. She’s probably still embarrassed about being naked in front of all those people.”

“Yeah, I guess I would be, too,” Mallory agreed. It was bad enough one person saw her with a dildo crammed inside of her, but to have a spotlight shown on her in front of a huge crowd, she could barely comprehend the ignominy.

“But I’ll see her again this weekend. Hazel invited me for a sleepover.”

“Brie’s mom invited you? Not Brie?”



“I don’t think it’s that weird. Hazel thinks I’m cool. What’s weird is how this place is called 3 Girls Shaved Ice, but isn’t it owned by a guy?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why. Maybe he named it after his family or something, but I think he just has two sons.” Mallory shrugged. “I guess it’s just a name. Also, did you know he only lets girls work here?”

“Really? He can do that?”

“I guess. It’s his business.”

“He sounds like a pedophile.”

Mallory sighed. “I don’t think he’s a pedophile, Els. He hired Piper and she’s nineteen.”

“Yeah, but how old was she when he hired her?”

Mallory grimaced. Her kid sister had a point. She didn’t know exactly how old Piper was when she started, but she knew she had been working there long enough that she would have been underage. “Anyway, who cares if he’s a pedo, as long as he’s not raping anyone or being a creep, it’s fine. Besides, didn’t you have sex with a guy Daddy’s age? Seems like you might actually like pedophiles.”

Elsie blushed hard and grimaced, struggling to find something to say. She didn’t expect her sister to be so blunt.

“You’re only nine. A little kid still. That guy sounds like more of a pedophile than someone who thinks teenagers are attractive.”

Elsie remained silent. It was odd to think of Brie’s dad in that light. He wasn’t the creepy degenerate that TV shows always seemed to paint child lovers to be.

Ignoring the silence, Mallory got up and turned toward the small fan providing a modicum of a breeze in the otherwise stagnant air inside the tiny building. “Fuck,” she gasped. “It’s so hot.”

Elsie was happy to move the focus off of her sex life. “Why did you wear long sleeves today?”

“Because the school’s air conditioning is always set to freezing and I didn’t think I’d be outside this long.”

Elsie looked her up and down. “You could always take off your shirt?”

Mallory looked back at her little sister skeptically. “What?” On first blush, her suggestion was ridiculous.

“You’ve got your shorteralls on. If you take off your shirt, the bib on your pants will still cover your bra and boobs.”

Mallory scoffed. “You’re crazy.”

“Fine, then just suffer,” Elsie said, annoyed. “It was just an idea. I was just trying to help.”

There was a silence between them. Mallory’s eyes twitched between her sister and nothing in particular as she doubtfully turned the idea over in her head. It was a ridiculous idea, and yet it wouldn’t take much, after all, to change out of her top. And Elsie did have a point: the bib was substantial enough that it would cover her small breasts. And with her conservative bra underneath, customers wouldn’t even be able to see any cleavage or side-boob. At most, they’d see her bare sides, and that’s all.

But on top of that still, there was a germ of an idea that gripped her. She just kind of liked the idea of flashing her underwear to her little sister. She didn’t know why, but her skin tingled with goosebumps, thinking about doing such a thing. With Elsie’s apology, that familial ease was growing between them, and she ignored a peculiar tightness in her chest. Why not, after all? They were sisters. It wouldn’t be such a big deal.

“Well,” she let slip, “I guess I could try it at least and see if it doesn’t look too silly.”

Elsie’s eyes went wide. “Really?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Mallory stalled for time, still weighing the risks.

Elsie sat on her seat and just stared, waiting to see if her sister would actually make a move.

Finally, after a long pause, Mallory reached up and unhooked the first strap of her denim, then the other, tossing each one behind her. The bib folded down revealing her white, long-sleeved tee. Indeed, large patches of it had been soaked through with her sweat, around her neck and under her arms. In those areas, flashes of the light pink of her bra showed through underneath. It was apparent that it was a full coverage design. Her breasts were not that big, so it didn’t have individual cups, but still it was more shapely than a training bra.

Mallory couldn’t believe she was doing it, but at the same time a part of her wanted to. As much as she didn’t want to think about the embarrassment of being caught, she couldn’t stop thinking about the connection that had quickly developed between her and her nine-year-old little sister. And, despite her satisfyingly orgasmic erotic play session with Elsie those three nights previous, she had felt almost cheated out of the experience by their dad’s interruption of their shared afterglow. Even though she had been keen on avoiding her family at all costs, she couldn’t help but feel a driving desire for her little sister, especially to feel more of the love she had felt between them when they were fully uninhibited.

She took a quick breath, crossed her arms, and peeled the white shirt up from her belly, exposing her shining skin and the pink bra beneath, with Its spaghetti-straps to hold it up and a frilly elastic band at the ribs that served to keep her modest chest at bay.

Elsie giggled a nervous giggle, but she didn’t want to make her sister feel self-conscious, so she asked, “Better?”

Mallory turned her shirt right side out and fanned herself with it. “Yeah, that’s a lot better already.” As she fanned herself, she felt her shorteralls slipping down over her hip bones, which exposed the waistband of her panties.

“I can see your undies, Mal,” Elsie jeered.

Mallory stuck out her tongue and Elsie mirrored her in return. “Mine are cuter than yours, anyway,” the older girl stated.

“Nuh uh,” Elsie countered.

“Yes huh,” said Mallory, and she turned her back on her young sister, jutted out a hip, and slipped one side of her shorteralls down to show off more of the cotton fabric.

“You’re barely showing anything. I can’t even tell which ones those are.”

“You just want me to take my pants all the way off, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t,” Elsie scoffed and grinned.

“My little sister’s a pervert,” Mallory teased in a sing-song voice.

“You’re the pervert, trying to show me your panties.” Elsie retorted.

“My little perverted pedo-bait sister—“ Mallory continued, when suddenly she was interrupted by a voice.

“Hello?” It was a woman.

Mallory shot straight up. “Shit,” she hissed before calling out, “I’ll be with you in a second.” She quickly worked to re-affix the straps of her bib and appeared suddenly at the window. “What can I get for you?”

The woman looked her up and down, noticing that she could see the teen’s thin bra peering out from the sides of her outfit. She gave a disapproving look.

Mallory took the order and prepared it, remaining professional the whole time. She handed it over along with a cheery, “Enjoy!” When the customer turned away, the girl’s face immediately turned deadpan. “God, that woman was such a bitch.”

Elsie had stayed out of sight, as had been requested of her, and hadn’t seen anything. “Really?”

“Yeah, she was giving me a dirty look the whole time. I could tell she didn’t like that my bra was showing. It’s not even that bad. It’s practically just a tank top.”

“You’re probably just being paranoid. How could you be angry when you get to eat ice cream?”

Mallory cracked a smile and mussed her kid sister’s hair. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Time passed and Mallory served several more customers with little incident, but as the afternoon wore on, she found herself making small mistakes here and there, even letting one family go without paying. She scolded herself over her stupidity, but when she took stock of her mental state, she realized the reason why was that she was less interested in helping customers than she was in hanging out with her little sister.

After a while, the rush died out, and the fourteen year old huffed a sigh of relief and leaned her butt up against one of the work counters. With Elsie there, she couldn’t help but relive their weekend tryst once again, and while the negative feelings still weighed heavily on her, she finally gave herself permission to dwell on the things that had touched her. She felt a growing urge to talk more intimately with Elsie and, during an extended pause in their conversation, she worked up the courage and asked, “Did you mean what you said to me?”

“When?” Elsie didn’t know what Mallory was talking about.

“When we were, you know, together, doing incest?” Mallory blinked when she said that degenerate word, incest, out loud. For some reason she wanted to say it, but it was still embarrassing to admit it.

Elsie swallowed. “Oh, um, I don’t remember. What did I say to you?”

“You said,” Mallory paused, “You said that you loved me.”

“Oh,” Elsie said. She remembered now. It was the last thing of substance she had said to her sister before Mallory had stopped talking to her, but Mallory hadn’t said it back. After a moment she said, “Yes, I meant it. I do love you, Mal.” She felt nervous, almost silly saying it this time.

“I see.” Mallory thought for a moment, then added, “It’s just that, well, nobody’s ever told me that they loved me before. Except for Mama and Dad, of course.”

“Yeah, well they love us in a different way, you know?”

“Mm hmm,” Mallory agreed reservedly.

Elsie stared at her sister. It was quiet between them for some time. A burning question sat tight in Elsie’s chest, and finally she produced her own courage to ask it: “Do you love me?”

Mallory looked at Elsie. Her little sister’s eyes were large with need. After a long consideration, “I don’t know,” Mallory admitted, looking away. “I’ve never had a boyfriend. Or,” her eyes flicked back to her sister before flicking away just as fast, “a girlfriend. I’ve never been in love before.”

“Oh,” said Elsie, a hint of disappointment in her voice. “Yeah, me either.”

“Really? Even though you’ve had sex? I mean, with people who aren’t me.”

Elsie thought about the two men she had had sex with, Brie’s father Warrick and the college boy Oliver. She certainly felt something unique for both of them, but neither had earned her love. “I don’t think so. Sex is really fun, but that doesn’t have to mean that I’m in love with them.”

“I guess not,” Mallory replied. Then she looked back into her sister’s eyes. “So, you just love me like Mama and Dad do.”

“I— I don’t know,” Elsie hesitated.

“I just think that…” Mallory hesitated, and then after a sigh, she said, “I just think that I might love you like more than that.”

“Really?” Elsie’s eyes grew wide. Her heart beat felt like it was going to explode out of her slender chest. Her sister was telling her that she loved her, not like a parent loves a child, or a big sister loves a little sister, but more. Like a girlfriend? After their time apart that week, Elsie had felt rejected, but now with her sister’s admission, she was becoming overwhelmed with feelings.

Mallory spoke up. “But that would be wrong, right? We’re family. And you’re just a kid, too.”

“Kids can have boyfriends and girlfriends. Don’t you want a boyfriend?” Elsie shifted her eyes back and forth and added, “Or a girlfriend?”

“Yes, I do, I really do,” Mallory agreed, nodding, “but this just feels so wrong. But it also doesn’t feel right to ignore my feelings. And yet when it feels so, so right,” she moaned, “I know that it’s also just wrong.” She threw her hands in the air and gave a frustrated groan, “Oh, I’m just not making any sense now.”

Elsie stood up and grasped both of her sister’s hands. “It’s okay, Mal, you don’t need to have it all figured out. We can just keep on being sisters. Nothing will change that…” she trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

Mallory’s eyes welled up at her sister’s generosity and precocious wisdom. She blinked away any potential tears and looked into her sister’s eyes. “Maybe we can fool around again tonight a little bit?” she ventured. “Not like on Sunday, but like we usually do?”

“Okay,” Elsie agreed, smiling brightly, happy that they at least they still had their previously established baseline to work from.

“Okay,” Mallory echoed. Then she flapped her arms self-consciously. “Jesus, that conversation made me so sweaty. I’m dying in this tin can.”

Elsie agreed, “That little fan isn’t even doing anything to help.”

Mallory turned to it and let it blow across her face, taking comfort in its white noise and feeble breeze.

“You should take off your bra,” she heard faintly over the whir of the fan.

Part 2: Feeling the Heat

“What?” she turned to Elsie, unsure if she heard correctly.

“If you’re feeling hot. You know, you could take off your bra and just wear your bibs.”

