Smooth Operator/Powell Home/Milly/Slow it down

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So, Milly is literally here to have sex with you, huh? It makes sense. She may only be 7 years old, but she's a mouse. It's actually normal for mice to be fertile at her age, and from what you've learned from Matt, any girl is perfectly fine to have sex with so long as she's old enough to have babies.

But is that really what Milly wants? She's probably got a whole lot of people around her pressuring her to do this, between Mai and likely even her mom telling her this is what she's supposed to do.

"So... Milly, are you saying you want to have babies with me?" You ask her.

"Umm... yeah," she says, blushing furiously and trying to pull the hood of her sweatshirt down further over her face to hide herself in it.

"R... really? Do you actually want to have babies with me? You seem like you're pretty scared right now."

"Nnn... no! No, I want to!" She said in a sudden panicked tone.

"Really, it's Ok," you say, sitting down next to her and rubbing her arm. Her little mouse body is so small under that large baggy hoodie that's obviously way too large for her. It probably belongs to an older family member, of which she has a few as a member of a mouse family. "Is your mommy telling you to do this? You know the law actually says your mommy can't make you have babies with a boy if you don't want to."

"I... I DO want to though," she said, this time in a bit of a dejected moan. This one sounded somewhat more convincing.