Adolescent Swap USA

From All The Fallen Stories
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(c) 2020, by P.D. Vile
Story tags: mf(12), cons (contest entry: "swapping children")

This story was originally written for the Lolicit Story Writing Contest 2020/IV, which had "Swapping children" as the writing prompt

Prologue: Wife Swap USA

Greg groaned at the sight of his twin brother, snuggled nicely in between mom and dad on the couch, watching the TV. Their “guilty pleasure”, they called it. Didn't they realize it was just utter trash?
He tried to focus on the YouTube videos he was watching. He pressed his headphones tighter on his ears and upped the volume of his laptop, but the sound of the blaring TV still got through.
“And that concludes this week's episode of Wife Swap USA! Thanks for watching! But wait! Don't switch channels yet! We have an exciting announcement to make! We'll be back right after this!”

Greg's stomach almost revolted as he saw how happy Jeffrey looked when dad put the remote control back on the table without switching channels. So childish, how he sat there in between mom and dad. So silly, to be excited over some stupid announcement related to a silly show, for which he'd have to endure another two minutes of commercials.
“Honestly,” Greg thought to himself, “if he didn't look exactly like me, I'd have sworn one of us was adopted. How can someone with my genes be this stupid?”

Greg focused on his own screen. The benefit of this extension of bedtime was that he'd be able to finish the Fortnite highlights video he was watching.
Just as his video ended, the commercials were over too, and the overhyped voice of the presenter finally shared the big announcement.
“Welcome back, viewers! We here at ABC are super excited to announce that next season, we will start a new social experiment! After swapping moms between so many families, we decided to try something new! New and exciting! Next season, we will have the very first season of … Adolescent Swap USA! Yes, you heard it right! Adolescents from two families will trade places for two weeks! How will they cope! Will they adjust! And … we are right now opening our call for candidates! Are you between eleven and fifteen years? Do you want to be part of the most exciting show ever made? Mail the address on your screen right now! But do check with your parents first, of course.”

Greg's heart sank as he saw the excitedly questioning look of his brother Jeffrey, directed towards their parents. As he saw how both mom and dad broke into a smile, and then nodded their agreement to the unspoken question.
He yanked his headphones off his head.
“Hey, don't I get a say in this? I live here too! I don't want to have some rando living here for two weeks!”
“Language, Greg,” his mother chastised him.
“You are right, Greg, you should have a say too,” his father then replied, with a sick smile on his face, “so let the record show that with one vote against and three in favor, the motion has passed. Please hand Jeffrey the laptop, son. He needs to send an important mail.”

Greg had already slammed the door shut and stormed upstairs before dad even finished the sentence. When a few minutes later his brother entered their room, Greg pretended to be already asleep. Jeffrey just got in his bed as well and switched off the light.
Both brothers knew they'd be as close as always tomorrow. No matter what, no matter how much they sometimes disagreed, nothing would ever come between them for real.

Chapter 1: New kid in town

“I'll miss you Jeffrey,” Greg mumbled as he hugged his brother tight, “two weeks is a long time to be away from each other.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jeffrey responded.
Greg swore he could hear a crack in his brother's voice. He was unsure whether to feel sorry for him, or to be happy that at least he got to suffer from his own idiot idea. In the end, his love for his brother took over.
“Hey, you're in your own favorite show. It'll be over before you know it. Just … enjoy, you know.”
He released his brother who, after a last wave to his family, turned around and got into the waiting ABC van.
Greg, mom, and dad stood arm in arm for a long time, looking in the distance where Jeffrey was taken to an unknown other family.

Finally, they got back into the house. Dad sat on the couch, switching channels without finding anything he really was into. Mom cleaned the already impeccable clean kitchen one more time. And Greg went upstairs. For some strange reason he didn't really understand, he felt the need to remove a few of Jeffrey's possessions out of sight. Things that normally made him chuckle at his brother's endearing soft side, now made him strangely uncomfortable. He never felt ashamed or embarrassed at his brother, yet now he felt it better not to have them on display when his temporary new roommate (he still could not bring himself to say “brother”) would arrive.
Once done, he sat down on his bed and looked admiringly at the daring Calamity poster, hung on his own side of the room.

“So glad they won't put cameras in here,” he said to her, “or I would have had to take you down.”
He unbuckled his pants, fished out his stiff young cock, and started stroking. Probably the last time in two weeks. Better make it count! His eyes were glued to the poster, imagining her soft hands on his boyish prick, as it twitched and spasmed in pleasure.

Two hours later, the family was sitting ready as finally another ABC van entered the driveway.
“I'm so curious to see our new son for the next two weeks,” mom squealed excitedly.
“He's not your son, mom!” Greg grunted angrily.
“We know, son,” dad intervened, “but we're supposed to treat him as our own child, so we will. And so will you!”
“I know,” Greg sighed, “we've been over that. I already promised. I'll play nice on camera. But you two sound as if you really believe this ...”
He stopped himself just in time. He was going to say nonsense, but he knew he'd be in trouble. His mom and dad took this whole lunacy just as serious as his brother.
Greg sighed. No doubt, whoever would be his pretend brother the next two weeks would be just as silly. It would be a long two weeks.

The car door opened, and out came Annabel, the show's assistant producer assigned to them. Followed by …
“A girl???” dad exclaimed surprised. Mom just gasped. Greg's mouth hang agape. Surely, they'd be getting a boy?
“Yes, a girl,” Annabel replied, “Why? Did you expect a boy?”
She checked the papers on her clipboard.
“Hmmm, no. Harrison family. Swapping one of their 12 year old twins for a child of the same age. No racial, religious, or gender preferences given. You've been matched to the Gordon family. Meet Zoe, your daughter for the next two weeks.”

Greg just looked. Looked at the girl. She had blonde hair, hanging down to just over her shoulders. Her eyes were the lightest blue he had ever seen. She wore a loose and very pink T-shirt and jeans; her figure was slender but sporty.
And her face showed disappointment. Rejection. He suddenly felt sorry for her, as he realized how she must feel, to be greeted this way.

His mom apparently realized this too.
“Oh, we're sorry, Zoe. That came out wrong. We were surprised, that's all. We are of course happy to have a daughter now. We never had one. Dorian, aren't you happy too?”
She opened her arms and approached Zoe, then held back as Zoe seemed to retreat inside herself.
“Aww, sorry. Too soon? No worries. We'll get along. Right, Dorian?”
Finally, dad also managed to get a word in.
“Of course we will, Zoe. I recall, before we had kids, that we had this dream of one boy and one girl. Of course, you don't get to choose, and when we had the twins we were happy. But now, for two weeks, we'll know how it'll be with a little princess in the house!”
Zoe shrank only further at those words.

Then Greg suddenly felt an impulse, and even though he didn't know where it came from, it felt just right, so he followed it. He took a step towards the girl, extended his hand, and looked her in the eye.
“Come, Zoe. I'll show you our room. There are no cameras there. You can stay there if you need some time alone.”
The girl looked questioningly at Annabel. When she nodded her approval, she hesitantly took Greg's hand, then followed him inside.
Greg saw his parents exchange a quick glance, then turn towards Annabel to discuss details. It seemed they were okay with the idea.

“So … our room?” Zoe asked, as Greg led the way inside the house, “you mean we share?”
“Uhm, yeah. Guess so. Jeffrey and I never wanted separate rooms. And I never though much about it. Stupid, perhaps, but I somehow expected a boy. We all did, I guess.”
He paused, suddenly realizing how awkward this had to be for Zoe. She may have chosen to be part of this stupid show, but she never chose to be forced to share a room with a boy she hardly knew.
“You know, I can run out and ask mom if we can put some stuff from her hobby room in the garage, then move Jeffrey's bed there. I mean, I guess you'd rather have a room to yourself, right? It'll be small, I guess, but it should …”
She interrupted him brusquely.
“You're babbling, Greg, It's sweet of you to offer. But that's way too much effort. We'll figure something out, okay?”

Greg opened the door and gestured vaguely towards the bed opposite the door.
“That's Jeffr... your bed, Zoe,” he then pointed to the left side of him, “and this one's mi...”
He snapped shut as he saw his Calamity poster. He had not removed it, since he never expected a girl. It was very inappropriate for a girl, and there was no way he could prevent her seeing it. And then think of him as a pervert.
But wait? Why did he care what she thinks of him? She'll be gone in two weeks!

