The Supergirl - Chapter 10b

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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 10b - SAVED BY THE BELL

“Please come in guys. You had something you wanted to share with me?”, Mr. Salinger welcomes the janitors in his office.

“Yes Sir... we have seen many wooden crates laying around all over the campus, close to buildings. We’ve picked one up to show to you. We don’t know what it is, but they seem to have some electronics inside with some wires.”

“Wires??? Show me...”, just before he is able to open the lid there is a very loud boom. Making the windows shake violently.

“GREAT GOD!!! WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?!!”, Mr. Salinger asks in shock.

“LOOK... something in town is on fire!!!”, his secretary asks.

The phone rings within a minute after the explosion.

“Can... Cannon Elem... entary... Mr. Salinger’s office...”, the secretary says with a trembling voice.

“Uhuh... okay... hold please... sir... it’s for you.”, handing the phone to Mr. Salinger.

“Mr. Salinger... good morning...uhuh... yeah... WHAT???



Okay... I understand... may God be with us!!! Bye.”, Mr. Salinger hangs up.

“OPEN THAT BOX!”, Mr. Salinger commands.

Wade opens the lid.

“OOOOHHH MYYYY GODDDD!!!”, he jumps back. While trying to grab the PA microphone he accidentally hits the school bell. Looking out the window, the men see confused students looking out the windows of the classes. He shouts through the PA once the bell has stopped.


“What’s wrong Mr. Salinger?”, David asks.

“EVERYBODY OUT!!!”, he waves his hand to emphasize the urgency.


“NO BUTS!!! OUT!!! NOOOOOOWWWW!!!”, everybody in the office runs out of the building and make their way to the baseball hall.

“What was that all about, Mr. Salinger?”

“Wade, Joe, please go around the campus and make sure that NOBODY is left outside of the COMPLEX. That was the police department warning that the explosion was a terrorist attack on the factory. They have reason to believe that this school will also be targeted and you just brought one of the bombs into my office. I’m not sure why, but the officer told us to gather in the baseball court. Transport is being arranged. Why are you two still standing here... MOVE!!! COLLECT ALL THE GIRLS YOU HEAR ME???!!! COLLECT ALL THE GIRLS!!!”, Wade sees David having trouble not to laugh. He also notices the hard-on becoming visible through the coverall.

“Well... you heard the man! Let’s collect all the little girls.”, David winks at Wade with the eye that Mr. Sallinger cannot see. He does notice the slight change in words used by David. Specifically the addition of the word ‘little’.

“Guys, when this is over... we need to have a little chat...”

The men run through the campus. One girl stands frozen against the wall in a hallway, David walks up to her, grabs her from behind, pulling her towards him by cupping her budding breasts.

The girl is shocked instantly, but she is back to her senses.


“Oh, I’m so sorry...”

The girl now makes her way on her own to the meeting point.

The next girl they find is still taking a shower after PE. She’s a alone in the shower, all the other girls have left.


“Why don’t you grab her from behind and give those a firm squeeze!”, Wade hesitates, but his hard-on takes over his actions. The girl walks into the corner of the shower, but has no way to escape. After the shower is turned off, Wade does the same as David did to the other girl, grabbing her from behind. She screams as he squeezes her breasts while pulling her towards him.

“AAAHHHH... YOU HAVE A BONER... YOU PERVERT!!! LET ME GO!!! LET ME GO!!! I WILL TELL!!! I WILL...”, David hits her face, knocking her out.

“Why did you do that?”

“Well, we don’t want her to scream for a long time.”

“What are we gonna do with her now?”

“Just carry her.”

“You mean like this?”

“Yeah... why not?”

“She’s naked!”

“We’ll say that we found her after she slipped in the shower... it happens... it only needs to be believable for a bit. You like squeezing teenage child-breasts?”

“Like it??? I think I orgasmed. They feel so good to hold!”

“Right???!!! Here, gimme your hand...”, David presses his hand between her legs, forcing his fingers into her almost hairless pussy.

“Feel that? Feel how clean it is... feel how tight it is... imagine sticking your dick in that!”

“I... I think I came again...”

“You’re pathetic, Wade!”, David jokes. The men leave the shower while Wade carries the wet, naked girl, bleeding from the nose toward the meeting point.

The men enter the building, Mr. Sallinger is at the entrance.

