Fun with Naomi/Part 29

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Chapter 29

“Here, sit down and just sit still for a minute,” Hannah’s daddy helped me climb into the bath tub. “That’s it, now don’t move.” I didn’t know why he wanted me to sit down before we even turned the water on, but I didn’t want to argue, mot with him at least.

I looked up at him. He was still completely naked and itched his hairy crotch. I was expecting him to actually do something, though, or tell me to suck him so he would get hars again. But he just stood there.

“What?” I asked. “Should I turn on the wa…” That’s when it happened. A hot liquid hit me right in the face and before I realized what was happening, the liquid started to fill up in my mouth.

“Ew!!!” I spit it out tried to move away, but there was nowhere to go. “Stawp!” I whined. But I only got more of his pee in my mouth when I tried to talk.

“Gotta wash all that cum off of you,” he explained. I turned my head and tried to block him with my hands, but his stream hit the top of my head. I could feel my hair getting drenched with his smelly pee. When I tried to move to the other side of the bath tub to escape, he peed on my chest and then got me in the face again.

He laughed at me as more of his warm liquid sprayed all over my body. Finally, I tried to push myself up to stand, but my hands were too slippery and I slipped off the side of the tub.

Instead, I just laid there and cried until he was finished. Once it was finally over, I smelled it everywhere and my hair was dripping wet. I felt gross.

“You’re disgusting!” I scolded him.

“Well, that may be,” he said. “But I’m not the one covered in piss.” He laughed. I pushed myself up from the bottom of the tub. I felt my wet hair stuck to my face, neck, and shoulders. And I watched it dripping to the tub around my head.

“I want a real shower!” I complained. Normally I would have just turned on the water, but something about Hannah’s daddy made me not want to move.

“Of course, but everyone knows that cum washes off better with hot piss,” he laughed again and I knew he was lying.

“Meanie,” I called him. But that just made him laugh more.

When he leaned down and turned on the shower, the water was cold. But I didn’t care. I stood all the way up and got under the water right away. I wanted to wash off his pee right as fast as possible.

Once the water warmed up, I was pretty sure most of his pee had washed away. But I still shampooed my hair and he got in with me to help me wash myself. He made me wash him, too, but told me his cock was the only thing that needed washing. I jerked him off with my brothers body wash, but he stopped me before I made him cum.

After our shower, I wrapped up in a towel and got one for Hannah’s dad, too. Then he wanted to see my room. I didn’t really want to show him because I thought he would probably just want to have sex with me. But I showed him anyway. We heard noises from downstairs when we walked through the hallway and I hoped she was still doing okay. But I couldn’t worry about it then.

In my room, I barely showed him anything before he took my towel away and pushed me onto the bed. “You look so cute with wet hair.” He touched my kitty and then kissed me. His towel fell to the floor of my room, too and I felt his cock against my chest as he climbed on top of me. It pressed against my stomach and then he stuck it in between my legs.

“Good little whore,” he told me before leaning down to kiss me. Then he pushed his cock into my kitty. I felt the bed move when he thrusted into me. He grabbed both my hands and moved them above my head. Rammed into me again and then kissed me.

“Yes, little girls like you deserve to have all their holes filled!” He muttered to me. “Fucking. Little. Whore.” Hannah’s dad started calling me names while he pushed into me over and over again. He was shaking my bed and making it squeak as he kept going. I wished he wouldn’t go so hard.

I could see my legs wide open in the air and bouncing when he moved. Sometimes when I looked up at the ceiling, it felt like it was shaking. I heard my stuffed animals start to fall off my bed, including the otter I’d gotten when I spent the weekend with Hannah for the first time.

I looked over at the wall, hoping he’d be done soon. That’s when I realized my bedsheets were coming off of my bed because he was moving so much. He leaned down and licked the side of my face as he kept ramming into me.

“Are you almost done?” I complained.

“Why you got somewhere to be?” He laughed. Then he started going faster. It felt like my body was moving all over the place on my bed. Even my pillow fell of the bed.

“Ah. Fuck. Yes.” He almost screamed. I know I was probably whining and complained a lot, but he didn’t stop.

Finally, he made a few gasps and after, I felt him slow down. He pulled out of my kitty and I watched some of his goo shoot on my stomach. I felt some dripping out of my kitty, too, so he must have shot a lot inside me.

Leaning down, Hannah’s daddy kissed me, “Good girl,“ he whispered. When he climbed back over me, he wiped his cock off on my nipples and then got off of my bed.

I sat up and looked at the goo on my stomach. Then I realized just how messed up my bed was. All my pillows and stuffed animals had fallen on the floor. And my sheets weren’t even covering the mattress anymore except where I was still laying. I saw my towel on the floor, too, so I picked it up and wiped off my stomach and in between my legs.

“Let’s go see how Hannah is faring, shall we?” Her dad suggested. I had forgotten about her but I wanted to see her and hoped she wasn’t too upset. It was the first time she’d been with a lot of boys at once, though. I was more used to it because I had my brothers.

We were both still naked ad I followed him downstairs. I saw Hannah laying on the living room sofa as I walked down. The room was empty.

She was still naked and as I got closer, I could see she had a lot of goo on her. It was all over her. Her eyes were closed and I couldn’t tell if she was asleep or bot.

“Hey, kiddo,” her dad tapped her on the foot. “Did you make sure everyone got few turns in you?” She opened her eyes slowly, but didn’t say anything. I saw my dad and that other guy, Brett in their underwear standing in the kitchen.

“The kids both got in 3 rounds,” Brett peeked out of the kitchen. “Rus and I both did two.” He was drinking another beer

“Damn, that’s more loads of cum than you’ve ever had in one day isn’t it?” Her dad looked at Hannah, but she just looked up at the ceiling. “And the day isn’t over yet.”

