Ryder's Temporal Quest

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

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Ryder stood at the windowsill in his family's habitat, feelings of anxiety creeping in as he watched the sun rise on the horizon. His father’s hovercraft had already departed for work, and with summer break in full swing, Ryder should have been carefree. However, tomorrow marked a significant milestone in his boyfriend's life—his tenth birthday. Ryder wanted to make this occasion memorable with a meaningful gift, but he was drawing a blank. The importance of this coming-of-age celebration weighed heavily on his mind, and he was determined to find the perfect gift.

“Pixel,” Ryder said, addressing his wristband AI assistant, “what should I get Jax for his birthday?”

Pixel, in its monotone machine voice, said, “The best gifts combine thoughtfulness, uniqueness, and sentimental value. Perhaps a personalized sex toy?”

“No, that's what I gave him last year.” He stepped away from the window and started pacing in his bedroom, deep in thought. When he himself turned ten two years ago, he had experienced a fantastic celebration, even though he and Jax weren't together yet. His parents and friends had thrown him a lavish party with novelty hover spheres and numerous gifts, followed by an action-packed day of laser tag with androids. Ryder was determined to create a birthday experience for Jax that would be just as unforgettable and meaningful. “Remember how great my tenth birthday was? We have to recreate that.”

“Replicating a bunch of novelty hover spheres, gifts, and androids in the replicator would not be difficult.”

Ryder thought about the situation, “But Jax doesn't particularly like those things as much, and his parents are managing most of the arrangements. Recently, Jax has become captivated by ancient texts about unicorns and similar fantastical creatures. I believe they're called fairytales. It's all he talks about these days.” A thought struck him, “Could I possibly get Jax a unicorn from his fairytale book?” He wondered if such a gift would truly make his boyfriend's birthday extraordinary.

“Yes.” There was a pause before Pixel responded again. “However, the historical data surrounding unicorns is quite limited. Without a viable DNA sample, you won’t be able to replicate one.”

“Frell, there is always something. Is there no way to get a unicorn?”

Pixel said, “Aside from the few ancient Earth texts recounting the existence of unicorns, there is little data on them. The most relevant sources suggest that they went extinct shortly before the Dark Age of the Internet, which thrust the world into chaos.”

Frustrated, Ryder muttered, "Zerk a quixx.”

“However, retrieving a unicorn might be possible if you use your father’s chrono-displacement pod. While traveling back to an exact time would be difficult given the vast timeframe, the pod could arrive within a few decades of the last known unicorn sighting.”

Ryder pondered the idea, considering the possibility of using his father's pod. Although he didn't fully understand temporal mechanics yet, his father had made time travel sound relatively straightforward. Moreover, his father had amassed a variety of fascinating gadgets from various eras throughout his career in the temporal waste department.

Pixel's idea seemed plausible, but Ryder hesitated. He knew that his father might not approve of him borrowing the chrono-displacement pod without supervision, as it was primarily used for work-related purposes. Weighing the pros and cons, Ryder wondered if there was another way to make Jax's birthday extraordinary without potentially upsetting his father. “I don’t know. Dad might get upset.”

Pixel added, “Pardon the pun, but the trip would take no time at all to complete.”

Ryder chuckled, realizing that the time spent on the mission would be minimal. He made up his mind, “Alright, when you put it that way, this is something I should definitely do. To the pod bay!”

As Ryder's father often worked from home, a significant portion of their habitat was dedicated to his office and workspace. Although Ryder generally knew better than to meddle with his father's work, he decided that this extraordinary occasion called for desperate measures. The doors to the work area slid open at Ryder's arrival, revealing an eerily quiet space with the lights illuminating the room. The workspace resembled a typical lab but with various odds and ends scattered about. At the back of the room, the sleek matte-gray two-seater chrono-displacement pod sat dormant on its docking station.

Ryder had a basic understanding of how the pod functioned, but not how to operate it himself. The pod was equipped with a quantum resonance chamber that enabled quantum-level manipulation of space-time for temporal displacement. However, the rest of the mechanics remained a mystery to him. Addressing the AI, he asked, “Pixel, you can control this thing, right?”

“Yes. One moment.” The pod energized with a soft whirring sound. The top half of the domed pod came to life with a vivid image of a green landscape with a stone structure. “I will use this image from Jax's historical text to search for an appropriate time and location.” Several other images appeared and faded as Pixel searched time for a suitable match. While Ryder waited, a thick blob of viscous gray goo dripped off the pod and landed on the floor.

“What’s the dark slime?”

Pixel said, “The dark slime, also known as chronokinesis or temporal fluid, covers the pod and allows it to penetrate time while gliding seamlessly to your destination. Because you are intending to travel many thousands of years back in time, an extra thick layer is required.”

Ryder, intrigued, asked, “So, it's like time lube?”

“Yes, the concept is similar.”

More of the dark slime oozed out of unseen pores on the pod surface, and the excess fell to the floor, only to pool around the pod’s feet. He couldn’t help but ask, “Is it toxic?”

“Technically, the temporal fluid is perfectly safe for humans. However, contact with the fluid may cause chronological instability, sensory distortion, or quantum entanglement. The excess chronokinesis fluid dripping off the pod will eventually evaporate safely into time.”

Ryder nodded, acknowledging Pixel’s explanation. Although he had a limited understanding of the terminology, he knew that any unintended side effects could cause problems for him. He made a mental note to avoid contact with the temporal fluid. As Pixel made calculations for their temporal journey, Ryder paced back and forth, deep in thought.

He asked Pixel, “When we find a unicorn, how will we persuade it to come back with us?”

“Historical records suggest they are similar to mammal pets, either to be purchased or captured and forced into captivity.”

“Do you think my allowance will allow me to afford one?”

“Unfortunately, there will be no digital currency in use at our intended destination.”

Ryder sighed. “So, I am, as they say, ‘frelled’?”

Pixel replied, “Ancient civilizations often used a barter system, an exchange of goods, to trade. Items such as food, precious minerals, or labor could be exchanged for other goods. You may wish to bring genetically enhanced food or rocks from the garden to trade with.”

Ryder raised an eyebrow, “Garden rocks?”

“Indeed,” Pixel said. “For many centuries, stones made from diamond, emerald, and ruby were considered to have monetary value.”

Ryder rolled his eyes. “You better be right about this. Trading common rocks for a unicorn seems a bit off the mark.” He took the time to venture out to the garden and grabbed a handful of rocks that could fit in his pocket—stones no larger than an inch in diameter. It was better to take a wide range of colors, not knowing which might be more desirable. It was also a good thing he had the place to himself at the moment. Ryder could only imagine what his mom might think if she saw him filling his exosuit pocket with gems from the garden.

After gathering the stones, Ryder went to the culinary fabrication unit and produced enough genetically modified beans to fill his other pocket. He thought to himself, “Who knew getting the perfect birthday gift could be this strange?” With his unique collection of garden stones and beans, he was ready to embark on his quest to find a unicorn.

Pixel chimed—the preparation of the chrono-displacement pod had been completed. Ryder returned to the pod bay with his pockets full. The pod door opened automatically as he approached, and Ryder peered inside. It was cozy; there was only room for two red fabric seats. In addition, there were various compartments with scientific gear for whatever measurements and analysis his father normally did.

He entered, and the upper half of the pod became translucent. Ryder took a seat and fastened the safety harness. With a deep breath, preparing himself for the unknown, he said, “Ready whenever you are Pixel.”

The machinery of the pod hummed louder, and the pod door closed. The cabin was pressurized with forced air as a five-second countdown appeared on the forward screen. So far, this seemed remarkably similar to taking a standard hovercraft, which Ryder had done countless times before. When the countdown reached zero, the scene outside of the pod seemed to ripple and distort, creating a mesmerizing vortex of swirling colors and distorted light. It morphed into a swirling tunnel that engulfed the entire pod. Aside from the visual appearance of movement, the pod felt as if it hadn’t moved an inch.

“Pixel, it looks like we are moving, but it doesn’t feel like it. Is that normal?”

“Yes. This was not just a journey through space, but a trip through the very fabric of reality. There will be a slight lurch as we exit the wormhole's grasp and normalize with our destination.”

Seconds stretched into minutes, yet the destination remained tantalizingly out of reach. Ryder was getting bored. “I thought time travel would take less time.”

Pixel said, “Unfortunately, the temporal fluid is quite viscous. Relatively speaking, it limits the speed at which we can transverse time. However, we have nearly arrived at our destination.”

Ryder tapped his fingers on the armrest. “Lets hope we can find a rainbow-colored unicorn—Jax would like that.” The pod vibrated, causing Ryder to lose his train of thought. The swirling vortex of light gave way to a green blur, which morphed into a landscape. A tingling sensation ran through his spine as the pod settled in a field. There was no doubt, this was the destination Pixel had chosen with the best chances of finding a unicorn.

After a moment of getting acclimatized, Ryder unfastened himself from the chair and stood up. “Good. Let the search commence!”

The pod door opened, and Ryder stepped out into a lush, grassy field. The midday sun hung overhead, and a gentle breeze carried an unfamiliar scent of vegetation. As the temporal fluid from the pod dripped onto nearby wild plants, strange pale-blue flowers bloomed almost instantly. In the distance, large trees obstructed Ryder's view in all directions.

“So Pixel,” he said, “any idea where to start?”

“I detect two large lifeforms about 800 meters southwest of here. You should start there.”

Ryder, aware of modern privacy laws, knew that invasive scans of people were forbidden. Information such as gender, age, and weight could not be gathered and reported on by AIs. Society had learned from the Commercial Age, where automated and personalized ads had become so effective that people couldn't resist the constant urge to buy. Just before society's collapse, new laws were established to prevent such manipulative practices from taking place.

Nowadays, even Pixel couldn't provide specific details about individuals, but that didn't stop Ryder from trusting in the AI's ability to detect people who could be helpful in his quest. He looked at the direction indicator Pixel provided and set off walking.

He marveled at the impressive landscape around him—a completely wild stretch of land that was unlike any wildlife preserve he had visited before. These were usually enclosed domes designed to maintain and showcase flora and fauna. However, the untamed landscape surrounding him now was on a completely different level. Plants grew unbounded in every direction, sprouting wherever they pleased, and avian lifeforms were permitted to traverse the trees freely. Some avians even constructed their habitats in the trees, creating a unique and untamed environment.

