The Supergirl - Chapter 11a

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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 11a - THE LOST ARK

“Booger... what the fuck were you thinkin’ bringing me all the way down here! I’m freezing my balls off!”

“I’m sorry, Sir, but I promise that this trip will be worth the discomfort! Although, I do hope that bringing the five recently harvested virgins made the journey a little more enjoyable?”

“Yeah... they were quite enjoyable the past three weeks. Good thing we have a doctor on board who doesn’t ask questions. He just fixes their pussies so I can tear them open again every couple of days. This trip would’ve been excruciating without those girls. There’s been nothing to see for days now. Just fog!”

“I know, Sir. It’s just that we can’t go fast in this fog with all the floating ice around. Safety first, you know.”

Then the metal of the ship screeches and cracks.

“I think we’re here. This is as far as the ship can take us. We have to continue by foot.”

“By foot? Nobody told me that! What about the girls?”

“They’ll have to stay on board. We cannot put ourselves in danger by taking them along.”

“I guess you’re right. How far do we have to walk?”

“Only a couple of hours.”, David is shocked!

“Why did you drag me into this? You could’ve taken a few more men with you.”

“Well, we needed to bring your private girl collection and since you wouldn’t let us bring them along without you, you had to come too!”

“What do you need them for, anyway?”

“Your brother told us that we need them. So I guess we’ll see... I hope!”


“So, we’ve come all this way to show me an empty cave?”, David shines his flashlight into the cave. The light vanishes into the darkness. The cave is so large that the light doesn’t reflect off of anything.

“We were here before and we wanted to surprise you with what we found. We wouldn’t have brought you here if we didn’t find something astonishing!”

“The Ark of the Covenant?”

“We did find that, but it was in Scotland. The scriptures we found along with it lead us here once we were able to decipher the code, thanks to your Brother. He is one smart cookie!!!”

“Come on... show me.”, Booger turns on his much more powerful flashlight.

“The... FUCK... IS... THAT?”, David looks in awe at what he sees with his mouth wide open.

“Yeah... what’s that indeed!!!”, Booger smiles. He grabs David by the shoulder and drags him forward slowly.

“Watch your step, it’s quite slippery here. We think it’s a Kryptonian ship. A spaceship.”

“Supergirl’s ship? Is this how she got here?”, Shawn shakes his head.

“Nope... there are indications that makes me conclude that this ship has been sitting here for God knows how many hundreds of years, perhaps millennia! Supergirl was born only several decades ago.”

The men guide David on board and show him the bridge. Everybody takes off their warm clothes since the ship is nice and warm.

“JEZUS!!!”, David scares himself when a skull lights up due to his flashlight shining on it. There’s a skeleton on a bed.

“Why is there a dead guy here? Who is that? Who the fuck is that? Is it one of them?”

“Yes, Sir... he must be a Kryptonian!”

“But... how did he die? Shouldn’t he have been immortal, like Supergirl?”

“Probably yes...”

“If so... how did he die?”

“Not sure. Hard to tell. The only thing still working is life-support, a couple of faint lights. Maybe the ship is broken or out of power. Which wouldn’t be strange after sitting here for probably two thousand years give or take.”

“Where’s the power coming from to keep the life-support running for so long?”

“Yeah... that is a mystery, Sir. It seems to have an energy-source that is unlike anything any human has seen before. We think we can see it in the back through a window, but we can’t reach it. We’ve tried torching our way through, but this metal is so strange, it scorches a bit when we use our acetylene torch, but as soon as we turn off the torch, the damage disappears in moments. There’s no way we can get to it.”

“So, what’s your plan, Shawn?”

“Well, that’s where your little girls come in.”

“You see, the Captain’s seat is special. It’s very different from the other seats. It seems to have sensors that the other seats don’t have. I have a theory that I’d like to test. Unbox the girls.”, two helpers open the wooden crate. Little Luna and Celeste have been stored, folded and bound in the box. Wrapped up in straps and a handle on their backs. David lifts the girls out of the box one by one and puts them on the floor after which they are released from their bonds. It takes a few minutes for them to unfold their aching bodies.”