I ignored him, too, and walked over to sit down by her, “Are you okay?” Once I was closer, I saw how much jizz was in her hair, over face and on her chest. It was dripping out of her kitty, too.

“I think so,” She finally moved, lifting her head and spitting out cum before she answered. I watched it drip over her cheek and end up in her hair. When she started to push herself up, she looked down and saw how much of the men’s stuff was all over her.

“Girls, why don’t you go upstairs and get a quick bath,” my dad came in the room. “Your mothers will be back soon with lunch.”

“Okay,” I held out my hand and Hannah grabbed it. I felt some goo on her hand, but that was okay. She moved slowly but I helped her up and we walked up the stairs together.

“They kept doing stuff to me,” Hannah complained once we were alone. ”Like, more than one at a time!”

“Oh—yeah, I hate it when they do that,” I answered. “Especially if it’s not just my brothers. When I was in Florida, that’s what Edward and his son did and I hated it!”

“I wanna go home,” Hannah started to cry and we hugged in the hallway. I got cum all over me from the hug, but that was okay. We went to the bathroom after that and I got the water warmed up and filled the tub. Then we got in the bath together.

“Do you think they’ll make us do more stuff after lunch?” Hannah asked while I was helping her wash all the goo out of her pretty hair. She was leaning back and her hair was all around us in the water, she has so much hair that it’s hard to wash out when there’s a lot of cum in it. So I had to shampoo it more than once.

I shrugged, “I don’t know. My dad’s never had a bunch of people over like this before—except for the the dinner party where Jim took my virginity. But everyone left after…” Thinking about it made me feel nauseous. Were they really going to stay and have sex with both of us some more?

“Your dad…” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell her because I didn’t want her to worry if he would do it to her.

“He does it too hard!” Hannah said when I paused. It was true, but that wasn’t what I was about to say.

“He peed on me!” I blurted out.

“Ew gross!” Hannah sat up in the bath. “Why?” I shrugged.

“It—got in my mouth, too.”

“I’m sorry, my daddy is mean,” It was Hannah’s turn to hug me. I helped her some more with her hair after that and we enjoyed our time alone. When our bath was starting to get cold, we got out and dried off. Then I showed Hannah my room.

I got to show Hannah some of my toys and the clothes that Jim had bought me. It was fun to spend time with her and it almost felt normal—except that we weren’t allowed to wear clothes. Plus, she asked my why my bed was such a mess and I told her it was because her daddy just had sex with me. She understood.

Our hair was still a little wet when my dad called us back downstairs for lunch. But we left our towels in my room and went downstairs.

Our moms had brought sub sandwiches for everyone at the house. Hannah and I each grabbed one and a side of chips. We got to sit to the kitchen table while we ate. Most of the guys were in the family room or ate outside and a lot of them were drinking beer. Hannah and I didn’t drink any, though. Our moms were both eating with us at the kitchen table.

“Sweetie, I’m so proud you took a man in your pussy and your mouth at the same time!” Hannah’s mom kissed her on the forhead.

“But it was the worst thing ever,” Hannah looked mad and raised her voice. “I’m not doing that nasty stuff ever again!” I usually didn’t say stuff like that. But seeing Hannah insist made me feel like I could, too.

“Yeah, me neither!” I added.

“Oh, but you don’t want your daddy to get mad do you, Hannah?” Her mother asked her.

“No…” Hannah answered.

“I didn’t think so, Daddy’s no fun when he gets mad is he?” Hannah shook her head slowly. Tthen her mom brushed a strand of hair our of Hannah’s face. My mom just ignored my comment, I guess she knew my brothers would just do it whenever they felt like it anyway.

Hannah and I both had apple juice with our lunch which reminded me of what Hannah’s daddy had done earlier.

“Mom, is it bad to drink pee?” I asked.

“Um—no you shouldn’t do that, sweetie,” my mother answered. “That’s not good for you. Why would you ask such a silly question?”

“Because Hannah’s daddy took me up to take a shower but he pee’d on me and I think I swallowed some!” I was more concerned now.

“Oh, Naomi,” My mother grabbed me out of my chair and pulled her into her lap. “I’m so proud if you for allowing him to do that. You’re really becoming such a great little slut!” I started feeling her hands go down to my kitty.

“You know Hannah’s dad is even higher up in Daddy’s company than he is,” my mom said. “It’s wonderful you’re so willing to be such s good girl to help out your family.”

“No, I didn’t want…”

“Hush, it’s oaky there’s nothing to be ashamed of,” then my mom started fingering my kitty, so I opened my legs. “Awe, just look at howmuch of a little slut she is.” My mom said to Hannah’s mom. I kept eating my sandwich and finished the rest of my apple juice while Mommy fingered me. Her finger started feeling better and better, too.

I was still eating when it started feeling really good and dropped my sandwich back on the table. Reaching behind me, I grabbed my mom’s neck and leaned back into her. Her finger felt so great I kissed her on the neck and closed my eyes. Then I started making little moaning sounds. A few minutes later I wriggled in her lap because she was making me feel really good!

“See, that felt so good, didn’t it sweetie?” My mom asked when it was over. I nodded.

“Awe, such a sweet kid,” Hannah’s mom said.

Hannah had just finished eating, so her mom was about to take her back to the living room. I still had my sandwich, though. I went back to eating but when I looked around the kitchen island, I could see Hannah back on the sofa. When I leaned over for a better view, I saw her with a guy I’d never seen before and my dad was next to him. She had their cock in each hand and they were making her suck on both of them.

That’s when I decided it was a good idea to eat as slow as possible.

Continue to Chapter 30