Go fuck yourself!

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/II. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.


“Ok, lemme just get this set up.
Is it recording? Hm, lemme see. He he, the forum are gonna flip out when they see this”

-“Yeah it's recording dufus, come here!”

“Later, I'm telling a story, dickwad!”

“Anyway my name’s Danny, I'm nine. you're probably wondering how aaaah ohhh my god!”

Hands grip my thighs. I feel his weiner press into my butthole. The head of it forcing its way in, stretching it open.

“Ahh, hey, quit it, I'm trying to tell a story here!”

He smirks back at me and I feel the cold gooey stuff being smeared between my buttocks.

“Anyway, as I was saying you're probably wondering how I got in this aaah ooh fuck, oh my god gaaaah!”

His Weiner presses inside my butthole again, this time not hurting as much. I try to relax, but it's hard not to clamp down on his weiner.
My butt seems to want to close up. He pushes deeper and I squeal. Not sure if mostly out of pain or ‘cause it feels good.

“Aaaah, as I was ooooh saying… God damn it, will you slow down! I'm trying too mmmphhh!”

I feel small grabby hands grab my jaw and pull it open. His small weiner rams into my mouth, curling up against my tongue.
Giving in, I start sucking on the little boys' pee stick.

They both hump me from both ends. My butt is now loosened up, so it just feels good now. His weiner pokes against a sensitive spot deep inside my butt.

The other boy moans as he slides his weiner back and forth in my mouth. I tease it with my tongue, tasting the bittersweetness of his Weiner as I suck on it.

My dick dangles in the air, so hard, throbbing. It almost hurts. I feel his fingers curl around it, pulling the foreskin down. Then up, then down again. The pressure inside builds, more, more, oh my god, mm more. I'm going to pop! He's squirting in my butt! Nnnngghhh aaaaah! >O<

The hood man

It's dark in my room, the only light was my moon lamp beside me on my nightstand. I yawned, hugging my teddy, snuggling comfortably into sleep in my warm comfortable bed.

Pretty soon I was drifting in a floating sea of comforting darkness.
I don't know how long I was there floating in my dream ocean, but it was kinda cool. So relaxing.

Huh? Was that? Something creaking.

Nah probably nothing.

I feel something soft brush against me. Opening my eyes I could see a clear… Pink Sky?
The clouds looked like pink fluffy wadds of cotton candy.

I sat up, I was sitting in a lush green field. The sunshine was warm, like on a hot summer's day.

Oh this is one of those dreams.

Giggling at the strange dream land I found myself in, I skipped through the fields, past the river running with strawberry cordial.

A herd of unicorns ran past, on the other side of the pink river. Their fur glittering like white pearls sparkling in the sun.

Something pink and fluffy was twitching just ahead of me. It looked like a fluffy ball.


I noticed it had a white furry… oh it's a tail!

The head of a bunny appeared, white puffy cheeks and long floppy ears.

“Easter bunny!”

Walking towards it, the tall grass brushed against the bare skin on my legs and over my balls.

Wait… my balls?!

“Eeep!” I quickly covered my balls and weiner, realizing I was naked.

The bunny hopped closer, its little nose wrinkling as it sniffed the air in front of me.

“No, don't look at it,” I huffed nervously, trying to cover my privates.

It hopped closer, I could feel its soft fur as it brushed its cheek against my bare chest.

I reached out a trembling hand and pet its soft head. I ran my fingers through it. The fur was so soft, almost like satin.

“Hey there bunny.”

It nuzzled its face against my chest. It was getting uncomfortably close. I had to hide my…

“Heh eeeh heeey?!” I squealed as the bunny pushed my hands away from my groin with its paws.

Before I could hide it again his paws were on me. They felt really soft. Like someone was fondling me with velvet gloves. He smiled at me with a mischievous grin.

“Bunny, what are you doing?!”

My cheeks felt warm and my breath, hot and heavy.

It was touching me, touching me dd down tt there!

“No bunny!” I huffed, trying to wiggle away. It felt weird, my weiner felt weird. It was getting stiffer. Getting all tingly and icky.

“Don't mmmh… don't touch me there!”

My cheeks felt burning hot and my breath became heavy. I could feel its paws slide down along my weiner, then back up.

“Bbb bunny?! Gaaah! Bunny what are you doing?!

It kept stroking me. The pink tip kept popping out and disappearing. I wanted to push it away. This wasn't right, it felt weird and icky. It felt dirty.

I had to clench my teeth to keep from moaning. It felt different from when I touched it myself. Having someone else touch it was a lot more sensitive, especially with that soft fur rubbing against my throbbing penis. He smirked at me. His paws kept dragging the skin on my back and forth.

Was it supposed to feel good like this?
My whole weiner was tingling, and there was like this pressure building up.

The bunny smirked and kept pumping its soft paws over my weiner, murring softly. Up and down, up and down. I could hardly stand upright. My legs were shaking.

My butt hit the grass, my legs felt like they had turned to jelly.

Before I realized what was happening, its paw was on my chest, gently pushing me back down.

Its warm wet tongue slid over my chest, down my belly down to…


I nearly screamed as I felt its tongue slide under my weiner. Licking up to the tip and making it bounce.

“Ooh ooo oooomygawd! Ok, you can keep doing that.”

I let it push my thighs apart so it could dip its head down and lick me more.
All I could do was lie there and moan as I felt something warm and wet wrap itself around my Weiner. Its tongue lapped against the underside and dragged up to the tip.

Wait, it has my weiner in its mouth?! Ah, it's sucking on it, oh my god this feels so good, mmmmh!

I felt the pressure in my weiner build, till I felt like It was going to explode. Then a slight pain as it felt like my balls were being squeezed from the inside. Then it all exploded.

My eyes flickered halfway open, still very drowsy. I could barely make out a shadow moving over me.

There was a sound of something rubbing together, like someone trying to warm their hands in the cold.

“Wha…?” I felt a drop on my cheek.

In my haze, I could barely make out a hooded figure, standing in the shadows.

There was nothing under the hood, just an empty black void.

I froze in terror. The scream I tried so desperately to press out lodged in my throat. It glared at me from its black nothingness.

It didn't have a face!

It did not have a face!!


Red light green light


I sat up, I was hyperventilating, clothes soaked in sweat.

Eyes darted around the room as I reached for the switch.


The lights came on.

Just my desk, tv, nintendo, cupboard, backpack and box of toys.

I fell back onto the bed.

It was that dream again…

This time there had been a bunny in my dream, but I knew now it had been the hood man all along.

That's what I called him. The thing that haunted my nightmares, the thing that… I had to swallow the lump in my throat.

The thing that touched me at night. The hood man.
My own personal boogeyman.

I rolled over on my side, pulled my legs up.

No… No, I won't cry.

I fought back the memory of the frightening thing I had seen as well as the tears threatening to well up.

The blanket rubbed against my balls and my…

Wait, what the hell?!

Why are my pants pulled down?!

I quickly pulled them back up, feeling that lump form in my throat again.

Why? Why are my pajama pants pulled down? What the heck is going on?

No, no no no!

It had to have been the hood man.
But, he wasn't real right? I mean Dad had told me.

Sometimes we can see things that aren't there right after we wake up.
Sometimes our brains are still dreaming and it takes some time to wake up.

(Don't worry reader, it's not as spooky as you think *pats head*)

The door creaked open.

“Morning slee… oh honey did you have a bad dream again?”

Mom poked her head through the door. She was blond like me, with her hair done up in her usual knot. She wore a snappy-looking suit and pencil skirt.

“Yeah, mom, but it's fine.”

I didn't want her babying me because I acted like a wimp again. Although the nightmare scared the crap out of me.

“Ok then,” she scoffed. I could tell by her frown she knew I was trying to put on a brave face.

“Get ready for school, I have a business meeting I need to get to. Your uncle will drive you there. Love you!”

“You too.” I yelled after her as I reluctantly got out of bed, then got dressed and grabbed my backpack. Returning one last time to grab my DS and a pack of gum.

By the time I got to the kitchen, mom had already left. I grabbed my lunch and sandwich she had left for me on the counter, then took a bite.

Mmmh, peanut butter jelly, my favorite.


I stepped closer into the garage, hearing something sizzling in the corner. Uncle Tom had been living with us the past months after he got broke. Mom said he had used too much money on his projects and was just crashing in the garage.

Uncle Tom was, I dunno weird? Like a mad scientist or something. Mom called him a crazy conspiracy theorist, whatever that is. I think he's just a mad scientist or something.

“Oh Danny, pass me that printout.” He pointed at the roll of paper spewing out of the printer at the end of the workbench.

I tore off the paper from the old yellowed printer and handed it to him.

“Mom said you were supposed to drive me to school, Unkie.”

“Oh right, right,” he brushed his large fuzzy hair away from his glasses.

“Yeah, I'll drive you le'mme just check these readouts from the radio telescope real quick.”

“Holy crap!” He exclaimed.

-”Mom sez you're not supposed to cuss.”

“Oh cuss, I'll explain on the way.

I followed him over to his car. It was a baby blue BMW9 Isetta. Now you may think owning a bmw is way cool. No, not this car. It was probably the stupidest thing I had ever seen on the road. First of all, it's tiny, I mean like really tiny. It only has three wheels. Two in the front, one in the back. It only has one door. The entire front opens up, that's your door.

Ok, stop for a moment.




Look at that thing! This is what I get dropped off to school in! The other kids are gonna laugh and kick my butt!

(Sigh…) Anyway…

We got in through the front. I was surprised the thing even started.

We wobbled onto the street while I held on for dear life.

Unkie turned and smiled at me.

“ So, I’ve been working on this project. Remember how I told you people were scared of the large hadron collider making a black hole that might swallow the earth?”

“But you said that couldn't happen, because of gravitons disappearing or something like that.”

“Yeah, they only last for a few seconds and collapse. They actually pass through everything, even our bodies right now, but we can't feel them because they're microscopic. Well, I found out that by putting them in a strong electromagnetic field I can keep them stable. In theory It should allow me to sustain an Einstein-rosen bridge across space time.” He exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Unkie, I'm 9, we don't even start science until like next grade.” I huffed, tired of his nonsense babbling I couldn't even understand.

“Time travel Danny! Time travel. If I'm correct it will prove that it's possible to travel through time, I'm on the verge of the biggest scientific discovery ever. And those fools at the university said I was mad. Oh I'll show them who's mad”

“You're not mad Unkie, you're crazy.” I scoffed at him. I ducked down in my seat, hoping no one I knew from school would see us pulling up in front of school in his ridiculous looking car.

“Have a good day at school, Danny boy.” He smiled at me, shoving a crumpled up ten dollar bill in my hand.

“Thanks Unkie.” I nodded, getting out and making my way hurriedly away from the rolling embarrassment that was his car and made my way towards the entrance.

Walking down the school hallway I could see all the regulars. The jocks, nerds, cool kids. I suppose I was somewhere between the nerds and the cool kids. Not quite awkward enough to be a nerd, but not cool enough to be one of the cool kids. Definitely not a jock.

There was a red haired kid standing at the water fountain. My friend Sam. He would always wear shirts and he had these big round glasses the other kids always teased him about.

“Hey Sam.”
I walked up to him, seeing he was fidgeting with his calculator.

“What’s up?”

“Nah, just playing drug wars, finally got it working on my T83. So, how you doin'?”