“Oh, wow!” he heard Zoe exclaim, and his heart sank when he realized she was looking straight at his poster with those words.
“You're into Fortnite too? That's awesome! I must admit, I'm not much of a Calamity fan, I main Pathfinder. But she's cool, defo! Ohmygod, I can't believe you're a Fortnite fan. We've got to play a co-op!”
“So … you're okay with the poster then?” Greg asked carefully, while wondering why that felt like such a big relief to him.
“Yeah, SURE! I think your entire side of the room looks awesome!”
Greg checked his part of the room as if it was the first time he noticed. The spaceship pattern on his sheets. The blue and dark green wallpaper. The baseball cards he had collected, pinned to the wall.
“Well. Thanks, I guess.”

“But why is my … Jeffrey's side almost empty? Doesn't he collect anything?” Zoe wondered.
Greg wanted to start on his prepared story, but for some strange reasons it felt wrong to lie.
“Yeah. My bad. I kinda hid most of his stuff. He's … you know, he's my brother and I love him and nobody else gets to say this, but he's a bit weird. He's into dancing. He has a small statue of some famous ballet dancer dude. And posters from a show. Theater show. “Ghost of the opera”, I think? I was … I was a bit embarrassed, I thought a dude would come and would think weird of him. And nobody gets to think weird of Jeffrey. I can put them back if you want to? Girls dig that kind of stuff, right?”
“Ballet? Theater? Leave it where you hid it. Not all girls like that stuff. I don't.”
“So, what do you like, Zoe? What's in your room?”
“Soccer,” the girl replied, without batting an eye, “you know soccer? European football? I've got some great pictures from Messi on the wall. Best soccer player alive.”
Greg nodded. He knew soccer. He had tried to watch it, but most of the time the television was hogged by his parents and his brother, and they were not into sports at all.

Soon, the two kids were talking excitedly about Fortnite, soccer, baseball, school, and many other things. Until Zoe suddenly interrupted herself.
“Oh, shit! I forget. We should go downstairs and play along for the stupid show.”
“Stupid?” Greg wondered, “You think the show is stupid? Then why do you participate? I know why I'm here, my brother is nuts about Mom Swap and literally jumped at the occasion, and mom and dad love it too. I got outvoted. But you, why?”
“Mom and dad forced me. I'm an only child. They specifically asked for a family with more siblings, so I could” she raised her hands in an air quote sign and changed her voice to a deeper pitch, probably imitating her father, “experience what it's like to have a brother or sister.”
“Oh, gosh. I'm sorry, Zoe.”
She shrugged.
“Is okay, I guess? You didn't ask for it either. We'll make do. But we do have to go downstairs now and give the network their footage. You did read the contract, I assume?”
Greg felt his head turn red.
“Contract? No. Didn't read it. Thought it's for Jeffrey and you, not me?”
“Whole family. Sorry. Know what, I'll tell you the important stuff later. Don't worry if I act strange, part of my role I guess. I need to pretend I want to be in the show. I guess for you it's enough to just pretend you want to get to know me better.”
For some strange reason, Greg felt he wouldn't need to act very hard for that.

Chapter 2: Gamer girl

Once downstairs, Greg hardly recognized the girl who had suddenly become his sister for two weeks. Her tomboyish character vanished into thin air. Suddenly, she was exactly the girlish girl she had appeared to be when she arrived, earlier today. She squealed excitedly at everything related to the game show, making sure to get her enthusiasm on camera.

Greg was both in awe at her acting talent, and glad he didn't need to dig this deep. He hid his disgust at the whole concept of the show, and was apparently allowed to be apprehensive about the swapping, but politely interested.
And that was all he could manage. The version of Zoe he now witnessed was totally boring. She was … well, a girl, there was no other way to describe it. And girls sucked, every boy his age knew that. They're boring, do boring stuff, and don't understand games.

The afternoon crawled by, and dinner wasn't much better. Mom and dad seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. Zoe also appeared to be having fun, but occasionally she'd throw Greg a conspiring glance to remind him she was acting this. After dinner, Greg asked and received permission to retreat behind his laptop and watch YouTube, as Zoe joined mom and dad to watch some idiot girly movie.

When the movie finished, Zoe casually strolled by Greg, feigning half-hearted interest in what he was watching, and in his game collection.
“I've heard about this game,” she chirped when Greg brought up Fortnite, “can I try? Will you teach me?”
Greg knew Zoe knew almost as much about the game as he did, so he was surprised when she asked one silly question after another. But he patiently answered all of them, very much aware of the three cameras zooming in on their faces. Eventually he managed to guide Zoe into a game. And despite holding back as much as possible, there was simply no way to not beat her in the most humiliating way.
He started to doubt everything now. Had her behavior in his room been a role she was playing, to try to warm him up? Was this the real Zoe?
But then, as the cameras panned over to mom and dad who were discussing plans for the next day, she leaned over and hissed into his ear: “Can you take the laptop upstairs with you? I can't keep this up much longer. I'm dying to have a real match with you.”

Greg just nodded as he put his brain in overdrive. Taking the laptop to his room was a big no-no, but he too was looking forward to a real match with Zoe. Then he had an idea. With all cameras runing, perhaps a bluff would work?
He quickly finished Zoe off, then stretched and yawned.
“Mom? Dad? I know it's a bit early, but I'm tired. I know we're in the show now, but I really want to lie down with some YouTube clips, you know, as I always do when I'm tired.”
He saw the surprise on mom's face. Saw the barely suppressed anger on dad's. But his gamble seemed to pay off, they didn't want to get in a fight while being filmed.
“Yeah, okay, I guess,” mom staggered, “you did go through a lot today.”

Greg quickly closed the laptop and got up, while winking at Zoe.
“I'll be up in a minute or two,” dad grumbled.
Uh-oh. That didn't sound good. Greg's room had no cameras. Greg knew that, but so did Dad.
Zoe winked back at Greg, and that encouraged him.
“Sure. Good night mom. Good night Zoe. See you in a bit dad.”
He tried to look calm as he left the room, laptop under his arm, but his mind was racing again.
With a last wink at Zoe, he mouthed the words “twenty minutes”, hoping she would understand.

“How dare you,” his dad started as soon as he entered Greg's room.
But Greg was prepared. Somehow, seeing Zoe's face lit up when he took a risk just to help her gave him more courage than he ever knew he had.
“STOP, DAD!” Greg brusquely interrupted.
Dad's mouth snapped shut, surprised by this unexpected response from his son.
Greg quickly continued his prepared speech: “Listen first. You never even told me about the contract. About me having to pretend I like that stupid show, and having to play along. If Zoe had not filled me in, I would probably have messed up already. But she did. And I played along. I pretended to be the son the contract wants me to be. A contract I didn't know about. A contract you didn't even ask me about. But,” he quickly continued as dad opened his mouth to interrupt, “But I'll continue to play nice this week. But I can only do that if I get some space for myself every now and then. Right now, I need to blow off some steam on Fortnite. Against real opponents, not a girl who fights like a noob.”
The last words were a last second idea. He had planned to say he wanted to play Zoe on her own strength, tell dad that she was playing a role as well, but at the last time he figured it would be better to hold that back. To let her decide if and when she'd come clean.

Surprisingly, dad was silent. A long time.
“So, … mom has not filled you in on the contract?”
Greg shook his head, no.
“Damn. I thought she had. And yeah. I must admit. You were much nicer than I had expected. Even more knowing you didn't even know about that contract. Yeah, guess it does make sense. I can't ask you to pretend like that for such a long time. Okay. You can play here. I'll pretend you've fallen asleep watching YouTube. And I'll fill mom in later.”
“Thanks, dad,” Greg replied, while hugging his dad tight. This had gone better than expected!

“Oh,” dad turned around, his hand already on the knob of the door, “do you want me to find an excuse to keep Zoe down a bit longer? So you … you know, have some time away from her?”
Greg shook his head again.
“Thanks for offering dad. But no need to. She already knows how I feel about the show. She'll understand why I wanted to go here and play. I don't dislike her. She's … okay, I guess. For a girl. As long as I can just be myself in here, I can be fake Greg down there. If she's tired, she can come up and sleep, and I'll put the game volume down. So I don't bother her.”

As soon as he heard dad descend the stairs, Greg opened the door and listened intently, while counting the minutes in his head. Even though he really had no idea how long he already had been up here. Or whether she had understood his signals.
But then he heard a load, girlish yawn.
“Oh, wow. I'm tired too. I'm so sorry, mister and miss Harrison.”
“Please call us mom and dad!”
“Oh, yeah. Of course. I forgot. That's how tired I am. Mom, dad, do you mind if I go to bed early today?”
“Not at all, Zoe. Sleep well!”
“And be quiet when you enter the bedroom. I think Greg is sleeping already.”
“Let us know if anything is wrong, okay?”
Greg quickly closed the door and laid down on his bed. Cameras would surely follow Zoe upstairs, and perhaps even peek into his room as she entered.