After walking for a few minutes, Ryder asked Pixel, “I’m curious—how far back in time did we travel?”

Pixel replied, “Our chrono-displacement journey took us approximately 3,141 years into the past.”

“It seems like they don’t have enough maintenance droids to handle all the work.”

Before long, Ryder was distracted by other things. After a few more minutes of walking, they emerged from the plant growth and discovered a dirt-laden path bordering a field. It was a primitive path, but clearly for some kind of travel. In the distance, he could see a person walking beside a large brown creature. The creature, despite its odd color, was similar to the image of a unicorn he was searching for. Pixel had guided him in the proper direction, as expected. With an extra skip in his step, Ryder hastily went to meet the strangers.

As Ryder approached, he noticed that the figure walking alongside the unicorn-like creature was a man. Upon making eye contact, both the man and the creature stopped in their tracks. The man was dressed in what appeared to be sleepwear, with a worn shirt, patched pants, and well-used shoes. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, with dark, disheveled hair and a spark of curiosity in his gaze. The man held the brown creature's reins, which were attached to a headpiece.

Upon closer inspection, Ryder realized that the unicorn was much larger than he had initially thought. Additionally, it did not possess the characteristic horn he thought unicorns were known for. As Ryder drew nearer, a new distinct smell became apparent.

“Greetings,” Ryder said. “I am wondering if you can assist me in my quest.”

The man and unicorn-type creature studied him for a moment. The man said, “Are you some kind of knight or page? I have never seen armor such as a ‘hat before.”

Ryder tilted his head. “Night? Armor?”

Pixel explained, “The man is referring to your occupation and exosuit.”

The man jumped back, startled. “Who said that?! What kind of sorcery is this?”

“Huh?” Ryder was puzzled as to what had startled the man.

“I have no desire to consort with evil spirits!” the guy added.

Pixel said, “Ryder, if you will permit it, I will explain the situation to the man using appropriate vernacular for this age.”

Ryder shrugged. “Fine with me.”

“Good sir,” Pixel said. “Do not fear. I am but a simple pixie who inhabits my master’s enchanted armor. My master, the honorable Knight Ryder, has journeyed from a faraway kingdom on a noble quest to obtain a unicorn and bring it back home. We humbly ask you to aid us.”

The man thought for a moment, considering what Pixel had said. I seemed to settle him because soon after he said, “A unicorn? Never seen one.”

“But surely this animal here is of the same family?” Ryder said, gesturing to the brown creature standing before him. “It’s color is a bit off, and it’s missing the horn on its head, but it resembles an image of a unicorn.”

“My horse? They are common enough around here. I have seen plenty of things, but never a unicorn.”

Ryder turned his attention to Pixel. “Surely, a unicorn by any other name is still a unicorn, right?”

Pixel said, “The creature designated as ‘horse’ is a 99% match for the unicorn description. Modifying its color and adhering the appropriate pointed protrusion to its head would be a straightforward task.”

Dying the horse's fur and adding a horn seemed like a straightforward task to transform it into a unicorn. “Then I will get a horse if they are more common.”

“As it happens,” the man said, “I was on my way to th' market to sell this one. I don’t want to, but I have no choice in th' matter.”

Optimistic, Ryder reached into his left pocket and pulled forth a handful of the genetically modified beans from the food replicator. “I have these specially modified beans I can trade. Would that do?”

The man was skeptical. “No, I'm not falling for that again. I once traded a cow for some magic beans, and it led to oversized beanstalks and a giant problem. Never again.”

“Oh,” Ryder said, as he returned the beans to his pocket. He then reached into a different pocket and pulled out a mound of diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. The gems caught the sunlight and glistened in his palm. “Would these stones do?”

“Ah…!” the man said, staring down at the gems. “Yes, I think a handful of those would do very nicely indeed!”

Pixel had been right—people would trade for worthless stones. “Good,” Ryder said. “Now, is there a way to make the horse more… compact? I am worried it’s too big to fit in my pod.”

The man looked puzzled. “I'm not sure I understand. It’s a horse; most people ride them.” The guy patted the back of the horse’s head. “Albert here is a strong workhorse.”

“A sperm sample would be sufficient to clone and replicate the horse,” Pixel said. “There are suitable sample containers back at the chrono-displacement pod.”

Ryder nodded in agreement. “That does seem like a reasonable compromise.” Turning back to the man, he said, “Forgive me, but I don't know your name yet.”

“These days, everyone calls me Jack Giantsbane, on'account of the adventures of my youth. Perhaps you have heard of me.”

Ryder shook his head. “I can't say I have, but I am not from around here,” he said, still clutching the handful of gems. He then added, “Instead of buying your horse, could I possibly be permitted to court him until I have acquired his sperm? I would still pay you and him with these rocks.”

Jack and the horse looked at each other for a moment. “You’ve really never seen a horse before, have you? It is odd to think of a knight not having a horse to ride.” Jack was quiet for a moment. “Well, if you are willing to give me jewels in exchange for fucking my horse, I won’t judge. I’m not really in a position to turn down th' offer anyway.” Talking to the horse, Jack said, “How about it, Albert? One quick poke in th' ass and we will be set for life.” The horse let out an audible sigh.

“I don’t speak horse,” Ryder said. “Did he agree?”

Jack snorted. “Albert is easygoing and something of a horndog. He’d hump a fence post if he felt like it. He’ll do it.”

“Great! And for the record, I won’t need to fuck him—just collect his sperm.” Ryder paused. “Pixel—I just realized... Will I be cheating on Jax if I make Albert the horse cum?”

Pixel said, “That is a complex and philosophical question. One school of thought suggests that since you are at a time centuries before your relationship with Jax even exists, it is not cheating.” Ryder thought about that—it sounded a bit too convenient. “And,” Pixel added, “in all likelihood, if you give Jax a horse, he may also wish to engage in sex with it.”

It was a good observation. Ryder had no idea what Jax would do with a unicorn or horse once he had one. “Right…” he said, smiling.

“You must be from a far-off place—I don’t understand half of what you are saying,” Jack said.

Ryder rocked back and forth with glee. He was one horse cum-load away from getting what he needed for the perfect gift. “I am excited—Jax is going to be so happy! Let's hurry back to the pod and find Albert a container to sperm into.”

Jack looked skeptical. “Heh. Pod?”

“Just follow me—it’s not far from here.” Ryder turned and started back towards where they came from. Jack and his horse followed as Ryder left the dirt path and started walking through the trees. It wasn’t long before they were in sight of the familiar gray pod, just as he had left it—almost. In the short time Ryder had been gone, the flowers around the pod continued to grow. The dripping temporal fluid had formed a colorful wildflower garden surrounding the area. The scene resembled an outdoor sculpture garden in this way.

“I’ll go find a container,” Ryder said. “Wait here a moment.” He brushed past the knee-high wildflowers and entered the pod. After looking in a few of the compartments, he found a clear cylindrical specimen container. The eight-ounce volume seemed excessive for a sperm sample, but he wasn’t sure if the horse would have good aim when the time came—so to speak. He popped back out of the pod, returning to Jack and the horse. “I hope this will do,” he said. “I’ve never seen a horse cum.”

“Umm, sure,” Jack said, eyeing the bottle. “You know, Albert can’t fire off a load without some stimulation.”

“Yes, I know.” Ryder pulled the gems out of his pocket. “Before I forget, here is your payment.” He handed a handful of stones to Jack, who readily accepted them. Glancing at the horse’s underbelly, Ryder said, “Now, I assume Albert’s penis is somewhere between his legs? Can he even see it? It seems inconvenient for him to access.”

“Heh, it’s there. I’ll hold on to him while you do your thing. It's th' least I can do.”

Jack held onto Albert’s ropes while Ryder bent down to inspect the horse’s genitals. The horse had a massive sack of balls, each more than twice the size of Ryder’s fist. The horse was clearly made to produce sizable quantities of jizz. The shaft, however, was a bit of a disappointment. The diameter seemed right for the horse’s size, but the length was hardly worth mentioning. “He sure does have a nice pair of balls, but if I am being honest, the shaft is a bit of a letdown.”

There was a chuckle from Jack. “You’re in for a surprise then—horses are ‘growers,’ if you get my meaning.”

“Shall I proceed then?” Ryder asked.

“I’ve never seen anyone handle a horse with such care. It's an animal, after all, not the brightest creature. You'll be waiting a long time if you're expecting his permission,” Jack replied.

Ryder kneeled beside the horse to be face-to-face with the horse's cock. He set the specimen container on the ground to free his hands. This was by far the largest set of genitals he had ever seen—or encountered. He didn’t know how detailed Jax’s ancient texts covered unicorn anatomy, but it was starting to become clear why someone might want one of these animals. The horse shifted slightly and swished its brown tail. Ryder took matters into hand, literately, and reached out to fondle the massive balls. The huge, warm ballsack bounced and swayed in his fingers. “Feels like he is carrying a mighty load,” he muttered to himself. Despite its impressive size, a penis was still a penis like any other, and Ryder had plenty of experience with them.

The flat tip of the shaft emerged slightly from its sheath, revealing a pink shaft on an otherwise black set of genitals. Ryder used his free hand to rub his thumb over the spongy tip. To his amazement, the shaft expanded further from its hiding place—in a short period of time of rubbing, it extended around a foot in length. “Frell!” Ryder said, with amazement. “You were right; it grew much bigger!”

“I did warn you,” Jack said, snickering.

The bulbous tip nearly poked Ryder in the face as it grew to its full length. Using both hands, he stroked the massive shaft. It was like massaging someone’s arm. The horse’s back legs pawed at the ground while his tail swung side to side. Eventually, a drop of precum glistened on the slit. It appeared Ryder was doing something right. The situation caused his own boyhood to become stiff in his underwear. Now the only scientific question running through his brain was, does horse cum taste like human cum?

To Jack, Ryder asked, “Do horses enjoy a blowjob?”

“Not sure what that is.”