“Hi, Celeste, Luna, I almost didn’t recognize you with clothes on.”, David smiles at them.

“Make her sit in that seat.”, David grabs Celeste firmly by the neck to drag her to the Captain’s seat and sits her down forcefully.

Several seconds go by. Nothing happens. The men look at each other.

“And?”, David asks.

“Hmmm...”, Shawn says, “this is unexpected. Maybe it’s broken. After all... it’s quite old.”

Then some lights around the seat start to light up. A female voice says something in an incomprehensible language.

“I... I think it’s Latin... ancient Latin.”, Shawn says.

“Well, didn’t you learn Latin in school? Talk to her.”

“Yes, I did, but it’s a dead language. Nobody alive knows how to pronounce it! I’m not sure what she’s saying! It’s some kind of welcome message I think.”

“Duh... you think so? You need to do better than that, Shawn!”

“What are you saying?”, Celeste asks without being prompted. After some beeping the voice comes back.

“Welcome to the ‘Krypton Explorer Mark Six’. My name is ‘Cortexa’. What is your name?”

“Oh great... she speaks English!”, Booger says.

“Hi Cortexa... I am Celeste...”

“Good day, Celeste. Nice to meet you. The previous Captain passed away, you are now the Captain. The ship’s log reflects transfer of authority of the rank Captain completed. Transferred to the Kryptonian-Human hybrid female sitting in the seat by the name of Celeste.

Celeste, your vital signs are unusual... are you under duress?”, Celeste looks at the men. The men look at each other. Booger points a gun at Luna’s head. He shakes his head while silently moving his mouth inaudibly, but visibly saying ‘NO’!

“No... no... these... men... are... my friends...”, Booger nods with a smile.

“Good to know, Celeste. How may I assist you and your friends today?”

“Tell the system to put me in charge.”, Shawn instructs Celeste.

“NO! Tell her to put ME in charge!”, David looks agitated at Shawn.

“But, David, you have no idea.”

“Yeah... neither do you! Celeste... tell her.”

“Cortexa... could make David Captain?”

“If that is your command, I will comply.”, David pulls her out of the chair and sits down.

“Captain, this male is purely human. It is forbidden to give control to a human. Unless you force me to override the directive.”, David looks at her in a threatening manner.

“If you do this for me, sweet Celeste, I promise I will spare your mother’s life... if I can.”, she hesitates. Drops a tear from her eye.

“You promise???”, David extends his hand, offers his pinky.

“I promise... Celeste, you know by now that I keep my promises... pinky swear?”, she does the pinky swear with David, somewhat relieved at the thought that she somehow saved her mother’s life.

“Yes, I’m sure. Override.”

“I will comply. The ship’s log reflects transfer of authority of the rank Captain completed. Transferred to the Human male sitting in the seat by the name of David.”

“Good girl...”, Booger lowers the gun.

“Cortexa, is the ship low on power?”, Shawn asks.

“Status report: Power is at one hundred percent.”, Shawn, rubs his chin.

“Is the ship damaged?”

“Status report: Propulsion... normal, navigation... normal, inertial dampers... normal, self-repair and maintenance... normal, cloaking system... normal, life-support... normal, weapons systems... normal, shields... normal, teleportation system... normal, self-diagnostic complete. The ship is fully operational, however one item of concerns it the low energy level. There has been no refuel in the last six thousand years.”

“How long can we last with the current energy.”

“If I continue in the same manner as the past thousand years, it would last approximately five hundred years.”

“Oh... that’s a very long time. Then why do you say you’re almost running out?”

“The remaining energy is insufficient for leaving this planetary system.”

“Yes... not a big deal for us I guess. So tell me... how did the Captain die?”

“The Captain before Celeste died of old age. He lived for six thousand two hundred and eleven years in this planet’s years.”, the men look at each other.

“Was he not immortal?”

“He was.”

“Then how did he die of old age?”

“The Captain requested me to take his immortality so that he may die.”

“Why did he want to die?”