“Well, that went easy,” Zoe whispered as she closed the door, “but what was that about with your dad? You looked scared?”
“I was afraid I'd get a beating. I lied, when I said I always take the laptop with me. Mom and dad never allow a laptop in a bedroom.”
Zoe's eyes grew wide as she realized the risk Greg had taken.
“What? Oh, wow. And … did you get a beating?”
“No. I told dad that you told me about the contract. Mom and dad both forgot to tell me. I guess he felt guilty. And I said, I'll continue to play along, but I need some time alone now. I guess he understood, so he allowed it.”
“Geez! Well done, Greg! Now load the game. I'm sick of holding back, while you go all out on me. Time to fight back!”
“All out on you? HAH! I was holding back too. Not as much. It had to look real. But now I'll beat you in a fair fight.”
“We'll see!”

Ten games later, Greg realized he had indeed underestimated the girl. Even when playing at his best, he had still not managed to get more than three wins in. And one of them was, to be honest, sheer luck on his side.
“Man, you are good!”
“Thanks. Guess that's from being an only child. Not much else to do most days. But you're not bad either, Greg. Most boys in my class, I beat at least nine to one.”
Greg smiled at the compliment.
“We really need to sleep now. But I want a rematch tomorrow. Even when I lose again, it's fun. And I want to pick up some tricks.”
“Sure. Love to. And perhaps some co-op too?”
Greg nodded as he stowed the laptop in his closet. Then, as he absentmindedly started to unbutton his shirt, he suddenly became aware that a girl was in his room with him. He felt his cheeks blush.
“Oh sorry. Forgot. Jeffrey and I always just change here. Uh, you can use the bathroom, I guess? Second door on the left.”
Zoe quickly grabbed some clothes out of her suitcase and then made for the door.

Chapter 3: Sleeping arrangements

Greg finished unbuttoning his shirt and dropped it on the floor. His socks and trousers followed, leaving him in his black boxer short. Then he slipped under the sheets of his bed.
But his eyes fell on the clothes on his floor. He always just dropped them as he undressed. But now, for the first time, he noticed how messy it looked. He got out of bed, picked up his clothes, folded them, and stacked them in a neat pile on his chair. Just as he was finishing, the door opened and Zoe entered.
Greg looked up, to see Zoe staring at him.
“Sorry, was I too fast? I can wait in the bathroom until you have your pajamas on.”
“Pajamas? … Oh, I see. No, I always sleep in just my undies. It gets really warm in our room at night. Pajamas are too hot. If you prefer, I can put on a shirt, or so...”
“No, 's okay,” Zoe mumbled vaguely. Greg noticed her gaze never left his chest, which he did know to be quite muscular for his age.

Greg used the time to check his temporary sister and new friend. She wore a yellow sleep shirt. That extended to mid-thighs, and he noticed that the yellow color made the nice tan on her legs stand out. Her legs looked really shapely anyway. And soft. Somehow, her skin looked soft, and warm, and he wanted to touch it. Did all girls' legs look like that? Why had he never noticed that before, when his classmates wore skirts?
The nightgown was rather tight around Zoe's upper body. To Greg's surprise, he noticed that her chest was not flat. Two small protrusions pushed out the fabric of her shirt, ever so slightly. He knew the reason, of course. He loved to fantasize about big boobs. Zoe's boobs were not big. But now that she was no longer wearing her loose shirt, the protrusions were there. Proof that she had something growing up there. Not big at all. And yet … Greg found his eyes locked on those two little bumps underneath the shirt, his mind wondering what she would look like underneath.

Suddenly he realized he was starting. At Zoe's breasts. “Damn, not good,” he thought, “hope she didn't notice.”
He quickly looked up, to see whether she was looking at his face. She wasn't. But she wasn't looking at his chest anymore either. She was looking somewhere lower.
Greg's eyes shot down, and they confirmed what he already knew. He had sprung a boner. The bulge in his boxer short was very visibly pushing the fabric out.
Shit. Did she know?

Greg's hands shot down, to hide his embarrassment. He felt his cheeks turn red.
He saw Zoe's cheeks flush too, as she quickly turned her head away.
Neither of the children spoke, as they both got under their sheets, avoiding all eye contact.
Finally, Greg switched off the main light. The moonlight falling in through the skylight was not enough to see more than the silhouette of the girl under the bedsheet.
“Euhh, good night,” Greg stuttered.
“Yeah. You too.”
Greg lay awake for a long time. His little dick still sticking straight up. Normally, in this condition, he would turn on the light, lock his eyes on his Calamity poster, and play with his dick, until it would spasm and twitch and shoot, and then it would go down again. Now, he even more wanted to close his eyes, think of Zoe's legs, her smile, those little bumps, while rubbing his stiffy. But he didn't. He was afraid Zoe would notice. And he didn't want to have to explain this to her.

Finally, sleep overtook Greg and he drifted off. He did not know for how long he had been sleeping, but when he woke up it was still dark in the room. It had gotten warm. Too warm. As so often.
Greg absentmindedly kicked off the bedsheets, as he always did when it was too hot.
And then he remembered the situation. His new “sister”, who was sleeping next to him.
“How can you sleep in this heat?” he wondered in silence, “with that sleep shirt, and under a sheet, how do you not wake up?”
He turned his face to look in the direction where normally his brother would be sleeping now, and he saw the familiar sight of a puddle of white fabric on the floor. Zoe must have kicked off the sheets too, he realized. Like him, and then fallen back asleep. Or like Jeffrey, without even waking up at all.
But then he noticed a much smaller heap of cloth next to the sheet. It was hard to see in the pale moonlight, but it looked yellow.
Had she … had she taken off her sleep shirt?

Greg knew he shouldn't. But he had to. Simply had to. His eyes wandered up, found the figure on his brother's mattress.
The little moonlight falling through the skylight was insufficient to see much. But he did see the silhouette. A slender body, positioned on her back. Where the form of her legs extended into her torso, there was a straight line. Her underwear, Greg assumed. Above that was her tummy, a bit lower than her pelvis, and then going towards the head end, his eyes locked on her chest.
He saw her chest rise and fall with her gentle breathing. But he also saw, right on top, a small mound. And right in the middle of that mound, a small bit pointing up. Her nipple, he recalled from sex ed class.
But where the drawings in his sex ed book had looked clinical and boring, this was a real life nipple, on a real life breast … a small breast, but still a real breast! … as it moved up and down with Zoe'e breathing. He didn't understand why, but he was mesmerized. He could not look away.

And then the clouds above the house broke. Suddenly, the moon light fell in, in full glory. Zoe's bed was directly under the skylight, and now suddenly this beautiful body in the bed next to Greg was fully visible.
His eyes quickly inspected the whole body again. That soft and warm looking skin on those perfectly shaped legs. The straight line on her pelvis was indeed her underwear, apparently a pale blue panty. Her tummy was tanned too, but his eyes didn't stay there for long. He had to see them, before the next cloud covered the moon. He knew it was wrong, but he had to see Zoe's breasts.
The tan line around her small mounds excited him, reminded him that he was now seeing something nobody else ever saw. The pale skin drew him in. The curvy shape of those small mounds. And in the center, a darker round patch, surrounding the pink nipples pointing up.

Greg's boycock was completely hard again, and he was no longer able to resist.
He looked and listened intently for a while. Zoe's eyes were closed. Her breathing was slow and regular. She was fast asleep.
Quietly Greg pushed down his boxer short, allowing his hard boner to spring free. He grabbed it and started rubbing. He turned his head sideways, watching Zoe's figure intently. Her budding breasts. Her blonde hair. The form of her shoulders. Of her legs. That impossibly flat fabric, spanned tightly over her pelvis. And then back to her breasts. Her nipples.
Faster and faster Greg's hand pumped his hard cock, as he imagined his other hand on one of those nipples. His pelvis twitched and turned. His breathing sped up. His eyes remained locked on Zoe's chest as he felt the pleasure build, and then finally the welcome release, as he quickly grabbed an old sock to receive his boyish cum.

Greg had closed his eyes at the peak of his orgasm. He kept them close for a short while, enjoying the afterglow. Then he opened them. Once more he looked to his side, to that stunning beauty next to him, that beauty he never before knew to exist in girls.
Wait. Did she quickly close her eyes and turn her head away? Or was he just imagining things?
He listened. Her breathing was slow and regular. Just like before. Right? Or was it? Was it really the same? Or was it her pretending to sleep, like he himself sometimes did when mom and dad checked in to make sure he wasn't reading comics when he should be sleeping?