Pixel explained, “A blowjob, also known as fellatio, is where the penis is stimulated by the mouth.”

“Huh,” Jack said. “I can’t say I have seen that done to a horse before. Especially with someone as young as you.”

“There is a high probability that a horse, similar to any living being with a penis, would find oral simulation agreeable,” Pixel said to Ryder. “Just avoid biting the sensitive flesh with your teeth.”

“I know that, Pixel—this isn’t my first time.”

Ryder parted his lips and ran his tongue over the tip. It was by far the largest cock he had ever been confronted with. Overall, it seemed rougher and muskier compared to a human penis. His tongue was small in comparison, and there was no way the entire shaft would ever fit in his mouth. In fact, any normal human would struggle to give a horse a proper blowjob. Still, sucking on it a little wouldn’t hurt…

The distinctive taste Ryder now knew as ‘horse’ filled his mouth as he took the crown of the cock into his mouth. It was large, but he managed to fit it between his lips. He sealed his lips around the edge, and that was as much as he could take. Anymore, and he’d gag for sure. Ryder stared down the incredibly long shaft protruding from his mouth and stroked what he could while sucking the tip.

The horse whinnied as his massive hips thrust forward. It caught Ryder off guard, nearly pushing him over. It was clear the horsecock wanted to go deeper into his throat, but that wasn’t going to happen. Some things are physically impossible—Ryder knew it, even if the horse didn’t. Instead, the cock popped out of Ryder’s mouth as he steadied himself.

“It looks like he approves,” Jack said.

“Heh, yeah. Any chance you could tell him not to thrust?”

Jack snorted and shook his head. “No luck there.”

“Fine. I guess it’s all up to me then.” Ryder moved back into position, and he could sense the heat of the throbbing maleness on his face. A glimmer of watery pre-cum appeared on this tip. He squeezed the rigid cock, causing a small amount of pre-cum to escape the massive reservoir of cum churning in the horse’s balls. Ryder’s boner strained within the confines of his suit—he was turned-on more than he expected. He was doing this for Jax, right?

Pixel said, “Your exosuit seems to be experiencing some tension in the groin area. Would you like me to—”

“I am fine,” Ryder said, cutting Pixel off midsentence. “I am only after a sperm sample. Besides, Jack might get the wrong idea if I started wanking off while doing this.”

“Heh,” Jack said. “I am pretty sure we are past that stage.”

Ryder ignored his biological instinct to jerk off. He leaned forward, bringing his mouth close to the tip. One quick lash of his tongue was all it took to taste the tangy fluid again. His limited resolve was already waning. He mashed his lips against the tip of the horse’s cock, sucking the wetness straight from the flesh. Then, while gripping the shaft with his hands, he wrapped his mouth around as much of the tip as he could. Heavy spurts of musky fluid liberally oozed from the slit directly onto his tongue. This time he moved his slick tongue across the features of the head, tickling at the subtle ridges and undulations on the non-human penis.

Compelled to go further, Ryder stretched his mouth as wide as possible as he tried to engulf more of the tip. His lips stretched around the shaft, forming a near-perfect seal as the remaining part of his mouth was filled. With the cock now lodged firmly in his mouth, he continued to stroke the long shaft, bringing the horse closer to a climax.

Pre-cum collected directly onto his tongue, with nowhere for it to escape. Ryder had experience with sex and seen a lot of porn, but nothing could compare to the lewd situation he found himself in currently—this was a monster-sized cock he was sucking on. It was safe to assume he was the only twelve-year-old boy from his time who had done this before.

The horse tried to thrust deeper, and Ryder was ready for it this time. The cockhead was already firmly lodged in his mouth, so it wasn’t going anywhere. Physically, the horse cock was as deep in his mouth as it would go, but the horse still made random jabs towards his throat. That, however, didn't stop the pre-cum from flowing. As Ryder sucked, he swallowed the lewd fluid filling his mouth, making a mental note not to swallow the actual cum, as difficult as that might be.

The massive cock throbbed as the horse thrust forward once again. Ryder's eyes went wide as the cockhead expanded in his mouth, lodging itself behind his teeth. Before he had a chance to react, a burst of thick, potent fluid filled the back of his throat. The horse was cumming, and the force and volume of the jizz took Ryder by surprise. He had expected a big load from a cock of this size, but the reality was even more intense than he had imagined. The mouthful of thick cum coated his throat and spilled out past his lips. Instead of drowning in the jizz, Ryder pulled the fat cockhead from his mouth and let jet after jet of horse spunk cover his face and drip down his chin. The sheer amount of semen was overwhelming, and Ryder couldn't help but feel a mix of fascination and shock at the sheer power of the horse's orgasm.

Ryder grabbed the specimen container on the ground and spat the cum from his mouth into the jar. Despite being cum, it was definitely different from human jizz, almost alien in a way. The massive flared cockhead was a sight to behold—he was amazed it even fit in his mouth. The shaft continued to throb as the flow of cum dwindled after the first few wads. It wasn’t long before the massive horsecock appeared to deflate. Ryder took the time to rub his face clean-ish and collected the gooey mess into the jar.

Standing, he sealed the container of horse cum. Ryder studied the jar in the light and marveled at the volume he managed to collect. He said, “I have given blowjobs before, but that was completely new to me. It seemed like I barely got started, and then he blew his load. And now my face is a mess.”

“Yeah,” Jack said. “Horses don’t beat around th' bush. They get in, cum, and get out. Though I can’t say I’ve seen a lad your age handle a horse like that before. It’s obvious you aren’t doing this kind of thing for money like a regular prostitute your age might. It got me wondering what you do with people.”

Ryder glanced at Jack. The guy was still holding the horse’s rope with one hand but rubbing his crotch with the other. And the trousers Jack was wearing didn’t leave much to the imagination. Jack had an erection—it was as clear as day.

“Umm… I was really only after the unicorn, err, horse, sample.”

Jack raised an eyebrow. “So, nothing about that got your blood pumping?” he asked, smirking slightly.

Pixel chimed. “Ryder could benefit from recreational sex.”

Ryder hesitated, glancing at Jack. “Yeah, but... do we really have time for that?”

“You have a time machine,” Pixel reminded him. “Traveling to a moment in time one-second after we originally departed from home is a simple task.”

Ryder’s boner was still straining within his suit. He shrugged. “I mean, I guess we could hang around a little longer.”

Jack's face lit up. “Great!” he said, grinning. “Because I want to plow your ass.”

“Wow, so blunt. So umm, is ‘plow’ like fuck, or are there some tools involved?”

“In this context, plowing is traditionally identical to fucking,” Pixel explained.

“Hmm, good to know.” He stood there for a moment. With his boyfriend Jax, Ryder usually did the penetrating during sex, but there was nothing wrong with changing things up from time to time. To Jack, he said, “Alright, as long as you know, this is just a one-off. I am already in a committed relationship.” Jack nodded in agreement. Then, looking around, Ryder asked, “Where do you want to do this?”

“Right here in th' field, it suits me just fine,” Jack said.

Ryder glanced around at the open field. Aside from the chrono-displacement pod still dripping with temporal fluid, there weren’t many noteworthy features between here and the tree line. He would much prefer someplace more comfortable—like a bed or couch. “I guess that would be okay. I can grab a blanket from the pod. But, what about Albert?”

“He’ll be fine just grazing in the field. He won’t go anywhere.”

While Jack waited, Ryder went to store the sample of horse cum and retrieved a brown emergency blanket from the pod. This may not have been an emergency in the traditional sense, but it was better than rolling around in the dirt and weeds. He opened the blanket and spread it out nearby. Just as Ryder was about to say, “Maybe I should search the pod for emergency lube too,” he turned to Jack. Jack, in his impatience, had already dropped his trousers and was rubbing Chronokinesis lube from the exterior of the pod on his erection.

Ryder raised an eyebrow. “Frak—I'm not sure that's a good idea,” he said, concerned.

“It’s fine—if you’re half th' boy I think you are, this will work.” Jack continued to coat his shaft with the goo without a care, except for his carnal desires.

“Umm… yeah…” Ryder said. There was no doubt Jack was only thinking about entering him, but Ryder was more concerned about quantum entanglement and time distortions. It was obvious that explaining the complexities of time travel mixed with the potential side effects of temporal goo to Jack would be pointless—especially now after he had already smeared his dick with the stuff. “So Pixel, would it be bad to maybe coat one's genitals in Chronokinesis fluid?”

Pixel replied, “While there are no known health effects, the temporal effects are minimal but unpredictable or varied. Eventually, the affected tissue regions will return to normal.”

“Hmm, I guess so long as his cock doesn’t disappear to another point in time, it will be okay.”

“What?” Jack said.

Ryder said, “Oh, nothing…” Who knows, it might make sex more interesting, and he liked to try new things.

Jack snorted. “I have seen plenty of things in my time. Having sex with a magic boy knight who keeps company with invisible pixies hardly compares to what I have seen. Right now, I just want to mount your ass with my hot poker.”

With a shrug, Ryder said, “Okay, I guess...” The AI had never misled him before with the wrong information; if the chronokinesis fluid was non-toxic, this would be fine. Hopefully. His opinion was swayed by the fact that his own boner was aching for some relief. Ryder used the controls on his exosuit to change the settings for sex activity—specifically for easy access to his genitals. The metallic gray and orange fabric and components of his suit retreated, exposing the region of his lower waist to his thighs. Within seconds, the wind was gently against his boybits.

“Your enchanted armor is stunning,” Jack said, “but let me see that ass.” Ryder turned to let Jack see his butt. Jack came up and cupped Ryder’s left butt cheek with his hand. “This might be th’ finest ass I’ve seen on a boy.”

“Thanks.” Ryder used to have a tutor when he was younger who complimented his ass, back before he was dating Jax. In many ways, Jack was similar to that tutor. It was nostalgic. Jack’s hand continued to explore Ryder's buttocks, running his fingers between the butt cheeks. The situation was screaming a classic old-school fuck position. Ryder asked, “Do you want me on all fours or do you want to try a more advanced position?”

“All fours, like a bitch in heat.”

Somehow, no matter how advanced civilization had become, the classic doggy-style position had never gone out of fashion. “Right,” Ryder said. He got down on the blanket and pointed his back end up towards Jack. “Ready.”