I sighed, feeling like a little dumb kid, but I wanted to tell him.

“I had that dream again, the one with the hood man. They just seem so real. I'm…”

I shuddered, thinking, what if? What if it's real?

“I'm not sure they even are dreams.”

Sam looked up from the game he was playing on his calculator. The look he gave me surprised me. He was usually so calm and collected, now his eyebrows were arched in a concerned frown.

“Wadda ya mean, real?”

“Well, I'm sometimes awake when he's standing in my room, or at least I think I am.”

“Maybe you're haunted.”

Neither his voice or expression bore any hint of humor.

“I thought you didn't believe in stuff like that?”

“ It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of what science hasn't explained yet.”

“Well, it just scares the crap out of me, when I wake up he's there staring at me, or at least I think he is. I can't actually see his face. He's always wearing a hood, it's like there's just darkness under there. Like it doesn't even have a face.”

I shuddered, the demonic image of the thing that haunted me stared at me menacing from my mind's eye.

“Have you talked to anyone else about it?”

He laid a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“I tried telling mom and dad, but they say the bogeyman Isn't real. But, this feels very real.”

Sam frowned, thoughtfully.

“ I saw this movie once, really scary. There was like, this priest trying to drive out a demon. He held up a cross and said the power of Christ compels you. Maybe you need an exorcist or something.”

The school bell rang and we both made our way to the classroom.

Ms. Harper’s voice drifted through the warm afternoon air, telling us about our town's crazy history. She stood at the front of the class, her red curls bouncing as she talked. She wore a short pencil skirt and pointy glasses. She was really pretty, with a thin waist, wide hips, and big breasts.

"Our town started during the gold rush," she smiled, pacing slowly. "Back then, it quickly became famous for gambling and… other activities."

Heh, I wasn't dumb. I knew what other activities she ment. My eyes fell on her big round breasts. I could see the cleft squished together in her top.

I imagined her in a smokey saloon during the wild west. Dressed in one of those frilly dresses. Kicking her legs up and revealing her panties, while drunken cowboys sat around drooling over her.

I glanced at the clock, then back at my notebook. My pencil moved on its own, drawing her in a corset. Glancing back at her as she droned on and on and on.

Ms. Harper’s voice pulled me back.

"During the Civil War, Fort Mason was built on the hill. After the war, it became a hospital for people with tuberculosis."

Across the room, Jenny sat near the window, the sunlight catching her golden hair and making it shine. She had bright blue eyes that always seemed to sparkle with curiosity, and her smile could light up the whole room. She wore a pink dress that somehow made her look like she belonged in a storybook, with its soft fabric flowing gently around her. Even when she was just sitting there, doodling in her notebook. She had a thin little waist and a round pretty butt that made it hard not to notice her.

I mean, girls even though they were annoying and kinda boring had gotten more interesting. Some of them were really pretty like Jenny. I wonder what she would look like naked? I let my mind wander, imagining her posing like the adults I had seen in that dirty magazine I kept under the mattress. I had found it out in the garage, where my uncle was staying.

I don't know why, but I like looking at the naked people in it. They guys in it had huge weiners. Some of them looked kinda muscular. Some of the women in the books had hair on their pussies. I think I like the ones with less hair on them better.

"Later," Mrs Harper continued, "the fort was turned into a mental asylum."

She paused, and I could hear the chalk tapping against the blackboard. "In the 1920s, a coal mine collapsed, causing a huge sinkhole right in the middle of town."

Oh, I'd like to see your sinkhole. I giggled inside my head, looking down underneath her desk. Her panties were visible just under her skirt.

The very air seemed to fluctuate as a distorting wave rippled through it.
I could see her pussy, it had reddish brown hair just above it.


“What the heck?!”

I stared at it, it looked just like the ones in the magazine. I could see the pink insides of her folds. Something was leaking out of it onto the chair she was sitting on. She groaned and leaned against the desk, then clamped her thighs together. Something squirted from between them and she looked up at the classroom and gasped, her face bright red as she clammered to pull her panties back up.

What the heck is going on?!

The classroom had erupted into a cacophony of screams and whines.

I looked down and noticed my pants and briefs were pulled down. My weiner was hanging loose in mid air.

Oh no, I've got a stiffy, everyone will see it. I quickly reached down to cover myself.

My classmates had their pants pulled down around their knees. All this had happened in a fraction of a second.

Jenny was standing screaming, her skirt and panties were pulled down. I could see her smooth pussy before her hand clasped over it. She turned around, I could see her round chubby butt as she scrambled to pull her panties back up.

I felt a mix of embarrassment and confusion as I saw my teacher, my friend Jenna, and a boy named Dan all standing there with their pants and skirts pulled down, revealing their naked lower halves.

The room was suddenly filled with an uncomfortable silence, and everyone started to squirm around, trying to cover themselves up.

I glanced around, looking for any familiar faces to help me feel less alone in this strange situation. My heart raced as I wondered what could have happened, and if anyone else knew what was going on.

The heat in the room seemed to intensify, making it harder to breathe as I tried not to make eye contact with anyone.

The privates of the teacher and the others were exposed, with different shapes and sizes of their penises and pussies. Dan's butt was round and pink, while Sarah's butt was more toned and athletic. Everyone looked so embarrassed, their faces flushed and their bodies trembling.

I could even see my Sam. His jeans were pulled down as well as his Paw Patrol briefs. I could see his weiner dangling in the air before he covered it up. He looked back at me, then down at my weiner. His eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

Even the normally confident Dan seemed to be struggling to maintain his composure.

I wished I could just disappear or wake up from this nightmare, but here I was, standing there with everyone else, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

The tension in the air was thick, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something really bad had happened. I wanted to cry, but I was too scared to make a sound.

There was a sort of boom that rippled through the air again. Everything became really quiet. Everything stopped. Fluttering clothing and tumbling books hung suspended in the air.

What's happening?

I'm scared!

There was like, a warm strange tingly sensation. I could just barely make out a blurry shadow in the corner of my eye. The warm sensation came from my groin. My dick felt really warm and tingly.

Oh god!

Reality snapped back with a loud roar.
The tight feeling in my groin spurted out through my weiner. I think I peed a little on the floor. All I could do was moan as my dick throbbed. Just like when I rubbed it sometimes.

“No, no they'll see!”

I heard Sam moan and lean against his desk. He had his eyes clenched. His dick was throbbing, pulsating and I could see some drops squirting from it.

Jenna was squirming, her eyes clenched tight, shaking her head. Her whole lower body was trembling as she sank down on the floor and groaned, clutching her groin.

I could see Dan's penis was bouncing up and down like mine was. Billy and Jacks too. Dan groaned, I couldn't help but stare at his weiner as something white squirted out of it onto the floor.

“Stay calm children,” Mrs Harper called out, stifling a moan and adjusting her clothing.

I quickly yanked my pants back up and glanced around as the other kids were doing the same.

Everyone sat and avoided eye contact. Some were nervously fidgeting with their clothing. Others were staring at the wooden floor. Some were even crying.

What the hell had just happened?

After class I went to see Sam at the playground. All the other kids had gathered in small groups trying to figure out what the hell had happened. Even though Miss Harper had told us explicitly not to talk about it to anyone.

“What the heck do you think happened?” I asked, stepping closer to him as he sat on the swing set looking bewildered.

“I have no idea.” He shifted uncomfortably on the car tire seat and ran his hands up the chains suspending it.


“Maybe what?” I sat down on the swing next to him.

“Well you said you were haunted by something right?”

“Yeah?” I nodded and sighed, not liking what he implied by what he was saying.

“Well, maybe it was that entity.” He looked at me, his eyes twitching back at me.

“I don't know, maybe. But, how could our clothes be on in one moment, then off the next?
It's not possible.”

“But it happened,” he sighed, staring down at the ground as he swung back and forth, dangling his legs.

“It happened.”

Judgement Day

Later that night…

“I hope this thing works,” I sighed looking up at the dream catcher I had hung on the wall over the bed. It had feathers hanging off it, red, green, brown and yellow beads hanging from it at the center was a web, like a spider's web, tied in what I think was brown leather. It was nice of Sam to get it for me.

I'm being silly I guess. I mean. The hood man, really? I'm scared of some stupid boogeyman that probably doesn't even exist. Jeez I'm 9. I'm not a little kid anymore. But, what if it wasn't a dream? I mean, it seemed so real, like there actually was a creature standing in my room last night.

What if? Nah, If I keep this up I'll just scare myself. I must have fallen asleep at some point with the thoughts rattling around in my head.

Some time later, I didn't know how long. I was drifting in and out of sleep.
I could feel something sliding against my weiner.
No, what's happening?

The hand continued to move up and down my dick. It feels weird and tingly, kinda like being tickled from the inside. I shouldn't like it, but I do. I can't help the moan that escapes my lips as I squirm under the covers.

I try to turn my head, but my body feels heavy. I look down and see a hand wrapped around my dick. The touch is familiar, but I can't really understand what's happening.

The hand moves up and down, slow at first and then a bit faster. I feel a strange sensation building up inside me, something new and foreign.

The feeling grew bigger and bigger, like a bubble ready to pop. I'm so scared and don't know what to do. I try to move but my body won't listen. The hand keeps moving, sliding the skin on my weiner up and down. I'm scared, but I don't wanna stop it, it feels good. I know I shouldn't let him. I should stop this, I should say something, no this isn't right. He's touching my weiner.

I just lay there, pretending to be asleep. I feel so dirty, I shouldn't be letting the hood man touch me there, but it feels so good. Oh, what's happening to my weiner?

I can feel the bubble about to burst and I can't stop it, the pressure building up in my groin.
I grit my teeth, trying not to let him hear me make a sound, but it's hard, it's like my whole body is about to erupt.

The bubble bursts and I feel a rush of pleasure that I never felt before, shooting throughout my whole body. It makes me dizzy and I can't think straight. My body starts to shake and my legs close around the hand, trying to keep it from moving but I can't.

My weiner throbs and bounces in his hand, I can feel his warm hand around it, squeezing it.
My dick keeps throbbing while he feels it. It almost feels like I'm about to pee, but nothing comes out.


I couldn't help myself, a moan erupted from my mouth before I could slam my palm over it.
I slowly came back to my senses. No this wasn't right. I felt dirty for letting him do that to me.

“Oh shit, you're awake.”

The hoodman gasped. His voice wasn't at all what I expected. It was sorta soft.

Panicking, I scooted up against the wall. The overs fell off me.
There he stood over me, his chest heaving. I still couldn't see his face, just darkness that seemed to swallow up the light.

With a roar I rose up and smote my enemy with my mighty fist.

Not buying it?


Fine, fine, fine!

I was just trying to make it sound cool.

I screamed like a little girl and flailed my arms at him. My hand struck his face while I was freaking out.

There, happy now?

“Awh god damn it, you hit me in the face you little shit.”
He was leaning over with his face in his hands, cussing and twisting about.

Not knowing what else to do I grabbed the cross I had taken from the drawer with Grandma's old things and held it up for protection.

“The power of Christ compels you!
“The power of Christ compels you!”
I screamed at the thing, my chest was heaving, pearls of sweat ran down my face.

“I compel you to shut the fuck up, aw my fucking head.”
He was standing at the end of my bed holding his head in his hands, rubbing it. I could see now that his hood was pulled back, he was just a boy like me. An older boy, but a boy nonetheless.