Mallory blushed at the suggestion. “I couldn’t do that. It would be really obvious.”

“Nuh uh,” Elsie disagreed. “Nobody could see anything with that flap covering your boobs, so it doesn’t really matter.”

“That woman already glared at me for having my bra showing.”

“So? It was just one person. Maybe nobody else will care. Plus, I bet you’ll sell a lot more ice cream to some people,” Elsie grinned.

“Yeah, the pedophiles,” Mallory said wryly.

“So? As long as they’re not being creeps it’s fine, right? Like you said?”

Mallory scoffed, and stewed in silence.

Elsie didn’t understand why her sister was being so uptight that people were attracted to her. She knew it was likely that her sister was jealous of her own advanced sexual experience—by comparison, anyway—but she didn’t know how Mallory could reconcile her paranoia around child lovers with the fact that she had partaken in the pleasures of Elsie’s young body herself. After her big sister had confessed her feelings to her, she wondered how Mallory could judge anyone based on who they loved.

Little did she know how uneasily Mallory sat with her own feelings. The night they shared together had unlocked a door in her brain that transcended the values she thought she held. She had previously viewed sex as private and within the bounds of all the laws and norms of her community. But she couldn’t stop dwelling on that evening of physical pleasure with her blood sister, who was yet a mere child. And in her orgasmic frenzy, she had admitted regret that they hadn’t become physical with each other even earlier. Now that that door had been unlocked and swung wide with bright clarity, it seemed the contents of the metaphorical room behind it had grown so big so fast that there was no closing it off ever again.

Mallory huffed. “Okay, I’m going to do it.”


“I’ll take off my bra, like you suggested.”

“Oh, cool,” Elsie said with surprise. She rocked back and forth in her seat on the ice shaver with anticipation.

Mallory faced her sister, but couldn’t look at her. Instead, she stared at nothing on the floor. One by one, she undid the buckles on the straps of her shorteralls, and let the bib fold down over her front, just as before. Then she nervously fingered the elastic band at the bottom of her bra and, after a short pause, peeled it up over her head. Her barely-there breasts appeared, her pubescent light pink nipples more prominent than Elsie’s. Despite the heat, they stood out in points, aided by the cooling air from the nearby fan rushing across them.

Elsie grinned, causing her older sister to blush.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” Elsie said, her smiling eyes turning into squinting arcs.

“Like you’ve never seen my boobs before.”

“What boobs?” Elsie snickered.

Mallory glared at her and squeezed her hands over them, at once covering them and demonstrating their bulk, lean as they were. “More than you,” she said in a low voice, almost sighing. She knew what she was doing was inappropriate, but she was not immediately visible from the sales window, and her growing arousal at her exhibitionism kept her nakedness on display longer than she had planned in her head.

“I’m just kidding,” Elsie said, “I like your boobs. They’re soft.”

The teenager warmed at her little sister’s compliment. “They are soft, aren’t they?” Then she added, “Well, I like your boobs, too, even if you don’t really have any.”

“I have a little bit more than Brie, at least,” she said looking down her top.

Mallory scanned her little sister’s clothed chest. In her mind, both Brie and Elsie were still equally androgynous, not showing any significant indications of maturing into adolescence. She didn’t really see any definition pushing against her sister’s tee-shirt at all, but even so, they were, for some reason, still alluring. “Want to show me?”

Elsie gave a start, not expecting her sister to ask her to flash her at work. “Um, well, I can, if it’s okay with you.”

“I want to see them,” Mallory encouraged, rubbing a hand across her own breasts.

Elsie giggled mischievously and flipped her tee up, exposing her flat, braless chest.

Mallory looked her over and bit her lip, admiring the little girl’s fit, dancer’s body, the trim line going down the middle of her abdomen to her belly button, and the dips of her hips, the contours of which her rolled down waistband hugged tightly. Mallory was still slender herself, but she occasionally eyed her sister’s skinny physique with some jealousy, especially as she put on weight in her own hips and breasts. The trappings of puberty never really suited her and, so far, the promise of having a more womanly figure had not paid off when it came to flirting. Her lament had deepened when she learned that Elsie had gotten laid even with her rail thin, undeveloped, preteen body.

Yet that same body showed itself before her, and she understood the temptations that the child presented. She had, of course, partaken of it herself, something that made her feel ashamed, but also incredibly aroused to be in its presence once more. “You’re very sexy, Els,” she said quietly.

“Thanks,” Elsie said abashedly. She lowered her shirt and saw her sister reaching back to affix the buckles of her shorteralls. A mischiveous idea came to her. “What if…?” she trailed off.

Mallory paused.

“What if you took off your panties, too?”

Mallory scoffed. “What?”

“I mean,” Elsie fumbled for an excuse, “if you’re still too hot, you could.”

“Oh,” Mallory pondered. The idea of taking off her underwear to cool off seemed a bit extreme, but still, she sensed that her sister was angling for something she wasn’t saying. Yet a funny urge inside her, a tightness in her chest, was begging her to comply with the ridiculous request. “That might feel really nice,” she admitted.

Taking another sidelong glance out the window, Mallory turned back to her sister and gave a timid smile. She pondered her one-piece outer layer. “I guess I’m going to have to take these all the way off in I’m going to do this.”

“You could put your shirt on first, if you wanted, “ Elsie ventured in an attempt to be magnanimous, but neither of them really wanted that.

“No, it’s okay. You’ve seen me naked before, so…” she trailed off and then hooked her thumbs into the waist of her shorteralls and pushed them to the floor. Underneath, she revealed a pair of sporty, seamless, hipster-cut panties in a red and blue tie-dyed pattern. She slipped off her shoes and stepped out of the pants and now stood only in her socks and underwear.

She saw Elsie grinning widely at her and she put a hand sheepishly over her face and one over her crotch. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m doing this at work, Els.”

“I can,” Elsie said.


“Yeah, I’m watching you do it right now,” she giggled, “so I believe it!” Elsie burst into a big guffaw and rolled back and forth on the ice machine upon which she sat. She kicked a leg and it accidentally flipped the on switch, causing it to whir suddenly to life. Elsie screeched in terror at the sudden, loud, grinding noise beneath her.

“Fuck!” Mallory dove and wrenched off the machine’s power. The truck was plunged back into silence. The girls were frozen in bewilderment.

Elsie’s chest heaved, “That scared me! I didn’t realize this thing was plugged in.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Mallory consoled. “The grinder in the ice shaver broke and we took it off the counter to see if we could get it working again.”

“I literally thought I was going to die, Mal,” Elsie exaggerated. “I thought a bomb was going off between my legs!”

Mallory smiled wryly, watching her sister catch her breath. There was something about seeing Elsie wide-eyed and flustered that made her want to embrace her sister. She moved toward her. “Oh, it wasn’t that bad, kiddo.”

Elsie felt Mallory’s presence coming toward her, and she suddenly felt shy, unable to meet her sister’s gaze. “Okay, maybe not, but it was unexpected, so I got startled, okay?”

Mallory moved in closer. “Would a kiss make you feel better?”

Elsie’s eyes popped. “A kiss from my sis?”

Mallory chuckled quietly, “Yes, a kiss from sis, right on the lips. if you wanted.”

The preteen softened. “Okay, that sounds nice,” she smiled timidly.

Mallory leaned in, her heart picking up a pace. She moved in close and paused, briefly feeling her little sister’s breath against her lips. Then she pressed them together. Elsie moved backwards, feeling timid about it, despite her desire, but soon her mouth pressed in, matching her sister’s effort. Heads tilted and pillowy lips squeezed softly against each other. The kiss was brief, but sweet, and when Mallory pulled away, the two girls shared a quiet moment of mutual longing for something more.

But any growing intentions were interrupted just then by another customer approaching the window of the food stand. “Hello?” the two girls heard.

Mallory stiffened up, realizing that she was still half-naked, wearing only her panties, and unable to take the order. “Shit!” she hissed, and swiped up the crumpled heap of her bibs from the floor.

“Hello?” they heard again. The teen looked around frantically, realizing she didn’t have time to wrestle herself back into her clothes. In her hysteria, a half-baked idea appeared at the front of her mind, and she grasped the two loops of the shoulder straps and slipped her arms into them, letting the rest of the denim hang down the front of her body, not unlike an apron. If nobody looked too closely, from the front it could appear like she was wearing them normally. She would just have to be very careful not to turn too far to either side and expose her nakedness behind.

She appeared at the window flashing a stilted smile. “Hi! What can I get you?” She nervously smoothed the bib down over her chest, taking pains to keep it pressed against her body.

A pair of middle school girls stood at the window. “Oh, you are open! We thought you might have been closed, but I swore I heard voices.”

Mallory vaguely recognized the two girls from a younger class. “Yeah, sorry, I was in the back, trying to fix our broken ice machine. Unfortunately no shaved ice today, but we have other treats still. What would you like?”

The two girls made their order and Mallory jotted them down on an order pad. Once she had taken everything down, she realized that if she turned now to use the ice cream machines, the two girls would surely see her bare sides and back, and likely even notice her panties on display. She looked up apprehensively while the girls stared at her. “I’ll get that started for you,” she said, unmoving. She was growing flushed while trying somehow to stall, hoping the girls would turn away first in her one-sided game of Chicken.

“Okay,” one of the girls said. Still they stood, waiting for Mallory to begin prepping their order, growing uncomfortable.

“Can you wait over by the picnic table?” Mallory ventured. “Just in case more customers come, so they won’t think you’re in line.”

“Oh, um, sure,” one of the girls conceded, and they shuffled off to wait and converse between themselves.

Mallory exhaled and shot Elsie a relieved glance that her ruse was working, along with a lusty smirk. She turned to get started on the order, trying to keep her front side facing the girls as much as possible. Off to the side, she saw Elsie staring at her with an amorous grin. The young teenager smiled sheepishly at her little sister, but gave a flirty wiggle of her ass nonetheless. She made the ice cream cones for the two girls, fully aware that if they gave her any amount of attention they could see her virtually unclothed form preparing their food. It was embarrassing, but it also felt freeing to be unburdened of clothes, save for undies and that uncomfortable makeshift smock. She even felt so mischievous that, when her bravery surged, she dared to intentionally flash her panty-covered ass toward the potential onlookers for Elsie’s snickering amusement.

She completed the order, calling the tweens to return and handing the two cones over the counter. As she leaned, her shorteralls came away from her body slightly, but she quickly adapted and hoped that neither girl noticed. As she was waiting for the credit card transaction to go through, she felt one of them staring at her and nervously made eye contact.

“I like your bibs,” the younger girl said. “They’re cool.”

“Oh, thank you,” Mallory beamed. She liked that the younger girls thought she was fashionable.

“I like how they’re open on the sides.” It seemed the middle schooler had noticed something was unusual about the outfit, but she didn’t appear to realize quite how unconventionally Mallory was wearing her trousers.

“Yeah, it’s a fun style,” the teen replied, twisting to the right and left somewhat to show off some bare skin, and a hint of panty, but not enough to blow her cover.

“That’s so cool,” the other kid praised.

The point of sale machine beeped. “Alright, the payment went through, so you’re good to go. Have a nice day.”

“You too,” the two children chimed in together before walking away.

Mallory stood at the window watching them depart and waited to make sure they weren’t going to turn back around.

Elsie was suddenly at her side, her tiny voice shattering the tension. “I can’t believe that worked.”