Ryder glanced back as Jack got into position behind him. Jack said, “I must be th’ luckiest man ever,” as he smeared the warm Chronokinesis goo on Ryder’s butthole. “First I get a handful of precious gems, and now your firm young ass.”

For a twelve-year-old, Ryder knew his butt was on par with most other boys his age. But if he was being honest, Jax’s butt was even better than his. The idea of Jax’s perky, tight bottom made Ryder’s dick throb. As Jack rubbed the goo between his butt cheeks, his attention focused on the tingling of his anal ring. Ryder said, “I am pretty tight; go easy.”

“Best to do it quickly,” Jack replied, forcefully pressing two slick fingers into Ryder's entrance.

“AAHh! Frell! I said, go easy!” Ryder cried out, his body tensing as Jack's fingers delved deeper. He clenched the blanket tightly, trying to relax and open himself up to the intrusion.

Jack moved his fingers in a circular motion, exploring Ryder's depths. “Tighter than I expected,” he murmured in a low voice.

Ryder grunted, his body trembling with pleasure and discomfort. He should have known that Jack, a man from thousands of years in the past, would be rough around the edges. However, the chronokinesis lube was doing its job, providing a slick and sensual barrier between Jack's fingers and Ryder's sensitive flesh. With luck, Jack would find his prostate and make this all worthwhile. At least that was Ryder’s hope here and now. The tingling of the lube spread from his anal ring and traveled inward, stimulating his other muscles. At the moment, Ryder would rate Jack as a B+ on the sex scale.

“Good,” Jack said. “Not too loose but well oiled.”

Ryder was not a novice and knew, with the lube, he could handle it. Being horny, he could overlook some discomfort—as long as it ended with his needs being satisfied. The fingers left his hole and were replaced with the tip of Jack’s hard, pulsing cock pressing on his rosebud. Ryder couldn't help but compare the size of Jack's manhood to the horsecock he had been playing with earlier. While Jack's penis was smaller, it was still a formidable size, and Ryder couldn't wait to feel it inside of him. The man’s dick was probably around 12.7 cm (5 inches) in length, so it could get the job done.

Jack used more force to press the head of his erection into Ryder’s entrance, while he in turn pushed back. Ryder’s anal ring got the message and opened to tightly engulf the head in its grip. “A-aahh…” Having breached the opening, Jack’s hard member journeyed forward with less resistance. There was a familiar feeling of being filled; it had been a while.

Dropping his head down on the blanket, Ryder could see between his legs. Behind his nearly hairless 8-cm (3.14-inch) boner pointing directly at his face, his eyes locked on the sight of Jack's cock disappearing inside of him. It only took another thrust for Jack’s adult tool to sink into him most of the way. There was a moment of fullness followed by a glimmer of delight as Ryder’s prostate finally got stimulated. “Mngh-ph… Yesss!” he moaned—that was what he was looking for. Jack held Ryder’s bare hips tightly as the last bits of his shaft were slid in.

Without wasting time or giving Ryder a chance to adjust, Jack started thrusting in and out. Jack seemed to surrender all of his body’s control and decision-making to his manhood. Ryder let the roughness of Jack’s assault on his hole wash over him. Was Jack a considerate top? No. Did it feel good to have the rigid dick rub his most intimate spots? Yes, it did—a lot. As Jack’s skin slapped against his butt cheeks with each thrust, Ryder tried to thrust back in unison. The man gave a hard thrust, then another, then another, digging into his snug hole. Excess lube was now dripping down his butt and onto his balls.

Ryder let out little moans each time Jack pounded into him: “Aaahh... Nnmm... Ohhhh...” It was similar to the sounds his boyfriend Jax would make when they were making love, except Jax’s hole was never as tight as his. Jax likes sex toys, and butt play was a big deal to him. There is no doubt his boyfriend would be jealous if he could see him now.

The tingling of the unusual lube was still there, but it was dwarfed by the pleasure felt as his ass was taken by Jack. Ryder’s hands scrunched the blanket up as his toes curled, overwhelmed with physical bliss from the 20-something year-old man pounding him. Jack was pressing into his prostate over and over again now, and Ryder was enjoying the ride. His head moved back and forth, continuing to let grunts of pleasure escape his mouth with each thrust—he, not only Jax, could enjoy a good fucking from time to time.

Jack grabbed Ryder’s shoulders. The guy was pushing, grunting, and thrusting deeper and deeper into him a real dog in heat. Ryder could feel Jack's whole body rocking back and forth as they fucked. At the moment, out in the middle of a random field, they weren’t much different from two animals going at it.

“I am about to cum!” Jack said between thrusts.

“A-aahh... Okay.” Ryder would have liked to be fucked a bit longer, but he was eager to jizz as well. He grabbed his shaft with his right hand and stroked as fast as he could. As Jack's thrusts grew more untamed, Ryder felt his own climax building.

Pixel beeped and said, “Ryder—I should point out—”

“Not now,” Ryder said in haste, interrupting the AI. “Read the room.” They were moments away from reaching the finish line, and it was not the best time for distractions.

Jack thrust hard and buried his manhood deep inside Ryder’s smaller frame. The man’s knob pulsed, expanding inside Ryder’s ass. Jack was spraying his spunk deep inside as he said, “Fuck! Take it!”

Inside Ryder’s pleasure canal, the man’s cum mixed with the lube and coated his insides. More importantly, every wad of cum came with a throb of the man’s shaft on his prostate. It was pure pleasure—Ryder collapsed forward on the blanket as Jack shifted more of his weight onto him. The excitement rose and hit his eager boyhood in an instant. His body shuddered in release, muscles clenching around Jack as he cried out in pure, unadulterated pleasure, “Mmmfffp! A-aahh!!! My hole is on fire!” His bowels squeezed uncontrollably, strangling the remaining spunk out of Jack’s fleshy invader.

Ryder lost count of the number of spirts of cum he fired, but each time his penis pumped more watery boy jizz out, it came as a relief. “Ohh Oh… Aww.” But just as he thought he had reached the end, a strange sensation began to build in his prostate once again. Jack's erection was still buried deep inside him, and Ryder's anal muscles began to spasm around it. He gasped in surprise as another orgasm tore through his body, just as strong as the first. An unprecedented second orgasm hit Ryder like a ton of bricks. “OOhhh. Frell me!!!” He whimpered as his young balls expelled another load of jizz.

Jack collapsed on top of Ryder and said, "Oh, fuck! I am still cumming.” The throbbing in Ryder’s ass confirmed it.

Ryder didn’t mind the extra weight of the guy on top of him. The real surprise was the second orgasm. He had been fucked before, and by better partners than Jack. But, this had never happened during sex before. Sure, he had wanked off twice in a row before, but this was not the same thing.

As Ryder tried to think, his prostate screamed out in pleasure, causing his boyhood to do what it does best—firing more wads of cum. His body shook as yet another load of jizz spilled from him. Ryder held his shaft, but it did no good. He was reaching a climax for the third time, and the cum didn’t stop flowing out of him. Ryder had never experienced anything like this before—it was as if his body had become a wellspring of pleasure, with no end in sight. Beneath him, the blanket was getting drenched from all the sperm.

Jack cried out, “I… I'm... Ohhhh…!” and shuddered. “What kind of magic is this!?”

Ryder's mind raced as he tried to make sense of what was happening. The likelihood of two people having three orgasms in a row was astronomically low, yet here they were, caught in the throes of pleasure. He couldn't help but wonder where all this cum was coming from, as it seemed to flow from him so effortlessly.

As Ryder's anal muscles clenched around Jack's cock, he felt it throb and pulse, releasing even more waves of sticky, warm cum inside of him. “Oh...frell,” he gasped, trying to catch his breath. “Maybe if you could...pull out...this might stop.” But even as the words left his mouth, Ryder felt another orgasm building within him. His cock twitched and throbbed, releasing another burst of boy-spunk onto the bed beneath him. He let out a low moan, completely overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations coursing through his body.

Ryder's mind was a whirlwind of pleasure and confusion, unable to process what was happening. All he could do was hold on and let the waves of ecstasy wash over him, hoping that he would somehow find a way to make it through to the other side.

“A-a-ahhmmn,” Jack moaned into Ryder's ear, shuddering with each pulse of his cock. “Why do you want this to stop?”

Ryder whimpered, his voice barely audible as he tried to catch his breath. “This isn't normal. Four... no, fivvve!!” He cried out as another orgasm tore through him, his anal muscles clenching and massaging Jack's cock as gooey fluids leaked down from his ass. As his dick spewed more hot cum through his fingers, Ryder called out to Pixel, his voice strained with pleasure. “What the frell is happening?”
Pixel's voice was calm and measured, even as Ryder's body writhed in ecstasy. “As I was going to point out before, I detected that a high concentration of the chronokinesis fluid was absorbed by your genitals—” Pixel paused as Ryder moaned, unable to process words as another wave of pleasure crashed over him. “—As a result, localized regions of your body are experiencing chronological instability. The sensory distortion you are experiencing is due to time looping back on itself every few seconds.”

“Fraking! Frelling! Zerking a quixx!” Ryder cried out. “I—AAWwww, can’t stop cumming!”

Jack, however, seemed to be enjoying himself. “Oohh. Keep it coming, boy,” he moaned, his hips still thrusting as he succumb to one release after another.

“Jack… Mmm-ahh—I know it feels good, but you need to pull out,” he gasped, his voice strained with the effort of speaking.

“Just let me finish cumming first,” he moaned, his voice husky with desire.

Ryder snorted, annoyed. “You may never stop cumming! Get off!”

With slow reluctance, Jack finally made an effort to pull out, his body slick with sweat and cum. If Jack was feeling half of what Ryder was, the continuous stream of orgasms was making him weak in the knees. Ryder had little control over his anal muscles. They clamped down hard again and again, resisting Jack’s progress to slide out. Finally, there was a literal pop when Ryder’s hole lost the last of the adult member. Ryder's hole, now free, clenched and spasmed, expelling a stream of jizz and lube onto the blanket. It was as if an entire team of jocks had drowned his hole in cum, leaving him spent and exhausted.

