PIP/Shunned/More incest

From All The Fallen Stories
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Maybe... maybe I should just test the limits. How much more can I cum now? How many times in a row can I go at it? I can already feel it. Despite having just spewed the contents of my balls all over the inside of my underwear mere moments ago, I feel like I've got a major case of morning wood and the urge to get out more of my stuff, maybe inside Hannah's fertile 12 year old pussy.

But... there's also another thing I can do with this. I could also start experimenting with the actual limits of my power. Just what happens if I try to mess with someone in their sleep? That can tell me a lot about how my power works. During the day, it seemed like they were ignoring me. But what about when they're asleep? Will they wake up for things that would have normally woken anyone up?

I wipe off the cum that had gotten all over my ass, but it is still literally dripping from my cock and balls as I go out into the hallway. But, what do I care if some of my semen gets into the carpet?

But, there is one thing I do care about a little bit more. Should I go after Hannah again, or should I try to finish things with my mom?

Well, my bastard of a father is also sleeping in that room. That'll probably ruin the mood a bit. So, Hannah it is.

I open the door to the room that the rest of my siblings share, making sure to be quiet, but a moment later I realize that being quiet completely defeats the purpose of what I'm in here to do.

I flip on the light switch, and then I declare my intentions in a loud enough voice it should even be able to wake my parents in the next room.

"Alright, I'm here to fuck Hannah in her sleep and frame Noah for in case she gets knocked up!" I practically yell.

I wait a moment to see if anything happens, but no one even so much as stirs in response. All of them are still just quietly snoozing away in their beds. It looks like the did not get woken up by my yelling. Something feels a little strange about that, even after the experiments I did with my new power last night. It just feels somehow awkward to have not even managed to wake them up.

So, I approach Hannah, intent on seeing just how far this goes. "Hannah! I'm gonna rape you in your sleep if you don't wake up!" I say, roughly shaking her by the shoulders. However, I quickly realize what the problem is here. Even though I'm being loud as though I'm trying to wake them up, I can't deny that in actuality I'm hoping that they don't wake up no matter what I do to them.

Last night, it seemed like they made some minor adjustments in accordance with my will. Is that effect strong enough to keep them asleep even while I have rough and noisy sex with Hannah?

I glance over at Noah and Leah sleeping peacefully on the other side of the room and get an odd sense of thrill at what I'm about to do.

"Alright Hannah, your brother's gonna fuck you in your sleep now," I say and then violently toss the blankets off her. I flipped up her nightgown and roughly pulled down her panties. The crotch of her panties was still thick with her sanitary pad in the crotch of it. I looked at it in curiosity, and it didn't look like much more of my stuff had leaked out into it over the night. I would just have to fix that right now.

Hmm... actually, if I wanted to make Hannah think my jiz was something that was leaking out of her, it might be a good idea to take her somewhere else so she doesn't find a huge mess in her bed when she wakes up.