“Who…who are you, and what the heck are you doing in my room?!”

I was still brandishing the crucifix like a weapon, holding it up in front of me.

“Ok ok, don't freak out, ok?”
He looked back at me, I could see his hair was blond like mine, just more spiky. He stepped closer and I scooted back.

“Look, I didn't mean to scare ya, I just wanted to have a little fun with you.”

“Fun!?” I spat back at him. “You were doing icky stuff to my weiner.”

I felt kinda embarrassed about having let him touch me like that. He smirked at me, with a sly grin.

“Yeah fun.” He crept closer onto the bed.

“You liked it you little perv, yeah I can tell.”

I thought he was gonna grab me or something, but instead he sat down and looked at me.
He sighed, looking away for a moment, then back at me.

“Ok, this is gonna sound completely crazy, but I'm from the future”

“Like what? You're a freaking terminator or something?

“Affirmative, I am Cyberdyne systems model T-69. I have been sent from the future.”

He looked back at me with a grim expression, turning his head while the rest of his body remained stiff.

I stared back at him in disbelief.

“No you idiot. Look, remember that time you had just gotten that cool red mountain bike and you fell off it and cut your leg and had to go to the doctors and have it stitched?”
“How the heck do you know that?” I stammered.

He lent down and pulled up the hem of his pants showing me a scar on his leg. It looked like the one I had. No, it was identical.

“I'm you.”
This time he wasn’t trying to be funny.

“How can you be me, when I'm me?”
I pulled up my pant leg, the scars on our legs were really identical. The same s shaped scar running down both out legs.

“So do you have like, a time machine or something?”

“Remember that stuff your uncle was working on in the garage and how he went on about being fired from some project? Well, turns out he was working on a time machine.”

He held out a white oval shaped device. It kinda reminded me of some sort of sci fi laser blaster or something, with a display on the back.

“I'm not quite sure how it works, something to do with gravitons and particles and black holes or something.”

“Yeah, I remember uncle talking about that, I could never understand half of what he was saying.

This is all so freaky. You're from the future. So Unkie wasn't kidding when he said he was actually working on making a time machine?! And I didn't even believe him”

I still couldn't quite believe what he was telling me.

“How else do you explain that we share the same memories, the same scar and this thing?”
He held up the strange shiny device, it glowed with a strange blue light along the edge.

“How did you get that anyway?

“I swiped it off Unkie.” He smiled back at me with a shit eating grin.

“Well borrowed it, I can just return it before I even borrowed it.”

He pointed to the window. “Just look outside if you're still not convinced.”

I did as he asked and looked outside. It was quiet, awfully quiet. The cars down the street had completely stopped. People that walked up and down the streets stood frozen in place like statues.

“You …You did that?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I freaking stopped time. This here gizmo can do all sorts of neat stuff.”

“Wait, was that you, back in class?”

He smiled back at me with a sly grin.

“Well I might have had something to do with that, heh. Wasn't it awesome?”

“I guess, but it really freaked me out and and and…”
I couldn't help stammering over the realization he had done something to my privates back then and probably the other kids too. The realization hit me like a freight train.

“Hey, you did something to my weiner and the other kids too.”
I felt nauseous and nervous as I scooted away from him”

“You're the one who has been rubbing my dick at night” I stared at him, shocked and nervous.
“Why would you do that if you're me from the future, why do you do icky stuff like that?”

“Cause you like it,” he huffed, scooting closer to me, looking at me with a wide grin.

“Nnn No I don't,” I shook my head wanting to deny it.

That feeling of shame and nervousness knotted itself in my stomach again.

“Why'd ya have to creep into my room and scare me like some kinda freaking boogeyman?”

If he was me from the future how did I wind up like some pervert, who went around touching kids' privates? He crept closer to me over the mattress.

“It's ok Danny I was scared the first time too, It's alright.”

The way he talked made me feel uneasy. Like we had shared a bad secret, done something we were not supposed to.

“So you traveled back in time just to do that? Why, Why would you do that?

“Well, He blushed a bit, smiling as he lay a hand on my shoulder. I was too shocked by all that had happened and too outright scared to stop him.

“I was just curious what it would be like. Besides, I know you like it.”

“N n No I don't it's icky it's…”

“Oh, you're cute. You can't lie to me. I'm you, remember?”

I gasped as I felt his hand slide on to me. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. I could see myself in those eyes, my eyes that stared back at me.

“I wouldn't hurt myself would I? Just trust me, you're gonna love this.”

His words were softer now, comforting somehow. After all that had happened they made sense. Why would I hurt myself? I gasped, feeling his hand on my privates again, feeling the bulge over my blue Squirtle briefs.

“Didn't it feel good when I jerked you off earlier?”

I nodded, feeling my cheeks get warm. I couldn't look him in the eyes, it was way too embarrassing. It was so naughty, so dirty, so exciting.

He bit his lip before leaning closer to me and gently taking hold of the waistband of my underwear.

"Can I...?" He asked timidly, his face flushed with embarrassment.

The boy watched with growing excitement as I slowly revealed my hard penis to him again.
He reached out, his finger barely grazing the smooth skin before he wrapped his hand around my piss stick. His other hand explored lower, cupping my balls gently in his palm. "Mmmh,"

I could feel the boy's hot breath on my neck as his hand dragged the skin up and down, making the pink tip pop out then hide again.

“Wanna see mine?” He smiled down at me while stroking my dick.

I nodded, in between moans and squeals and looked down at his groin. He had a pop tent in his gray sweatpants. Seeing it made me giggle a bit. His dick was hard under there. I watched as he started sliding his sweatpants down. I could see he had blue briefs underneath. I could see the base of his dick as the hem of his pants slid over it and his hard throbbing piss stick sprung up.

“You like it?” He grinned.
He took it in his hands and stroked it up and down like he did mine. I had seen other kids dicks before, like in the showers after gym class. Sam's dick was a bit smaller than mine and sorta curved downward like a banana. Dans dick was a bit longer and thicker than mine.

His dick was hard and throbbing. It was almost twice as big as mine, about the size of an adult, it was way thicker too. There was a bit of hair growing just above it.
“Yeeeeaaah mmh,” I moaned looking down as he stroked his thick hard dick. It had a vain going along the side of it, I could see it pulsating. Looking at it made me feel funny. Like the way I sometimes felt funny while looking at other boys in the school shower, but this was like, ten times more intense.

“How about you return the favor, hm?”

He grinned, guiding my hand over to his dick. I hesitated for a bit before curling my fingers around it. It was really warm and hard, but the skin on his dick was smooth and soft. Wow I can't believe I'm touching another boy's dick. Well, not really I mean it's my dick, I guess only me from the future. This is all so confusing. My fingers curled around his dick, feeling and exploring it. It felt even cooler than I imagined it would.

He looked down at me with a smirk, grabbing my hand and placing it around his hard cock.

"Like this," he said, guiding me as I began to stroke him. It was hot and heavy in my hands, pulsating with each movement.

I continued to stroke him, slowly at first, but growing bolder as I felt him grow harder in my hands. His breathing got heavier and I could see the pleasure on his face. It was clear that he was enjoying it and it made me feel good to be able to make him feel good like this.

The older boy grinned and nodded, moving his hand away to let me take control. I began to stroke him faster, matching the rhythm of his hand on my own weiner. The feeling of his thick boyhood in my hands and the thought of him doing the same to me was driving me wild. It just felt so good, even though it was really naughty, but that just made it all the more exciting.

Our moans filled the room as we stroked each other's dicks. The older boy's eyes were squeezed shut in pleasure, and his hips began to buck as he got closer to popping. I could feel myself getting close too, my balls drawing up tight as I pumped his cock faster and harder.

I moaned and leaned against his warm body, I could feel his breath against me as his chest rose and fell. I was huffing and puffing just as much as we kept stroking each other. It was like a naughty secret, something we could share and enjoy just him and me.

His body tensed and shivered as he grit his teeth. I could feel his dick pulsating in my fingers. His fingers were still curled around mine, feeling my own dick throb as he kept stroking it up and down. It felt so good when I bucked into his hand.

“Are you going pop?”
I smirked up at him, giggling as he grit his teeth and held his eyes shut. He was bucking into my hand, just like I was bucking into his. Oh my god, the feeling of his fingers tightening around my dick felt so freaking good. I could feel the pressure building up inside my groin.

“Gaaah aaah!”

He threw his head back moaning loudly. His dick was pulsating in my hand. My whole body shivered as I tightened my grip on his dick as it throbbed and pulsated in my hand. He moaned and I felt his dick bounce up and down, seeming to grow and shrink like it was breathing. White goo squirted out of his dickhole. Even more spurted out and landed on the sheets. It kept squirting and ran down his dick and onto my hands.

“Hey, eeew you're peeing!” I gasped, watching as he shook and squirted all over the bedsheets. Why… Why is he peeing white goo? What the heck?

“Dude, did you just pee in my bed?!” I looked up at him, annoyed at what he had done.

“It's not pee, dummy,” he sighed leaning back against the wall, his chest heaving.

“Huh?!” I blurted out like an idiot, staring at the goo on my fingers and wiping it on the sheets.

“It's cum, you'll start making it too when you get a bit older,” he huffed down at me.

“Cum?” I squished it between my fingers, then pulled them apart making a long sticky string between my fingers.

“It's kinda slimy.”

“It's the secret ingredient to making babies.” He explained then leaned closer.

“Thanks kid, that felt awesome, here let me finish you off.”

“Ff finish me off?!” I gulped nervously, looking down as his fingers curled around my dick again and stroked it up and down. He leaned down closer, then looked up at me.

“You're gonna love this, "he smirked, licking his lips then leaned down towards my dick.

I couldn't help but gasp both from surprise and how good it felt when he licked the tip of my dick. Even though it was kinda gross.

“Eeew that's gross, I pee from there!” I huffed down at him, feeling his tongue glide over my throbbing dick. “You're not supposed to lick there, that's disgusting!”

“He gave me a sly grin as he circled his tongue around the tip of my dick.
“But it feels great, don't it?”

I could only moan and nod before I felt it go into his mouth. His lips clamped around it and I could feel him sicking my dick into his mouth, pulling on it. It felt so freaking good, my dick tingled and tickled in his mouth.

“Oh, this is so dirty” I huffed looking down at what he was doing. I could feel him sucking at my dick. It felt like each time he drew back it felt like he was tugging on something deep down in my balls and pulling it up through my dick, making it tingle and tickle from both the outside and inside. His tongue slid underneath the sensitive tip of my dick, making me squirm and let out an embarrassing high pitched squeal.

“Wait, stop aaah! Stopstopstop!”
I moaned and squealed, feeling the pressure build and my balls pull into my abdomen.

He pushed me back onto the bed, caressing my chest. Something wiggled and tickled between my buttocks, then over my butthole making me clench.

“Hey what are you doing?!” I gasped nervously, feeling his finger push against me. He just giggled and kept sucking even harder on my dick, bobbing his head up and down.

“No quit it, that's freaking disgusting!” I squealed, unable to do much else but buck into his mouth. He giggled as he pushed his finger into my butthole. It felt weird and I couldn't help clenching tight around his finger as it slid in.