“I—OOhhh Awww!” Ryder's body trembled with pleasure as another orgasm tore through him, leaving him breathless and panting. He lay on his back next to Jack, his body still wracked with wave after wave of ecstasy. Jack's manhood throbbed and bounded wildly, each pulse sending another stream of cum shooting into the air beside him. Ryder couldn't help but be amazed as the sticky fluid rained down around them.

Ryder gasped, “Pixel, please tell me I am not going to die like this!” He shuddered as the wave of pleasure ran up his spine.

Pixel said, “The chronokinesis fluid is evaporating from your affected tissue, and the cycle is starting to slow down. The time loop has gone from restarting every 3.14159 seconds to every 6.28318 seconds.”

“I—Aaahh... Ohhhh… don’t feel like that is much of a—Frell!—difference.” Desperate to find some relief, Ryder wrapped his hand around his cock, trying to shield the sensitive flesh from any further stimulation. But even as he did so, he knew it was no use. His prostate and dick seemed to have a mind of their own, eager to keep going even as his mind begged for mercy. Ryder’s balls fired wads of boy cum again and again, like they were running a marathon. “How—Aww—much—OOhhh, longer?”

“At the current rate,” Pixel said, “I estimate it will be out of your system in 9.42477 hours.”

“Oh, Frell, no! Even a professional porn star couldn’t survive that!” It was intense and pleasurable, but without a break to recover, catching his breath was nearly impossible. Ryder's hole gaped open and closed as his body prepared for another climax to hit. “My poor... Ahhhh!... penis won't survive!” he said, his voice strained. Ryder had never experienced anything like this before, and he wasn't sure he ever wanted to again. The orgasms were cripplingly strong, leaving him weak and trembling in their wake. He didn't like losing control over his body in this way, his mind and body at odds with each other as he struggled to find some semblance of control.

Pixel said, “Technically, since it is a localized reoccurring time loop, your body is experiencing the same orgasm over and over again. Your penis—”

“This has to—” Ryder shuddered “—stop. I can’t lay here in a puddle of my own jizz and keep cumming for nine hours! At this rate, I’ll never want to cum again!”

“A-a-aawww,” Jack moaned. “I don’t know why you are complaining—this is the greatest thing ever!”

Pixel explained, “The fastest way to counteract the chronokinesis fluid would be to reenter the chrono-displacement pod. Time travel causes the fluid to evaporate faster.”

“Ooohhh Frelllll! You could have mentioned that soooooner!” Ryder got on all fours between successive orgasms, causing cum to drip down from the lower half of his body. Jack still lay beside him, succumbing to each time loop of his orgasm with delight, squirting cum like a lewd fountain with an endless supply of jizz. Only Ryder seemed concerned by their situation. Ryder shuddered and came again. His dick throbbed as the cum sprayed below him. “Jack—Uggh!—if you are good—Aaawww, ohh—I am leaving.”

“Mmmfffp! Stay! We could fuck every day!”

“Nnhg… not happening. I have a boyfriend to—frell!” Ryder wasn’t going to wait another moment for Jack to come to his senses. The guy was lost in lustful bliss.

Ryder ruefully switched his exosuit back to normal, trapping the gooey cum still dripping from his ass and pouring out of his dick inside. The suit was self-cleaning, and it was a better option than explaining to his dad how the inside of the chrono-displacement pod got caked in his jizz. He was weak in the knees and didn’t dare stand. Intense orgasm after orgasm made walking impossible. Instead, Ryder crawled on all fours back towards the pod. “Pixel—get the pod ready. We are going aaahh home.”

As Ryder climbed into the pod, it hummed to life. He collapsed into the seat, body trembling with exhaustion and pleasure. Pixel took the reins, preparing the pod for the return home. Ryder was a hot mess, jizzing into his suit while the AI worked. The exosuit, sensing his discomfort, activated its internal systems. A soft, slender tube emerged, inching towards Ryder's sensitive areas. He gasped, hips involuntarily bucking as the device began to siphon away the excess fluids. “Pixel, hurry,” he pleaded, caught between pleasure and embarrassment. “It's... it's almost too much.”

The suit, programmed for efficiency, didn't miss a beat. It adjusted its suction, applying gentle pressure to Ryder's shaft. The tube wriggled around, drawing out the last drops of the cummy goo. Ryder's breath quickened, body tensing as the sensation washed over him. “Oh, wow…” he murmured, caught between discomfort and delight. His hips lifted off the seat, a silent plea for more. The suit complied, its gentle vacuuming pulling Ryder into a whirlwind of sensations. “Yes!… I mean, no. This is... so wrong,” he stammered, torn between his body's demands and his mind's protests.

Pixel beeped and said, “The chronokinesis fluid is nearly gone from your system.”

Ryder opened his eyes slowly to see that the pod was in fact traveling in time again. He was too focused on his body to notice they had left the past. “Why does it feel like I am still about to jizz?”

“Your suit is unintentionally overstimulating your body.”

“Then stop it,” Ryder demanded, his patience wearing thin. “I don't need this.”

The tube retracted, but the damage was already done. Another wave of pleasure washed over Ryder, his body betraying him one last time before he could regain control. “Oh…” he groaned, his body shuddering with the aftershocks. “No, frell…” His voice was weak, his body spent. With a sigh, he surrendered to the exhaustion, his body going limp. “I swear, I'm never doing that again,” he murmured, his voice trailing off as he drifted to sleep.

𒀯 𒀯 𒀯

Some time later, Ryder opened his eyes, finding himself still within the pod. The surroundings suggested that he had returned to his home. The overwhelming sensations that had previously weighed him down were now absent. He attributed this to the vitality of youth, noticing that he could bounce back more quickly than his parents had ever been able to. Furthermore, his body appeared to be functioning normally, as he no longer experienced the intense, unrelenting orgasms that had plagued him before. Time travel, it seemed, was not for the faint of heart.

“Pixel,” Ryder said, “how long was I asleep?”

“16.1803 minutes.”

He stood, unconcerned by the short passage of time. “Tell me, did I set a new record for the number of successive orgasms?”

“While such information is not well documented, the answer is no.”

Ryder stretched and twisted to make sure he was good to go. “Explain. I came like a thousand times or more.”

“Technically, I recorded you having two orgasms. One you experienced multiple times due to temporal instability, and the other was from the unintended stimulation provided by the exosuit.”

He snorted. “I feel like some of the details are getting lost due to so-called technicalities.”

Pixel said, “I am not equipped to monitor disruptions to the linear progression of time due to quantum entanglement.”

“Hmm, it sounds like you are making excuses to me.” Ryder turned and happily grabbed the jar containing the horse sperm from where he had stored it. “Anyways, back to business. We have a unicorn to make.” He exited the pod, which, as far as anyone else was concerned, hadn’t left the docking pad all day.

The next step was to take the horse sample to the OmniCreate Replicator X-3000, an essential device for every habitat. It had the ability to make anything, assuming it had access to the necessary data. The only drawback was its substantial size, equivalent to a standard bedroom; but that was unavoidable if you needed to make large-scale objects.

He stood in front of the control panel for the replicator. “Okay, Pixel—I have never made something that wasn’t already in its database. And I don’t just want it to make a few gallons of horse cum. What do I do?”

“Start by pouring the sample into the analyzer.” As Pixel said it, a hatch opened on the machine for sampling. “The sample will be destroyed, but the information for replication will be saved. It will then use the DNA to extrapolate it into a living being.”

“Seems like you could make people this way,” Ryder said as he opened the container of cum.

As Ryder started pouring the jizz into the analyzer, Pixel said, “Cloning or creating humans in this manner is illegal. The OmniCreate Replicator X-3000 would be unable to produce a living human.” After the entire sperm sample was emptied into the machine, the hatch closed, and the machine went to work analyzing it. After a few moments, the replicator was ready. Pixel said, “To replicate an adult horse, it will take roughly 30 hours to complete.”

Ryder frowned—Jax’s birthday was tomorrow—he didn’t have that much time to wait. “Hmm. I can’t go forward in time to retrieve the horse because it won’t fit in the pod. Is there anything you can do to make it go faster?”

“If an adolescent horse would suffice, the replicator will have it done by tomorrow morning.”

“YES! Do that! And add a rainbow-colored tail and a unicorn horn on its head too.”

Pixel said, “Modifying the DNA to add the horn may not be successful, but I will program the machine to attempt it.”


“The last step is to set a behavioral template for your unicorn.”

Ryder tilted his head. “Huh? I have never needed that for an animal before.”

“All animals in the replicator’s database come programmed with an appropriate behavioral template. However, since there is no unicorn on file, will we have to add one. Might I suggest a canis lupus template to ensure loyalty and obedience?”

Ryder shrugged. “I guess a dog has four legs like a unicorn... Sure, use it.”

“The OmniCreate Replicator X-3000 is now ready, on your command.”

“Yes, do it!” Ryder jittered with excitement as the machine began to work. “Jax is going to be so happy with this! I can’t wait…”

𒀯 𒀯  ?

The next morning, Ryder jumped out of bed, full of energy. The events from 3,141 years ago (yesterday) were fading like a distant memory. Not bothering to change out of his pajamas, he grabbed his armband from the charging station and ran to see if the replicator had finished. When he got there, to his dismay, it was still working. He paced back and forth in front of the machine. If this didn’t work, he wouldn’t have a gift.

His stomach rumbled, and at the same time, he got a new message notification. Ryder lifted his arm, and the holo screen from his wrist appeared—it was a message from Jax with a picture attached. The message said, ‘Just woke up. I can’t wait to see you for some birthday fun!’ He then glanced at the photo. Jax was still in bed, wearing his blue Techachu pajamas and uncombed wavy hair, but he had pulled his waistband down, revealing his hairless, now ten-year-old, boner.

Normally, Ryder would jump on the opportunity to send a dick-pic back to Jax, but his concern about the unicorn took precedent. And the unintended cumfest from yesterday was still kind of weighing on his mind—no morning erection today, as it happened. He managed to respond to his boyfriend with ‘Great! Me too!’ but the message was forced. There wasn’t a backup plan for a birthday gift—it was a unicorn or nothing—and he didn’t want to see Jax empty-handed.

