A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Adventures/Drive/Excited/Tingle/Pee

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Daddy! I can't hold it! Just stop anywhere!"

"You'll have to hold it a little longer, sweetie, but we'll stop, don't worry," he calmly assured her. "I think I see a spot up ahead where I can pull off."

"But it feels like... Like it's gonna happen!"

"Well at least make it happen in the footwell so you don't get your seat wet!"

In a minor panic, Sally resigned herself to her humiliation. She slid to the edge of her seat, lifted her knees to either side of her head, and pointed her butt forward. She brought her hands between her thighs and spread her vagina open, fully expecting that she was about to burst and shamefully spray down the inside of her dad's truck... but nothing came.

Both worried and frustrated, Sally frantically rubbed her sex - a tactic that she had been trying for quite awhile already - in order to quell the growing and unrelenting itch, before she pried her pussy apart again. She alternated back and forth, spreading and rubbing herself, all the way to the bottom of the big hill.

This didn't go unnoticed by Ryan, trying to keep an eye on whether his daughter was really about to empty her bladder in his truck. But by the time he pulled off it was apparent that, at the very least, his daughter was taking a very curious approach to deal with her problem.

As soon as the truck came to a stop on the side of the road, Sally unbuckled herself. She pushed open her door, spun to one side to point herself out of it, then leaned back and spread her lips again, expecting the waterworks to finally come. And then... nothing.

Despite finally getting an opportunity for her to find relief, she found nothing but frustration.

Ryan watched his panicky daughter spread her bald sex and rock her body slightly, her parted legs still bent back in the air. It looked like she was straining, but seemingly in all the wrong ways. He watched his little girl paw at her crotch a few times, like she was desperate to work something out of her body, before he felt he should say something.

"You probably shouldn't try so hard. It isn't working anyhow. Just relax. We've got time."

Sally didn't think she had time. The idea that someone might see her not only naked but relieving herself on the side of the road was slightly terrifying. She had to be as quick as possible so they could get moving again. But, once she accepted that approach wasn't working, she took a few calming breaths and tried to collect herself.

After taking some time to let her nerves settle, she tried to tense up again and gave another squeeze. A short stream of liquid escaped from between her stretched open lips, arcing into the air. It was very short however, just a single squirt followed by a dribble that ran down her butt. It startled her a little, even made her happy, like there was at least proof that she wasn't making it up. But it wasn't very much proof either. She squeezed again and again, but nothing more came out of her.

Cupping her wetted privates, she sat up with a humiliated look on her face, barely able to glance at her dad. She had technically just let her father watch her pee, and yet that paltry showing, barely enough to cover the bottom of a cup, had been what all her fussing was about? It sure wasn't worth the unscheduled stop.

"I'm sorry..."

"No need to be sorry, pumpkin. Maybe just a... a false alarm, hey?"

Nothing was false about how Sally had been feeling. Worse than that, her tiny squirt hadn't made her feel any better. But she kept her mouth shut, too embarrassed and unable to put her feelings into words. Nothing that her dad would understand, surely. Maybe mom, but not dad.

However, her father had only gotten them back on the road and up to speed when Sally became frantic again. She couldn't even make it a mile.

"No... no, we need to stop!"

"Seriously? Are you sure?"

"Yes! Yes! I definitely am!"

So Ryan pulled over onto a grassy shoulder of the highway. Sally popped open her door and again exposed herself through it, spreading her slit for mother nature.

"Go ahead and get out," her dad suggested. "No one's gonna see you. Just stay close to the truck."

Ryan wasn't positive about that, but if she really had to pee then popping a squat had to be better than this weird thing she was doing pushing her butt to the edge of her seat.

Tentatively, Sally climbed down out of the truck, facing it as she bent her knees, holding onto the running board while bringing her bottom close to the ground. She focused, huffed, squeezed and strained, but, despite feeling like she had something to let out, she couldn't make anything happen.

She sure tried though. She wasn't about to humiliate herself by making her dad stop for no reason. So Sally stood, picking, prodding, and prying at her pussy, then squatted again hoping to have something to show for everything. But everything was just turning into a show, Sally repeatedly rising and crouching over and over even though nothing was happening.

Well... some things were happening. That itch of hers was stronger than ever, and Sally was doggedly rubbing her snatch every few seconds to try to calm it, huffing and groaning and gasping while her father watched her hysterical display, Sally desperate to coax something out of her to prove to her dad she wasn't crazy. She could hardly believe that she was doing these things that felt so incredibly naughty right in front of her dad - let alone on the side of a highway - but that was the only thing that even slightly helped. She just wanted relief.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... uhn... No... mmf... I... I dunno..."

Ryan was patient with her. It was certainly jarring watching his distressed little girl gnash at her splendidly smooth sex so sinfully. But he was hoping she would figure it out. He already had. She was all sorts of worked up and desperate for release. But her awkward masturbatory jumping jacks weren't going to fix anything. He'd have to help her through this.

"Do you wanna take a break?" The offer was met by Sally glancing about, trying to peek past the truck as if Ryan's was warning that someone could see her. "C'mon. Sit down, sweetie. We should talk."

Sally crawled back inside the truck and sat with her hands tucked between her legs while her dad stumbled through an uncomfortable conversation. She squirmed and fidgeted while her dad spoke about the birds and the bees. She rubbed her thighs together while he went on about urges. She watched the traffic zoom past while she secretly touched herself.

Ryan did his best to be short and sweet about the delicate topic and covered what was most appropriate to Sally's situation, just enough for her to make sense of things. It was a good talk overall. At least Ryan thought so. It might have even helped her had she been listening. But she wasn't in the mood. Not for that. She didn't want to talk. She wanted to do.

"Did any of that make sense?"

"Uh-huh..." she replied dismissively.

"Well there's no shame in it," Ryan continued. "Your mother has felt the same way plenty of times. I've helped her work out a few, shall we say, 'stubborn' feelings of her own. So I know how it goes."

Did he? Did he really know? That was the first thing he'd said in 5 minutes that piqued her interest. Because that meant he must know what to do about it, too.