“The Captain fled the home world after being marked as a traitor. He fled to escape death. We traveled back in time to hide in the past. He was very interested in Humans and their development. Until he lost the will to live. Unable to return to his home, to the people he loved, unable to power up the propulsion of this ship for risk of detection, he wanted nothing more than to end his life.”

“How did you do that?”

“In sick-bay on deck three there is a unit that is called a reconstructor. It can disable immortality.”, David suddenly has an interesting thought.

“Could it also give me immortality?”

“It is not possible to give that to humans.”, visibly disappointed.

“But it can freeze your age. That would be the closest to immortality a human can get. As long as you do not die from injury or malnutrition, you can live forever.”, now that has David excited!

“Sir, we could use this ship to strip Supergirl of her powers!!!”, David’s eyes open to maximum while the epiphany hits him.

“Bloody hell!!! You’re right, Booger!!! That’s brilliant!”

“Hey, bro... maybe it can also fix your erection!”, Shawn is positively surprised at that remark. Clearly something he didn’t consider yet.

“Cortexa, make us familiar with this ship.”

“I will comply, Captain.”

The door behind the cockpit opens. Shortly after that they can hear many door open. As the men walk through the ship, Cortexa explains what many of the rooms are for and gives them a lot of information, answers many questions that Shawn has. Eventually they end up in the Captain’s quarters. The men are stunned at all the relics on display. Shawn examines some of them.

“Bloody hell!!! This is Mayan... this must be Inca... Ancient Greece... The Romans... Egyptian... these relics... are the gods of ancient times... Veracocha... Zeus... Ra... oh shit... this guy was all of them!”, the men get chills down their spines.

“Well, at least he wasn’t THE God.”, David says relieved.


The team eats from canned food as they take a couple of hours to explore the ship. They sleep inside the alien ship. 24 hours go by. During which time the men often look at the girls. Always undressing them with their eyes. The girls feel threatened by the obvious looks and stares. The men are jealous of the fat man who owns them. The man who will claim their virginity sooner or later.

“Look, David... this is what is apparently powering the whole ship. I don’t know what kind of fuel it runs on. It must be something nuclear. Maybe fusion, but it’s probably nothing like we have in use today.”

“Cortexa, what is the fuel that this ship runs on?”, Shawn asks.

“Jet-fuel?”, David tries to make a semi-smart suggestion.

One of the guards comes running up the steps into the ship.

“DAVID DAVID DAVID!!!”, he’s out of breath.

“What’s the matter?”

“You have to listen to this!”, he brought a long-range radio receiver. He tries to re-tune to a slightly better frequency.

“Urgent message for ‘El Guapo’... I repeat... urgent message for ‘El Guapo’... the burnt chicken is becoming overcooked... the burnt chicken is becoming overcooked... I repeat...”, David hits the radio hard, smashing it on the floor. He shakes his head.

“What is it, Booger asks.”

“Isis... she’s dying... probably within a day!”, tears run down his cheeks.

“Captain... your vital signs tell me that you are in distress. Can I help?”

“There is a little girl that I love more than life and she is dying.”

“Bring her to me... I can fix her.”

“She will die in the next few hours I think. And she wouldn’t have survived the journey to this place.”

“Bring me to the girl.”

“But how?”

“Please input the spatial coordinates of her location”, David looks at Shawn.

“Heck... I don’t know. I think it’s like 107º West and 28º North... roughly speaking.”

“Unable to comply. I have no data on how to convert units of temperature to spatial coordinates.”, Shawn looks puzzled.

“Temperature? Oh... the coordinate system we use today wasn’t invented yet. I have no idea how to tell the ship where to go. How about Mexico?”

“Unable to comply. I have no data for Mexico.”

“Shit... how about we fly there?”

“Captain, we can fly there if you wish.”, David thinks for a moment.

“Uhm... how do we do that?”

“Captain, you will have to fly since I have do not know where to go.”

“Me??? But I don’t know how to fly... let alone fly a spaceship! Shawn, how about you? You’re a pilot, right?”

“Uhm, yes, but only on small aircraft and it’s been at least ten years!”

“Human by the name of Shawn, please take a seat at the helm.”, Shawn reluctantly sits himself down, sweating and trembling, but he knows how important Isis is to his brother.