“Hey ahh hey, don't put your finger in there aaah!” I squealed, feeling him slide it back and forth. Then it went deeper, poking against a sensitive spot deep inside me I didn't even know was there. It felt so weird and kinda gross. Despite that, it felt kinda good. It was so confusing, so overwhelming.

“Sss slow dd down aaaah!” My voice came out as an awkward moan. My dick was throbbing and bouncing in his mouth while jolts of pleasure sizzled from my groin throughout my whole body. My butt clenched down hard around his finger as he kept sliding it in and out.

My dick felt like it was erupting like a volcano into his mouth. I huffed and puffed, wiggling around. I felt like I was gonna pass out, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as my whole body shook. All the while he kept sucking on my dick as it bounced and throbbed and kept wiggling his finger in my butthole.

My head was all hazy, I couldn't think straight. I patted my hands against his head. All I could get out were incoherent gurgles and moans. When he finally let me go, I fell back on the bed heaving and panting heavily.

“You liked that huh, didn't ya kid?” He smirked down at me. I was slowly regaining control of my breathing. I felt so dirty and embarrassed. The things he had done to me… they were so dirty.

“He lay down beside me, his hands crept up my sides and pulled me close.

“It's ok, I know it's a bit overwhelming,” He huffed.
“I think I'm starting to remember a bit how it was. For some reason, memories from time travel don't always come right away. No idea why though, ”

I lay there in his arms, just letting him hold me. It felt kinda nice, warm. Not entirely safe, maybe, but I knew he would look after me and do more dirty things to me.

Black holes and supernovas

"When I woke up, I was all alone in my bed, the room still tingling with the memory of what had happened. Or had it? My heart hammered in my chest as I reached down and felt my morning wood. It was definitely real. I didn't know what to think about it all. Did I like... boys? It was weird, but the thoughts of the night before made me feel... funny down there.

But why was I feeling like this? I didn't get it. It was like my body was betraying me. I didn't want to think about it anymore, but I couldn't help it. I felt bad, like I had done something wrong, but it also felt kind of good. I didn't know what to do with these feelings. They were all mixed up like a bag of Skittles that someone threw in the dryer. I just hoped that no one would find out.

I looked under the covers, my dick was poking up. Wait, where are my briefs?! Wait, did... Did that really happen? I'm so confused.

The way he had touched me, I remember how his fingers had curled around my dick., I mean, gee, it felt really neat. How was it he had…?

I didn't know why, but I started to move my hand up and down on it. It was weird, but it felt kind of nice. Like when you play with Play-Doh and it gets all squishy and hard. I didn't know what it was called, but I knew it was a secret. A really big one. And when I pulled on the skin, it felt even better. It was like... tickling it from the inside out. I kept doing it, faster and faster.
My dick was bouncing just like it had in the dream, well if it really was a dream.
Rubbing my dick up and down like this felt good, but I wanted that feeling I had had earlier, like when someone else was doing it. My eyes were all hazy. I wish I had someone…

My eyes fell on Ted sitting in the corner of the bed watching me. The upside down Y stitching on his muzzle made it almost look like he was frowning at what I was doing.

“Whadda you looking at you friggin pervert?” I smirked back at the teddy bear as I grabbed him and put his soft plush paws around my dick.

“Well if you're gonna look you can help me out. Yeah, that's it Ted.

I couldn't help but moan, lost in the thoughts about my dream. His little paws slid up and down my dick, faster and faster.

It felt all warm and tingly. It was like when you sneeze and your whole body feels funny, but in a good way. It felt like a pressure building from my balls all the way up my dick. Out my dick.

“Danny breakfast’s ready!” I could hear Mom yelling from down stairs.

“I'm coming mom!”

I looked down, and there was some sticky stuff on my hand. I didn't know what it was, but it was from me. It was weird, but I didn't feel bad about it. Just... different
"I hopped out of bed, trying to ignore the sticky mess on the sheets. I grabbed some clean clothes from my dresser and threw on a t-shirt and shorts. The cotton felt cool and comfortable against my skin, but my mind was still swirling with thoughts about the weird thing that had happened with my teddy bear."

I stumbled down the stairs, the scent of pancakes and syrup wafting up to meet me. My stomach growled, and I tried to focus on the familiar sounds of pans sizzling and the clink of dishes in the kitchen.

"Good morning," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. She looked up from the stove, her hair pulled back into a messy bun, and gave me a smile.

"Good morning, Sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

I nodded.

“We’re going out to celebrate our wedding anniversary today. So, we’ve gotten you a babysitter”

"I stared at my mom, my mouth hanging open.

“A babysitter?” I asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

“Mom, I'm nine, I'm not a baby anymore, I don’t need… "
"We know, Danny," she cooed gently.
"It's just for one evening. Plus, we want to go out for dinner. We've got a special night planned."
“We rented Turtles on VHS.” Dad smiled back at me showing me a stack of cassettes.

"Thanks, but I don't need a babysitter!" I protested, my voice rising.
Before I could say more, the doorbell rang, cutting through the tension in the room.
My mom's eyes lit up, and she rushed to the door. I followed, my heart racing.
“That’s probably him?”

"Oh, David," Mom exclaimed as she opened the door. "You're here early

"It's... it's you!" I stammered, nearly shitting myself, staring at the older version of me winked back at me. A knowing smirk playing on his lips.

"Hi, Mrs. Peterson. I'm David, I'm here to babysit?."

It was like looking into a mirror, except the reflection had more years of life experience etched into its eyes. It had to be him, the David he'd seen in his dreams.
But how could it be? And why didn’t Mom recognize him?"

"Thanks for coming by early, David, she murmured as she took his jacket.

"It's really no problem Ma... Mrs Peterson" He smiled back.

"Hi there Danny boy!" He stepped closer and ruffled my hair while I stood there like a moping idiot.

"Oh you boys look like you could be brothers." Mom cooed at us.

"Well I can be your big bro." He smirked at me then grinned back at mom.

"We're gonna have loads of fun, I brought some games and movies."

“Hurry up honey!” Mom yelled up stairs at dad.

I stood there perplexed looking at the older version of myself. He had my eyes, my chin, only a bit pointer. It was looking into a mirror, seeing an older version of myself, how I was going to look like.

After a while dad came down, struggling with his tie.

“Here let me get that for you sweetie.” She huffed, fixing it for him.

Mom and Dad said their goodbyes, and as the door clicked shut behind them.
I was left standing in the hallway with David, my future self.
He was grinning at me like he knew a secret that I hadn't even figured out yet.

"So, what do you want to do first?" he asked, his voice a little deeper than I was used to hearing from myself.

"I brought some cool stuff. Wanna see?"*

"Ss sure, but but. Oh my God, the stuff from last night that really happened?" I looked up at him nervously. He just stood there with a big dumb smile on his face and nodded.

"Yeah and I’ve got more fun and games," big me smiled, his grin widening.
"You're gonna love it, I promise."

He held out his hand, and I took it, feeling a strange warmth and comfort. It was like holding my own hand, but bigger and stronger.
"Come on dufus, lets have some fun." He had a bag full of VHS tapes and Snes (schneez) cartridges.

We walked into the living room. This was really happening.

"Wait, so the whole time travel thing is real?"
I was still trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

"You bet it is, little bro," older me said, dropping the bag onto the coffee table.

"You're gonna love what we've got planned for today."

He winked at me, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Time travel was real, and I was about to spend the day with a version of myself that seemed to know all the secrets.

“So uhm.." I felt my cheeks get warm, when I looked over at him. I felt like a herd of dragons were flying around in my belly.

"Uhm... are you gonna do icky things to me, like touch my dick and stuff?"

He looked down at me with a serious expression.

"Touch your dick? Wadda ya think I'm some kinda pedo that's gonna have my way with you?"

For a minute I almost thought he was serious, it only made me more surprised when he grinned at me and leaned closer.

"Have some patience kid." He chuckled, grabbing me between my legs squeezing and going "beep beep," before he pushed me onto the sofa.

Let's play some games first.
He pulled out a game cartridge labeled Mario Kart 64. It kinda looked like a regular game cartridge, only the top of it was curved.

"Huh?" that's not a Super Nintendo game" I remarked.
"No, it's for the Nintendo 64."

He smiled, pulling a strange rektangular game console out of the bag and began hooking it up to the tv.

“Wow it's 3d!”I grabbed the controller. It was awesome like having a big brother, we raced each other down the tracks and threw banter back and forth"

We sat on the couch, our legs tucked under us, and I took the controller hesitantly. It felt strange in my hands, so many buttons and a weird stick in the middle. As soon as I started playing, I was hooked.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed, my eyes glued to the screen as we raced through the colorful tracks of Rainbow Road.

"But how does the time machine work?" I finally asked, taking a break from our intense videogaming session.

Well, it's all thanks to Uncle," Older me chuckled, leaning back into the couch.

"He's always been into that sciency stuff. He figured out how to use gravitons and neutrinos from a particle collider to create the time portal. Crazy, right?"
"But it's not just a machine," he continued, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
"It's a gun. You point it at where you want to go, and it opens up a little door to the past or future. It's pretty neat."

He grabbed the gun from his bag and held it up for me to see. It looked like a prop from a sci-fi movie, sleek and metallic, with a glowing blue barrel. The sight of it made my heart race even faster

"Wait, so you can just punch in coordinates and it opens a portal?" I looked at the gun in amazement.

"Yeah it can also stop time" He smirked at me and pressed a button, and there was a sudden flash.

I looked at him confused, “nothing happened.”

He smirked back at me. “Not for you it did.”
I realized my pants were somehow pulled down around my ankles. He giggled and looked down at my half limp dick as I blushed and scrambled to pull them back up.

Hey, you dick head!" I yelled at him.

"Why so embarrassed? It's my dick too, or used to be I guess", he giggled.

"So that’s how you made everyone drop their pants at school yesterday?!"

"It was pretty funny, I gotta admit," He said, his laughter subsiding into a smirk.

"But we've got more important things to worry about right now. Like how we're gonna get through this night without you spilling the beans to your mom."

He leaned in closer, his eyes searching mine, a hint of seriousness in his gaze.
"You can't tell anyone about this, okay? Not even her. It's too dangerous.”

“Yeah, I won't tell."
"We can mess around with it more, later."

He grabbed the controller and gave me a sideways glance.
"Race ya, loser has to jerk the winner off."

His hand graced my thigh, sliding playfully up towards my groin.

"You're on." I squeeked, meaning for it to sound more confident as I took the controller.
"But only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself during the race."

Although I was too embarrassed to admit it, the thought of playing our naughty game again made me feel all hot and tingly.

As we raced I couldn't help but steal glances at older me's profile, his cheekbones more pronounced, his nose a bit sharper than my own. It was eerie, yet fascinating, to see what I would become in just a few short years.

The game's soundtrack filled the room, the sounds of tires screeching and power-ups firing adding to the excitement. I came around a corner and crashed into the wall. I had been distracted by watching myself. Damn it! He overtook me and zoomed across the finish line.

“Shit I lost.”

I had let myself get distracted by uhm… myself?
See this is why people don’t write stories where they meet themselves. It just messes up the grammar. Uhm anyway.

I was both nervous and a bit excited. I knew what losing ment.

“Come on, you lost” He smirked down at me as he got up. “You know what you gotta do.”
He slid his pants down. His dick flopped up like a spring and bounced up and down a few times, throwing wet drops into the air. I stared at it, it was standing out like a flagpole. He slid his hand around the thick base of it and lifted it up towards me.