“What happed to her? Why is she naked?”

“We found her in the shower like this... she must have slipped from stress.”

“Okay okay... just cover her up!”

It doesn’t go unnoticed that all the male teachers are unusually interested in glancing at the naked young girl until the moment somebody puts a tarp over her.

“What now, Mr. Salinger?”, Wade asks.

“We wait for transport. This is the safest place. The National Guard is on its way to get us out of here.”

While waiting, David probes all the sweet little girls in the building. Almost all of them beyond acceptable quality to be sold or at least used. Some girls giggle, noticing the bump in David and Wade’s coveralls.

“Damn, Wade... I feel like I’m in a candy-shop where it’s all right there for the taking... I’m about to burst!!! I changed the plan a bit... I was going to get the best thirty to fifty, but after seeing the quality of the student body available here I decided to take all of them and weed them out at base-camp.”

“All of them, sir? But my daughters are also here.”

“I know, Wade. Don’t you worry. Your girls will not be touched, you have my word.”

“Thank you, sir.”

It doesn’t take long before five large army trucks arrive next to the building.

“How did they get here so fast?”, Mr. Sallinger asks.

“Everybody quick... into the trucks.”, Mr. Salinger commands.

Several minutes later, all the girls and staff are on board the trucks and they leave the school.

They drive for almost an hour to a large abandoned factory. Everybody has to get out and gather in the center of an almost empty hall where two trucks are fitted with four large freight containers with the doors open.

“Wait just a second... WHAT IS THIS PLACE? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS??? Where is the police?”

Several men have positioned themselves strategically around the group with big automatic rifles. The crowd of girls and teachers becomes somewhat loud. One of the men shoots into the air to get their attention. There is an immediate silence in the hall except for the sound and echo of the shell hitting the floor.


There is no reaction. Everybody is scared to move. Then suddenly...

“You cannot do this to us!”, one of the female teachers says.

“What do you mean? We ARE doing it... so we obviously CAN do this! Stupid CUNT!!!”, the female teachers cover their mouths after hearing that foul language.

“We are children of God!!! He will save us and he will punish you all!!!”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP, OLD HAG!!! I’m not warning you again.”

“YOU CANNOT HURT ME... I’M A CHILD OF JEZUS!!!”, then she continues rambling Bible verses.


Children screaming.

The woman is silenced immediately, surprised she looks down at her chest. One breast is shot with a rifle round. It exploded from the blast. Blood streams past her hand covering her wound. Then looks up at the shooter.

“I guess you were wrong... old hag! Where is your God now, huh?”, she closes her eyes and falls to the ground sideways.

“So... anybody else care to bring anything to my attention???


I didn’t think so.”, he expects the people to obey the order, but they are just shocked about the cold killing of the teacher.

“NOW... Everybody... MOOOOVE!!!”, suddenly the group is rushing to get into the containers.

Mr. Salinger is loaded into a bus with his staff. Wade and David join the staff in the bus which only has seats in the back. Wade is carrying the naked girl over his shoulder into the bus.

“WHY IS THERE A BED IN THE FRONT OF THE BUS???!!!”, the principal demands to know. After which David throws the girl onto the bed, she lands with her pussy pointing at the teachers.

“I TOLD YOU TO COVER HER! DO IT IMMEDIATELY!!!”, David looks at Mr. Sallinger.

“Hey... relax... you’re relieved of your duties. The safety of these girls no longer rests on your shoulders. We’ve taken custody of all the girls and we will treat them with the respect they so deserve... although our view of treating them with respect is quite different than yours.”, Mr. Sallinger stands up to help her, but is instantly pushed down by an armed man looking like a soldier standing behind him.

“Don’t you worry... she will not be harmed... much, but a girl with a body like this should be enjoyed by men. It’s disrespectful to her beauty to not have a man enjoy what she has to offer at this age!”, her legs are spread.

“Can everybody see this cute child-pussy? Especially the male teachers? Have you ever seen such pussy? I bet you fantasized about them, haven’t you? Really... how can a man look at a little girl like this hot and not fantasize about her naked body? Aren’t you wondering how it would be to fuck such a cunt? I bet you do... if you play your cards right... maybe I’ll allow you to have a go at it!”

The containers are flooded with gas to make all of the girls unconscious for the long journey. The sound from the containers disappear swiftly.”