Mallory leapt up, nearly crawling out of her skin. “Jesus, Els! I forgot you were there.”

“They didn’t even notice.”

“Thank god for that,” Mallory huffed. “I’d be in so much trouble if someone caught me naked at work.” Saying that, she was a little ashamed at how much she had pushed the envelope. It wouldn’t take much for her to be reported for indecency and fired.

“You’re not naked yet,” Elsie teased.

Mallory rolled her eyes. “Pervert,” she retorted before kissing her sister briefly on the cheek and walking back into relative privacy within the hut, and briefly flashing the back of her panties to the outside world.

“What? It’s funny,” Elsie insisted.

Mallory snorted. “Funny, or do you actually mean sexy?”

“Well, sexy,” Elsie sniggered, sitting back atop the broken ice shaver.

“I knew it, pervert.” Mallory let the coveralls fall away from her chest, baring her small, developing breasts to her little sister once more. She noticed Elsie bite her lip briefly. Even though they had agreed not to be lovers, she still liked teasing her young sibling.

“So, are you going to do it?” the nine-year-old asked.

“Do what?”

“Take off your panties too, you know, to cool off.” Elsie gave a sheepish smirk at her suggestion.

“I don’t know, do you think I should?”

Elsie shrugged, “If you want to.”

Mallory swallowed. “Do you want me to?”

Elsie rolled her eyes at their merry-go-round conversation. “What if I took off my shorts, too?”

Mallory was still nervous. “Do you… do you want to?”

Elsie shrugged, exasperated. “Yes,” she admitted at last, feeling bashful in confirming so to her sister. “I think it would be fun. Nobody can see us, right?”

“Not as long as we’re back here, away from the window.”

“Well, can anyone hear us?”

“Not if we’re quiet.

“We weren’t that quiet on Sunday night.”

Mallory’s eyes widened. “Just what are you suggesting? We’re not going to be doing anything like that here. We’re just getting naked, right?” She remembered that she was still at work, and saying such things aloud made her feel ridiculous. What am I doing? she wondered.

“You’re the one getting naked. I just said that I would take off my pants.”

“Oh, that’s how it is, huh?” Mallory put her hands on her hips in frustration.

Elsie shot an encouraging side-eye to her sister. “Only if you want to.”

“Alright,” Mallory resigned. She knew she shouldn’t, but the part of her that wanted to take in more of her sister’s undeveloped, young body was winning. “You first.”

Elsie stood and took a breath. Mallory watched her with great interest; the way her body twitched nervously at their daring game; the way her taut tummy, peaking out from under her crop top, emphasized her alluring and athletic preteen body; the way that sexy ab line in the middle drew itself down to the ruffled waistband of her kiddie panties, which peeked out from underneath her dolphin shorts. The way her immature body suggested future womanhood, with her narrow, hourglass figure, yet her skinny, boyish chest said there was a long way still to go.

Elsie gripped the sides of her shorts at her legs and slowly pulled them downwards, bending at the waist as she did so. Mallory’s heart leapt at the nine-year-old’s semi-public, semi-indecent actions and she swallowed a lump in her throat. Elsie stepped out of them and stood, holding her shorts shyly in front of her hips and blocking the view. She gave a blushing smile, unable to make eye contact with her big sister. “Now you.”

“Oh come on, let’s see your panties first,” Mallory said encouragingly, but annoyed that her sister was making her ask for it.

“Oh, okay,” Elsie answered, with an embarrassed grimace. She opened her arms, moving her shorts to one side, then hung them off one of the nearby racks.

Mallory could see Elsie’s underwear plainly now, a conservative cut in pink with cartoon butterflies flitting about them, and ruffled bands at the waist and leg openings. The teen was surprised that Elsie was still wearing pretty standard kids panties. She thought after her sister’s stint on the runway that she might be wearing something a little more grown up. Yet the childish nature of the undies sent a rush into her chest. Why am I charmed so by the child-size undergarments? she wondered.

She stared at the puffy mound that rounded out the bottom of her sister’s crotch. She remembered that mere days ago, she had seen the bald petals of Elsie’s labia, that she had pressed her own pussy lips against those of her little sister, and the pleasures generated by the mashing together of their underage genital flesh. “Your panties are cute, Els.”

Elsie snickered, “Cute, or do you mean sexy?”

“Um, cute and sexy,” Mallory answered weakly.

“Now it’s your turn.”

Part 3: We’re Sisters

“Oh, yeah.” Mallory cleared her throat and took a deep breath. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She peered around the window of the food truck to make sure no one was coming and then with one final huff, she tugged her panties down past her knees and let them drop to the floor.

Elsie stifled a gasp as she watched her sister disrobe completely, panties puddled at her ankles, standing naked before her, just inches away from the view of any passers by.

Mallory stood up straight and clutched her elbow. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said again, but this time with a self-conscious laugh. “I can’t believe I’m naked at work.” She made eye contact with her sister and they both burst into giggles. The tension released, Mallory loosened up and pranced around the small area, even doing a quick pirouette, turning her bare form around completely and letting her sister drink in the view. “This feels amazing.”

Elsie felt arousal building in her chest. She knew her sister didn’t want to be her girlfriend, and that was probably for the best. It seemed silly to have even hinted at going steady with her sibling, yet even if Mallory had rejected the idea, here she was, fully naked and showing off in front of her. “Maybe you’re a nudist,” Elsie rationalized.

“No, I would be mortified if anyone actually saw me.”

“But not me?”

“No, of course not, we’ve seen each other naked before. And anyway, we’re sisters.” Mallory knew that excuse held very little merit after what the two of them had done together, but she didn’t care, and she suspected Elsie didn’t care either. They both wanted her to be naked.

She turned and looked at her sister, who was staring back at her, yet with a faraway look in her eyes.

Elsie couldn’t tear her view from her older sister’s bare figure. A blushing, boozy grin spread across the child’s face, and she unconsciously pressed her hips into a rounded, plastic fin decorating the top of the ice machine upon which she sat. Feeling a spear of pleasure coursing from her loins, her girlish lubrication oiled up inside of her channel. She stared at her sister’s body, admiring her teenaged curves, and noticing the fact that Mallory’s bare pussy was reddening before her eyes. Her sister’s sexual attraction to her was almost undeniable. “Um, Mal, do you want to kiss me again?”

“Okay,” Mal said plainly, but then with conviction, “I mean, yes, I do.” Elsie huffed a relieved breath and Mal leaned over. Her small breasts drooped ever so slightly as her gravity shifted. Elsie instinctively reached up to cup them, and Mallory moaned lightly into her mouth, emboldening the nine-year-old all the more. She caressed and squeezed at the soft mounds while Mallory attached her face to Elsie’s in a much stronger kiss than they had done before.

After a moment, the older sister pulled back from the kiss, but before she could break away, Elsie wrapped her arms around her sibling and pulled her naked body towards hers. She stretched out her neck and pulled one of the teenagers breasts towards her mouth, meeting it with her lips and sucking in.

Mallory hissed at the feeling of Elsie sucking at her tit. “Oh, baby sister,” she whined, feeling a shock of electricity shoot from her breast straight into her heart. She wrapped her hands around Elsie’s head and held her close. “That feels so good.”

Elsie used a hand to paw at Mallory’s other boob, stimulating both nipples at the same time. Mallory creaked her eyes open to look down at her suckling kid sister. She moaned at the sight of the preteen’s incestuous fixation and her cunt pulsed with each pull at her nipples.

Elsie sucked hard consuming her sister’s areola, then pulled back, letting the nipple slip from her mouth with a lewd smack. She gasped for the available oxygen, her chest heaving. She looked her sister in the eyes, a small, lusty smile sneaking across her face. “Sorry, I don’t know why I did that.”

“Don’t be silly, Els, I liked it, too.” Mallory felt goosebumps rush over her skin, despite the heat of the day bearing down on their small enclosure.

“This is ridiculous. Why am I so horny right now, Mal?”

“I don’t know, but I feel it, too. I wish we could do something about it.”

“What would we do?” Elsie asked, hoping that Mallory would suggest something she was open to.

“I can’t do anything about it right now. I’m at work,” she pouted. It sounded somewhat silly considering her unprofessional state of undress, but slipping about unseen was very different to even riskier sexual antics. Even so, she didn’t want to just put an end to their bawdy canoodling. She wasn’t willing to push the limit too far, but she hoped that her sibling would be game to do more.

Looking keenly at Elsie, she noticed the nine-year-old rocking slightly atop the ice shaving machine, and was pressing her crotch gently against the decorative fin at the front. She could see the front of her panties wedging into the crack between her puffy labia and it was evident that her clit was taking the brunt of the friction the little girl was producing. An idea popped into her head. “Hey, why did you jump when you turned that ice machine on accidentally?”

“Cuz it scared me,” Elsie answered.

“Just because it was loud?” Mallory probed.

“Yeah, it was loud, and it also buzzed underneath me.”

A sly grin spread across the elder Brannigan’s face. “Was it like a vibration?”

“Yeah, it was a really intense hum.”

“But was it like a good hum?” Mallory insisted.

Elsie’s eyes popped as she caught her sister’s meaning. “Um, well, maybe. It was kind of sudden and I leapt off of it before I could really say.”

“What if we turned it on again and you can try it out again?”

Elsie grinned sheepishly, but she thought it could be fun. “Okay!” She planted her feet on either side of the machine and cozied herself up to the rounded lump on the top, wedging her panty-clad pussy lips around it and firmly pressing her stiff clitoris up against it. Already, she could feel the sensitive bundle of nerves almost pulsing in anticipation. “I think this is a good position,” she said, heady and husky.

“Ready?” Mallory asked, eyes intense with lust.

“Mm hmm,” Elsie nodded, biting her lip.

Mallory flipped the switch and the machine whirred suddenly back to life. Elsie winced and cried out, “Oh my fucking god!” Struck by the sudden intensity, she nearly leapt off the machine just as she had done before. The noise and racket was a lot for the little girl to bear, but after the initial jolt, she found the strength to bear down against the strong vibrations. “Fuck!” she squealed, eyes sealing shut.

Watching her sister struggle, Mallory licked her lips, which felt suddenly parched. The little girl writhed atop the machine, controlled by the pleasure it was bringing her, while trying to control where she wanted to feel it the most. Her slender body undulated, taut abs flashing into view from under her crop top. Mallory was startled by how pornographic Elsie could be. It almost looked like she was riding the machine like a man. The way Elsie humped the machine, it was almost like she was watching the nine-year-old actually having real sex with someone. It was both sensual and obscene to be watching her kid-sister doing something so adult.

Elsie felt her pussy leaking and looked down at her cunny, whimpering. Her panties were soaking through, a dark stain of moisture growing from her opening. The fat lips of her blood-engorged labia strained against the fabric of her underwear as she attempted to press the round plastic fin firmly into her baby cleft, trying to fuck it deeper inside of her. The friction of the saturated cotton stimulated her clit and drove her onwards.

She remembered then that she wasn’t alone and her eyes flashed up to her sister. Mallory was watching her with such quiet intensity, it would have made her feel self-conscious had the young teenager not been standing before her completely naked. Being so vulnerable together filled her chest with yearning, and she wished that Mallory would embrace her and press her soft breasts against her once more.

“Fuck,” groaned Elsie, low and long, as she savored the sumptuous pleasure her pussy was streaking throughout her body. “You should get on here with me,” she whimpered.