Could she have been awake? Could she have seen what he had done?
“Nah, can't be,” Greg silently reassured himself, “she would have freaked out, surely. If she had seen, I would know. But damn, I need to be more careful.”
He quickly stowed his now soft cock back in his boxer short, then drifted back in sleep in the afterglow of one of his best orgasms ever.

Chapter 4: The morning after

Bright light falling in the room woke Greg. The bed next to him was empty. He heard the shower running in the bathroom, and not much later Zoe entered their room. Her moist hair was knotted in a towel, and a second towel wrapped around her body. As she casually threw her panties on the floor, next to her sleep shirt, she saw Greg's open eyes.
“Good morning, Greg! I need to get dressed and the bathroom is wet. Can you turn around please?”
“Good morning, Zoe,” Greg responded, as he politely but reluctantly turned his back on her.

He heard the sound of the damp towel hitting the floor, and knew she was now completely naked behind him. He recalled how exciting her little boobs had looked last night, in the pale light of the moon, and wondered how they would look in full light. And then, between her legs … he had seen sketches in his sex ed book. But how would it look for real?
Greg fought back the temptation to turn around and look. Or to find ways to sneak a peek. Too big the risk of getting caught. Last night had been way too risky already.
But he could not stop his mind from imagining, and nor did he want to. As he heard the naked girl behind his back rummage through her bags to find clothes, he closed his eyes and recalled the image of those little bumps in the moonlight. He imagined how they would look now. He recollected how smooth and soft her skin looked, and almost felt it under his hands as he fantasized about gently stroking her soft arms, her round shoulders.

“I'm done, you can turn back now,” Zoe announced.
Greg turned to look. Zoe was now dressed in a nice summer dress. Her arms and shoulders were bare, and so was most of her legs. Greg realized with some surprise that even though the skin on Zoe's legs technically didn't look that much different from that on his own and Jeffrey's legs, hers somehow managed to look much softer, warmer, and lighter to the touch.
“Do you mind if I put my stuff in your brother's closet?”
“No, not at all. Go ahead.”
He just lay on his bed and looked at Zoe as she, with movements more gracious than he thought possible, started to unpack her bags.

“Shouldn't you get in the shower and get dressed for the day, Greg?”
Of course he should. Greg knew that. But he had a problem. Thinking about Zoe, naked behind him, had given him a huge boner. One of the type that is impossible to hide, even inside his boxer short. He had quickly pulled his sheet over his body before he rolled over to face her, but he now had no idea how to get out of bed without her noticing.
“I heard your mother making breakfast already,” Zoe continued, unaware of his problem, “so I think she'll call us down soon. Better hurry!”

Greg nodded. “Yeah, guess so.”
But he still delayed. Until Zoe shrugged, returned her focus to the mess in Jeffrey's closet and tried to free up some space for her stuff. Then he quickly pushed back the sheet and got up, trying to get out of the room before Zoe would look up again.
But she raised her head as soon as she heard the sound, and smiled encouragingly.
“Good. I'll stay here until you're ready. Then we can go down together. I have an idea I want to talk about.”
Greg nodded and fled the room. He felt the heat in his face, knew he was beat red. He was sure he had seen her eyes move from his face down. He was sure he had seen her eyes lock on his boxer shorts. And after that, her eyes had remained transfixed down there, all the time until he fled the room. Well, at least she had not seen his red face. This was embarrassing enough already.
As he started the shower, he was briefly worried that she would complain to his parents. But soon that concern was drowned out of his mind, as the memory of her little bumps, the imagination of what else had been visible behind his back, reclaimed first chair in his mind.
Greg's shampooed hand massaged and stroked his twitching member gently, and soon his boy cum mixed with the warm water in the drain.

“Wow, are you always this slow under the shower?” Zoe asked as Greg returned to his room, while clumsily holding his towel with two hands to cover his modesty.
Shit, Greg thought. He must have spent more time playing with himself while thinking of Zoe than he thought. He quickly came up with an excuse.
“Yeah, I tried to get my towel fixed like you had, but it kept falling. Not used to that. With Jeffrey, we just ...”
“Of course. Twins, it's like seeing yourself. I'll teach you later. Just get dressed first.”
With those words, Zoe sat down on her bed, cross-legged, her back turned towards Greg.
“Oh and can I ask you something while you get dressed?”

Greg was startled. Was she going to call him out on his stiffy? He was sure she must have noticed the lump in his boxer short. She was his age, surely she had had enough sex ed to know why it was large, right?
Zoe didn't even wait for Greg to respond.
“I know we'll have to do a lot of so-called fun family stuff these two weeks, and we won't be able to avoid it. But I think that at least for today, I have a way to get time for ourselves, without the cameras.”
Greg heaved a sigh of relief. She was not going to call him out on his boner. Whew!
“Sounds good. How?”

A few minutes later the two were ready to head down.
“Remember,” Zoe urged, “act like you hate this thing.”
“Easy. I do.” Greg replied, then interrupted himself: “... well, the TV show that is. You are … okay I guess. Not what I expected. But yeah, I'll pretend I hate you too.”
Zoe smiled in return. “Thanks. You're cool too. But I'll play my role now.”
“I know. Not liking me either but still trying to make contact. Because you love this show so much and want it to work. Good luck with that.”
“Finally I get to benefit from my acting club. Okay. Show's on.”

Two grumbling kids descended the stairs into the living room.
“I'll just call a friend for a two-week sleepover,” Greg muttered, loud enough for his parents and the crew to hear.
“You're just gonna give up? Flee? You're not trying hard enough. Besides, you're not allowed to. We need to make this work.”
“Yeah, well, nobody even asked me if I want this. And guess what. I don't. I'm out.”

“Hold it you two!” dad bellowed, “What's the deal here?”
“I hate her!” Greg spat out, “And I hate you. And I hate … this most of all.”
His hand made an encompassing motion towards the cameras, microphones, and crew scattered all around the room.
“Yeah, like you are such a great person,” Zoe immediately piled up.
“Stop! You two. You should ...” dad looked around, clearly seeking advice what to do. His eyes locked on mom's.
“Can you two at least pretend to get along?” mom pleaded, “we've just heard the plans for today. We're going to ...”
“I don't care where you're going. As long as you take her. And leave me here. I'm gonna be outside.”
Greg already made for the door, knowing he'd be stopped. Mom never let him leave the house without breakfast.

But Annabel beat mom to it.
“Cut the cameras! We can't use any of this. Some tension and conflict is nice. Good for the ratings. But this is too much. We don't want the viewers thinking we're forcing anyone. And we don't want any mention of the contract on camera, remember?”
“Sorry,” Zoe mumbled, looking very ashamed of herself. If Greg had not known any better, he would have sworn those words had actually slipped from her lips accidentally.
“It's okay,” Annabel soothed, “we all make mistakes. And we're not going to use any of this anyway. We need to sort out this mess. Anyone has an idea?”
She looked around. Silence was her response.

After a while, Greg shrugged. He made sure to make his voice sound less hostile than before. The adults had to believe that there was still hope.
“I don't need an idea. I don't want any of this. I just want to go out and play in the woods. It sucks to do it without Jeffrey, but at least I'll do what I like. Instead of this.”
“But we were going to have a great day!” mom tried, “the show would take us to ...”
A stern look from Annabel shut mom up. Apparently the plans for today were supposed to be a surprise.
“... to really fun places.” mom finished.
“Well, I don't care. You can go to fun places. Just go without me. Have a fun day with your 'daughter'. I'm okay with you doing that show. Just without me.”

“But that's not the same,” Zoe whined.
Even though they had rehearsed this bit, Greg was still amazed at how girly and childish she could look and sound if she wanted to.
“I've always been an only child. I'm doing this to know what it's like to have a sibling. Please try to accept me as a sibling, or at least as a friend. Not as an unwelcome forced guest. Let's at least try to, you know, talk with each other. About our lives. We haven't exchanged a single word yet, except for our arguments.”
Greg sighed, pretending to let Zoe's words sink in.
“Yeah, I guess I didn't give you a chance,” he then finally conceded, “and perhaps I should try harder. But I can't. I can't, with all these cameras, the film crew, Annabel, I can't even be myself, let alone talk to you.”