“Well you know what to do don'cha?” He huffed, leaning closer.

"Okay, okay," I said, blushing furiously. "But remember, this is just because we made a deal."
I pouted up at him trying to feign, indignation.

I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the racing of my heart as I reached out nervously, wrapping my hand around his shaft. It was warm and firm, and I could feel the pulse beneath the skin.
I didn't know why I was so nervous—after all, it was just a part of our game, part of me.
I began to stroke him gently, watching his face for any signs of discomfort or disapproval. My fingers slowly peeling the foreskin back, making the pink tip of his dick pop out. It was shiny and wet. His eyes fluttered closed, and a soft sigh escaped his lips.

"Does that feel good?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah," he murmured, his hand moving to my head, guiding me closer.
"Just like that."

I could feel him growing harder in my hand. It felt so exciting, making me all hot. I could feel my own dick get stiff. It didn't feel as scary now.

Despite the innocence of our game, the reality of the situation began to dawn on me. I was touching another version of myself in a way that was both intimate and foreign.

"You're doing great," David said, his voice a little breathless. "Keep going."

I swallowed hard, my heart racing. I didn't know how to respond, so I just nodded and focused on the task at hand. The sensation of his skin against mine was both strange and exhilarating. I felt a mix of embarrassment and fascination as I touched him, but I couldn't deny the growing sense of curiosity within.
I couldn't help but giggle, feeling a bit awkward touching another boy's dick.
If mom knew, she would probably ground me for life.

"Yeah, a bit faster." He murmured, patting my head as my fingers tightened around his throbbing hard dick and slid up and down.

"Okay," I murmured, trying to ignore the thoughts of what my mom would say if she walked in. Or how dirty this all was. I knew I probably wasn't even allowed to do this. I focused on the here and now, the warmth of his skin and the way his body was reacting to my touch.

I quickened my pace, watching as his hips began to buck slightly with each stroke. His breathing grew heavier, and I felt a strange sense of power, knowing that I was the one causing these reactions. I rubbed his dick more, feeling each bump and fold along it. The skin was soft, but the rest was hard and sort of bouncing between my hands. I couldn't take my eyes off it.
"Can..." He moaned, sliding mis hand over the top of my head. "Can you suck on it, please?"


I looked up at him surprized, not knowing why he really wanted me to do that.

"EEEEW! that sounds gross." I blurted out. He looked down at me with a lewd pleading look on his face.

"Please, just put it in your mouth and suck on it, I'll let you mess around with the time gun if you do."

The thought of putting his dick in my mouth felt disgusting, what it it tasted like pee?

"But you pee from there." I whined, hoping I could talk my way out of it.

"Not right now, I’m not." His eyes locked onto mine. "Come on, I sucked yours."

He leaned down, his hand still on the back of my head, and gently guided my face closer to his boner. Luckily it didn't smell like pee, it smelled kinda bittersweet and salty.

"Just try it," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "You might like it.

"Come on, I did it for you last time, you don't wanna be unfair do you?"

He huffed, pushing my head closer to his dick. I felt a bit nauseous. I really didn't wanna put his dick in my mouth. But, he had put mine in his mouth and it had felt really really good.

"Come on just a little bit?"

Well I guess I was being unfair if I didn't do it when he had already done it to me.

"Fine." I sighed, then took a deep breath. Mentally preparing for what I was about to do.

As I leaned in, I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I parted my lips and let him put it into my mouth. It was definitely a weird sensation, like nothing I'd ever felt before.

"Mmph," I muffled around the tip of his dick, feeling it pulse against my tongue.
I could see his eyes widen with surprise and pleasure, and something about the power in that moment made me want to keep going. I started to suck a little, feeling him twitch in my mouth.
I guess this wasn't so bad. Especially if I was making him feel as good as I had felt when he did it to me.

"Mmmhh," I hummed, the vibration sending waves of pleasure through him.
I felt his hand tighten on my hair as he began to thrust gently, guiding the rhythm.
I tried to push the embarrassment and awkwardness aside.

Having his dick in my mouth felt a bit gross, but it was also kinda exciting. It made me feel so warm and tingly all over. Knowing I was making him feel as good as I did made it all worth it.

“Ah yeah moooore.” he moaned. His fingers curled through my locks of hair as he pushed me further down his dick. I could feel it sliding deeper into my mouth, over my tongue.

“Hmmmphh?!” I squirmed, panicking a bit as he pushed it further in, My hands came up along his waist to try to stop him, but he was already pushing further. Then he slid back out a bit then slid it back and forth over my tongue. My nostrils flared as I tried to breathe.

“Yeah suck my dick.” He moaned. Seeing how much he loved this, I tried to calm down and kept sucking on it. Trying my best not to gag each time it bumped up against my throat.

“Oh shit, I'm sorry!” He huffed, pushing me down even further. His dick hit the back of my throat, it felt like I was about to throw up by being gagged like that.

I patted his waist, freaking out a bit, trying to get him to knock it off.


Something thick and creamy squirted into my mouth, filling my cheeks and spewing down my throat. I had no choice, but to try to swallow. My batting hands now turned into fists trying to get him off me as I was panicking and gurgling. My cheeks ballooned outwards and my eyes started to water.
“Gah ah aaaah!” He moaned, his dick pulsating in my mouth, squirting more of that stuff into my mouth, making it leak down my cheeks, down my chest and dripp onto the floor.

“Oh shit, oh shit, are you ok? I'm so sorry” He gasped, finally pulling his dick out of my mouth.
I gasped for air, then fell forwards onto my hands and coughed up a big glob of white creamy gooo.

“Asshole! BLAAARG!”

I shouted at him, throwing up another big glob of goo. I wanted to kick him in the nuts. He didn't have to do that. My hand came up to swipe at him as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around me and carried me to the bathroom.

“Shit, I didn't know you’d make me cum that much.” He patted my back as he held me over the toilet. I coughed a few times and he wiped my face with a towel he yanked off the rack.

I was furious, how could he just do that and not even warn me, that big poopyhead.
I was all covered in that white goo, it had gotten all over my hair and my t-shirt.
I felt all dizzy and light headed from what had just happened. He held me and began to peel off my t-shirt, then tugg at my pants.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Even though I was still half dazed, I was still mad at him. I tried elbowing him, but he pushed it aside and slid my pants off.

“You're all dirty, we need to get you cleaned up.” He tried to calm me down, holding me as I squirmed.

“I'll make it up to you,” he huffed, his warm breath against my air as he nuzzled me. His hand slid down to push my briefs down to the floor.

I forgot all about my anger, feeling his hand slide over my dick and gently rub it up and down. That bastard, he made me feel all tingly and hot again. I couldn't help myself.

“You said, clean me up, but you're being all dirty.” I huffed a bit embarrassed by the way he was touching me dd down there.

His hands slid over my dick and it grew stiffer, lifting up as his fingers sneaked around it. He helped me slip off my socks, then threw off his own socks and t-shirt. He pushed me towards the shower, reached over my head and turned the knob to turn the water on.

The warm water cascaded down over us as we stepped into the shower, the steam filling the small bathroom and creating a private sanctuary of mist and tiles.

"Come on, let's get you clean," Big me huffed, his eyes glinting with mischief as he lathered up a washcloth.

He started at my shoulders, working the soap into a frothy lather before moving down to my chest. His touch was firm but gentle, and I couldn't help but let out a small gasp as the cloth brushed over my sensitive nipples.

"It's okay," He assured me, his voice soothing as he rubbed the soap all over my chest and belly, groping and pinching me playfully.

“ Dirty dirty boy." He huffed as he ran his finger over my wet skin.

He moved the washcloth lower, over my stomach, and down to my cock, which was already half-hard from the sensation of the water and his touch. He began to stroke me gently, his own boner pressing against my thigh.

"Does that feel good?" He asked, his voice a gentle rumble.

"Yeah," I admitted, my voice shaky.

The warm water and the feeling of his hand on me was overwhelming. I didn't know what was happening to me, but it felt... sooo goood.

His fingers slid over my balls cupping them, then his other hand slid over my dick. His fingers wrapped around my dick, squeezing it a bit as he pulled upwards.

“Mm, you're getting hard for me," David said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah you are." He huffed as his fingers felt up and down my throbbing penis making me blush.

He dropped the washcloth and took my dick in his hand, stroking me in a way that sent sparks of pleasure through my body.

“Nnnghh!” I couldn't help but squeal. The way he was talking to me, touching me all over drove me crazy. It was soooo dirty.

The showerhead spray felt like a warm embrace against my back, the water pressure varying from gentle to firm as he washed my back.
He began to move the showerhead down my back, tracing a line from my neck to my lower back. His other hand followed the path of the water, his soapy fingers gliding over my skin.

"Relax," David whispered, his breath hot against my ear.

"Let me take care of you."

I leaned into him, letting the warm water cascade over my body as his hand reached down to cup my butt. His fingers played at the edge of my cheeks, teasing the sensitive skin before slipping between them.

“Gaaah, what are you doing?!”

I gasped as he slid a finger inside me, the shock of the intrusion mixing with the pleasure.

"Just relax," He instructed, his voice low and seductive. "Don’t clench."
I felt him push in another finger, stretching me gently. The sensation was strange, but not painful, just... different, like when he had had my dick in his mouth and wiggled his finger around in my butt.

"What... what are you doing?" I moaned nervously, "it feels weird!"
"I'm just making sure you're ready," David said, his eyes locked onto mine through the steamy haze. "You need to be prepared for what's coming next."

The way he said it sent a shiver down my spine. What did he mean?

"Please let me ff fuck you" He huffed, I could feel he had taken the shampoo bottle and pressed it against my butthole. I could feel the shampoo squish inside as he squirted it into my butthole.

"What the fuck!" I squealed, the cold liquid making me jump. "What are you doing?"

I could feel him chuckling against my back, his body shaking with laughter.
"Just making sure you're all clean," he whispered, nuzzling against my neck as he held me close.

"Can I?" He huffed, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

“Can I put it up your butt?”
His voice filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. "I promise I'll be gentle. "

He pulled his fingers out of me, and I felt the loss of his warmth immediately. I was both scared and curious about what he was suggesting.

"But... but what if it hurts?" I stuttered, my voice quivering with nerves.

"It might at first," David admitted, "but I'll make sure it feels good for you, I promise."

  • He kissed the side of my neck, his hand moving to caress my cheek.

"Trust me, Danny, Besides, I'm you right? From the future So I know you're gonna like it."

His hands groped my butt, the way I had seen dad pinch mom sometimes, and now I knew why

"Okay," I whispered, gripping the shower wall for support. "Just go slow."

He kissed me again, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he positioned himself behind me.
I could feel his hardness pressing against my ass, and despite my nerves, my body was responding.

"Ready?" He asked, his voice strained with desire.

"Uh-huh," I breathed, bracing myself.

With one hand, he guided his cock to my entrance, the tip brushing against the sensitive skin. The cold shampoo made it easier to slide in, and I felt him push gently.
I could feel his dick pushing in between my buttcheeks, then pressing against my butthole. It hurt a bit when the tip spread my butthole open and slowly slid inside.

"Gaaah!" My eyes flinched open, i thought I was prepared, but I wasn't.
I could feel his dick pushing in between my buttcheeks, then pressing against my butthole.
It hurt a bit when the tip spread my butthole open and slowly slid inside.