Mallory wasn’t sure she should. She was already way over the line just being utterly stark naked at work, but masturbating against one of the machines when potential customers could be approaching was so much more than that. Nevertheless, Elsie’s self-pleasure was ramping up the teenager’s arousal, and she found her resolve quickly crumbling. “Okay,” she nodded dreamily. “I’ll do it for you.”

Elsie bucked her hips lewdly and grinned, inviting her sister over with a flick of her chin.

Mallory climbed on to the machine facing her sister, while Elsie moved back slightly. The smooth, plastic fin that was loading her up with pleasure was fat and stubby, and she didn’t want to move off of it completely. It was too easy to rock her hips forward and add extra buzzing pleasure to her sensitive clitoris. Because there wasn’t much room to play, the two girls had to sit very close to one another.

Mallory lowered herself onto it, spreading her legs wide to fit onto the fin along with her sister. Their knees touched and she jumped at her first connection with the hard, vibrating plastic. The intensity shocked her system, and she cried out, but quickly covered her mouth. “Holy shit,” she gasped.

Their pussies scant inches from each other, they sat together there, face-to-face, each one gazing into the others’ eyes, watching each other’s mounting orgasms as their eyes flickered into and out of trance-like stares. For Mallory, watching her nine-year-old sister approaching sexual climax was incredibly erotic, and it sped her nearer to her own orgasm.

For Elsie, it was the same, but she was much closer to the precipice of blissful cummies. She wanted to enjoy herself, though, so she would let up on her clit for moments at a time to stall her orgasm and allow her big sister to catch up.

Mallory felt her adductors straining as she spread her thighs wide. Elsie didn’t seem to have much trouble, but she was a seasoned dancer and acrobat. She could easily do the splits, even standing on one leg. Mallory was not unfit, but dance was never her thing after her interest in tap waned, and she never went through the rigorous physical training that Elsie had in more advanced classes. To ease the stretch along her crotch, she lifted a leg and draped it over her sister’s. Bare flesh touched bare flesh, and the skinship between them felt warm and sensual.

This brought them even closer together and, unable to help herself, Mallory leaned into her sister for a kiss. Elsie moaned and returned it readily. This time, however, any innocence about it had evaporated. This was not a light, dry kiss between siblings. Instead, they began to make out, full force. They kissed deeply, full of sexual lust. It was knowingly incestuous, and the two girls welcomed it, slurping at each other with ready tongues.

Mallory could barely help herself and she wrapped her arms around Elsie, running her hands up and down her back, under her crop top. She then slid them around to her sister’s front side, groping the child’s flat chest and rippling her fingers across her stiffened little nipples. Elsie whimpered weakly at her big sister’s molestations.

Mallory broke away, gasping. Too embarrassed to meet her sister’s gaze, her eyes drifted downwards, down Elsie’s skinny, preteen body, and hungrily toward her little prepubescent pussy. By now, those panties were saturated, showing the pink flesh of her bald vulva through the translucent fabric. But Mallory wanted more, and she slipped three fingers underneath the leg band and pulled them to the side, exposing her kid sister’s precious, undeveloped cunny. “God, this is so wrong,” Mallory sighed, her mouth nevertheless watering at the sight.

“I like it,” Elsie panted. “I like having sex with you.”

Mallory blushed. “We’re not having sex, we’re just…” she trailed off, too bashful to describe what they were doing in any detail. “We’re just kissing and stuff.”

“Want to kiss with our pussies?”

“Yeah,” Mal cooed, “I really want to do that again.”

Elsie yanked the crotch of her panties over even more and lifted up her opposite leg, draping it over Mallory’s other thigh. Now in the scissor position, they slid themselves together so that their labia lips pressed against one another, the two hairless, puffy mounds squishing down, teen against preteen. Their lips quivered against each other under the vibrations of the ice machine.

“Fuck,” Mallory hissed. “Your little kiddie pussy is so cute.”

Elsie undulated her hips, sliding her slit back and forth across her older sister’s, smearing her vaginal juices across her sibling’s naked sex.

“I love how wet you are, Els.”

“You made me this way.”

“Me? How?”

“Because you’re very pretty, especially when you’re naked.”

“You think I’m pretty?”


“I think you’re pretty, too.”

“Even though I’m just a kid?”

The question took Mallory aback briefly. Not that the question itself was startling, but rather that it brought up a spark of something she had tamped down since their last sexual encounter. It was a dangerous thought, she felt, that would lead her down a path she didn’t know if she could come to grips with. That is, Mallory didn’t think Elsie was pretty in spite of being a child; she thought her little sister was pretty because of that fact. But she didn’t like the labels associated with it, and all of the implications that came along with.

But watching herself pressing her cunny up against that child’s own made her heady, and she felt a surge of pleasure driving her to do things she wouldn’t do if she were fully lucid. Her temples pounded from her heightened excitement. Elsie’s cunt was swollen red, almost at the cusp of purple in places. “How have you not cummed yet? It’s so intense.”

“I know, but I’m trying not to so I can have cummies with you.”

“Please, don’t wait any longer, I want to watch you cum so badly and I don’t want to be distracted by my own pleasure. I just want to feel this wave of good feelings right now. Let yourself go, Kiddo.”

Elsie nodded and bit her lip. “I want to cum for you, big sister, and then I want you to cum for me.”

“It would be so sexy to watch you.”

Elsie pressed a hand against Mallory’s naked chest. “Lean back. I want to see all of you while I orgasm.”

Mallory leaned back, still keeping her pussy pressed firmly against her sister’s. She found herself reveling in her nudity. In contrast to her little sister, who was lewdly showing off her pussy, she was herself not wearing a single bit of cloth in the midday light. With her pussy, tits—everything—on display, she wallowed in her depravity. If her boss or anyone else popped in, Elsie could easily cover up, even if she was caught with her pants down, but Mallory would not have anywhere near that same luxury. It was a big risk to be taking on the clock, but whenever good sense started to creep in, her cum-addled brain kept telling her, Just a few seconds more. Just a little bit further.

“How do I look?” the teen fished.

“So pretty,” Elsie panted, a finger scrubbing against the top of her extended clit, pressing it down against the soggy, fluid-beaded lips of her sister’s labia. Her eyes wandered over her teenaged sibling’s bare form and she drank it in as if it was the first time she had ever seen her naked. Mallory’s small breasts bounced lightly as she flexed her hips back and forth on the vibrating machine. Her tummy tightened each time her body writhed. Her thighs opened and closed with each back and forth undulation. And her pussy, her incredibly pillowy labia, her clitoris protruding ever more obscenely from under its hood. It was almost as if she could feel her sister’s pleasure in her own body. “Oh my god, Mal, it’s coming, I can feel it coming.”

“Are you going to cum for me?”

“Uh hnh,” Elsie nodded frantically, her lids fluttering as her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. “I’m gonna cum for you, Sis. I’m gonna cum! I can feel it. My pussy is going to explode!” Elsie’s mouth dropped and her eyes squeezed shut in worried anticipation of the oncoming rush she felt in her loins. It was as if she was an empty vessel being filled with a garden hose of liquid pleasure, starting at her cunt, rising through her tummy, and draining through her legs all at the same time. “Cum, cum, cumming,” the elementary schooler rasped. Her legs shook, and her pussy battered against Mallory’s with a wet smacking sound.

Mallory moaned, watching the nine-year-old thrashing her small, skinny body about, humping her soft, hairless pussy against hers. It was intensely erotic watching the girl ebullient with orgasmic rapture, the child pornographically flicking her clit in double rhythm with her jerking hips, her cries nearly drowned out by the malfunctioning machine, but still audible in long, pitched-up, gasping moans and groans. Her athletic abs flashed into and out of view from under her belly shirt as each wave of cum washed over her. After one final exclamation, Elsie launched herself off the machine, clapped her thighs together, and crumpled to her knees. There on the ground her skinny frame shuddered off the final, dissipating throbs of her orgasm.

Elsie panted, looking at her sister. Slowly, a bashful smile spread across her face. She was satisfied, physically and sexually, but she still wanted to see her sister through her own climax. “Now it’s your turn,” she breathed.

Mallory nodded and reached down to caress her labia. They were sticky with her little sister’s cum juices. She spread them, showing her sibling her pink insides. She liked showing off for her. She was very horny and desired to do things she knew she couldn’t do. “You know what I wish?”

“What?” Elsie gulped, still recovering from her orgasm.

“I wish we could fuck each other again,” Mallory mewed lustily.

“With your sex toy?”

“Yes, my dildo. It was so hot making love with you. I never felt anything like that before.”

“Neither had I. Not with a girl, I mean.” Then Elsie added, “I’m sorry that daddy saw us.”

“It’s okay. I’m not mad anymore.” Mallory closed her eyes and sat up tall on the vibrating machine and pressed her cunt down onto it, daydreaming of their sisterly tryst.


“It was worth it to lose my virginity—I guess if you could call it that—even if you’re just my sister, but it was also so hot because I was doing it with a kid.” Mallory felt wrong dwelling on it, but her new heights of lust had dissolved the majority of her good sense.

Elsie blushed at Mallory calling out her age, but overall was glad to hear it. However, now that her head was clearing, she did have one nagging thought she wanted address. “What about Brie?”

“What about her?”

“Um, well, do you care if she knows? That we did, um, incest?”

“Elsie,” Mallory whined, “I told you not to tell anyone that we did that.” Despite the complaint, Mallory kept her fingers slickly working up and down the slit of her cunt, still exalting in her growing pleasure, and building toward an explosive climax. She couldn’t believe how much Elsie saying the word “incest” made her clit throb out from under its hood.

“But it’s Brie. She’s my best friend. She won’t tell anyone,” Elsie tried to assure her.

Mallory kept masturbating. She hated to admit it, but she didn’t really mind if Brie did know. She liked, at least, that someone else knew she wasn’t a virgin anymore. She wasn’t thrilled to admit to an outside party that it was her kid sister that had done the deed, but Brie and Elsie were indeed the bestest of best friends, and according to the rumors, Brie had done many equally embarrassing things that same week.

There was time for her still, to do things the “right way.” To find a boyfriend and to gain some more carnal knowledge, something “real,” not just sisters fooling around. But at least now she had some experience. She could never admit what she had done to her friends—incest, oh why was that word so hot all of a sudden?—but it was something she could keep in her head when the gossip was being traded.

Still, she wanted them to know something. Maybe there was something about her experience she could admit. Something she could tease the other girls with. It seemed a shame to hide away something so beautiful.

Even so, now that she had the experience, finding a boy suddenly felt like less of a priority. She had her sister, it seemed. She was happy with the way that it happened the first time. She and Elsie were close before, and now ever closer. She adored her all the more for trusting her so. Sharing her virginity with the third grader felt really special, and she was thrilled to be exploring their sibling eroticism for a second time.

Suddenly Elsie’s eyes grew wide. It took Mallory a couple seconds longer to see through her cum-haze and register the panic on her face. Elsie switched off the rumbling ice machine and hissed, “Someone’s here.”

Mallory panicked. Suddenly, what she had done—what she was doing—snapped sharply back into focus. They heard a voice.

“Is this place open?” It was another customer, and she sounded annoyed.

Part 4: Service Interruption

Mallory gasped, her face suddenly flushing with the full realization that she was very much naked at work. She jumped up onto weak legs, her knees wobbling under the ribald influence of her bodily pleasure. “Shit, what do I do?”