“Pixel, this has to be perfect,” Ryder said. “How much longer is this going to take?”

“The unicorn is in the final stages of preparation. It will be finished in a few seconds. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” Ryder held his breath. The replicator stopped humming. Pixel beeped and said, “Replication error 69.”

Ryder was stunned. “What!?! Are you kidding? What does that even mean?”

“Unfortunately, some human DNA was mixed in with the sample you collected. This caused the OmniCreate Replicator X-3000 to create a unicorn that is 49% human.”

“Wait, so let me get this straight. The machine couldn’t separate the DNA samples, and now I am left with some sort of frelling monster. I thought the machine wasn’t allowed to replicate humans. What gives?”

Pixel said, “Technically, the final product is 51% non-human, so it passed the safety checks. As to the final aesthetic appeal, only you can judge that.”

“Ughhhh… Fine. Open it up. Let’s see what I am dealing with.” Ryder braced himself as the large sliding doors to the fabrication pad slid open. The space was filled with a white condensing fog—normal for anything manufactured in the replicator. He held his breath. There was no telling if the hybrid creature was even able to live. He could totally imagine something with five legs and three tails crawling out of there and dying on the spot. However, the sound of hooves padding on the floor told him otherwise—the thing was alive and exiting the foggy space.

The white mist billowed around the form as it emerged. Ryder was stunned as he processed the scene appearing before him—the creature defied anything his imagination could have come up with. What the replicator had made did have four horse legs, white fur, and a rainbow-colored tail—all that was well and good. The top half was, however, unexpected. This part of the creature was a bare-chested boy, starting at the waist where the unicorn head and neck should have been. He looked around 12 years old, had long blonde hair, brown eyes, and smiling pink lips. The boy-creature was cute by any standards, and overall, he stood about 150 cm (~5 ft) tall.

“What am I even looking at?” Ryder said eventually. “That's totally not a unicorn. It is more like a uni-boy... boy-corn... or hor-boy?”

“Apologies,” Pixel said. “According to the technical specifications from Jax’s fairytale book, it appears the OmniCreate Replicator X-3000 made a creature known as a ‘centaur’ by accident.”


The centaur approached Ryder and said, "Hello, master! You smell nice!” while swishing his rainbow-colored tail.

Ryder said, “So, umm. Let me get this straight. I wanted a unicorn, but got a half-boy, half-horse creature with the mind of a dog instead?”

“Technically,” Pixel explained, “he is 51% horse, 49% human, and does have the general mentality of a dog. At least you got the rainbow tail you requested.”

With a sigh, Ryder said, “Yeah, there is that.” He walked around the boy centaur, examining its features. It wasn’t what he intended, but it didn’t appear to be a complete loss. The creature was from Jax’s fairytales, and it did have some visual charm. Had it been some nightmarish monster, Ryder would have incinerated it immediately. As he came back around the front, he ran his hand along the centaur’s white fur; it was both soft and warm.

The centaur boy said, “That feels good Master. I looove getting scritches.”

“Okay,” Ryder said to himself more than anyone else. “I think Jax might still like this.” He went back to face the centaur boy. “So, you are actually a surprise birthday gift for my boyfriend, Jax. He will be your master, or um, owner. But I should probably name you.” He paused and thought. “Maybe, Orion?”

“Orion,” the centaur boy repeated. “I am Orion.”


“Do I get a treat for being good?”

Ryder snorted. “Wow, you really are thinking like a dog. Yeah, okay, I need to eat something too.” If he was keeping the centaur, he had to take care of it for the time being. He turned toward the kitchen area. “What are you in the mood for, food-wise?”

“Some dog food and grass would be great!”

Ryder shuddered, rejecting the idea of letting Orion eat something so unsuitable. "No, just no. You're WAY too much of a boy for that. And I couldn't stand to see you eat it," he said, looking at Orion. Suddenly, he had an idea, pounding his right fist into his other hand. "I know—pancakes. Jax loves pancakes. The first thing I will do is teach you to eat pancakes for breakfast..."

𒀯 𒀯  ?

Breakfast turned out to be a delightful success. Orion, despite being a centaur with a canine-programmed brain, shared the taste preferences as a regular boy. Seeing this, Ryder's confidence in his decision to give Orion to Jax as a present grew even stronger. The shared love for pancakes was just another sign that Orion would be a perfect gift for Jax.

While the idea of having a talking centaur boy instead of a unicorn was indeed strange, Ryder couldn't help but feel content with the outcome. Orion's optimistic and upbeat demeanor made him a delightful companion, far more responsive than Jack's horse, Albert. As Ryder reflected on the successful yet messy time-travel adventure, he realized that it had worked out for the best. Filled with anticipation, he hoped Jax would share his enthusiasm. With time to spare before the birthday party, Ryder decided to go relax and enjoy some holo games, making the most of his free time.

Orion trailed after Ryder as they left the eating area and headed to the HoloDen. Before he even had time to select a game, the centaur boy said, “Master, I think it is time for walkies!”

Ryder sighed. Pets—he recalled why his family didn’t have any. “Alright, we can go in the backyard—but no running off.”

“Of course not, Master!” Orion said cheerfully.

“And if you go number two, you’re cleaning it up.”

“I plan on marking a tree!”

Ryder raised an eyebrow and said, “TMI, my friend, too much information,” as he opened the sliding door to the expansive backyard. It was the perfect place for a centaur like Orion to stretch his legs and explore. “Feel free to roam around,” Ryder told him, watching as the centaur boy took off with surprising speed.

Orion's swift and graceful movements had caught Ryder off guard. He had seen dogs run before, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight of a centaur in motion. Within seconds, Orion had reached the property line and the boarding trees, which had been engineered to grow in gentle spiral waves, just as his father had programmed them to do.

Ryder followed behind at a slower pace, eager to observe Orion without getting too close. He wanted to watch Orion without ‘seeing’ him literally do his business. The sight of the centaur boy exploring his new surroundings was a joy to behold, and Ryder couldn't help but feel pleased with himself too, for creating him. He was no unicorn, but his other features made up for it.

Orion, after finding a tree that held his interest, drew Ryder's curiosity. From a distance, he couldn't help but notice the centaur boy's massive equine attribute extending and relieving itself. Taken aback, he halted in his tracks. Although Orion's horse-like cock wasn't as large as Jack's fully-grown horse, it still made an impression. Feeling a familiar sensation arise between his legs, Ryder quickly dismissed the thought, reminding himself that Orion was meant for Jax.

“Ryder!” a familiar voice shouted from the direction of the habitat. Ryder turned and saw Jax in the doorway, as if the mere thought of Jax caused him to materialize. It was a pleasant but unexpected surprise. His boyfriend ran over, and his brown, wavy hair bounced as he went. “What are you doing?”

“I could ask you the same thing. I thought I was seeing you later at your party.”

Jax wrapped his arms around Ryder and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s my birthday; I get to do what I want today.”

Ryder looked down at Jax. “Well, umm… I think you might have ruined my surprise for you.” Jax looked at him with questioning eyes. “It's sort of like this... I—”

“I am done Master!” Orion called as he strode over, cutting Ryder's sentence short.

Jax separated from Ryder to see who was speaking. A second later, he said, “Wow—is that what I think it is?”

“Adolescent male centaur confirmed,” Iris, Jax’s personal AI assistant, said. Since Orion was classified as non-human, he was not subject to modern privacy laws.

“Yeah,” Ryder said. “This is your gift... Surprised?”

Jax ran over to Orion and started checking him out. “What, seriously? He’s for me? How did you even…”

Ryder shrugged. “Well, I wanted to do something special for your tenth birthday, so I went all out. I wanted a unicorn, but... maybe this is good too?”

Jax's eyes widened in amazement as he took in the sight of the centaur boy standing before him. “Wow, he's incredible!” he exclaimed, running his hand through the vibrant rainbow strands of the tail. “It's like something straight out of my books! What's his name? Can I really ride him? And... he's a boy, right?” Bending down for a closer look, Jax glanced at Orion's genitals, his excitement barely contained. “He's huge!” he said, his eyes sparkling. “I can't believe it—a real-life centaur! This is the best present ever!”

“Umm… Yeah.” Ryder hadn’t considered the idea of riding him, but it didn’t seem that farfetched of an idea. He hadn’t stopped to wonder what unicorns or centaurs were typically used for in the first place. If they had a purpose, it was probably lost with time or long since outdated. Ryder said, “His name is Orion,” as he walked over beside Jax. “I just made him this morning, so I haven’t taught him any tricks or anything. But he talks, which is really convenient.”

Jax was nodding but seemed lost in thought as he petted the white fur of the centaur boy’s midsection. “I wasn’t expecting this. Not at all.”

With a smirk, Ryder said, “If I did good, this might call for a thank-you kiss, right?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah!”

With excitement, Jax tightly wrapped his arms around Ryder, a familiar gesture that brought a smile to his face. As they leaned in for a kiss, their proximity made it a challenge, but Ryder's lips met Jax's with practiced ease. He held Jax close, steadying them both, as Ryder's ginger hair tickled the boy’s cheek. Their mouths opened, and their tongues intertwined in a passionate tango, tasting the sweetness of some birthday cake on Jax's lips. It was clear that Jax had indulged in a sugary breakfast, and Ryder couldn't help but mentally chuckle. Would he be able to keep up with the hyperactive, sugar-fueled ten-year-old boy? But in the heat of the moment, he let it slide, savoring the sweetness of his boyfriend’s happiness instead.

The intensity of the kiss shifted as Jax began to suck on Ryder's tongue with a fervor that caught him off guard. It was as if Jax's mind was consumed by a singular thought, and Ryder couldn't help but wonder if the bot was horny. Before succumbing to temptation, Ryder pulled away, leaving Jax's lips slightly parted in surprise. With a knowing smile, he looked into Jax's eyes and said, “Now I know what was on your mind when you came over here today.”

The suggestive comment left Jax anything but speechless. “Yeah… but now we can have recreational sex with Orion too!”

Ryder rolled his eyes. “Well, Orion is only a few hours old, so I am not sure he’s ready for that. Besides—he’s WAY bigger than anyone, or any toy, you’ve had in the past.”