“Uhm... Cortexa, do we even have the energy to do this? What kind of navigation system do you have? I mean, do you have a compass and a map of the planet?”

“We never performed a survey of this planet’s surface. I only have records of our current location. The energy level should be more than sufficient to get us any location on this planet. Please define ‘compass’.”

“Oh shit... I need to have an arrow in front of me that points to the other end of the planet that is intersecting with the rotational axis of the planet.”

“Understood.”, a screen with the outside view and an arrow projected on it appears before him, covering the entire width of the cockpit. The arrow faces down. Lights start to turn on. At the other end of the cave light starts shining through the rock as doors seem to open.

“Oh shit! Am I really doing this? I hope I won’t kill us all. Can’t you tell me how to fly this thing first, Cortexa? We need to go the other way!”

“Propulsion system online and ready. Shields online at one hundred percent.”

Before anybody is ready, the ship accelerates at an immense rate. Yet nobody feels anything. Moments after leaving the cave, they see the ship they used to go to this place. Just able to prevent a collision, the spaceship dives into the ocean just before the ship without reducing speed. Shawn finally manages to keep the depth under water stable, but targets appear on screen, highlighted by Cortexa.

“There seems to be a group of surface vessels that carry primitive weapons capable of creating targeted explosions by chemical reactions at some distance.”

“Okay okay...”, Shawn does his best to learn very quickly how to control it, but what he does points the ship’s directly towards one of the naval ships. Everybody yells as a collision seems to be unavoidable.

The space ship passes through the navy ship without a hiccup.

“Oh shit... we hit a navy ship. They’re going to kill us for that!”

“The surface vessel is destroyed. The other vessels are seemingly trying to track us with a targeted electromagnetic beams.”

Shawn manages to turn the ship around to make the arrow point up. Now heading North.

“We are approaching the group of surface vessels again. We are now targeted by several electromagnetic beams. Some with a higher frequency. This is indicative of imminent weapons discharge.

Seconds later explosions surround the space ship.

“We are under attack by the surface vessels. Shields are holding. Should I destroy the hostile vessels?”

“No, if they are no threat to us, let them be. We’ve cause enough damage already.”

“Captain, it is likely that they are able to track us to a great extent. Do you wish to be tracked?”

“NO!”, all the men say at the same time.

“Understood... turning on cloaking device... ship is now cloaked.”, Shawn manages to keep the arrow pointing up, staying at an altitude of about a mile.”

“David... I have no idea where I’m going without a map. All I know is that we’re heading North, but I have no idea which part of the world we’re headed to. How do we go home?”

“Well, how about if we go high enough? You know... into space? After all, this is a space ship.”, Shawn looks at his brother in contempt.

“Bro... I didn’t expect such a sensible suggestion from you!”, then smiles. He pulls the nose up. After a minute or two they turn around. Jaws dropped in awe as they see the planet from space. Booger’s cigarette falls from his lips onto the floor. The screen is not a display like anything they’ve ever seen. It’s as if you’re outside of the ship, looking directly into space.

“Holy... fuck!!! That is so beautiful!”, everybody agrees.

David punches Shawn’s shoulder.

“Stop being so mesmerized by the view. We’ll do this again some other time. We need to save a girl’s life!!!”

“Uhm... yeah... where are we? It’s mostly dark on this side. I don’t recognize it. Where the fuck is this? Oh wait...”, he rotates the ship.

“Ah, that’s better... we were looking at it upside down. There’s Asia, there’s the Middle-East... Europe is starting to go dark... then Mexico should be bright.”, he points the nose to Central America. As they approach Mexico they re-enter the atmosphere. They can make out some mountain-ranges that are familiar and eventually find their way back to camp. Somehow Shawn is able to land the ship with some help from Cortexa.

The men disembark, David runs towards the medical facility. When he enters, he’s met with a sad face.

“Brownie, how is she?”, he shakes his head.

“Zhe iz ded, David. I am zorry!”

“How long?”

“Almost one hour now.”