Elsie pointed at the shorteralls crumpled on the floor, “Like before.”

Mallory grabbed them and slipped her arms through the straps, wearing her clothes once again like an apron. Now the difference was, if she turned at all from side to side—or all the way around—she’d be showing her full bare bottom to the customer, not just her panties. There would be no excuse for her actions if she was caught.

She held the garment down, her fingers pinning it to her hips, and sidled into the view of the window. “Hi,” she rasped, her mouth dry and her voice thick. She cleared her throat. “Hi, welcome to Three Girls Shaved Ice, what can I get started for you?” She recognized the girl squinting into the sun. “Oh, Mia, it’s you.” It was another fellow student in middle school with her, albeit two grades below. This one she actually knew by reputation. Mia was rather attractive, and therefore quite popular.

The black tween shaded her eyes. “Hi, um, you’re in my boyfriend’s grade, right?”

“Yeah, I know Carter. We’re in a couple classes together. He’s pretty smart.”

Just then Elsie popped her head out of the window. “Hi, Mia!” the third-grader exclaimed.

“Oh my god, Elsie!” Mia’s face lit up with a big smile. “You work here, too?”

“No, I just came to see my sister.” She leaned over and put her hand on the small of Mallory’s back, caressing her skin lightly. Mallory whimpered almost imperceptibly.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Mia grinned. “My brothers practically act like I don’t exist.”

“Boo,” Elsie spat.

“Yeah, well, they’re quite a bit older than me, both in college, so they’re never around, anyway. I wish I had someone my age to gang up with against my parents.”

“Well, we were fighting,” Elsie admitted, “but we just made out. I mean, made up.”

Mia burst into giggles. “You’re a funny girl, Elsie.”

Mallory shot a glare at Elsie. “Just ignore my dumb kid sister. What can I get you?”

Mia cupped both her hands over her brow. “I can barely read the menu; the sun’s shining right in my eyes.”

Elsie leaned toward her sister and whispered, “I don’t think she can really see us past the sun’s glare.”

“So?” Mallory countered.

“So, that’s probably why she hasn’t noticed I’m not wearing any pants right now,” the preteen chuckled softly.

Mallory glanced over at her sister and down to her hips. Sure enough, Elsie hadn’t bothered to put her shorts back on when she came to the window to greet Mia, and she was standing there wearing only her tee shirt and panties. Mallory gasped, “Why are you being such a freak right now, Els?” the teenager growled through gritted teeth.

“You’re the one who’s basically naked.” Elsie moved her hand down over her sister’s bare ass and caressed the bottom of one of her cheeks.

Mallory stiffened up, wanting to shriek at the little pervert’s touch, but not wanting to draw even a hint of attention to herself. “You’re so naughty,” she choked. She felt Elsie’s finger’s wander ever deeper between her legs until the nine-year-old’s small fingers were prodding at the pillowy petal of one of her labium.

The eighth-grader was horrified at her little sister’s public groping, but her arousal remained high from their fooling around together, and she allowed a slight, shuddering moan to escape her lips.

Elsie was close enough to hear it, and it drove her further. Her fingers glided through the wetness of Mallory’s crease, glazing her older sister’s exposed pussy lips in a thick, slippery film of girl-cum, and threatening to finger her in full view of their school acquaintance.

“You can’t,” Mallory whispered through clenched teeth, but they were interrupted.

“I think I’ll have a strawberry coconut shave ice,” Mia spoke up, finally deciding.

Mallory cleared her throat, trying to shake the provocative hypnosis under which she was falling. “I’m sorry, our ice shaving machine is out of order. Is there anything else you’d like?”

Mia pouted, “Oh darn, that sounded really good. Give me a sec and let me look at the menu some more.”

“Take your time,” Mallory whimpered, knowing that her little sister was pushing the envelope of decency to its very limit, and that—worse still—she was quickly becoming all too willing to fall into the trap that Elsie was setting for her.

While Mia studied the price board, Elsie continued to caress her sister’s cunny. Mallory closed her eyes and breathed deeply, alternately wishing her sister would leave her alone and wanting her to finish her off right then and there so she could get back to work and stop her alarming inclinations. She was sure she could cum quickly and quietly if only Elsie would—

No! This was obscene. She chastised herself for letting her daredevil attitude go so far. But she was stuck there and the pleasure was winning out. She rocked back and forth, against her crumbling will, slightly spreading her legs and actually giving Elsie better access from behind. She felt her little sister’s small fingers press in, slipping between the plump folds of her teenage cunt, and her head swam.

“I guess I’ll have a bubble tea,” said Mia, submitting her revised order.

Mallory didn’t respond, her head filled with pre-orgasmic haze. Mia stood silent, unable to see what was going on between Mallory’s legs due to the angle of the sun.

Elsie hip-checked her sister, jolting her out of her reverie. “Mal?” she said with a knowing smirk.

Mallory’s eyes popped open and she grimaced at Elsie before turning to Mia. “Sorry, this heat is really getting to me,” she panted. “You wanted a bubble tea?”

“That’s right.”

Mia was still squinting, and Mallory wondered back to what Elsie had said, whether or not her classmate could actually see them under the harsh rays of light streaming from behind the hut. Her mind gauzy with arousal, the eighth-grader dared to test the hypothesis. She pulled away from her sister’s probing fingers, feeling a river of cum slump down her inner thighs, and turned toward the food processor. If Mia had a good view of her, she was sure to notice her naked side, and even more surely wouldn’t miss that her bare ass was exposed.

Mia spoke up, causing Mal’s heart to skip a beat. “Elsie, how’s Brie been doing lately? I haven’t run into her since Monday.” Mallory exhaled a quiet, shaking breath. Perhaps the trailer was backlit enough that Mia truly couldn’t see them, or maybe she wasn’t paying any attention to Mallory anymore. Either way, somehow she had gotten away with it. She quickly reached under the bib to feel her pussy’s wetness with her own fingers, and she marveled at just how much girl-cum she was producing. She felt a hot bead of her sex moisture slip down her inner thigh to her knee.

Elsie moved closer to the window. “Brie is boring lately,” she answered.

“Really? She doesn’t seem that boring to me.”

“She’s been doing extra credit stuff after school to make up for missing Friday, and then she always wants to be with her parents after that.”

“Well, her mom does seem pretty cool. Remember when we took that picture of all of us at the pool?”

“Oh em gee, yes!” Elsie chuckled. “I can’t believe she let us do that.”

“I still have the proof,” Mia said.

“You should def send it to me,” Elsie demanded.

“Okay, just make sure it doesn’t end up on the internet or something. It’s kind of illegal. Here, give me your number.”

Elsie was thrilled that the cool older girl wanted to get her number.

Mallory sensed there was something going on between the two. Her ears perked up when Mia said the word “illegal”. What had they done, and why didn’t they want the internet to find out about it? A vein of jealousy ran through her mind that Elsie might be doing naughty things with another girl and she felt silly for feeling that way. Elsie was her sister, not her girlfriend, after all. They loved each other, sure, but it was a sibling dynamic like any other sisters. “I want to see,” she said while filling Mia’s order.

“See what?” Elsie said in between relaying her contact numbers to Mia.

“I want to see the picture you took.”

Elsie winced and turned to protest, and was met with an eyeful of Mallory’s backside. She had turned completely away from them to work on Mia’s order, and anything still covering her was hanging down on her front side. Nothing protected her unclothed backside from the view of anyone who could see clearly. Elsie turned back to Mia who was still squinting through one eye. It seemed Mallory was safe for now, but Elsie thought she was being extremely reckless.

Mia grimaced and shook her head at Elsie, pleading for her not to share the picture.

“You don’t get to see it, Mal. It’s a secret pic.”

Mallory returned to the counter with the ice cream treat, her shorteralls flapping loosely in front of her. “If you don’t show me, then I’m going to tell Daddy that you have something illegal,” she threatened shortly.

“Ugh, fine.” Elsie relented. She rolled her eyes at Mia. “It’s fine, she won’t tell anyone.”

“Yeah, but—“ Mia stammered, but she knew she didn’t want to get reported to an adult while having a picture of naked kids on her phone. “Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.”

“I don’t intend to,” Mallory reassured. Then she said conspiratorially. “I can keep a secret. I just want to see what Elsie’s been up to.”

Mia texted the photo to Elsie, and after a moment’s hesitation, the preteen showed her phone to her sister.

Mallory’s eyes popped when she saw four sets of bare tits of varying ages captured in fully digital glory. It took a moment for all the details to process in her brain. Three girls and one woman huddled together, mugging sexy faces into the camera. Elsie was there, topless as the rest, and Mia, too. And nine-year-old Brie, despite her young age, seemed somehow to exude the most sexuality out of everyone in the group.

“Holy shit.” Mallory’s voice was instantly hoarse.

Mia sighed, resigned to the fact that their secret was out. “Well, now you’ve seen my tits.”

“Oh my gosh, is that Brie’s mom?” Mallory knew it was, but still couldn’t bring herself to believe it.

“Uh huh,” Elsie mumbled.

“She looks so pretty. I can’t believe she did this… with little kids.”

“Like I said,” Mia interjected, “it was kind of illegal.”

“Hey, I’m not a little kid,” Elsie spat. She pulled back and slapped her sister on her ass. Mallory squeaked and hip-checked the girl, finishing with a don’t-you-dare glare and a long grumble.

“Dang!” Mia said, “That sounded like a real, bare-assed slap.”

Mallory turned instantly red-faced, but Elsie joked, covering for the fact that it was, in fact, a real slap against her sister’s exposed flesh, “I know just how to make it sting.” She turned to her older sister and sincerely apologized. “Sorry, Sis.” She finished off her atonement with a light caress to Mallory’s bare bum down to the crease where it met her upper thigh.

Mallory swallowed a lump in her throat and changed the focus by reading off the total charge from the point-of-sale device. Mia opened up her wallet and moved to the window with cash in hand, stepping into the shade of the food cart in the process. She was about to ask Elsie a question when, now out of the obfuscation of the sun’s glare, she suddenly realized that Elsie was skinned down to her underwear.

“Girl, where are your pants?” she asked in surprise. Elsie squeaked and dodged out of view, giggling maniacally at finally being caught. Mia guffawed, too. “Oh my god, girl, what are you doing?”

“Here they are,” Elsie said, triumphantly holding up her nylon dolphin shorts.

“What? You’re crazy!” Mia cackled in disbelief, and then quickly pivoted to sarcasm. “Well, don’t get dressed on my account. I’ve seen you wearing less.”

“And you have the proof,” Elsie winked. Then she pulled back the elastic waistband between her thumbs and released, shooting the little shorts through the air at her friend. Mia put her hands up in defense against the flying garment, and managed to catch them.

“You’re crazy,” Mia screamed playfully. “How are you doing that, anyway?”

“What do you mean?”

“How are you not getting into so much trouble with your sister? She's bound to get her fired if a customer sees you prancing around in your undies.”

Elsie shrugged and blurted, “Mal’s not wearing pants either.”

Mallory and Mia exchanged wide-eyed glances with each other. “Elsie!” Mallory chastised.

Mia looked down Mallory’s body, trying to puzzle through what she was seeing. At first glance, it looked like she was wearing her coveralls, but upon closer examination, she noticed the shoulder straps did look oddly out of place. Then Elsie reached over and flipped the bottom up, showing just how loosely Mallory was actually wearing the item of clothing. “Or panties!”