Zoe nodded but didn't respond. A long silence followed. Greg had proposed to try to get one of the adults to suggest their plan, instead of Greg and Zoe voicing it. He hoped they had fed the adults enough clues to lead them where they wanted them.
“Perhaps ...” one of the sound techs suggested, slowly, searching for words and constantly making eye contact with Annabel as if he was afraid he'd be chastised for being out of line, “perhaps we could give the two kids some time alone? Instead of the original plans. We've got two weeks, we'll still have enough time to shoot good footage.”
Annabel slowly nodded her head.
“Hmmm. Might work. Greg, if we shut down all cameras and let you and Zoe talk, would that work?”
“With all of you still here? Hearing everything?”
“Well, you could go to your room.”
Mom snorted.
“Greg can't sit still for half an hour. Let alone sit still and talk. He gets nervous.”
“You know what?” dad then chimed in, “I never have good talks with Greg on the couch. But when we're outside, doing chores with him helping, or shooting hoops, or just wandering about, he does open up to me.”
“So you suggest to just let him go out in the woods and play, but with Zoe?” mom verified.
Dad nodded. Greg had to fight to keep a straight face. It may have been his idea, but it still surprised him how easy adults could be played.

“Greg?” dad asked, “do you think that could work?”
Greg paused long enough to make it appear he was pondering the suggestion.
“Well, I can try, I guess. If she promises to not be girly and squeaky all the time.”
“I am a girl, you know. But girls can be tough too. I'm not sure I like wandering in the woods all day, but if you think it will help then I'll try. I really want to make this work. Together.”
“Annabel? You okay with this?”
Annabel sighed.
“Well, we'll have to rearrange a lot of the schedule. But if it helps ...”
“I'll try,” Greg said solemnly, “really, I promise. I'll try.”

Chapter 5: Into the woods

As soon as the kids were sure they could no longer be seen or heard from the house, not even with the high tech cameras and microphones the crew had, they stopped pretending.
“That was brilliant, Greg! Really! You're a much better actor than you think!”
“Thanks to your help, Zoe. You told me what to do and how to do it.”
“No, Greg. I gave tips, but you did it. We had just a few minutes to prepare. Really, Greg, you've got talent.”
“Okay. Thanks, I guess. But you're good too.”
“I know. Acting class, remember. But thanks!”
They walked in silence for a while.
“So, what is it you normally do?”

The next hours, they just played around in the woods, like kids their age do. Greg showed Zoe came from a big city and didn't know much about nature, so Greg got to show and explain some of the plants and animals. They played catch, or hide-and-seek. They strolled around and pointed out weird looking clouds in the sky. And all the while, they talked. About Fortnite. About their schools, their teachers, their friends, their lives.
And as they talked, Greg realized he started to like Zoe more and more. The girly character he had first hated, then taken for a role, turned out to be just another side of her. She had some girl friends that she was all girly with. But she could also play ball with the boys in her street and be one of the boys. She played Fortnite, but she also still played with her pink dolls. Greg was fascinated by the different sides of this girl.
She seemed to like him too. Living out in the country was normal for him, but she was fascinated by nature, and by all he knew about it. By the freedom he had to just stroll around, miles away from the house, without concerned parents circling him. And by his relationship to his brother, who he never fully understood, yet loved like nobody or nothing else in the world.

Of course, being children, their serious talks were short and interrupted by goofing around, making silly remarks and giggling, and playing games. Eventually, after running around for a long time, they both sat down for a break, and Greg produced some sandwiches from his backpack.
“No idea how late it is, but my stomach tells me it's lunchtime. I've brought some for you too.”
They sat in silence and ate. The sun was high in the sky, and it was a warm day. After all the activity, they were hot and sweaty.

“So, you do this with Jeffrey too,” she asked between bites.
“Sometimes. Not as often anymore. He's getting more interested in music now. Likes to stay in his room with his headphones on. And to be honest, I don't mind doing a few hours of Fortnite when he's like that.”
She nodded. She, too, had already shared how her interests had changed the last few years.
“But on a hot day like this,” Greg continued, “we'd definitely be out here, and cool down in the lake. We both love to swim!”
His face sank a bit, as he realized Jeffrey wasn't here to swim with him, But Zoe's face completely lit up.
“You swim? Out here in the woods? In a real lake? That sounds awesome! We only have a swimming pool in the city, and mom and dad can't afford to take me often. I love swimming. Where is that lake?”
“Well, actually, it's really close. Come, I'll show you.”

Not much later the two kids reached the lake. Perhaps more an oversized pond, but large enough for children to enjoy their time. On one side there was a grass covered shore, and Greg led them there.
Zoe looked around. The trees around the area were low enough that a large spot of sunlight fell on a part of the grass, while another part was in the shades.
“Wow, this is amazing,” she whispered, “can we go swimming?”
“Good thing I just grabbed a backpack and didn't bother to repack,” Greg answered, as he unshouldered and unzipped his backpack, “our towels are still in here!”
He took out two large towels, then suddenly froze.
“Oh, shit. Forgot. We can't swim.”
“Why not?”
“We …,” he paused, and felt his cheeks flush, “Jeffrey and I never wear a swimsuit here. Nobody besides us is ever here. It's just us two, so we just strip and swim. We don't even have any swimwear. But now … you're a girl. We can't swim naked. I would see …,” he paused, searching for the right words, then finally just went with “... you.”

Zoe stood silent for a while, as if pondering something. Then she seemed to brace herself.
“You didn't seem to mind seeing … me,” she mimicked his pause, “last night.”
“Oh, shit. You know? You saw? Oh, gosh, I' so sorry, Zoe. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have ...”
“It's okay, Greg,” Zoe soothed, “No, really, I mean it. I knew you would see when I took off my sleep shirt and kicked off the sheets. That was when I had to think about it. But our room is indeed too hot. I could not sleep otherwise. It was either a whole night without sleep, or taking it off … and accepting you might see it. And in the end, I figured … you seem like a nice guy. I don't think you would do creepy stuff, like take pictures and put them on Insta. But I know you … it's simply how boys are, they can't help it. I knew you'd watch. It's okay.”

Now it was Greg's turn to stand in silence. Pondering whether to ask. Finally, his head turning beet red, he did.
“Uhmmm, so did you also see … you know … that I was … what I was doing?”
Zoe just nodded, silently.
“And you … you were okay with it?”
“Well … To be honest, I was grossed out at first. Almost told you to knock it off. But then I recalled sex ed class. I understood it was because … because you liked …,” she paused a bit, the continued, “I don't know what exactly. Liked me? Liked my … my boobs? But anyway. It made me feel … proud, I guess? Flattered? To know that you did that because of … because of me.”

Greg suddenly recalled that moment, last night, after he finished, when he thought he saw her look in his direction.
“So … you watched me too? You saw … it?”
“I tried to. But your bed was in the dark. I saw what you did. But I could not see … it. Is it bad that I wanted to? You did see me, after all?”
Greg shrugged. He had never been modest around his brother, and his parents also still occasionally saw him nude. He had never given much thought to the idea of being seen, other than having learned that one should cover up in company.
And now he realized that he not only didn't mind that this girl had tried to sneak a peek, but that he actually was secretly a bit disappointed. Ever since Jeffrey and he had measured their boy cocks and Greg's turned out to be 1.5 millimeters longer, he was secretly pretty proud of it. Would she like seeing his as much as he had enjoyed seeing her breasts?

“So, can we swim?” Zoe finally broke the awkward silence.
“Yeah. I guess.”
Greg tried to sound casual. But knowing that in full daylight he would see her chest even better, and knowing that she would now also have to remove her panties, made his voice break in a way that betrayed his true feelings.
Zoe was quick to shed her clothes, but Greg was fast too. Without hesitation, he stripped all the way down, then looked up to see Zoe stand, completely naked, watching him intently.

Her body looked glorious in the full light of the summer sun. No matter which part of her he checked, her skin looked soft and tender. Greg inspected her chest first. Subtle tan lines betrayed that she had spent some time in a bikini, but not much. Greg already knew that she spent most of the summer playing ball with the gang in the street, or playing inside the house with her girl friends. The tan lines on her arms, matching the length T-shirt sleeves, were much sharper.
But it wasn't the tan lines that Greg focused on. It were the two small bumps, two small protuberances that those lighter triangles seemed to draw extra attention to. Small, pointed red nipples protruded from the center of each bud, adorned with perfectly round areolas.

