Smooth Operator/Powell Home/Milly/Fully enjoy

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Being a horny teenager, Jordan wants nothing more than to lay her down and just stick it right inside. But, Matt has shown him enough porn that he knows he at least has to get her naked first. "All... alright, let's get these clothes off you first," he says, trying his best to imitate those porno movies as he reaches out to the zipper at the neckline of her hoodie.

"Umm..." she responds, pulling back nervously as his hand reaches for her, making him pause with a hand just hovering there for a moment. "Umm... Ok," she says in her jittery voice and then leans her head back to give him access. He reaches under her little mouse muzzle and grips the zipper, and then pulls it down the front of her body, revealing bare grey fur underneath. Jordan is surprised to discover she was wearing no shirt under that hoodie.

This continues all the way down her body until he unzips the part covering her crotch, which is also naked. She's not even wearing panties. She was completely naked under that hoodie, and now her bare 7 year old labia are staring him in the face as the nude little mouse girl lays there breathing hard and staring up at him in nervous anticipation while laying with her arms still in the oversized sleeves of the sweat shirt, her hands now hidden from view. 

A smile rises unbidden to Jordan's lips as he takes in the sexy state Milly is in. It matches up with some of the imagery he had liked a lot when Matt was showing him all that porn.

"I... I'm sorry," Milly whimpers. "M... Mai... Mai said it was a good idea," she said, having not noticed how positively Jordan was taking this as she was more preoccupied with her own insecurities and embarrassment at being naked combined with all the stuff she's heard about especially not showing her naked body to boys or pestering them to have babies.