“Bigger than Charizard's Flame?”

Charizard's Flame happened to be the name of Jax’s favorite Pokemon-inspired vibrating dildo. It is 15 cm (~6 inches) of flexible yellow-orange polymer with a tapered tip, and it squirts self-lubricating official Pokemon synthetic cum as it’s used. Perfect for most kids Jax’s age.

Ryder said, “I am only guessing, but trust me, Orion’s shaft will be like 15 cm (~6 inches) when soft and four times that when erect. And don’t get me started on how wide the tip grows when his kind delivers a load.”

“Seriously? Orion is amazing!” Jax separated himself from Ryder. “I can’t wait—we should do it now!”

Ryder looked at Jax. “Do what exactly?”

“A threesome!”

“How would that even work?”

Jax let out a long, exaggerated sigh and went around to Orion’s rear. He pushed the impressive tail to the side and said, “See, he has a hole for you and a penis for me.”

Ryder shook his head. Of course, Orion would have a butthole—that was kind of standard for any living thing. But Jax’s eager, boyish horniness always blinded him to obvious things, like the physical limitations of what he could shove up his butt. Ryder had no idea if Jax could take even a bit of the massive horse appendage or if Orion was even going to be onboard with this. The centaur had yet to say no to anything, but then again, he was fresh off the replicator pad. On the other hand, once Jax was set on doing something, there was little chance of going slow or backing down. And it was his birthday, after all. Ryder sighed and said, “Okay—but, Orion, how do you feel about the three of us having sex?”

“I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, Master.”

“Great,” Jax said, “let’s go back inside.” He sprinted back towards the habitat like his feet were on fire, while Ryder and Orion followed.

Of all the rooms best suited for their impromptu threesome, Ryder considered the lounging den the best place. It had the space and some furniture, which made sense for what they wanted to accomplish. Jax had assigned him Orion’s butt—which was not completely arbitrary—but it came with some downsides; the biggest being the degree of separation between him and Jax during sex. However, this was Jax’s special day, so Ryder wanted to play along.

Taking control of the situation, Jax said to Ryder, “I’ll move the furniture, and you get the lube.”

Ryder nodded and hurried to his bedroom. Of all the different kinds of lube he had, he chose the unflavored kind—simple and effective. When he returned, Jax had moved two synthetic ottomans into the center of the room, spaced apart but in close proximity. Jax was busy adjusting the height of one of them to be a little taller, while Orion watched patiently off to the side. It seemed clear Jax was hoping to lay on the ottoman to align his hole with Orion’s massive meat club. Ryder gave him high marks for his determination. There was little doubt that Jax was expecting him to stand on the other ottoman to fuck Orion’s hole at the same time.

Setting the bottle of lube on the closer ottoman, Ryder said, “I think you should really see what Orion is keeping between his legs.” This might change Jax’s mind. To Orion, he said, “You don’t mind if I make you erect, right?”

“Go ahead, Master; I am ready.”

Ryder reached down and took the soft, but mighty, centaur sausage in his hand. It immediately started to swell and lengthen with the new stimulus. He gave it a few good tugs, and Orion said, “Oh, I like this game.” It didn’t take much effort to get the centaur worked up and ready for more.

“Wow,” Jax said, eyeing the rigid member. “I’m going to need a lot of lube for that.”

Ryder let go of the horsecock, which was immediately followed by a disappointed whimper. “Please keep going,” Orion said in a pleading tone.

Jax stood and disengaged from his exosuit. As the suit separated from him, revealing Jax’s young, naked body, he turned to show Orion his butt. “Don’t worry, it’s going in here soon.”

Aiming and controlling the large horsecock to hit Jax’s tiny bullseye looked like a two-boy activity. Ryder said, “I better assist you, at least for the first time, to get it in.”

“I’ve got this. You can lube his butt while I do mine.” Jax had the open lube bottle in one hand and was working on his own hole with the other hand. He held the container out for Ryder to take some.

Still skeptical, Ryder removed his own exosuit and smeared some lube onto his fingers. He pushed Orion’s impressive tail out of the way and saw the centaur’s butt for the first time. The anal ring looked huge… But that made sense; how else would two centaur boys get it on?

“Orion, I am going to lube up your hole. Relax and push out, but no pooping, okay?”

“Okay Master.”

Ryder gently rubbed a finger on the center of Orion’s hole. It was warm and pillowy, plus it was much easier to access than a person’s butthole. He pushed his finger in, and there was no resistance. In fact, the centaur’s butt swallowed his finger, his hand, and then wrapped snugly around his wrist in a single smooth motion. “Frell me,” Ryder said, having his hand enveloped by the warm confines of Orion’s anal tunnel. “Orion, did that, um, hurt at all?”

“No Master.”

“Okay then,” Ryder said as he freed his hand from Orion’s butt, “he’s literally ready for almost anything back there.” To Jax, he said, “Just let me help you a little, to get started.”

“Alright, fine.” Jax handed him the bottle of lube. “Get that cock of his oiled up and ready to go.”

Ryder took the lube and coated both of his hands. He bent down and began rubbing up and down the massive shaft length. Serious doubts came to mind that Jax would even manage to get the tip inside him, let alone a few centimeters of the shaft. He gathered a wad of lube in his right palm and turned his attention to polishing the tip, getting it good and wet. This caused Orion to shudder and moan, "Mmm, Mmnn…” then buck his hips in an attempt to thrust forward. Ryder removed his hand in an instant. It was like a repeat of what happened with Jack’s horse.

"Careful, Orion, you can’t blow your load this early.”

“Sorry Master—it made me all happy inside when you did that.”

Jax moved to the raised ottoman and laid on his back, with his legs spread. His pink, ten-year-old, less-than-virgin-glistening hole was exposed and pointed up at the ready. “Okay, bring him over,” he said.

Orion, with Ryder’s help, sidestepped into position over Jax. It was difficult for the centaur boy to know or see exactly what was happening beneath him, so Ryder was glad to be assisting. Once Jax was centered directly under Orion, the boy lifted his legs up, straddling the centaurs mid-stomach from below.

Ryder held Orion’s shaft in one hand and used his other hand to steady himself against the centaur’s side. He said, “Orion, I’m going to line you up with Jax’s hole, but you have to keep it under control. None of that wild thrusting and jabbing, no matter how good it feels. Let Jax go at his own pace. Got it?”

“Mmmm, I’ll try, Master.”

With a few strokes to Orion’s horsecock, it was as stiff as a log. Ryder tugged the cock forward a bit to get the centaur to move, closing the distance to Jax’s hole. From his position, he could see Jax was already bursting with anticipation. The boy’s small shaft was pointing up to the centaur’s underbelly.

With a determined expression, Ryder guided the awe-inspiring length towards his boyfriend's hole, the anticipation building with every millimeter as it grew closer. When they finally made contact, Jax's body trembled with excitement, his hips moving in small, sensual circles as he slowly pressed against the massive tip.

From Ryder's vantage point, the girth of the shaft seemed almost impossibly large, a testament to the power and pleasure that might await them both. The tightness of Jax's entrance was a tantalizing challenge, one it seemed both Jax and Orion wanted to overcome. Ryder's breath caught in his throat as he watched Jax work the massive shaft, trying to spread his butt cheeks apart. The moment was electric, like a dance of passion that left all of them breathless with anticipation.

“Oohhh Master…” Orion moaned.

Ryder said, “Hold it together.”


Ryder's grip tightened on the impressive length as Jax attempted the unthinkable. The colossal shaft quivered in his grasp, pulsing with the promise of ecstasy, sending shivers to back Orion's powerful hips. The centaur stood on the brink of losing it, muscles taut with the effort of holding back. Even the atmosphere crackled with a new found tension.

“Orion,” Ryder said, his voice low and full of warning, “don't even think about rushing this.”

Orion whimpered, and his back feet pawed at the floor. “Oh Master—I—” he began, only to be interrupted by his own actions. With a thrust of immense force, he forced himself inside Jax.

Ryder could only watch, transfixed, as the impressive girth of Orion's manhood breached the defenses of Jax's entrance in less than a second. The slickness of the lubricant rendered Ryder's grip inadequate, allowing the relentless force of Orion's hips to claim its prize.

Jax, caught off guard by the sudden invasion, clutched his thighs, releasing a gasp that mingled with a moan. “Oohhoohhooo… Frell, it's big,” he managed to utter, his breath ragged as Orion plunged deeper. Another thrust, and both of them voiced their pleasure, moaning as their bodies moved as one with the flared tip now locked just inside of Jax’s anal ring.

“Hold on Orion... Let Jax relax a bit,” Ryder said. Seeing the immense cock in Jax got him turned on. He stroked his own dick with his free hand as he tried to keep the two horny beasts from ravishing each other haphazardly.

“A-aahh…” Jax moaned, “I can take it. The tip was the hardest part.”

A part of him wondered how much Jax could take, but it was better to play it safe—a lesson he learned with the chronokinesis fluid mishap. “No fracking way,” he said. “There’s like 50 cm (~1.64 feet) of his raw flesh trying to invade your ass. Go slow.”

To Ryder’s amazement, Jax wrapped his arms and legs around Orion and tried to impale himself further. The boy’s anal ring was already stretched wide, no doubt strangling the foreign invader. But Jax kept trying to take more. Orion was also jabbing forward with short movements. Neither of them showed signs of backing down. When both of them worked together and moved at the same time, a bit more of the hard flesh filled Jax’s pleasure tunnel.

Jax looked beside himself. “A-a-ahhmmn… my prostate… sooo good!”

A good 20 cm (~8 inches) of centaur cock were worked inside of Jax this way. Ryder couldn’t claim they were actually fucking in the normal sense, but they managed more than he considered physically possible. “Okay,” Ryder said to Jax, “I think you’re at the limit. How about if I stroke the length of the shaft you can’t take?”

“That’s cheating!” Jax said.

“Nonsense. If you go any further, he’ll end up in your stomach.” Despite Jax’s misgivings, Ryder ran his hand along the rigid length of the shaft with one hand while jerking himself with the other.

"Ooohhh, Master,” the centaur boy said as he thrust forward into Jax once, twice, and then a third time.