And then Greg's eyes shot down, past her perfectly flat, well-toned belly, to that most sacred area that had so far been hidden from his view. A hint of a shade betrayed the first hairs that were starting to grow there. Clearly less than what Greg regularly saw on Jeffrey, Which in turn was less than what Greg had, as Greg loved to point out to Jeffrey at every occasion.
As exciting as that patch of hair was to Greg, even better was the little line drawn between them. A slit, between her legs. It was closed. Just a dark line. And though Greg had little notion of the treasures hidden in between that slit, just seeing this, knowing he was looking at a real vagina of a real girl, was already exciting Greg immensely.
He felt his rock hard boy dick twitch constantly from pure pleasure as his eyes shot from that cute slit to those developing buds, then back to her slit again. He wished he could focus all of them at the same time.

“It is …,” he finally stuttered with croaking voice, “... you are beautiful, Zoe.”
It felt weird to say that. Women were beautiful, with their large boobs and thick bushes. That's why he had the Calamity picture. Girls? Girls were just annoying. A nuisance. All boys in his class knew that, and agreed on that. You just ignore the girls. They need to grow up and become women first. That's when they get interesting.
And yet, as weird as it felt, Greg had no choice but to tell Zoe how beautiful she was, because it was the truth. All the images and visions and fantasies he had about adult women, about their breasts and vaginas, it all paled in comparison with the sheer beauty of the girl he was admiring now.

Zoe finally answered, with a barely audible whisper.
“You too, Greg.” A long sigh escaped her. “You too are beautiful.”
Greg had been so mesmerized by her beauty that he had completely forgotten that he was naked too, that she was watching him, like he her. He looked up, to see her face. Her eyes were firmly locked on his crotch.
Greg was aware of his good looks. He was quite muscular for his age, and had no excess fat at all. His skin was nice and tanned, except of course for his crotch that showed a boxer short sized white area. He had never given much thought about how his penis looked, except for the few times his brother and he had bets about size. Jeffrey used to win those, until a year ago when Greg for the first time overtook him in erect form. And Greg knew his dick to be adorned by short, dark and curly hairs, his secret price, sign of impending maturity.

“Does it always … point up like that? And shake and twitch like that?”
Zoe's whisper was still barely audible. Greg secretly felt proud as he saw the mesmerized look on her face. It was his[/i] body that caused this! He was vaguely aware that he probably looked the same due to Zoe's body, but that didn't change his pride. His happiness at knowing a girl looked at him like this. And not just any girl, no, [i]this girl, this beauty that he was starting to like so much.
Greg shook his head, then realized Zoe was still totally focused on his crotch.
“No. Normally it's soft. And smaller. But it always gets this way when I think about beautiful women.”
“Are you thinking about beautiful women now?”
“No. I'm only thinking of you. Looking at you. I didn't know girls could make it hard. But now I know. Because you are so beautiful. More beautiful than any woman.”

Zoe broke into a giggle. Then ran towards Greg, hugged him, and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks, Greg. I'm glad you think I'm beautiful. Now let's swim. Last one in is a rotten fish!”
Greg stood still for a while. Still feeling where those two little bumps had pressed into his chest. How his stiffy had been squashed between their stomachs. Still savoring the light touch of her lips on his cheek.
“Rotten fish!” he heard from the lake, “gee, you're even worse at this than at Fortnite!”

Chapter 6: Dripping wet

Seconds later, Greg was chasing Zoe in the water. He often raced Jeffrey, so he was fast enough to easily catch her and dunk her under water.
“That'll teach you!' he laughed, then quickly swam away as she managed to free herself and tried to dunk him back.
Zoe was not fast enough to catch up to him, but the lake wasn't very large, and she made smart use of shallow places where Greg had to walk, until she had him cornered.
He just stood there and laughed, thinking he was safe. But Zoe surprised him when she dashed towards him, grabbed his left arm, and twisted it behind his back.
“Mercy?” she hissed in his ear.
“You sure?” She stabbed a finger in his back, while holding his left arm and skillfully avoiding his wildly waving right arm.

Greg struggled a bit more, but her stabby finger in his back got more and more uncomfortable. Eventually he caved.
“Okay, okay! Mercy!”
“So you admit I'm better at Fortnite?”
“I already did, remember?”
“And that you're a rotten fish.”
“But you did cheat!”
“How did I cheat?”
“You kissed me!”
“Boys can't run after being kissed?”
“No! I … I was surprised, okay?”
“Hmmm. Okay. Perhaps we'll get a chance at a rematch another day.”
“Yeah. If we manage to get out of the house again.”
Zoe looked disappointed briefly at the realization that the contract was still looming. But she quickly shrugged it off.
“You swim real fast, Greg! Can you teach me how you do that?”

About an hour later, two exhausted kids dragged themselves out of the lake.
“You surprised me, Zoe,” Greg complimented, “you learn quick!”
“Thanks. Guess you're a good teacher,” she responded.
Then, all of a sudden, she pointed down, surprise in her voice
“Hey, it's soft and floppy now and much smaller!”
Greg looked down to see that his dick had indeed deflated.
“Huh. Yes. Yes, you're right. I had not even noticed.”

He handed Zoe one of the blankets, then grabbed the other one for himself. As he started to towel himself dry, he looked up in the sky.
“I think there's enough time to rest a bit, then go in again. If you want to. Just get most of the water off, then lie down on the towel in the warm sun. If you dry off completely now, the towel gets too wet and you can't dry off again if we go for another swim.”
Zoe nodded, then followed Greg's instructions.

As the children lay side by side in the warm afternoon sun, Zoe suddenly asked: “Why do you no longer think I'm beautiful?”
“Huh? What? Of course you're still beautiful!” Greg responded.
But then he followed Zoe's gaze towards his crotch, and his soft boyhood, and understood.
“Oh, you mean because it's no longer hard? It's … I'm not sure how to explain it. I can think about a beautiful woman. Or girl, And it gets hard. But I can also be with a beautiful woman, or girl, like you, but then not think about … about how she looks. About her … breasts,” he blushed as he said that, “and … you know … other things. And when I don't think about that, it stays soft. When we were swimming, I was thinking about teaching you to swim faster. Not about … you know.”
He made a vague gesture encompassing her entire body with those last words.

Zoe suddenly broke into a giggle.
“Oh, but I see that you are now thinking about my breasts and my 'you know' again! It's growing.”
She studied the steadily lengthening and hardening boyhood of Greg with an eager interest, until it was at full mast again. Greg's embarrassment quickly made way for pride as he saw her interest in him. In his body. In his penis.

“What is that like, for a boy? When it gets hard? Does it hurt? Does it feel good?”
Greg quickly shook his head.
“No. It doesn't hurt. It feels ...”
He fell silent. He had never really given it much thought, and he had trouble finding the right way to describe it.
Finally, he continued: “It's hard to explain you know. It feels good, but that's not the biggest feeling. Most of all, it feels … eager. For more. Better.”
“And that's when you …,” Zoe whispered, “when you … 'touch yourself' down there? Like you did last night?”
Greg felt his head turn beet red as he nodded. Then, realizing Zoe was not watching at his head at all, croaked his reply: “Yes. And that's when it feels really good.”

Zoe fell silent for a while. Greg studied her face, as she appeared in deep thought. But he couldn't keep his eyes from wandering away from her face, over her perfect body, then back again as she spoke, barely audible.
“Do you want to do that now? Can I watch?”
“I mean, what you did last night? Play with it. To feel good … better.”
“Yeah, I get that. But … isn't this weird?”
“Was it weird for you last night?”
“Well, yes. No, I mean. Or … I don't know. But I mean, for you. To tell me to wank off … touch myself I mean. And to watch.”
Zoe thought about that for a while before replying.
“It should be weird, right? But … last night, you know, I already said it freaked me out at first. But then not any longer. And in the end, I felt proud, because it was because of me. But also … sad that I didn't see it. Is that weird? Is that bad?”

Greg knew he should say yes. It's weird. And bad. And they shouldn't.
But he felt pride. Huge pride. And something else, something he couldn't really put his finger on because he never felt that way before.
She … Zoe, that gorgeous creature next to him … wanted to see him. Greg. As he was rubbing his stiffy, until the stuff would shoot out.
Did that mean she liked him? Liked how he looked? Liked the looks of his … thingy?
He knew it was wrong. But his orgasm last night, while looking at Zoe, was the best one he ever had. And now he had the chance to do that again, in full daylight. And she would look at him, at his thingy spewing the stuff. What would she think? Would she like it? She seemed to like it now already!