“We travel after nightfall. Until such time, why don’t you and I have some fun with this one, shall we?”, Wade points his finger at himself in disbelief?

“But why? Shouldn’t I wait until I get my Tiffany?”

“Dude... you had an orgasm just by holding her breasts!!! There’s an enormous amount of sexual frustration mounted up inside of you due to bitches withholding sex from you. That’s no way for any man to live! I give her virginity to you...”

“MY VIRGINITY IS NOT YOURS TO GIVE!!!”, David slaps the girl hard in the face to shut her up.

“You have entered my realm. Where you have no rights... other than not being killed as a virgin. I own you now until I sell you. Once your next owner signs the papers to transfer ownership, he then then becomes your rightful owner. I will do whatever I want with you until you are sold... or die!

So wade, consider taking her virginity as a gesture of appreciation for a job well done. The hard part is behind us. We have to wait for nightfall to cross the border. We can afford to relax a bit, right? We get to enjoy the spoils of battle. You go first, she will be shared with the other men on our team later.”

Wade positions himself between her legs. Getting ready to fuck her. There’s one problem... he can’t get it up.

“Wade... what’s the matter?”

“It’s just... I feel guilty... she’s just a child... and she never made fun of me. She’s a nice young girl.”

“Yeah... so? This young girl will feel even nicer when her tight pussy envelopes your cock when it’s buried deep inside her cunt! I think you have no virginity to your name, right? Am I right? This is your chance to claim one... Nobody will be able to take that away from you... ever!”

“What if she dies?”

“Wade... with today’s harvest we can afford to lose this one. If you kill her, I won’t hold it against you. Don’t you worry about that.”

“I don’t know if I can.”, David gets a little frustrated. Grabs her by the hair, drags her head to Wade’s groin.

“Now... suck his dick! Fluff him... put that mouth to good use... make him hard!”

“ARE YOU THAT SICK? You are going to make her give him a blowjob so he can rape her?”, one of the female teachers yells.

“Yes, of course! Why not? It is very effective. It gives the man a feeling of intimacy with the girl. Would YOU like to take her place instead? Are you offering your mouth?”, then she looks away.

“Yeah... thought so. Shut the fuck up and enjoy witnessing what not many people get to see. The live devirgination by rape of a young girl.

“Are you sure you don’t want to claim her virginity yourself?”

“Nah... I’m good... I’ve got over a thousand virginities of little girls already.”, the teachers let out an audible gasp of awe at hearing that number.”

“Besides... she’s a bit old for me.”, an even louder gasp travels through the bus.

The girl opens her mouth, David pushes Wade’s limp cock inside.

“I... I’m sorry... girl...”

“Now give his dick a massage with your tongue!”

She complies reluctantly. Wade is overwhelmed by an overload of conflicting emotions. He feels guilty towards this girl having to lick his dick like this. Countered by an uncontrollable physical feeling this girl is giving him with her mouth. His mind is unable to cope with the conflict, making him freeze for a moment.

Not more than ten seconds into the mouth-massage he moans loud. His body convulses right before involuntarily ejaculating into the girls mouth while still having a limp cock somehow. David stops her from pulling the head back. Forcing her to take the full load, sperm overflowing past her lips onto her chin. Dripping from her face onto her small breasts.

“Oh... shit! I... I... I’m sorry...”, he looks at the girls face partially covered with his cum. This snaps something in his head. Putting his conscience on the back-burner, lust takes over completely. The expression in his face changes, the look in his eyes is different. The girl shakes her head, inaudibly saying no several times.

Wade slaps her face hard, sperm flies from her face onto the window. The girl screams. The female teachers too. The male teachers yell profanities at Wade, but he gets hard now. Pushes the girl down on the bed. David’s mouth is open in complete surprise. He slaps her again, making her squeal. His hard-on is pushed hard and deep into the child’s cunt. She screams from the vaginal pain. David immediately gets a hard-on too and doesn’t hesitate to take advantage of the situation. Forces her head to tilt back beyond the edge of the mattress as to push his cock balls deep into her throat now that her mouth is nicely aligned for it. The girl is in shock, it’s all a blur what’s happening to her. There’s a madman between her legs with his dick inside her, then she’s looking up a grotesque fat guy’s legs getting his testicles slapped against her face while he uses her mouth and throat like its primary purpose is to please cock.