Mallory squeaked and pulled them back into place, blocking the view to her cunt. “Els!” she groaned. “Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing.”

Mia gasped, barely able to comprehend what she was seeing. “My mind is blown.”

“You didn’t even notice for so long,” Elsie giggled. She was the only one who seemed to give no care about their daring game.

“True, but still. That seems crazy to take that chance.”

Elsie shrugged. “I can’t really explain it, but the fact that we could get caught makes it kind of fun?”

“But you’re sisters and you almost have your pussies out where each other can see?”

“So? What does it matter if you’re related? We’ve seen each other naked a lot around the home. You’ve never seen your brothers naked?” Elsie countered.

“I have,” Mia answered, and then screwed up her face, “but I never wanted to see that again. If I did, that would be incest.”

Mallory had been quiet, humiliated by her discovery, but when she heard Mia toss off that taboo word—incest—she moaned. Her hips subtly humped against the window counter.

“Wow, what’s gotten into her?” Mia asked.

Mallory put her hands over her face. “I can’t help myself. It’s so erotic.”

“Erotic? What, you mean… incest?” Mia was skeptical.

Mallory moaned again and bit her lip. The word seemed to hold an almost totemic power over her. Unable to keep still, she ran her hands through her hair and nodded. “So fucking hot.”

Mia furrowed her brow. “It’s just wrong.”

“So is having sex with Carter,” Elsie retorted.

“My boyfriend? What do you mean?”

“Do your parents know you’re having sex with an upperclassman?”

“No, they’d be pissed if they knew,” the tween acknowledged.

“How come you do it, then?”

Mia thought quickly and answered, “Cuz Carter is sexy.”

“And girls having sex with girls is wrong, too, according to some people, Mia,” Elsie reasoned. “Haven’t you done that?”

Mia started at her own life being called out like that. “Uh, well,” the 12-year-old stammered, “I mean, yes, I’ve had sex with a girl before, too.”


“Because… she was hot,” Mia snickered. It was quiet and she sighed. “Okay, I think I see your point: just because I wouldn’t do it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You’re too clever for you own good, Elsie. I think that’s going to get you in trouble some day. Maybe today, if you’re not careful.”

Elsie grinned and leaned over the window sill, gesturing her friend closer. “I think she needs to cum,” she whispered.

Mia looked at Mallory, whose eyes were mere slits, her mouth softly parted. “I think you’re right,” she snickered.

Mallory blushed, listening to the two girls talking about her. She couldn’t believe what kids younger than she was were saying about her while she stood right there, but with her mind full of thoughts of orgasm, exhibitionism, and incest, she recognized that her body was indeed beyond the control of reason. She teetered on the edge of sanity. She needed to cum somehow, some way, but she knew she couldn’t. Not there in front of her junior classmate. Not with her sister present. Not out in public. Not on the job.

Elsie stared at her big sis, watching as Mallory’s body twitched and jerked, her hyped up nerves awkwardly expending their overflowing energy. She felt bad because she had gotten to orgasm just before Mia showed up. She had been lucky enough to experience the blissful release of her pent-up arousal, but Mallory had been interrupted, and now her mind was clearly where it wasn’t supposed to be. She wanted to help her sister out, but she didn’t know how.

“Should we do something?” Elsie asked slyly.

Mallory closed her eyes fully and bit her lip, nodding wildly. “Yesyesyesyesyes,” she repeated.

Mia gave a skeptical but interested look. “How?”

Slowly Elsie revealed the dildo her mother had gotten her. Its realistically flanged head appearing from under the counter, followed by the rest of the long shaft.

“Holy shit,” Mia gasped.

But despite her reaction, Mallory was unaware of her little sister’s plan. Her eyes tightly shut, she was overwhelmed by the mental gymnastics she was doing to fight her way back to normal.

Elsie licked the head, even though she was sure she wouldn’t need any lubrication to get it inside of Mal’s sopping cunt, and then pressed the cool plastic between her sibling’s legs from behind, and kissed it up against her ruddy pussy lips.

Mallory gasped, feeling the fat wand probing her teenage cunny. She clamped her thighs together instinctively. Yet despite knowing she wasn’t supposed to want it, she badly did. And so, after her initial reaction, her legs relaxed, revealing her thigh gap, and giving space for the fake cock her sister held. She nodded and rasped, “Do it. Please.”

Mia looked on in awe from the other side of the window. “Amazing.”

Elsie smirked at her and pressed in, feeling the head of the dildo catch on her sister’s sex. She slowly pushed and Mallory gave a long, low moan, feeling it massage the tender walls of her hole as it inched up into her channel. She leaned over the counter, arching her body forward to give Elsie easier access, and Elsie used the opportunity to lean back and steal a glance at her sister’s pussy. The labia surrounding the shaft stretched and pulled inward slightly with the pressure she applied. Elsie had little trouble moving it up into Mallory’s body, she was so wet with her own generated lubrication. Fat droplets of her girl cum oozed out of her, some of it rolling down her naked legs in silky streaks, others dripping onto the floor.

Once Elsie’s tool was all the way in, it was obvious that her big sister was ready for anything, and the preteen wasted no time in finding a rhythm, steadily pulling out and pushing in, drilling Mallory with the rubber sex toy.

“Oh, yes,” Mallory whispered breathlessly, and then whimpered, “Fuck me, Els. Fuck my pussy, please.” She bent over fully on the countertop, her shorteralls draping underneath her, her just-developing teenage breasts pressing into them and suggesting a hint of cleavage.

Elsie’s pumping picked up steam and soon she was rapidly pistoning in and out of her sister’s leaking hole. She stared at her teenaged body, all but naked from her point of view. Her trim waist and vaguely developing hips suggested the woman she would become, yet she was still immature enough that even to the younger Elsie, it was obvious that she was underage.

Mallory felt the jiggle in in her tight butt cheeks grow as Elsie’s pumping increased, but soon it became apparent that most of the movement was on behalf of Mal herself. A booming rhythm filled her eardrums as her head rushed with hormones. She bounced forward and back, rutting on the countertop matching the heartbeat thundering in her head, and setting the rhythm of her fucking herself. She could no longer let Elsie be solely in control. Her sister was fucking her, but she wanted to fuck back.

Mia watched from outside the shed, dazed by the pornographic scene playing out before her. The two sisters, one of them a preteen, making love in full view. The daring nature of the spectacle multiplied when she felt a presence beside her. Slowly she turned her head and saw a man had quietly joined the audience. Her eyes widened and she stared up at him.

“What in the world is going on here?” he spoke quietly, mostly to himself.

And then came a small voice: “Why is she bouncing like that?”

Mia’s eyes flicked downward and if they had been wide before, her eyes shot open so far they nearly popped out of their sockets. A girl and a boy. They couldn’t have been older than six.

Suddenly the man looked over at her and Mia quickly broke eye contact and scurried up to the counter. “Um, girls, you have an audience,” she squeaked.

Mallory shot up, and the two girls froze, both their eyes taking in their new voyeurs. Her eyes flicked around to the young children he had in tow. She was mortified. She was sure to be fired, grounded, or worse, maybe even sent to jail.

She looked to Mia who grimaced back at her, then Elsie, who appeared to be just as frantic as she was. Nobody knew what to say. Instantly sobered, the clanging in her head had disappeared, yet her heart raced in terror.

Everybody stood there, nobody knowing just what to say or do. The only sounds in the area were the rustling of the leaves, the chirping of birds, and scant car traffic blocks away. The serenity of the scene under the sun-dappled leaves sat in stark contrast to the taboo filth happening seconds before within the boundaries of the shack walls. It was as if the girls’ familial fucking were centered right in the middle of a Miyazaki film. Now that she was aware of it, it almost felt romantic. Yet for all the peace, the half-nude teenager was mortified by what her raging hormones and heady arousal had brought her to do.

Part 5: Heat Release

When he had approached the ice cream hut, the man was positive that what appeared at a distance surely couldn’t have been occurring in public, but as he approached with his children, it seemed more and more likely, against all odds, to be very much true. The teen attendant was actually getting he pussy reamed by the small girl behind her. By the time he was close enough to confirm, he had drawn attention to himself. And when the recipient of the fucking stood up in shock, the size difference between her and her youthful accomplice made it apparent that the youngest child was very likely still pre-adolescent.

His heart skipped a beat when he realized what he had seen only on the internet before was now before him, live and in the flesh. Girl-on-girl, public, underaged sex. Despite the presence of his children, he hoped that the exhibitionists would continue with their mischief. The older teen avoided eye contact for a long moment, but soon she was looking to him for forgiveness, and he knew he had to do something to convince her to continue, or the erotic spectacle would end in a flurry of scattering children.

He decided the best tactic was to play a little ignorant. “Are you still taking orders?”

Mallory gulped, surprised that the man appeared to have not caught on to what was she was up to. Her body shivered as a surge of relief raced through her that she wasn’t in trouble just yet, along with a smaller, more pesky wave of unfulfilled desire that seemed never to fade, no matter the embarrassment she experienced. She cleared her throat. “Yes, but just so you know, our ice shaving machine is broken.”

“That’s okay, we’ll find something we like.” The man stooped down to ask his son and daughter what they wanted off the menu.

While they were distracted, the three girls exchanged silent, stony looks with one another. Mia nodded toward the nylon dolphin shorts in her hand. She whispered, “Do you want these back? We can see your panties from here.”

Red-faced, Elsie nodded. She reached out to grab them, but the man’s daughter spoke and she quickly retreated her hand.

“I want a marshmallow sundae.”

“And I want a chocolate cone,” the boy chimed in.

“Anything for you, sir?”

“Oh, I’m happy to just watch kids enjoying themselves,” he smiled widely, then caught himself. “Er, my kids, I mean,” he stuttered.

Mia snorted, and Elsie blushed again. It seems they hadn’t gone unnoticed, after all. Mallory was stupid with arousal and hadn’t caught the man’s stumble, and when she turned to make their orders, she absent-mindedly flashed her ass to the small family.

“Daddy,” the boy pointed, “her butt is showing!”

Mallory wheeled around when she realized her mistake, pressing her apron close to her body.

The man hushed his kid. “Don’t be rude, Son. Remember that time you wore your Pokémon pants? And the older kids made comments about them? Do you remember how you felt?”

The boy’s eyes watered up. “Yes,” he said quietly with a nod.

Elsie felt the father’s obvious ploy, and she was grateful that the older man was happy to perv on the girls, rather than call the police. She could tell the other girls weren’t so sure, so she rolled with an idea that popped into her head.

“You have Pokémon pants, too?”

The boy turned to look at her. “What?”

“I heard your daddy say you had Pokémon pants and that kids made fun of them. I had those pants, too. I wore them to school today.”

Mia looked at the pants Elsie had actually worn that she held in her hands, no Pokémon in sight, and then inquisitively looked back to her friend.

Elsie winked. “But the other kids made fun of me, too… so I took them off!”

The boy thought for a moment, but it all made sense to him. “Oh,” he said, then smiled. “I like Pokémon.”

“Mallory had Pokémon pants, too,” Elsie continued to fib. “Well, hers were panties, and the kids also made fun of her until she took hers off, as well. That’s why she’s not wearing anything.”