"Just relax," David whispered, his hands on my hips, holding me steady.
"It'll get better, I promise."

“You ss sure?” I squirmed, my voice cracking a bit. I wasn't sure from the pain or outright fear.

He waited a moment, letting me adjust to the new sensation. The pain was slowly subsiding, replaced by a growing warmth and pressure. He began to move, his strokes slow and deliberate
I could feel him moving inside me, and despite the initial discomfort, it felt kinda nice.
It was as if my body was learning a new language, one that it hadn't spoken before but somehow understood on a primal level.

"You're doing so good," he murmured, kissing my neck. "Keep breathing."

I nodded, taking deep breaths and focusing on the feeling of his skin against mine. His hand slid around my body to find my dick, stroking it in time with his movements.
The pain was fading, and in its place, a strange kind of pleasure began to bloom. I moaned, pressing back into him, my body moving of its own accord.

"Fuck, you're tight," David groaned, his grip on my hips tightening.
"But you're taking it like a champ."

I bit my bottom lip, the sound of the water from the showerhead mixing with our panted breaths and the slick sounds of our bodies coming together. I felt his hand moving faster, his strokes becoming more urgent up and down my throbbing dick. I could feel every bump and fold of his dick sliding against my insides. Going deeper and deeper until it bumped up against something sensitive deep inside me.

I could feel is dick squeezing in and out of me as I clenched down around it. it didn't hurt anymore, it kinda felt like being tickled from the inside. His thighs bumped against my butt with wet lewd slapps, making my but wobble embarrassing like jely. His dick continued to pump in and out of me, pushing me against the soapy shower tiles. I could feel my head going all hazy again, I couldn't think straight.

The sensations grew more intense with each passing moment, my body adapting to the new experience. The pleasure began to build, my moans echoing off the tiles.
"You're going to make me cum," he whispered into my ear, his breath hot and ragged.

"Do you want to feel it?

"I... I don't know," I stammered, overwhelmed by the sensations. "But... keep going."

His strokes grew faster, more urgent, and I could feel the tension in his body as he kept pumping me.

His hand on my dick was a blur, the pleasure he was giving me making it difficult to think.
My dick felt like it was being inflated, that now familiar tingly sensation bubbled up from my groin. I could feel a pulsating deep inside me as he held onto me. We both moaned. The feeling was so overwhelming that my entire body shivered as everything felt like it was exploding all around me.
I felt his dick swell inside me, and with a final, powerful thrust, he released. I could feel the warmth of his goo filling me up, and the sudden fullness was almost too much to handle.
My dick, swelled, feeling like it was going to burst, it actually hurt a little. Then it spat out the same white gooey stuff he was squirting into me.

Not as much as him. I looked down half dazed in amazement. I thought he said I was too little to make that stuff yet. It squirted onto the wall and all over his hands as he slowly squeezed more out of me.

My legs gave out and I fell against him as he caught me. I was panting and huffing from the overwhelming ordeal. His dick twitched inside me a few times before he pulled it out.
White creamy goo gushed out onto the floor with a wet splat from my gaping abused asshole.

“Are…are you ok?” He asked nervously, shaking me lightly.

“Danny?!” He yelled, panic in his voice when I didn't reply. My head flopped back and forth limp and my tongue hung out as I drooled. Too tired to suck it back in and not even caring.

“Did I hurt you?!” He lifted my head up, I couldn't even focus my eyes on him. everything was hazy. My whole body was tingling and throbbing, chest still heaving.

“Nuu uuuh” was all I could muster as a string of drool ran down my cheek and I gave him a lewd smile.

“Oh my god, I fucked him retarded.” He looked down at me as I tried to look up at him, still rubbing against him and twitching feeling the aftershocks of what we had just did.

“Youhh wetawdaaad” I giggled, unable to even speak properly, giggling at the shere wrong dirtiness of what we had just done. Nothing else mattered at that point. I just wanted this feeling to never end.

“Oh god I knew this was a bad Idea.”
“No, uuuh good” Was all I managed to moan as I leaned against his warm wet embrace. It felt so warm and safe having him hold me under the shower like that.

“Ok, if you say so,” he sighed relieved as he resumed washing me.

We stepped out of the shower, I couldn't help giggling like a little girl, staring at him. My eyes ran up and down his wet naked body and I reached a hand out to feel his smooth moist skin while he dried me off.

“You uhm.. you really liked it?” He huffed down at me, his face had turned a cute shade of pink. I hadn't realized how handsome he, I mean I, I mean, we? had become.

“Yeah it was awesome!” I huffed up at him, unable to resist the urge to grab his big dick that dangled in between his legs. He winced and I could feel it twitch in my hands.

“Hey relax you horny little gremlin,” He huffed, pushing my hand away. “It's still sensitive.”

“But I wanna play more.” I pouted disappointed instead reaching for his big round butt and squeezing one of his soft buttocks.

“Ok ok, calm down. I need to rest a bit,” He barked, slapping my hand while I tried to touch his butt again.

“Gee what's gotten into you?” He huffed at me, picking me up, wrapping me into a towel and carrying me into my room.

“You,” I blurted out laughing, making him laugh too.

“You're such a dummy.” He huffed throwing me onto the bed, then turned to rummage around in my drawers.

He grinned down at me holding up the hooded pajamas mom had gotten me. It was brown with a paler cream colored front. The hood had teddy bear eyes, ears and muzzle on it and the back had a tail, right where the buttflap was.

I hadn't worn it in ages cause it made me look like a little baby. Somehow he had found it. Mom had gotten it for me like, ages ago because she thought it was so cute.

“Lift your leg.” He grinned, grabbing a hold of my left ankle.”

“But I don't wanna wear that, It makes me look dumb!” I protested as he started sliding it on. “Besides, it's too small.”

“Oh I'm sure it will fit,” He smirked buttoning it up”

“Hey I can dress myself, and you forgot my underwear. I can do it myself, I'm not a little kid.”
It felt strange and a bit too sensitive, having my naked privates brush up against the soft velvety fabric of the pajamas.

“Yes you are,” he giggled, sitting me up and pulling the teddy bear hood over my head.

I pouted up at him, sitting there in my teddy bear pajamas.

“Come on, let's get some food and catch a movie,” he smirked, picking me up like a little kid, making me feel even more insulted, but I let him, too tired to argue with him.

I looked down at the teddy bear onesie that David had picked out for me. It was a bit too small, the fabric stretching tightly across my chest and hugging my crotch.

“You look adorable.” He giggled, handing me a can of coke, then fiddled around with a VHS tape. Even though he had dressed into his gray slack pants, I couldn't help but feel tingly watching his big round rear poke back at me.

What would it feel like if I put my dick up his butt instead?

The movie started. It was some kinda weird sci-fi movie about some hacker guy. The music was kinda cool tho, it reminded me of that weird techno music some of the older kids listened to.
I watched in amazement, the action scenes were so over the top, dodging bullets, backflipping kung fu and gun battles, it was the most awesome thing I had ever seen.

Caught somewhere in time

We sat in silence for a few moments, the gravity of what we had just done sinking in.
Then, David spoke up, his voice a mix of excitement and caution.

"You know, we could use the time gun to visit our younger self," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I don't know, see how he's doing."
I turned to look at him, the idea sparking a flurry of thoughts. It was like a plot twist in one of the sci-fi books I had read.

"Really?" I asked, intrigued by the possibility. "But wouldn't that mess with the timeline?"

Future me shrugged, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "Maybe a little," he admitted.
"But it could be fun, right?”
With a grin, David took the time gun from the bathroom counter and checked the settings.

"Alright, we're going back to when we were five," he said, a spark of excitement in his eyes.

"Just for a quick visit." I nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and exhilaration.

The concept of time travel was still so surreal to me, but with big Danny by my side, I felt like I could face anything.
With a grin, The other Danny took the time gun from the backpack he had brought, and checked the settings. It whirred to life with an electric humm as the blue lights powered on.

"Alright, we're going back to when we were five," he said, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Just for a quick visit."

"Just for a quick visit."
I nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and exhilaration. The concept of time travel was still so surreal to me, but with David by my side, I felt like I could face anything.

"Ready?" He asked, holding out the time gun. Strange panels around the muzzle opened up and the barrel glowed with a strange blue otherworldly light.
"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, taking a deep breath.
He squeezed my hand reassuringly before pointing the gun at the floor and pulling the trigger.

A huge hole opened up , it was like a swirling vortex of crackling energy.
Through the hole I could see the very same room we were standing in. Only it was in our living room from like five years back. It was strange seeing it from above from this angle. It had the same couch, but our old smaller 42 inch tv. It looked like it was night time.

“Come on or are you chicken?” Big me laughed then jumped through the hole in the floor, landing softly on the couch below.
He held his arms up towards me. I hesitated for a moment, then jumped through.
He caught me and helped hold me upright as my feet hit the couch.
We stepped upstairs, past the familiar hallway towards my room. My past self room I realized as the door creaked open. The room was a mess, just like my own childhood bedroom had been. Posters of cartoons lined the walls, bed sat in the corner, on the floor was a pile of clothes and toys.

"Looks like we're in the right place," big me said with a chuckle.
I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as I looked around, recognizing the posters of the lion king and Hamtaro that I had once had on my own walls.

We tiptoed closer to the sleeping form of my 5-year-old self, dressed in blue pajamas with yellow stars scattered all over. I had to admit I was kinda cute as a little kid as I watched my youngest self lay there sleeping peacefully. He was a bit chubby from his baby fat.
The sight of him, so innocent, Unaware of the lewdness he’d get up to when he got older filled me with a strange mix of fondness and protectiveness.
"So, what do we do?" I whispered to big me, glancing around the room.
"Well, how about we make him feel good too?" Older me smiled, watching younger me sleep. I noticed he already had a pop tent in his pants.

"But... But is that right? I mean he's so little, I'm afraid we'll scare him."

"Well then you better be gentle with him"

"I'm not sure about this..."

“Oh, you loved it when I did it yo you right? so that means he'll love it just as much right?"
He snickered back at me, roping his own bulge
I blushed remembering my first time with him. It was so unexpected and overwhelming.
I was afraid for a moment but was so gentle and kind, and it felt so good.
Big me leaned in and kissed me, his hand finding its way down to my crotch through the onesie. I gasped as he began to rub me again, his touch sending waves of pleasure through my body.

"Go on, I wanna see his dick," older me huffed, giving me a little pat and pushed me closer to my sleeping younger self.

"Uhm. I don't know, this ff fels wrong." I huffed nervously.

"Come on, you know you both want to." He huffed in my ear.

"I swallowed hard and pulled the covers back. and stared aat my younger selfs little bulge.
My fingers trembled.
"Okay, but we have to be really careful," I murmured, my heart racing as I reached out to touch the soft fabric covering my younger self's crotch.

My hand was shaking as I carefully slid my fingers under the elastic of his pajama bottoms, feeling the warmth of his skin. His little limp dick came into view. I looked up at his cute little sleeping face, making sure he didn't wake up before I swallowed hard.
it was kinda small, about the size of my thumb. I felt it between my thumb and pointer finger. It felt as soft as silk. it twitched slightly between my fingers. I stopped, hearing him moan softly in his sleep.