She can’t breathe... she tries to fight off this blockage in her throat... it’s no use. David is much stronger. The two men are in control... of her body... she has no say... she is a living doll... a sex doll... nothing more than a sex toy... that can suffer... for the enjoyment of men. At the mercy of men who care about nothing else but their sexual gratification at the moment.

David squeezes her small young breasts in order to have handles with which he pulls her body towards him so he can thrust balls deep in her mouth. Trying to maximize her pain. Pushing, pulling, squeezing them hard. Banging his testicles against her face. Pubic hair enters her eyes. She tries to close her eyes, but the sensation of suffocating makes her body open them involuntarily. She knows she’s dying. She never thought she would be dying from asphyxiation due to a cock blocking the airway for a man’s pleasure.

Wade ejaculates. Moments after that it’s like he came to his senses again and feels guilty for what he just did to the girl and drops to the floor. The teachers watch Wade’s sperm leaking slowly from her vagina.

David shudders, lets out a moan, then stops moving after holding her breasts in a tight squeeze. He’s ejaculating directly deep into her throat. The female teachers are audibly revolted by the idea of this man blowing his load down this girl’s throat. The girl can feel the penis throb deep inside her. She can feel something coming out. She knows what a man’s orgasm is. Hopes to get air soon. David keeps his cock right where it is. The girl convulse heavily, David opens his eyes. Looks at the teachers with a smile.

“TAKE IT OUT! YOU’RE DONE... TAKE IT OUT!!! YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED!!!”, Mr. Sallinger shouts at David who looks him in the eye, still with a smile. Then he shakes his head.

“Nah... this is the best part. The throat massage of a dying girl!”, everybody is shocked by that statement. Unable to comprehend that a man could actually kill a girl for sexual gratification.

“PLEASE DON’T!!!”, all the teachers plead for her young life. David ignores them, closing his eyes while the final stage has begun.

“WADE!!! DO SOMETHING!!!”, but Wade is sobbing in misery after realizing his contribution in the violent rape of this very nice young girl.

David moans in pleasure as the girl’s throat massages his cock. Until her body suddenly stops moving. Moments later, he slowly pulls his dick out of her mouth. Pulling a thick string of sperm out that breaks only after several inches away from the mouth.

“Now... that is how you really have fun with a young girl!”


“Uhm... and why would I want to do that?”

“Then... then... you can fuck her again!!!”, Mr. Sallinger tries to convince him with psychological tricks. It only makes David chuckle.

“Mr. Sallinger, do you realise that I have hundreds of beautiful little girls in those trucks. I think I can afford to sacrifice one, don’t you think?”

“I... I BEG YOU!!!”, David thinks for a few moments.

“Well... she’s gone... she’s dead already.”

“No... I used to be a first-responder... she can be saved... give her CPR and mouth-to-mouth...”

“Heheheh... even if I would want to save her, I’m not giving her mouth to mouth with that filth in there!”

“I... I BEG YOU!!! SAVE HER... she is such a sweet girl!”, David thinks for a moment.

“Well... this could be interesting... why don’t YOU do it then. If YOU can bring her back... I might not kill her today...”, the principle looks shocked. Looks around at the other teachers, mainly the female teachers, but nobody seems willing to give the girl mouth to mouth with the contents that they know are in there.

Mr. Sallinger musters all his courage and walks over to her. Feels her pulse. Nothing. Her lips are blue, her skin is pale. Her breasts discolored from all the pushing, pulling, squeezing. He starts the CPR. Half a minute later he blows air into her mouth. On the way up, David’s sperm is on his face. He ignores it, but it’s an amusing sight for David. Something new, a situation he had never seen before. A fat old man trying to bring a raped, naked, dead girl back to life. Sweating like a pig.

Five minutes later, the girl gasps for air. The old fat guy did it. David even claps slowly.

“I am actually impressed. Didn’t think you could pull it off. I stand by my word and will leave the girl alone for the rest of the day.”

Wade looks at David in sadness.

“Wade... don’t be so pathetic... we need to work on your conscience if you want to live with us. You need to learn what these bitches are worth... nothing more than being men's toys!”

“Sir... I... don’t know if I can do it.”

“There’s no more turning back now, Wade... it’s a one-way track!”