Mia smirked and said under her breath, “I wish I wore my Pokémon pants today, too.”

Mallory’s heart warmed at her sister’s initiative. She almost couldn’t believe they had gotten away with it yet again, and it was largely thanks to Elsie’s quick thinking. She wished she could embrace her and kiss her deeply right then and there, but she didn’t want to push her luck.

Mallory remembered she had an order to complete and set about making it. This time, she moved freely, now that everybody in the area was aware of her nakedness, and she was able to finish the work quickly because of it. Nevertheless, it was a strange sensation to be moving around while showing off so much flesh to strangers and children alike. As she moved, the incorrectly worn shorteralls brushed across the stiffened nipples on her chest, and the straps threatened to fall off her shoulders. She moaned occasionally in both pleasure and frustration. A mischievous part of her wanted to just cast them off altogether, but that would leave her more vulnerable than ever before. The man and his kids—kids!—would be able to see her tits and pussy, which was a throbbing, dripping mess.

While they waited and watched the teenager’s ass flash in and out of view, the small girl who was the man’s daughter chimed in. “Daddy, can I take off my panties?”

The man choked. “Honey, why would you want to do that?”

“Cuz I’m hot, and she can do it, so can I do it, too?

The man glanced around. There was a lot happening already, so he wasn’t exactly innocent, but even so, his daughter’s impulse was fraught with danger. It would be one thing if someone caught the teenager being inappropriate, but it would be a whole other thing if someone saw his five-year-old daughter. But nevertheless he reasoned that if he said no, he’d risk her throwing a tantrum, which would definitely draw eyes to them from all around. “Uh, well, sure, as long as you make it quick, so nobody sees.”

The young girl hiked up her summer dress and slid her purple cotton panties down to her ankle, then stepped out of them and handed them to her daddy for safe keeping. They were violet hued, with pink bands around the waist and leg holes. “Here, I don’t want to hold them.”

Mia snickered at the man and he rolled his eyes, blushed, and stuffed the undies into his shorts pocket.

“Here’s your order, sir,” Mallory said, holding out the cold treats. She bent over as the man reached out to grab them and, with just the right loosening of tension, one of her straps slid down over her shoulder, exposing a breast. Mallory and the man both froze when it happened, and the man got an eyeful of pink nipple standing out on her small, just-developing, chest.

Stuck holding the ice cream, Mallory didn’t know what to do. Instinctively she pulled back, while the man attempted to free her hands. In their push and pull, they fumbled the desserts and they both fell splat onto the counter.

“She dropped my ice cream cone!” the boy pointed, upset.

“I’m so sorry,” Mallory blustered, pulling the strap back up onto her shoulder. “I’ll fix you a new one right away. And you won’t have to pay for anything either.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind paying for it. It was just a mistake, after all, right?” The man looked at her warmly. “You seem a little bit distracted. Maybe you should take care of something first, you might clear your head?”

Mallory turned a deep shade of red, but she knew he was right. Even with all of the reality checks she had had up to that moment, nothing seemed to clear the haze of arousal in her mind. Nothing had convinced her that achieving her elusive orgasm wasn’t the highest priority. “But there’s nowhere I can…” she trailed off.

Mia spoke up nearby. “You were doing just fine right here before he showed up,” she said wryly.

“But your kids.” Mallory protested, looking the man in the eyes.

The man crouched down and put his arms around his little boy and girl. “Why don’t you two go wait at that picnic table while the nice lady fixes your order?” The two kids skipped off and immediately began to play together in their own reverie. “There, now it’s just us.”

“I still don’t think—” Mallory began, when she was suddenly interrupted by a tickle between her thighs. For a brief moment, she froze, startled, but she soon warmed to the touch of her little sister. Elsie was more than eager to continue her big sister along her orgasmic journey. Mallory gave a long, low moan and gasped out, “Els, you’re so evil.” Instantly her cheeks grew fiery hot, along with her breasts and her dripping sex.

“You love that I’m evil.” Elsie probed her fingers through the morass of Mallory’s messy cunt, savoring the sensation of skin on skin contact.

Mallory closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, putting her hands on the counter and pushing her ass back into her sister’s hand. She wiggled her hips and savored the pleasurable feelings wandering across the nerve endings of her young vulva. It wasn’t long before her mind and body were fully under the control of her kid sister.

The man couldn’t believe his luck, that he was watching two children in consensual sexual exploration with each other, live in front of him. Yet while it was obvious what was happening, he hoped to see more. The younger girl mostly stared at her lover, but before long she turned her head to observe his reactions. When they made eye contact, he tilted his head and flicked it, making a silent request.

Elsie understood what he wanted, and she reached her free hand down to tug the lose end of Mallory’s shorteralls away from her body. This caused one strap to slip off her shoulder, followed by the other.

“Oh!” The falling garment startled the teen, but only momentarily. Her eyes snapped open and she looked around, but she only saw looks of approval from the man, from Mia, and finally from her sister, who nodded lovingly at her. Once she understood what everybody wanted of her—all of her, to see her body fully uninhibited—she smiled and allowed it to fall away completely, pulling her arms out and placing her hands back on the countertop.

Now the fourteen-year-old was entirely naked, small breasts pushing out from her skinny chest into the view of anybody around to see her. Her pussy, too, was fully in the open air, and everyone could see Elsie’s preteen fingers slipping through her overflowing trough.

The man groaned at the sight of the underage girl undulating her nude body before him in sensual joy, a pleasurable smile slowly sliding across her face as her last shreds of propriety melted away. He caught the eye of the younger one who gave a sly smile of her own and produced a glistening dildo. His eyes popped, but he nodded vigorously at the suggestion.

Elsie sucked on the head, tasting the tang of her sister’s lingering juices and brought the wetted wand behind and between Mallory’s legs once again.

“Yesyesyesyes,” Mallory whispered, feeling her nethers opening to accommodate the plastic cock. She spread her legs further and leaned over the counter. Her hair swayed with every thrust her sister gave her. “Fuck, it feels so good, baby sis.” Her moaning grew louder, more wanton.

The man watching her grew more and more excited and before long her could barely resist his own urges. He glanced around and, seeing that his kids were very much involved in their own games, turned away and pulled his cock and balls from his pants and underwear. He handled his erection and quickly matched the speed at which the two girls were humping. Watching the teenager bounce back and forth on the dildo, and jacking his cock at the same rhythm, it almost felt like he was actually fucking the young girl himself.

It may have felt like that, but it wasn’t true. That pleasure was all Elsie’s. Even if she wasn’t getting the same kind of simultaneous sexual satisfaction, the arousal of putting her sister on display like that for both Mia and the stranger was rewarding in its own way. When she felt Mallory getting close to the edge of her orgasm, she tauntingly pulled the dildo out, leaving Mallory crying and bucking her hips.

“No!” the eighth-grader gasped. “Please, I need it. I’m so close. Fuck my pussy, please.” Several times Elsie would do this, and lasciviously suck the incestuous juices from the wand, leaving her sister a quaking, mewling mess. “Fuck my pussy, Elsie. Fuck my cunt. I need cummies, please!”

The man growled quietly, “Fuck that cunt. Fuck your girlfriend’s sexy cunt.”

His words drew Mia’s attention, and she turned her head to see the man rhythmically jacking his cock. It was slick with his precum, and more spilled over the back of his fist in a dripping, shiny streak. After the shock of seeing the man joining in with the girls’ sexual gratification had subsided, a mischievous grin spread across her face and she said, “That’s not her girlfriend.”


“Hey Mallory,” she called out, “Is that your girlfriend fucking you?”

“No,” Mallory groaned in return, then added, “She’s my little kid sister.”

The man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head with a low moan. “Siblings? Fuck, that’s hot.”

Mia was a bit surprised. The stranger was the third person she met that afternoon who openly admitted to being aroused by incest. “Hmm,” she said to herself, and then sauntered over to the man.

Catching her attention, the man froze, assuming Mia was there to chastise him for jerking off in public, but her sly smile disarmed him. He watched as the 12-year-old slipped her hand into one of his shorts pockets. His heart leapt when he saw her draw out his daughter’s panties. “What are you—?” he stammered.

“So, you like incest? You like watching two little sisters make love?”

“It’s— it’s incredibly erotic,” he admitted.

“Is it now? And what about daddy-daughter?”

“Um, well, I don’t know,” he answered with no small amount of suspicion of her question. “I’ve never…” he trailed off.

“Maybe we can find out?” She held up the girl’s violet panties between her hands, stretching the fabric and showing off their shape.

The man stared at the child-sized undies, their cut decidedly unsexy. The size-5T was not meant to arouse a grown man, yet their innocent design held a strange allure all its own. “Yes, please,” the man rasped, nodding vigorously.

Mia moved his hand away from his shaft and wrapped his little girls’s kiddie panties around his fatherly cock. She pulled the gusset up to his bulbous head and it flexed underneath the pressure. A bead of precum squeezed its way through the purple fabric.

The man watched the black tween girl lewdly shifting his daughter’s undies up and down the length of his cock, the warm cotton flavored with the daily essence of his daughter’s young chalice. His erection was rutting against the same fabric that had caressed his little girl’s pussy all morning. “Ooh, fuck,” the man groaned, “this is so sick.”

“Do you want me to stop?” Mia pouted.

“No, no, please don’t stop,” he gasped.

“Okay, Daddy, I won’t,” the girl grinned, noticing the man shiver in pleasure.

Elsie looked out from the concession stand window and saw her friend jacking off the man in public, his two children playing close by, and of course the girls around him in varied amounts of nudity. They were lucky thus far, in that patronage had been slow, and that anybody who might disapprove of their immoral, underage trysting had yet to discover them. Their actions, while obvious up front, were discrete enough that they weren’t drawing attention from anyone who would have to go out of their way to investigate what they were seeing. But that small yet significant risk was amplified greatly by Mallory’s guttural moans and pornographic swearing.

“Faster, Elsie, fuck me harder!” she cried as an orgasm roiled inside her. “Fuck me, Sister, pump my cunny full with that cock!” She pushed her ass backwards, leaning over the ice cream shack’s counter. Her hair stuck to her face in wily strands in the bright heat of the afternoon. Her cheeks blushed with arousal. Her eyes rolled upward. “Fuck, I love having my sister fuck my cunt!” she shouted uncontrollably.

Mallory’s racket was making her sister nervous and the nine-year-old hissed in her ear, “You need to cum quickly before you get us caught!”

“Yesss,” Mallory slurred. “Make me cum, Little Sis. I need cummies.” She looked into her sister’s eyes, her own pleading hysterically for Elsie to finally get her off, but soon they drifted downward, manically looking for some further glimpse of forbidden eroticism, wishing to see Elsie’s bald, preteen sex. She reached out a hand and tore at Elsie’s panties, yanking them down to her thighs, strands of elastic pulling and breaking at her waist. “Let me get a good look at your little cunt, Els. Oh fuck, it’s so pretty,” she sighed. “It’s so soft and slick.”

With one hand, Elsie parted her pussy lips slightly, thrusting her hips into the light, giving her big sister a good view. With the other hand, she continued pumping her dildo in and out of Mallory’s snatch. “You made me all wet with that orgasm you gave me, Mal. You made my cunny cum so hard. Now it’s time for your pussy to cum.”