"He's definitely dreaming about something good," I whispered to big me, my eyes widening as I felt it begin to harden. Big me chuckled beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"Just go with it," he encouraged.
"But he's so little." I murmured, feeling a pang of guilt shoot trough me. Despite that my fingers still felt up and down his little pecker as it twitched in between my fingers. I could feel it stiffening.
I leaned over and kissed my younger self on the forehead, trying to reassure him, even though he was fast asleep. Big me nodded, his eyes filled with understanding.

“it’s ok! big me huffed. “He’s just like us.”
"Okay, I'll try," I whispered, taking a deep breath. I gently began to stroke him, trying to mimic the way big me had done to me. It was strange, feeling so much power and responsibility in such a small act.
My strokes grew more confident as I watched his little body respond, his breathing becoming deeper and his penis growing harder. I felt a strange kinship with him, a sense of knowing exactly what he was feeling because I had been him once.

Still it felt kinda wrong touching such a small boy like that.

"Nnnuuh uuuuh aaaah" He mopaned softly, wiggling a bit as I kept touching him. I just hoped I wasn't scaring him. I stopped for a bit.

"Eeeh my pee pee!" He squeaked up at me as his teary eyes flinched open.

I panicked, staring into his wide blue eyes, watching his chest heave up and down while my hand was still on his little twitching dick.

"It's okay, sweetie," I said soothingly, my voice barely above a whisper.
"It's just a good dream, that's all."
I looked over at David, my eyes pleading for help. He winked and leaned down to whisper something into his ear.

"It's okay, Danny," I said, trying to sound calm.
"It's just me and David. We're here to make sure you're happy."
His voice was gentle and coaxing as I stroked his hair, hoping to ease his fears.
The little version of me’s eyes searched mine, and I could see the confusion in them
"But it's icky," younger me winced. even though his little penis was twitching in my hand.

"It's ok I’m just making you feel goog," I huffed softly, smiling reassuringly. "
And it feels good, doesn't it?"

I leaned in closer, giving him a peck on the cheek, trying to mimic the affectionate gestures big me had shown me. His breath hitched, and I knew he was still processing the sensations.
"Who.. who are you?" He winced, shivering nervously as he looked up at me, scooting back from me a bit. I could tell how scared he was. I felt so guilty for scaring him like this.

"We're friends, Danny," Big me whispered, stroking his cheek with my free hand.
"Good friends who care about each other very much. We're you from the future, we have a time machine and everything."
I could feel David's hand on my back, a silent gesture of support. I knew we had to be careful not to traumatize our younger self.
"A...a time machine?" little Danny's eyes widened with curiosity, the fear slowly dissipating.
"Can I see it?"

I felt the tension in the room ease slightly. Maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Well you can little Danny," big me huffed. "But first we just want to play with you and have some fun."

Little me nodded nervously.

“We're just playing, Danny," I assured him, hoping my voice didn't betray my own nerves. Feeling a pang of guilt crawl up from my stomach and lodge itself in my throat.

I felt big me’s hand on my shoulder, urging me on.
"We promise it'll feel good." He smiled down at little me as he guided my hand back down over little me’s groin.

I leaned in closer, my heart racing as I placed my hand over his to show him how to stroke himself. His eyes remained locked on mine, searching for comfort.

“Ssssh, it’s ok.” I whispered, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

"That's naughty" He giggled up at me, as I wrapped his little hands around his dick and stroked him. I could feel older me, fumble with the buttons in my pajamas and my own dick flop out.

I wanted to say somthing, but I was too focused on not making the small boy freak out.
"It's our little secret, okay?" I whispered, smiling warmly. "Just like the time machine."
His eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the time machine, and he nodded eagerly.

"But for now, let's just keep playing," I suggested, guiding his hand to continue the gentle stroking motion. Young Danny's eyes fluttered closed, and he let out a soft moan, his body slowly starting to relax.

"Just like that, Danny," I murmured, watching his expression intently. "Keep going, it'll feel even better."
I felt a strange sense of pride and awe watching him discover his own body, knowing that I was the one guiding him through this new experience. His little hips began to rock slightly in rhythm with his hand, and I knew he was getting closer

I felt big me and move up and down my dick while I grabbed little stroked little me's penis up and down, feeling it twitch and throb in my hand. Just like mine throbbed in big me's hand.

"Mm, that's it," I said encouragingly. "You're doing so well."
The room was filled with the sound of our soft, synchronized breathing and the occasional squeak from the bed as II jerked him off and big me didthe sasme to me.

"I wanna play with him too." Big me huffed, into my ear, while he stroked me.
I winced a bit while his hand went from mine over to his little dick and slid up and down it a lot more expertly than I could. Little me winced a bit then leaned against him, seeming to enjoy having older me stroke his little penis.

"Okay, but remember, we're just playing and making sure he feels good," I reminded him, my own voice sounding a bit strained as I watched him stroke his tiny penis.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I saw older Dannys's confidence and ease with the situation. But I knew that this was a shared experience, one that would bond us all in a way we never could have imagined.

Big me kept stroking and fondling little me, he grabbed his little hand and put his fingers around his own dick.

"Go on do what I did," He whispered into his ear.

I watched as little five year old me looked down and clumsily began to slide his stubby little fingers up and down his own little nubb.

Older me leaned over and grabbed a bottle, from his pants lying on the floor.
"Turn over a bit little guy" he whispered, petting him reasuringly

What's happening?" I asked, watching with a mix of curiosity and concern as he guided little Danny onto his stomach.

"It's okay," Older Danny assured me, his eyes never leaving little Danny's back. "We're just going to make sure it's extra nice for him."

I nodded, biting my lip as I watched him pour a clear, viscous liquid from the bottle onto his fingers. The scent of strawberry filled the room

I watched as little me squirmed a bit nervously as big me, smeared the liquid on his butthole and slid a finger inside him. I knew what he was thinking. "No oh my god you can't he's way to little, you'll hurt him." I protested.

"It's just lube, Danny," older me said, trying to keep my voice steady. "It'll help it not hurt."

I swallowed hard as his finger moved in and out of our younger self, watching the way little Danny's body tensed and then relaxed.

"You can't put your dick in his butt, you're way too big." I grabbed an older me's arm, realizing he was going too far.

"I know." He smiled down at me curling his fingers around my dick as I watched little me squirm nervously.

Big me rolled him over on his belly. I could barely catch his face blushing bvefore big me reached for me and pushed me towards him. My dick pointing towards his little round butt.

He sat down behind me and caressed my chest as he whispered into my ear.

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Go on, put your dick in his butt" Big me huffed, grabbing my dick and guiding it between little me's buttocks.

“You can’t be serious?!”
I watched as David's hand guided my own stiffy closer to little Danny's pink little star, the lube making everything feel slippery and warm.

No this is wrong, he’s way too small! My mind screamed at me as he pushed me from behind making my dick slide slowly into little me’s butthole.

“Eeeep, my butt!” little me squirmed.

I hoped I wasn't hurting him. He felt so warm and soft inside as my dick pressed into his little butthole. I could feel him clenching around me while he whimpered, but I couldn't stop now.

"It's okay," I whispered again, leaning down to kiss little Danny's neck softly.

"It's okay, Danny, just relax your butt for me."

I couldn’t beleive what I was saying, but I couldn’t help myself, his little butt felt so good around the tip of my dick.
His breathing grew heavier, and I knew he was getting used to the feeling.
I began to move slowly, gently, letting him adjust to the sensation.
"Eeeep! your pee pe in my butt!" He squirmed, as I slowly started rocking back and forth, as bigger me pushed against my hips making me trust deeper into the little boy.

“Yeah, that's it fuck yourself,” Older me huffed, while I could feel the butflapp on my pajamas being opened.

"It's okay," I whispered again, my voice a little shakier this time. "You're doing so well."

He looked up at me his bottom lip trembling, not understanding what was going on.
I took a deep breath, swallowing my guilt as I very carefully slid my dick inside his warm tight butthole.

“Awie!” He cried out wiggling on the end of my dick. I could feel him clenching down around me.

“Ssssh there there’s it’s alright, just relax, It’s not gonna hurt for long I promise.” I gooed softly petting his little head as I tried to get him to relax. He was clearly scared, So I knew I had to be very gentle with him.
“Your pee pee in my butt!” He squirmed and wiggled, pushing against me.

“Ssssh, it’s allright.” I whispered softly patting his back as I let my dick throb inside the little five year olds butt, letting him streatch out like older me had done to me earlier.

I couldn't help myself, and the fact that older me was pushing as well didn't help.
I felt so guilty as my dick slid in and out of little me's butthole. it felt so freaking good.
I just couldn't help sliding back and fort against his tight innsides hugging my dick tight.

I tried going faster, making his little chubby body wobble while he moaned and whined.

Older me's dick slid past my buttocks and into me, making me gasp. Then he slowly pumped back and forth inside me. My butthole gripped his dick tight.

"Do you like that, Danny?" I asked, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice.

He just squealed softly in response.
I reached down and stroked his little hard dick, while I kept humping into his butt, while older me slid in and out of my own butt.

I felt like I was being squeezed in between the two of them.
His eyes squeezed shut even tighter, and his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. I leaned down and kissed him gently, feeling his littl body respond to the dual sensations of pleasure and fear.

I felt, older me's penis rub against my insides, just like mine was rubbing inside the tiny tight butt in front of me. I could feel the familiar warm sensation start to fill me up again as he gripped my hips and slammed a bit painfully into my butt. I couldn't help it. I gripped little me's hipps and pressed my dick inside him and felt my dick throb and spurt deep inside his warm little body.
His butthole twitched and clenched around me as I kept squirting inside him.

“Eeeeh!” He squirmed, I wasn't sure from pleasure or pain. I tightened my grip on his little dick and yanked it downwards, then up jerked it faster. I kept twitching around inside him just like big me kept twitching around inside my slippery butt. I wanted to make him feel good, so I kept pumping my fist up and down his little dick. Just like big me had done to me earlier. Then I felt his little dick bounce and pulsate in my hand.

“Yeah that's it go pop for me.” I huffed. As I kept sliding my fingers up and down his little nubb.

“Weeeeh!” He cried out as his little dick throbbed and pulsated, then bounced in my fingers.
It bobbed around and pulsated like mine had. He moaned beneath me and bucked into my hands. Nothing came out of him though, he was still way to young for that.

Slowly I pulled out of him, a long strand of goo hung from his quivering little butt as I pulled out of his gaping butthole.

I could feel big me pulling out of me and my butthole leaking the same goo I had just pumped into little me. The cold air against my open butthole felt foreign, just as much as the goop spilling out of me onto the bed.

“I looked down at him whimperinjg and wiggling, white goo leaking out of his little butthole.

“Oh my god, are you ok?” I scooped him up in my arms and held him.

“That felt kinda weird.” He huffed leaning against me . Thank god I hadn’t hurt him.

“You put your pee pee in my butt.”

He looked up at me accusingly, blushing. His hair was all soaked in sweat and messy.

“You sure did,” big me huffed over my shoulder, looking down at him.

“Did…Did I hurt you?” I felt so guilty for what I had just done, he, me, was just a little kid.

He couldn't possibly understand what we were doing to him. Heck I didn't even know people even did this until this morning. Everything was spinning out of control so fast.

He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment, “Well when you put it in, but uhm…”
He looked away and blushed. “Uhm, it felt kinda good.”