With croaked voice, he instructed: “Can you put your towel there? So I can easily see you while I'm … you know, doing it? And can you then lie on one side instead of on your back? I love how your breasts look in that position. And I can then see your … your vagina too. Can I also look at that? Don't you mind?”
Zoe giggled.
“You can look at everything if that makes you feel better. I'm glad you like what you see. I thought boys would not like me, not yet. I'm happy you do. So yes, you can look. After all, I'm going to look at you too!”

She positioned herself, and Greg's eyes wandered once more all across her beautiful body. Then he lay down on his back, turned his head to have Zoe's beauty in view, and closed his right hand around his hard shaft.
As precum gushed over Greg's sensitive cockhead, his fingers expertly distributed the sticky fluid, then his fist closed around his shaft and started pumping in earnest. He didn't know where to look as he was pleasuring himself. Zoe's innocent slit below her downy hairs looked inviting, especially when she unconsciously spread her legs a bit. Her budding breasts looked soft and firm, and he couldn't stop fantasizing how it would feel to put his hand there. And her face, her mesmerized look downwards that clearly betrayed how much she liked what she saw … actually liked his dick … that was perhaps the hottest of all! Did it mean even more might be possible? Greg quickly pushed that thought aside, of course not. But he could fantasize about it, right?

As the pleasure in Greg's young member was building, he noticed how Zoe absentmindedly cupped one of her breasts with a hand, squeezing her tiny nipple between her soft fingers. Her other hand traveled to her crotch, and he watched in awe as she pushed a finger between the folds of her slit, then appeared to make small circular motions. And he heard light moans escape his new friend's lips, to match his own moaning.
As he felt his orgasm approach, he closed his eyes and imagined it was his hand on her breast. He imagined feeling her soft flesh. Gently pulling that hard nipple. And then he imagined feeling her down there. Putting his finger in that opening. He had heard that it should be warm and soft and slick and tight. He imagined the moaning he heard was caused by his hands, not hers.
And then he imagined it was her hand on his little cock. Her hand rubbing his sensitive glans. Her fist moving up and down on his hard shaft.
With a loud groan, he exploded, as shot after shot of his watery sperm shot high in the air, paused up there for a second, then fell back again, landing with a splash on his own body. The first spurt came almost up to his chin. And he just kept spurting and spurting, much longer than ever before, feeling better than ever.

For a short while he remained on his back. Eyes closed, enjoying the relaxation after his huge orgasm. Then, as he heard intense moaning and breathing, he turned his head sideways, just in time to see Zoe's body shiver and shudder, as she exhaled sharply. Then she withdrew the finger that had been frantically moving around in that mysterious slit, her slit that looked so innocent … but perhaps was not?

As Zoe's body relaxed, a smile appeared on her face.
“That was awesome! Thanks for letting me watch.”
“Thanks for letting me watch you. I've never had such a good one before. It was nice to do this while watching you.”
“But you did close your eyes, in the end? Why? Dreaming of Calamity instead?”
Greg shook his head.
“No. I was … promise you won't laugh, okay? And don't get mad?”
Zoe looked in his eye to see how earnest he was, then crossed her hands across her chest.
“Cross my heart, hope to die. I won't laugh and won't get mad, whatever it is.”
“I saw you playing with … your breasts. And your …. you know … your vagina. And I wished … I fantasized it was me touching you there. And you were touching my co... penis. I closed my eyes to see that in my fantasy, and that's when I came so hard!”
Zoe nodded and smiled.
“You understand?” Greg continued, “you're not freaked out?”
“I understand. I also ...”
She interrupted herself.

After a full minute silence, Greg blurted his question: “You also … what?”
“No. Don't ask.”
“Come on! I told mine! Cross my heart too. You can tell. Whatever it is.”
Her head turned beet red. The first time Greg saw her blush, and he liked it instantly.
“I also thought … fantasized. That it was … that it was you touching me. And that you let me play with your penis.”

That was all that Greg could think. Wow.
Zoe had been playing with herself, while fantasizing it was him. Wow.

He didn't know how long the silence lasted. How long they just lay there, side by side, He was busy trying to process what had just happened. And failing. Hard.
Finally, the cooling sticky fluid on his chest brought him back to reality.
“I'm gonna dive in the water again. Need to get this off me.”
“I'll join you, I can use some cleaning too,” Zoe responded, as she looked at her fingers.
Greg didn't understand what she said, she looked clean to him. But he had so much to process already that he decided not to ask.

An hour later, the two children finally returned to Greg's house.
“Well?” Annabel snarled at them as soon as they were in earshot.
“Well, what?”
“Well, are you two now ready to get on with the show? Remember, the idea was that you two would open up to each other. Talk. Get to know each other better.”
Greg shrugged. “Yeah, we did. All of that.”
“I think we'll get along better the rest of the time,” Zoe added.

The children had to suppress their laughter. If only Annabel knew exactly how much better they had gotten to know each other …

Chapter 7: Can I give you a hand?

If Greg thought that playing his role in the morning had been hard, he quickly found out that it was now much, much harder. This morning, he only had to pretend a complete contempt for Zoe. Now the emotion the two had decided on as they were on their way back to the house was much more complex. They decided that he should not continue to be completely hostile. But full friends would raise suspicion. So he had to play a complex mixture of disliking some of her traits, liking some others, and being somewhat but not too much interested otherwise.
And this was extra hard because his actual feelings about her had also become complex and conflicted, just in a different way. She was like a great companion and friend when they were talking about video games or soccer. But at other times, she could just be like the girls in school, giggly, and weird, and annoying.

“But I am a girl, Greg,” she had explained, “perhaps not the always girly girl you met in school. But also not always the tomboy that you like me to be. I'm a bit of both. I'm … just me, I guess.”
This still confused Greg. But what confused him even more were the feelings and thoughts he had, every time he saw her. Every time he thought about her body, how gorgeous she had looked when she had been lying next to him.
Over dinner, Zoe actually had kicked his shins under the table multiple times.
“Stop staring,” she hissed in a short stolen moment when all attention was on a short interview with mom and dad, “and stop blushing every time you see me.”
Greg sighed.
“I try, okay?”
“Well, try harder. Or we're busted.”
Even though neither of the two had said it out loud, they both instinctively felt that Greg's parents and the TV crew probably shouldn't know what had actually transpired at the lake.

The evening dragged on. Annabel had decided to actually include the “just the two kids in the woods day” as an item in the show, as if production had planned the event to let the children build rapport. So after dinner, each of the two had to sit through a long interview to get some soundbites for the show. Greg was so glad Zoe had insisted to spent all the time walking home to make up and align fake stories!
Finally, after what felt like ages, and after promising Annabel that later this week they would return to the woods with a camera crew and replay some of the events to make her footage complete, the clock hit 8.45. He didn't want to raise suspicion by pointing it out himself, but a carefully timed stretch and yawn act was enough to alert mom.
“Oh, look. It's bedtime. Off you go, you two!”
“Awww, mom?” Greg whined, “do we have to? It's a special day, with Zoe here?”
“Yes, it is. But tomorrow will be special too. Annabel has planned activities. Fun activities. Lots of them. So no more whining, you need your rest. Off you go, to bed. You too, Zoe!”

Greg entered his bedroom and Zoe closed the door behind them. As he turned to look, he saw her start to undress already.
“Not here!” he hissed, “use the bathroom!”
Zoe looked puzzled.
“Huh? You've seen it all already. You didn't seem to mind. And I don't mind either.”
“Oh, I don't mind. The opposite in fact, I'd love to see you again … you know, all of you. But we have my parents and a full film crew out there. What will they think if you don't change in the bathroom like yesterday?”
Zoe blushed.
“Whoops. Had not thought of that. Sorry!”
“Is okay, Zoe. You saved my butt many times already. Glad to return the favor.”

Greg was already down to his shorts, and sitting on his bed, when Zoe returned. He couldn't help it, he had to once more admire how gorgeous her legs looked. How the contrast with Zoe's yellow sleep shirt highlighted her gorgeous tan. And how the tight upper body of that shirt accentuated her beautiful budding breasts.
“So,” she began, hesitantly, “you said you'd love to see 'all of me' again?”
“Ohh, sorry, I just realize that sounds creepy. As if I only like you for your breasts and your … you know.”
Zoe broke into giggles.
“You're silly, Greg. It's called a vagina. Why can't you call it that?”
“Okay. Your … vagina. But that's not it. I mean, I do like seeing those, but … But I like seeing the rest of you too, and … no, that came out wrong. Let me try again.”
He cleared his throat, then started again.
“I like you. For what you are and how you are. Even the girly part. It's not my favorite part, but it's still a part of you and I think I'm even getting used to it.”
A long silence followed, finally broken by Greg.
“So, sorry if it sounds as if it's about your body. I like your body. It looks great. But I think I mostly like it because it's your[/i] body. Not because it's your [i]body. Does that even make sense?”