The elementary schooler quickly rubbed her forefinger up and down her cum-slicked crack, and she was mighty tempted to continue, that she might cum again, but she kept herself focused on her mission of pleasuring her sibling. Once her finger was dripping with her girlish, preteen lubricant, she brought it up to her sister’s lips.

Mallory smelled the bold scent of Elsie’s cunt. Days before, she had been repulsed by the thought of being anywhere near her sister’s fluids, but now she only felt a minor hesitation. Now she wanted to taste it, but she didn’t know why. She was scared to consume Elsie’s incestuous juice and what that might mean for her going forward. But she wanted it still, and she parted her lips, lolling her tongue out of her mouth. “Feed me. I want to taste your child cunt.”

Elsie dragged her dripping finger across Mallory’s wagging tongue, then plunged her finger into her mouth. Mallory’s lips closed around it and she sucked with all her might, sucking every immoral droplet of her baby sister’s girl-cum from her finger. The forbidden taste drove her over the edge at last.

“Ah! Ah! AH!” Mallory gasped, louder than ever before. “I’m cumming, I’m fucking cumming, Els.”

Mallory felt the warmth of her pleasure heaving up through her young, teen body. Every thought dumped from her mind except the vision of her sister’s nine-year-old pussy and the taste of it on her tongue. That, and the ecstasy exploding from her cunt like a firework, searing its way across every nerve, overwhelming her fragile mind with the most exquisite pleasure she had ever felt. She cried out, hard-cumming in front of her sister, in front of her friend, and in front of a stranger. A sliver of regard for the man’s two children also flitted across her consciousness; two kids watching her live sex show playing out in lurid, incestuous detail.

“Fuck, I love being fucked by my sister!” she blurted out, openly debasing herself to the world, admitting just how depraved she was willing to be in the open air. “I don’t ever want to stop cumming for you, Elsie,” she called, hammering her body against the fake cock.

The man watched the teen girl’s naked body squirming and bucking in orgasmic adulation. Droplets of sweat shook from her slim form. Her racy words expressed her naughty, immoral love for her kid sister, a girl so young her body remained twiggy, and her bared pussy appeared smooth as silk in the daylight, albeit notably ruddy and shining with arousal. That drew his mind to his own pre-adolescent daughter, and he gazed down at her girlie panties briskly shifting back and forth along his sensitive erection. With the tween girl’s helping hand, he made love to the same cotton that had been caressing his daughter’s child-vulva all morning, moistened, dried, and moistened again by her sweat from the day’s heat, and her natural lubrication. His own offspring’s essence absorbed into the fine skin of his turgid shaft.

His lusty eyes looked up to the face of the twelve-year-old who was jacking him off and she smiled, eyes bright, before leaning in and whispering huskily the word, “Daddy.”

Even though the skinny black girl could not be his daughter, that word was the key to unleashing his full desire, and he was set off cumming by it. He grunted, his eyes squeezing shut, pressing out small tears as the searing heat of his sperm coursed up through his cock and released into the kiddie panties. “Ahhh, baby girl,” he sighed as his cock was milked of all its frothing seed, a father’s true love offering for his gorgeous daughter.

With his eyes closed, Mia didn’t know if he was talking directly to her or to his little girl, but she admitted to herself she hoped it was the latter, even though the kid had had nothing to do with it. While the thought of having sex with her brothers did nothing to stir her loins, she found an appreciation for a father’s gift of semen in honor of his love for his daughter. However, she dared not dwell on the thought any longer, and she released the man’s cock, pulling the sticky panties away and watching a thick, slimy strand stretch and break between them. Oh my god, that’s so much cum, she thought.

Feeling some of that cum swing down and splatter against his balls, the stranger suddenly became shy and quickly zipped himself up, hiding the evidence of his illegal liaison with the tiny girl in front of him, and went to gather his kids.

Mia held out the defiled panties, “Do you want these back?”

Turning back, he blushed and said, “No, my wife would kill me if she found those now. Or if she found my little girl wearing them like that.” He caught Mia’s eyes when he suggested that his kid might have worn the cum-filled underwear, and they both swallowed hard at the thought, but he shook his head and added, “We really should be going, I think.”

Back inside the ice cream stand, Mallory laid limp over the front counter, gasping out the last of her orgasm, whimpering quietly. Elsie stood over her, lightly rubbing her glistening, naked back in comfort. Mallory pushed herself up onto her hands and turned her head to look at her little sister. She grasped Elsie and pulled her close, and swept sweaty strands of her own hair from her cheek. She looked into Elsie’s eyes with such deep care and said, “We’re bonded now.”

“Huh?” Elsie asked.

“I— I tasted your… your cunny,” Mallory stammered, red-faced. “We’ve tasted each others’ pussies. There’s no going back from that. We’re bonded in a way that’s more than just sisters, you know?” Mallory hesitated, looking down, and then back to her sister. “Does that mean we’re girlfriend and girlfriend now?”

Elsie looked her sister long in the eyes, searching for understanding. Perhaps it was true. They had had sex twice now. It was more than just an accident. They were together driven to it. She thought about their chat earlier, about boyfriends and girlfriends, and if she were to apply it to the two of them together, it didn’t really feel quite right. She adored her sister, but they couldn’t be girlfriends. She especially knew that she didn’t want an exclusive girlfriend, anyway. After all, she still wanted to have sex with Oliver again, and Warrick, too, and probably other boys she had yet to discover, still. Love was so complicated, it seemed, especially for a third-grader. But what her sister said did resonate with her.

Finally, she smiled back at Mallory. “Bonded. I like that. Let’s just call it that.”

Mallory thought for a moment, but soon caught on. “You’re right, it’s actually perfect. Not girlfriends, not even sisters, but bonded.” She grabbed Elsie by the waist and lifted her off the ground, drawing their bodies together, and then surprised her by ducking in for a deep, open-mouthed kiss on her sister’s lips. Elsie squeaked in surprise, but soon returned Mallory’s amorousness in full.

Elsie felt her panties slip the rest of the way down her legs, catching at her ankle, and pulled one foot out to wrap her legs around her naked sister’s torso, pressing their hips—and their pussies—together. They only stopped when they heard a throat clear.

It was the stranger. His son was in tow behind him, and his daughter was in his arms. He nodded to them. “I just had to thank you for the show. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” He chuckled self-consciously. “It was very, well, satisfying.”

The girls giggled.

“I guess I should get your kids their ice cream now,” Mallory said with a bashful grimace and she quickly set about making new treats for them.

As she handed off the complimentary confections, the man spoke up. “I just have one last question for you.”

“What is it?”

“Exactly how old are you? Not that it’s important,” he insisted.

Mallory giggled. “I’m fourteen, and my sister… is just nine.”

“Nine!” the man gasped. “Such a good age.”

Mallory smiled and winked, “I agree.”

“I’m five and three months,” came the small voice of the man’s daughter.

The man chuckled. “That’s right, Aurora here is five.”

“And three months,” Aurora corrected.

“And three months,” her father repeated and, with a glance and a wink back at the Brannigan sisters, he quickly and surreptitiously lifted her sun dress to flash her pantiless, puffy, five-and-three-month-old pussy.

Mallory and Elsie both sighed at the sight of it, exchanging horny glances among them.

Suddenly Mia piped up. “I think it’s best if you don’t get these two wound up again.”

“Sorry!” he laughed, “You’re probably right, young lady. We shouldn’t press our luck.” With that, he wandered off.

As they retreated into the distance, Mia overheard the man’s son say, “Daddy, that girl was naked.”

The last thing she heard from them was his reply, “Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed.” It seemed his plan for his wife was to deny everything they might have seen that afternoon.

She turned to the Brannigans. “Jeez, you two are a real pair, huh?”

“We’re bonded now,” Elsie boasted. Mallory blushed at her sister’s pride; it mirrored her own.

Mia smiled approvingly. Even though she had found it peculiar at first, somehow the two sisters now felt right together. “So where do you go from here? Are you going to be girlfriend and girlfriend now or something?”

Mallory looked at Elsie and squeezed her close. “No, it’s not like that. It’s something better.”

“I think that’s very sweet, really” Mia gushed. Then she shifted her eyes back and forth and held out Aurora’s cummy panties. “Um, does anyone want these? That guy didn’t want them back.”

Elsie eagerly shot out her hand and snatched them from Mia. “I do!” She opened them and gazed at the sticky contents.

“Wow,” Mia jeered at Elsie’s fervor.

Elsie looked around. “What? I just really like cum.”

The two other girls burst into laughter at the youngest child’s bluntness.

Mia also returned the dolphin-hemmed shorts that Elsie had cheekily thrown at her before Mallory’s sexual bombardment. The preteen re-dressed herself and the girls soon returned to their normal ways with conversation about their school activities, books they were reading, home life, and other benign topics. They laughed and reveled in the warm summer heat for many minutes before a man and a girl around high school age rounded the corner to approach the ice cream counter.

The man was Lucas Brown, the owner of Three Girls Shaved Ice. Recognizing him as he approached, Mallory snapped back into customer service mode, getting up off the counter, standing tall, and saying, “Oh, hey boss, what are you doing here?” With a slow-down in customers, the girls had settled into a light-hearted exuberance and, since the storm clouds of sexual prurience no longer loomed over them, they had quickly grown used to their lot and nearly forgotten where they were, and that Mallory was still on the clock.

Mr. Brown and his teenaged ward stared, speechless, at the naked eighth-grader obliviously trying to take their order, her small breasts and pussy bared for all to see.

“Mallory!” Mia squeaked.

The revelation of her nudity suddenly spilled over the young teen and she froze rigid, as if an ice bucket had been overturned above her head. She blushed deeply and managed to eke out the words, “Excuse me one moment,” before she turned and calmly stalked her way to the back where she couldn’t be seen behind the window.

It was quiet for a moment and the two party crashers turned to look at Mia, attempting to puzzle out just what they had seen. Mia shrugged just as the door to the truck burst open and Elsie screeched joyfully out. She raced by on a tear. “Come on, Mia, let’s get out of here!” Elsie grabbed the tween by the hand and they took off toward a park playground down the block.

As the youngest children fled the scene, Mallory sidled, dressed, back into view, her expression fighting valiantly for calm. Having quickly climbed back into her shorteralls (correctly this time, but bra and panties still discarded), she repeated her question, “So, what are you doing here?” as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, save for the deep, burning blush of her cheeks.

It seemed like the silence loomed forever, but finally Lucas Brown spoke. “I don’t know what that was about, but right now it doesn’t matter. I interviewed Oakley and I’m starting her today. I have to get my car from the mechanic, so I wanted you to train her this afternoon.”

Mallory smiled extra big, as if she could make her face shine so bright that it would burn from their memories the sight of her naked body. “The ice shaving machine is broken,” she blurted. “I tried, but I couldn’t fix it.”

Lucas nodded. “I’ll have to look at it later. Do you think you can get her started today?” He had a million other questions he felt like asking, but he had to get going, so settled for just one: “Is everything cool?”

“Yes, sir,” Mallory answered, praying he would leave quickly so she could pick up the pieces of her shattered ego without her boss present.

“Cool,” said Lucas, who turned to go, “Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”

“Cool,” Mallory echoed quietly.

New recruit Oakley looked with immense curiosity to Mallory, then back to Lucas as he headed off, then back to Mallory once again. She marveled that nobody acknowledged what they had just seen. “Uh, yeah, cool,” she said. With a smirk growing into a grin, she added, “I can’t wait.”