Offline/Summon your willpower

From All The Fallen Stories
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Mustering more control than you knew you were capable of, you refuse to bring even a finger toward your cock. Your groping hand goes still and you enter into a pure test of will. Every passing minute feels like hours, the presence of your naked sister's petite warm body against you a constant reminder of how horny you are, but after some dizzying amount of time your frustrated erection eventually wanes enough that you're able to drift off to sleep.

Despite working so hard to ignore it last night, you awaken with a full erection, although that's been unavoidable for at least the past year. What awakens you though is your sister slipping out of your bunk. A voice in your head reminds you that she's probably still naked, but you're too tired to care or sneak a look. Until you hear mom's voice.

"Oh! Good morning, sweetie! Were you just changing?"


"Oh. Then what were you doing?"

"Answering the door."

A worried squint through the morning light helps you come to grips with what's going on, Em standing in front of the open cabin door buck naked with mom on the other side. Thankfully your sister's innocence brings mom to shake her head and smile. "Alright, sweetie. Well I wanted to let you know that we're having breakfast! There's waffles an-"

"MOOOM! We know," you grumble, making your annoyance heard, sliding deeper into your bunk and pulling the flap of your bag over your head. Part of this is to distance yourself from your clotheless sister, but you also can't believe your parents keep insisting on waking you up. "Breakfast happens every morning. We get it. Please stop coming out here!"

"Okay! Okay! Simmer down, young man. I only wanted to make sure you didn't sleep in too late."

"Can't we sleep in on vacation?" you grumble again. "What's the point of getting to stay up if we can't sleep in?"

"Alright. Point taken. But since you're awake... did you want to come get breakfast?"

Although you're really tired, you are also hungry. You grumble some more before finally lowering your flap. By then Emma has just finished slipping into her nightie beside you, notably with panties underneath, a fact that is easier for you to confirm when you're gazing up at her from the floor.

You quickly pull on shorts and a shirt inside your bunk and the three of you head in for breakfast together. It feels weird to see Em going to breakfast in her nightie, but that's likely a "you" issue, being more antsy than usual after last night. She's certainly not out of place. Most of the kids are in their PJs, with a couple in their underwear. The adults are similarly unkempt, Uncle Mike visiting an outhouse in tighty-whities and Aunt Debbie strolling around in pajama pants and a plain bra. You even get to see your college cousin Lizzy briefly wander out of her cabin wearing a stringy looking black sports bra and a thong for no reason other than to ask her mom a question.

These sights (despite being of family) would normally be a curious distraction for your brain, but they hardly phase you. You eat head down, grunting single syllables at whoever comes near, partly because you're tired and partly because you can't stop replaying last night in your mind.

A girl's hand... touched your dick.

Nevermind the exact details. Can't deny facts. A girl touched your hard dick. It's crazy to think you can truthfully say that. And although you haven't caught sight of it - despite the way that Em changes so carelessly in front of you - it's astounding to think you've officially touched a real-life pussy, too. Not "touched" exactly, not in the same way. More it was touching you. Still counts though. You've even felt up a girl's ass. Wasn't half bad either.

When it comes right down to it, last night was... awesome. And there's no question that, when you spin this tail for your friends, you aren't going to mention any of that involved your kid sister.

Mom pats you on the shoulder and suggests you head down to the river to get washed up. It's so annoying that she keeps dictating your life... but you do it anyway. You probably stink or something. But you instantly regret your decision, finding Uncle Willy down there lifting his balls and splashing his gooch. Fucking great.

You almost turn back but when your uncle drops his junk and invites you in you can't just say "No thanks," especially since you're holding a towel that mom gave you. You obviously came here for a reason. So, grumbling to yourself, you strip, cup your crotch with your hands, and keep a cautious distance from your uncle's ball-spray, without being outright rude. You trudge out until you can drop far enough into the water to cover your neck without thinking of how that gives you an upward angle of his junk.

The idea of enjoying a bath in nature had some appeal at first. But with your chatty Uncle Willy affably blathering on as if he isn't standing knee-deep in the river with his ballsack dangling in plain sight... you make it a very short visit, scrubbing down the important bits and staring at the ripples in the water long enough to not make it seem like you're running away.

Unfortunately you couldn't run away if you wanted to. After you make it clear you're done, Willy announces he's done as well. So after you both towel off and dress on the shore, he walks you back to camp punching your arm and laughing like he didn't imprint a traumatic experience upon you with his long swingy scrote.

Worse than that, after you hand your towel back to mom he invites you to sit down to continue your chat, something your mother encourages! You glare at her pretty plainly to let her know what you think of that idea, but she wants you to get to know your family better. She has no clue. You already know _way_ more about your uncle - and his willy - than you'd ever like to.

But what you want doesn't matter on _this_ vacation. You get sat down among the adults, forced to endure some hellish conversation about fishing boat accessories while mom sends your sister down with a few other cousins for them to get washed up as well. You briefly try to think of a reason for you to have a second bath... but that's way too creepy.

Resigned to your fate, you sit there drifting in and out of the meandering conversations of old people, nodding politely when prodded, but otherwise catatonic. It sucks so hard that time loses all meaning, like you're stuck in a black hole. Two hours or 20 minutes, you have no idea how long you're trapped circling this angling event horizon, but it's your sister who rescues you. Her hair is damp but she's still wearing her nightie and asks for your help to get to your cabin so she can get dressed. What a godsend.

The adults release you and you meekly thank your sister once out of earshot. You probably could've left sooner, but you rationalize to Em that you were only subjecting yourself to that conversation to score some brownie points with mom with the hope that she loosens the leash a little. Your sister decides (the contrarian that she is) to defend both mom and Uncle Willy from your grousing, claiming that he's a "real friendly uncle". As if. You have to wonder if your sister is even related to you, but you spare her the details of Willy's gooch-splashing.

After leading your sis through the bush, you step behind a tree for a pit stop once the cabin is in sight. Emma continues on without you (once she realizes why you stopped). It's less than a minute later, but when you enter the cabin you find your sister standing there holding your sketchbook.

"Why are you drawing me?"


Deny it! Say it's not her!

Deflect and ask why she's always naked