“Heh, I told ya he'd like it,” big me giggled over my shoulder peering down at us.

I pulled little me's pants over his butt, covering up the guilt of what I had done.

Days of future past.

“So you guys wanna come with me to my time and see how awesome things are?”
Big me pulled us both in for a hug.

“Yeah!” Little me squeaked up at him, turning around and crawling on to my lap to look up at big me.

“Come on then!” He smiled, taking little me's hand as he annoyingly stepped on my leg and stood up in the bed.

Big me smiled, a blue light shone as he held the time portal gun up and pointed it at the floor.
A glowing blue hole crackling with energy opened up, just like before.

He took my hand as well and we all jumped through.

We all landed on another soft bed. Only this one was bigger. I pushed little me off me as he groaned. We were in the same room, but it looked different. There was a desk in the corner with a computer on it. It had a strange flat futuristic screen and the box below the desk hummed with strange colors. All around the walls were posters of games and movies I didn't even recognize.

“Welcome to my room,” Big me smiled sitting up in the bed.

“Come on le'mme show you around!.”
big me smiled and led us into the livingroom.

There was a huge tv in the livingroom and rows of gaming consoles.
The walls had been painted, everything looked new and shiny.

“Oh yeah, we totally won the lottery,” he smirked and giggled guiding us over to the couch.

“I bet you guys are starving huh?” He smiled as he trotted into the kitchen.
“You put your pee pee in my butt!” Little me pouted up at me.

“Well you liked it didn't you?” I looked down at him nervously.

“But why'd ya put your pee pee in my butt though?”

“Uhm cause…” The question made me uncomfortable.

“Well ‘cause you're so cute and it felt really really good.”

“Oh, look at you two, talking all dirty”, bug me sat down beside us with a pizza.

Big me leaned over to little me and whispered something in his ear.

“But that's dirty!” He giggled.

“What is?” I huffed nervously.

“This is.” Big me pushed me over and before I could react he opened the buttflap on my pajamas, exposing my butt to the whole world.

“Come on, little guy, you wanna get back at him right?”

“Wait, what are you…?!”

They undressed me, and then big me slid little me's pajamas off and threw then in the floor.

I felt little fingers grip my hip, then his little pecker wiggle past my buttocks. I could feel big me's fingers guiding his little nubb into my butthole.

“Hey!” I protested.

“Now push, big me huffed as I could feel their combined wights pushing into me.

It felt almost like a finger sliding into me, except much much smother. I could feel him twitching inside me. His hips clapping against my butt. It didn't go as far, but it kept tickling my butthole.
It felt good, oh my god, it felt really good. It didn't even hurt when it slid in unlike big me's dick.
“Yeah that's it fuck yourself,” big me huffed, helping him push into me.

Just then we heard stepps approaching.

“Shit!” Big me exclaimed and threw a blanket over us.

The floorboards creaked.

“Oh hey there Danny, is there any pizza left?” I heard Unkie say.

“Yeah sure, there's more in the kitchen.”

I heard the footsteps trodd off. All the while little me was lying behind me, humping into my butt.

“Shut up you two.” Big me elbowed us.
I tried as best to stofle my moans as little me's dick slid in and out my butthole, making it open and close over and over again.

“Oh that's where I left it!” I heard Unkie shuffle about in the kitchen.

“Quiet.” I heard big me huff. His hand reached under the blanket and before I could react he shoved his big dick in my mouth.

I tried to protest, but I couldn't make a sound as he forced my head down on to it and it slit deeper in. Now I was lying there, feeling like I would die of embarrassment.
Both of them were using me to make themselves feel good.

“Hey don't leave your clothes lying around” he sighed “I'll take these to the laundry room.”

My blood froze realizing what was happening.

“Thanks Unkie.” I heard older me say as I tried to stifle a moan.

Big me kept guiding me up and down his dick, making me suck him off. I was too scared Unkie would hear to even try to resist. Little me kept humping my butt, making cute little quiet huffs and moans.

I felt the blanket lift, big me's fingers running through my hair as I slid my lips up and down his hard dick, tasting the saltiness of it as it throbbed inside my mouth.

“Unkie took the time portal gun, we need to get it back or you're stuck here.” Big me groaned, looking down at me. It's then I first realized I had been sucking him even though the blanket had been pulled back.

I pulled off his dick, blushing haard leaving a long strand of spit and white goo.

Panic setting in. “Shit he took our clothes too!”

Little me was still blissfully Humping my butt, pumping in and out of my butthole. I almost popped there and then I felt his little dick bounce inside me as he hugged me from behind and groaned.

“Feel good hm?” Big me smirked down at him as little me’s dick continued to bounce inside me.

“We need to get our clothes back,” I stammered feeling little me lay down on my butt, his little pecker still twitching inside me.

“Come on!” Big me grabbed little me under his arms and pulled him up. I could feel him slip out of me. And my butt made a soft whistling sound as the sudden yank made me fart.
My cheeks felt like they were on fire as both of them laughed.

“Ok, this is serious guys.” Big me led us down the hallway as we tippitoes, trying to be as quiet as possible.

The floorboards creaked as we tippitoed completely naked down the hallway leading to the garage. Big me was the only one who still had a t-shirt and briefs on.

I could see Unkie standing in the garage working on something.

Big me put his hand out, signaling for us to hunch down.

“I'm gonna try to distract him, you two need to grab the time portal gun, he usually keeps it in the top drawer besides the computer. As soon as you grab it, push the button on the back, ok?”

“But what if he sees us?!”

“You have to try,” his voice was firm and determined.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I crawled silently next to my little 5-year-old self, trying to remain undetected. We watched as big me approached our uncle.

"Hey Unkie, what’cha working on?”

Our uncle looked up from his inventions, his eyes scanning the room before focusing on big me.

"Ah, Danny, I'm working on the space time stabilizer. I think I can actually get it working this time, I just need to run some tests.”

"That sounds cool, Unkie!"

Big me replied, trying to sound casual. Meanwhile, I continued to inch closer to the drawer, my small hands trembling with excitement and nerves. Little me clung to me, his tiny naked body pressed against mine, trying not to make a sound.

Finally, my hand closed around the drawer handle, and with a gentle tug, I pulled it open. The device we had heard so much about, the time portal gun was nestled inside, its sleek metal body gleaming in the dim light. “

I reached for the gun, my fingers wrapping around the cool metal handle. But before I could pull it out, our uncle's gaze snapped to the open drawer. I quickly pressed the button like big me had told me.

The air rippled, Unkies expression froze like a statue.

“Oh my God, that was close.” Big me sighed, poking his head out from behind Unkie.

“Ok gimme the gun.” He walked over to us. I handed him the time portal gun, and looked back at him nervously.

“He'll see us!” Little me squeaked, covering himself.

“No, he hasn't noticed yet. Come on, run!”

We ran down the hallway, our dicks flopping about against our thighs as we made our way back to the hallway.

“I'll fix everything,” he huffed, pressing the button making the air ripple again.

“I'll wait for you on the other side.” Before I could react he shot at my feet.
A hole opened up and I felt myself falling.

I flailed helplessly as I fell through time and space, screaming as I plummeted downwards.
I could just barely see them looking down at me before the portal closed.

I landed on something soft. I realized I had landed on our couch. Our usual couch, like I remembered it.

“Sorry I had to do that, it was the easiest way to straighten everything out.” Big me leaned over me.

“Don't you ever do that again!” I screamed at him punching him in the arm.

“Aw!” He clutched his arm. “OK I guess I deserved that.”

“What happened to little me?!”

“He's fine, I sent him back to his timeline.”

“But our clothes?”

He threw me my teddy bear pajamas that had been lying beside him out of view.

“So Unkie didn't see us?”

“No, you pressed the button just in time, to stop it” he smiled at me.

He held up the time portal gun.

“I went to the future and got another gun, then replaced the one we had. So Unkie won't even know I used it to go to the future to retrieve it again”

“All this time travel is giving me a headache,” I leaned forward massaging my aching temples.

“It's all fine now and mom and dad won't be home for several hours.” He leaned forward, giving me a kiss. I was caught off guard by the sudden feeling of his lips pressing against mine.

“You deserve a little reward for saving the day,” he huffed, sliding his hand over my belly and gently stroking my dick.

I didn't even resist, I didn't even want to anymore. I just huffed enjoying the feeling of his hands stroking me.

“I bet you're still so pent up after our smaller self fucked you like a dirty little slut.” He huffed, sliding his own briefs down. His thick slick dick came into view.

“I nodded, knowing there was no point in lying, no point in hiding my hard throbbing dick, no point resisting what I wanted.

“Will I see little me again?” I huffed, reaching down to stroke his hard dick in return as we started making out.

“Oh you'll see him soon, he huffed, before covering my mouth with his own again. Our tongues slid over each other as we kept stroking each other's dicks.

A spot in mid air shone with a blue crackling light and expanded.

Little me stepped through.

“Hi guys,” he giggled up at us as he pressed a button on a weird large white watch he was wearing.

“I brought some friends!”

My eyes felt like they were going to fall out of my head.
Several other versions of myself came spilling through the portal.

“What the hell is going on?!” I gasped, there were several of them. All of them butt naked, all of them looked just like me.

“Hi Danny! We wanna play too!” Several of them shouted gleefully as they kept spilling through the portal.

“Come on let them play with you Danny,” big me huffed, kissing my cheek as he stroked me.

I could feel little me fiddle with my dick as big me layd me across his lap. Then something wet was squirted into my butt.

“You're gonna love this Danny,” big me huffed as he kissed my cheek.

“I wanna go first!” One of the other me's giggled as I felt his hands grip my hip.

“Hey wait, wait, what's happening?!”

“Ssssh, just relax, enjoy it.” Big me huffed as both he and little me stroked my dick.

I could hear one of my clones giggle behind me. Then I felt his dick slide into me, threw my head back and gasped.

“Oh god this is so dirty,” I squealed, feeling him start to pump in and out of my butthole. His hard dick sliding against my insides as his hips slammed against my butt, making it wobble like jelly.

He kept going for a good while, before I eventually felt his dick bounce inside me and deposit a load of sticky goo inside me while we both moaned loudly.

“My turn!” Another one squealed, pushing the first one aside, yanking him out of me with a wet plop.

Little me reached up for him and I could see both of them start to make out on the couch beside me.

“No wait wait wait, I can't," I tried to protest, before I felt the other me grab my hipp and stab his dick into my butt as he squealed in delight.

He too kept pumping in and out of me, making my butt twitch. It felt good, but it was so overwhelming. All I could do was wiggle around and moan. Big me kept giving me little kisses along my cheek and neck while he stroked my hard dick slowly, driving me crazy.

After a bit I felt the one behind me, squirt deep inside me as he pulled my hips on to his.
He pulled out of me with a wet sucking sound that made me feel even more embarrassed.

Another dick slid inside me as a new pair of hands gripped my hips. He slid deep inside me, hitting that sensitive spot deep inside over and over again.

By this time I was a moaning twitching mess, being used by all the other me's to make them feel good. Big me's fingers curled around my dick, stroking it faster. It throbbed and pulsated, the pressure building until it spat on the floor.

The one behind me pulled out as he groaned, only to be replaced by another pushing into me. His hips slammed against my butt, making my whole body wobble.
It kept going, I must have lost count after the seventh or eighth.