David rips all the wires and tubes from her body, lifts her up and starts running towards the ship. His head dripping with sweat, his armpits soaking his clothes. Carrying the body of the love of his life over his shoulder. Running into the ship in tears, laying her into the reconstructor in sick-bay.

“Cortexa, fix this girl!!! That is an order!!!”

“Subject is a Kryptonian-Human hybrid female, closely related to Celeste. Body is severely damaged. Extensive untreated ionizing-radiation exposure as well as extreme heat having caused charring of fifty percent of the skin-tissue. She has no vital signs. Her genetic information is too damaged. Unable to reconstruct. The female is deceased.”

“What??? Is there no way to fix her? Override! Override!! OVERRIDE!!!”

“Captain, it is not a matter of directive. It is technically not possible with the current dataset.”, David drops to his knees.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! THIS CAN’T BE REAL!!!”, he’s crying like a baby.

“What do you mean with dataset, Cortexa?”

“I would need comparable genetic information.”

“Like what?”

“The only way is to give me comparable genetic data from close relatives, preferably female, so I can reconstruct missing parts. The best references would be the mother. Do you have such references for me to sample?”, David doesn’t even answer. He runs to the dungeon, grabs naked Kara and drags her to the ship. Doc follows with the mobile emitters.

“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

As David carries her up the stairs of the ship, she recognizes the material and the design.


“Here... I have the data that you need. She is the mother.”

“Please put genetic samples into the reconstructor.”

“How do I do that?”, he looks at Shawn. But before he gets an answer, he grabs his pocket-knife, presses Kara’s hand on a flat surface and cuts off a finger. He does the same with the sisters and in a matter of moments three cut-off fingers are thrown inside the machine.

“Genetic samples accepted. Two samples of Kryptonian-Human hybrid females and one sample of a Kryptonian female that is the mother. Analyzing... sufficient data found. Reconstructing....”


“GO, CORTEXA!!! Save my precious! That’s an order! Save my baby... save my love...”, his face is almost pressed against the glass. He watches how dry, charred skin slowly turns back to its original color. Getting the firm texture again of a moist, luscious fresh little girl’s skin that he loves so much.

After an hour the machine opens. Isis opens her eyes wide and gasps deeply for air.

David touches the body of the surprised girl everywhere. Feeling the freshly repaired young skin. He pushes his fingers into the vagina, then spreads her lips to look inside.

“She’s... she’s virgin again... there’s no scarring at all, she’s as tight as new. Like she has a brand new pussy. AMAZING!!!”

“Yes, Captain... all has been reconstructed. All scars have been removed and returned to the original state.”

“This is... wonderful! I want to keep her like this forever.”

“If I understand correctly, you want to stop her ageing?”

“Yes... yes of course!”

“Close the reconstructor and I will modify her genetic code so she will always stay the same.”

Kara screams. David smiles evilly.

“That’s right, Kara... she will always be a nine year old girl... I’ll freeze all three of your girls. They will always remain in the age of my preference. And tell you what... I no longer age too... that means I’ll be able to enjoy your precious, gorgeous, hot little cuties for at least a few centuries!”

She lets out a yelp of emotional pain. Fully understanding the implications of the new found technology. Understanding the new depth of the ordeal for her and her daughters.

“Rape normally becomes less painful and less damaging as the girls age. Also when their pussies wear out from repeated damage it will also become less painful. But guess what, this ship can repair any wound I inflict on them. Another reason gone for the rapes to become less painful. No more holding back ramming my cock deep into their tight little cunts!

I wasn’t going to torture them so bad leaving permanent damage but now... with these new abilities I’m going to have a lot of fun with them! Especially since you tried to destroy an entire planet including all life on it. See it as though I will be punishing you on behalf of the entire human race!

Am I not the most cruel person that ever lived? Am I not the luckiest man that ever lived? I guess God is rewarding me for all of the hard work in his name! Giving me unlimited access to a goddess and her three little goddess princesses and the tools with which to enjoy them to the max, taking my sexual needs and preferences into account. It’s like Heaven on Earth. As long as I have this on Earth... why would I ever want to go to Heaven?”