Ryder noticed that Jax’s normally flat stomach now had a bulge right below his belly button. “Oh, Frell. Is that what I think it is?”

“Huh?” Jax asked.

“His cock is soo huge, your tummy is bulging now!”

Jax moved a hand down to cope a feel of the mass appearing in his abdomen. “It feels good; don’t stop.” He then moved his hand lower to rub his own penis.

Ryder took his hand off Orion’s shaft—he wanted to feel the bulge in his boyfriend too. Although he was rubbing Jax’s stomach, he could feel the hard, cylindrical cock lodged inside. It was lewd, to be sure. Ryder stroked his dick a bit faster. “Are you sure you’re okay like this?”

“Ohh, fuck me, Orion, fuck me!” Jax said, ignoring Ryder’s question. “I can take it!”

“Yes, smaller Master,” Orion said. “I will fuck.” The centaur boy thrust his hips forward into Jax, finding a rhythm to it. Overall, the motion Ryder witnessed wasn’t as graceful or controlled as two humans going at it, but it appeared to be getting the job done. The massive horsecock tried to dig in deeper with each jab—retreating a little but quickly slamming forward hard again into the boy.

With each thrust, Jax whimpered, “Ohh, mmm, aww…”

Ryder kept his hand on Jax’s belly. Every moment produced a wet, squishy noise from within Jax. His boyfriend seemed to enjoy it. Ryder didn’t want to miss a moment of this—standing there to see this happening was far more gratifying than actually fucking Orion. Not to mention, he could probably shove his whole arm up the centaur’s ass, and Orion would barely notice it. “You're doing good, Orion,” he said. “There’s no rush—let Jax enjoy it.”

“Unnf… Master… I need to go deeper, pleassee.”

There was zero chance of that happening, as far as Ryder was concerned. He said, “I’ll see if I can help.” He was limited in the choices he had—it wasn’t like Jax’s hole was suddenly going to double in size. Crouching down, he had a front-row view of the massive fuck stick trying to pummel the ten-year-old’s ass, one thrust at a time. Giving up on his own hard boyhood, Ryder took hold of the shaft with his left hand and grabbed the dangling ball sack with his right. A little duel hand action worked while giving blowjobs—why not here? He worked the shaft, squeezing the slippery meat with his fingers as the centaur continued to thrust. Then he tugged at one of the hefty balls, causing Orion to buck forward harder, and Jax let out a little yelp.

Ryder was learning—centaur balls are very sensitive. Changing tactics, he kneeled under the mighty shaft, facing Jax, and used both hands to stroke the heavy flesh tube above him. Some cocks were two-handers; this one could have used about eight. He put his whole body into it, massaging the flesh and jerking the centaur off while he was lodged in Jax. If this didn’t work, he didn’t know what would.

Orion’s hips leaped forward, and the centaur boy cried out as the massive ball sack hit Ryder in the back of the head. “A-aaaahhh… Master, Haahhh!” The already massive shaft throbbed in Ryder’s hands in rapid succession as the large balls quivered against him.

“Oohhohoohh Freeellll!” Jax moaned as the bulge in his stomach visibly grew in size. The cock head had probably doubled in daimeter, like what Ryder experienced when he blew Jack’s horse. “Uhmn. Ah. Nnnf… cumming, cumming!” Jax gasped as he worked his stiff boyhood.

Ryder watched this unfold before him. He wished he was still stroking himself—being left out was never the best situation. Instead, he marveled at the rush of cum being pumped overhead in the flesh tube and straight into his boyfriend. The horse cock seemed to spared no expense when it was time to deliver the goods.

After a few more good throbs, Orion seemed to be at the end of his orgasm. Ryder let go of the massive shaft, which remained lodged deep in Jax’s bowels, and stood beside to them.

His boyfriend breathed a sigh of relief—having cum as well—and went limp on the ottoman as he rested. A moment passed, and Jax said, “Wow, that was something else,” and rubbed the visible mound in his tummy. Orion started to pull back, but Jax quickly grabbed the shaft sticking out of his butt and said, “Ohh no, not yet. Wait a moment.” Ryder could only guess that the flared cock head was still too massive to emerge comfortably from his hole.

“I’d love to do that again,” Orion said, sounding winded.

After a moment of time passed and Jax returned to his senses, he looked at Ryder. “You didn’t get off?” Ryder shook his head. “Then net me suck you while I wait; I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m okay if I don’t get off this time.”

“It’s an order from the birthday boy, so you have to do it.”

Ryder snorted. “Alright, if that’s what you really want...”

“It is,” Jax said with a smile. “But get the red candy-flavored lube. I am on an all sweets diet today.”

“Okay…” Ryder went back to his bedroom and grabbed the red-flavored lube Jax asked for. Anytime or place they used it, it pretty much guaranteed Jax would lick it up. It was like a Jax magnet, and it was a total win-win for Ryder. Whenever he wanted his boyfriend’s tongue to dive in and explore the most sensitive areas of his body, areas other than his dick, this lube did the trick.

Ryder returned and grabbed a few pillows to kneel on near Jax. He rubbed the flavored lube onto his shaft and pointed it towards Jax’s mouth.

“Just a second,” Jax said. He strained his face and pulled on Orion’s massive cock. With a grunt and a “Uh-uhh,” The flesh tube popped out of Jax's ass with a wet, squelching noise. Jax let out a sigh of relief, his body trembling with pleasure. A torrent of hot cum came spilling out of his hole, running down the ottoman and pooling on the floor. “Frak… That was amazing,” Jax said, his voice wavering. “I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

Ryder agreed—what he had seen was amazing. It was a sight he would never forget—the massive centaur cock filling up Jax's tiny ass, pounding it over and over again. He was pretty sure it wouldn’t be the last time it happened either.

Orion sidestepped away, so he was no longer towering above them. Slowly but surely, his cock was retracting after successfully blowing his load. The flared head was still double its initial size and dripping on the floor. The centaur boy proceeded to lay down on the floor, needing a rest after his first ever orgasm.

Before Ryder had a chance to take Jax up on his offer to blow him, his mother called to them from a distance. “Boys! Are you busy right now?”

“Yes, Mom!” Ryder replied. “We are in the middle of having sex!”

“Alright, but hurry up. Remember, Jax has to make it to his party on time. And be sure to activate the cleaning bot once you are done.”

“We will!” Ryder shouted back.

Time was flying today, and if they were going to do this, they had to hurry. It helped that he was still turned on from earlier. Ryder guided his dick to Jax’s waiting mouth, and the boy swiftly took it. Jax’s tongue danced with enthusiasm as he explored the contours of Ryder’s member. His boyfriend moved his head with purpose, his lips wrapped tightly around the shaft, using a certain artistry with the simple act of sucking. The sensation was great, and Ryder couldn't believe he had almost denied himself this pleasure.

Ryder’s slender chest rose and fell, corresponding to the audible gasps and moans leaving his mouth. His body was trembling slightly under Jax’s skilled attention as the room was filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure—a symphony comprised of a wet, eager mouth and his own heavy, panting breaths.

Jax’s gazed up at Ryder as he worked. The boy’s own young body was reacting to the act as his hand once again moved furiously over his own erection. It never took long for him to recover from one orgasm and try for a second, so Ryder wasn’t surprised by it.

As the sucking continued, Ryder was captivated, lost in the moment, experiencing a pleasure his body openly welcomed. “Unnf. Getting close! A-aahh... keeping going like that,” he managed to gasp out, his voice strained.

Jax’s response was to close his eyes and suck harder, his lips and tongue working in tandem to bring Ryder to the brink. As his boyfriend continued to pleasure him, he felt a surge of excitement at the thought of tasting Jax’s cum. He had always enjoyed the act of swallowing and the feeling of warmth and satisfaction that came with it. But with a boy’s Jax’s age, his second load would surely be small—and nothing like the mammoth pool of centaur jizz at their feet.

Ryder let his right hand drift down to Jax’s hairless balls, gently massaging them as the boy continued to suck. His boyfriend’s reaction was immediate and intense, with his body tensing up as he let out a low, guttural moan that escaped around his shaft.

"Oh, frek, Jax. I'm soo close. Don't stop,” Ryder gasped out, his voice strained with pleasure. The boy didn't show any signs of stopping. He sucked faster, his hand still massaging his own shaft at the same time.

And then it happened. Ryder’s body tensed up, his hips bucking as he let out a low moan. The first spurt of cum hit the back of Jax’s throat, warm and salty, fresh from his balls. The boy swallowed, his own body indistinctly reacting to the sensation. Jax continued to suck, consuming every drop of Ryder’s jizz.

As Ryder's body came to a rest, Jax gently withdrew, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked up at Ryder, a satisfied smile on his face. “That was good,” Jax said, his voice somewhat hoarse.

Ryder returned the smile, feeling a sense of relief. “I’m glad you enjoyed it... but it seems your appetite has only grown stronger,” he said, seeing the boy’s erect flag pole.

“Hmm… I suppose it would be rude to be late to my own birthday party. It's a shame we don't have more time... Orion might have been up for another round.”

Ryder's eyes sparkled with a sudden, daring idea. “Say, I just had a wild yet brilliant thought. If we borrow my father's chrono-displacement pod, we’ll have all the time we need to…”

Jax's face lit up, and he met Ryder's gaze with devious smile that spread across his face. “That's a fantastic idea! I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than with another round with you and Orion!”

In that moment, Ryder knew Jax was about to have the best, and longest, tenth birthday any boy could ever hope to have.

…The end.

𒀯 𒀯  ?

Glossary, phrases, and other information:

Techachu: This futuristic name the author made up combines the words "technological" and "Pikachu," suggesting a futuristic Pikachu character that has been upgraded with advanced technology.

Chronokinesis: The ability to manipulate time relevant to oneself.

Chronokinesis lube or temporal fluid: It is goo that would have a viscous, amorphous quality that allows it to flow and shift in unpredictable ways, mirroring the fluid nature of time itself.

Frell or Frek: Swear words kids use in the year 3650 like ‘fuck’ or ‘shit.’

Zerk a quixx: A phrase similar to ‘fuck that!’ or ‘crap!’