Zoe once more caught Greg off guard with a kiss on his cheek.
“It does, Greg. And don't be sorry. It's okay to like my body. In fact … I don't know, is it weird when I tell you that all afternoon I've been thinking about your penis?”
“You have?”
“Yes. I could not stop thinking about it. About all the ways it looked. Soft and floppy. Hard and pointing up. And then, when you made the stuff shoot out. It made me feel all tingly to see that. It was really hard to pay attention to your mom and dad, and to the things we were doing, when all I wanted to do was ask you to see it again. Can I see it again? You can see mine!”
She didn't even await an answer. Before the last words left her mouth, her hands already lifted the hem of her sleep shirt over her head, exposing her puffy nipples to Greg's eager gaze. Her little cunny was still covered from view by her white panties. But seconds later, she stripped that last bit of cotton down as well, exposing her enticing slit and her downy first hair.
Greg himself wasted no time in pulling his own boxer short down, allowing his already hard dick to flop out. Proudly he stood upright, his dick pointing straight at Zoe's budding breasts, as the two children unabashedly took in each other's beauty.

“Do you mind if I play with it again?” Greg hesitantly asked. “You can watch again. You liked watching it, right? And I want to touch it and feel good, while looking at you.”
“Can I ...” Zoe started, then stopped.
“No, that's weird. I can't even ask it.”
“You can ask anything you like, Zoe. Whatever it is. Even if you think it's weird.”
“You won't make fun of me? And won't tell on me?”
“Cross my heart, hope to die.”
“Can I … can I touch it? It looks so …” She hesitated, then blurted hastily, “I want to know how it feels. Can I?”

Can she? Greg's head spun from happiness. Even his wildest fantasies had not dared to go there, and now she[/i] was asking [i]him!
Yes, you can, he wanted to reply. My body is all yours, my lady, and you can touch and kiss me all over if you want to.
But the lump in his throat thwarted that speech. Instead, Greg just nodded and croaked a noise that with sufficient fantasy could be interpreted as “yes”.
Zoe scooted closer to Greg's bed. She extended her hand, and stopped just before touching Greg. He thought he already felt the warmth of her skin in that short second of her hesitation.
And then, decidedly, she closed her fingers around the base of Greg's shaft.
“Hmmm. Warm. And both hard and soft at the same time. Not at all what I expected.”
Greg wanted to say something. Ask whether she liked it. But he just moaned and panted.
“What's wrong, Greg? Did I hurt you?”
She quickly removed her hand, but Greg vigorously shook no. He finally regained enough control over his voice to explain:
“No. Didn't hurt. Felt good. So good!”

Greg shivered in anticipation as he saw Zoe extend her hand again. She grabbed the base of his boy cock once more, then exploringly moved it a bit in all directions.
“Oh yeah,” Greg groaned as her hand slid up and down along the length of his shaft.
“You like this?” Zoe informed. Greg just nodded and bit his lip.
“Hmmm, that's what you did at the lake. And last night. Right?”
Greg nodded again, as she felt her hand move up and down again. Slowly, barely touching it, but feeling so good. A girl. Touching him, there. It felt great.
“Does this feel as good as what you do?”
“It feels even better, Zoe! Your hand is so soft!”
“Do you … shall I go on?”
Zoe seemed to be as excited to please him as Greg was to be pleased by her. He didn't understand. But he didn't complain either.
“If you want to, Zoe. Then I want that very much!” Greg panted.

Zoe had stopped her movements momentarily, but now she resumed her motions.
“You can squeeze a bit harder, if you want to. Not too hard. And move faster. Oh. Oh, yes. Yes. Oh, yes, like that. Oh, yeah. Oh. Oh. Oh, Zoe, yes! Yes!”
And with that, Greg's little dick spasmed as spurt after spurt of his watery cum shot out of his dick, landing all over his chest.
Zoe kept moving her hand on Greg's dick, until he extended his hand to stop her.
“It gets sensitive after I shoot. Can you let go now?”
She did, silently watching the puddles on Greg's chest, and his slowly deflating dick. But then, as she noticed a drop starting to make its way down Greg's side, she quickly picked her sleep shirt from the floor and wiped him clean. And then proceeded to wipe Greg's cum off her own hand.
“I'm sorry,” Greg finally whispered, “I didn't mean to get that all over you.”
“Don't be sorry,” Zoe whispered, then kissed the boy on his cheek, “it's cute when you do that. And it makes me feel special. To know that you did that because of me. Of what I did. It feels … good, I guess, that I was the one making you feel so good that you shot.”
“Yes. You did make me feel really good.”
Greg wasn't even aware that his hand stroked Zoe's upper thighs as he spoke.

But then, all of a sudden, a thought struck Greg. A memory.
“Earlier today, at the lake. When I touched myself. After I shot my stuff, I saw that you had your hand between your legs. Were you … were you touching yourself? Is that like the girl version of what I did?”
Zoe looked surprised, but then nodded.
“I didn't know you noticed. Yes. I felt tingly down there. That's when I want to touch it, to feel even better. I think it's sort of the same as what you did. Just … just the vagina version, I guess?”
“Do you feel tingly now?”
“Now? I feel tingly all afternoon already! And I felt extra tingly when I touched you, and even more when you shot.”
A short silence, and then Zoe realized what Greg implied.
“Oh you mean … you want me to touch myself there? And watch? Like I did today?”
Greg nodded, but then changed his mind.
“Perhaps. Or … you know, when you touched me, it felt even better than when I do it. Perhaps that's the same for you? You made me feel so good. Perhaps I can do that for you. Do you want to try?”

Greg had expected hesitation, but he was wrong. A broad smile broke on Zoe's face as she eagerly nodded.
“Yes, please Greg. I saw your face when I touched you. You were so happy. If I can feel like that too … I want to try. I want to know how it is when someone else touches me. When you touch me. Will you?”
She dropped on her back on her bed and spread her legs a bit. Greg scooted closer. He noticed how the slit between her legs parted slightly, and had a first tantalizing glimpse of the treasures hidden in between.
But as exciting it was to see the exposed girl parts of his newfound friend, he had no idea what to really do.
“Uhm, Zoe. Where am I … what am I supposed to do exactly? I could not really see this afternoon. Where and how should I touch you?”

“I'll show you. Watch, then you can do it later.”
Zoe giggled, then spread her legs further. Greg watched in awe as her delicate hand made its way to her crotch. He didn't even notice how his mouth was slightly open as he watched how her finger pressed against the slit, then made its way in between.
Zoe slid her finger up and down a few times. Greg was fascinated with the new views he got. He didn't know what everything was, but it all looked fascinating. The folds that were being parted by Zoe's delicate finger as she moved it up and down along her length. The weird looking protrusion at the top. The glistening moisture that was everywhere. And the one thing he did understand: the small, dark opening near the lower end of her slit, that just had to be her actual entry. Her … vagina.
Greg inhaled sharply as he saw Zoe push her finger inside. Even though he had a theoretic understanding that things were supposed to go in there, seeing those walls actually stretch to accommodate Zoe's digit was a surprising hot sight.

Then she added another finger. Her index and middle finger went two knuckles deep into her premature lovehole.
“Doesn't that hurt?” Greg asked concerned, as he heard Zoe moan.
“No. It feels nice and full. The first time it hurt a bit. And the first time I used a hairbrush it hurt a lot and I bled a bit. But that is normal, for the first time. Now it just feels good.”
“So that's what I should do?”
“Wait. This feels good. But something else is even better. Watch how slippery my fingers are as I take them out? That's important. They need to be slippery for the next part.”
Greg watched intently as Zoe pulled her fingers out and showed the gooey fluid on them. Then she moved her fingers to the upper end of her slit, finding that protrusion.
“Do you see this button here? That's what makes me feel really good. But it's very sensitive. I have to be gentle there.”
She rubbed her fingers on that spot, going in circles, then up and down, then other motions again. And then a finger dipped back into her tight opening.
“Huh? Isn't it slippery enough anymore?”
“No, it still is.” Zoe was panting, but still patiently explained, “but it feels good to vary a little. Now do the same thing all the time.”

Greg needed a second to process that. He always felt so good rubbing his little penis that he had not even considered interrupting that motion to try other things. Was he missing out? Or was this simply different for girls?
“My turn,” he eagerly blurted, as he scooted closer.
Zoe obediently removed her hand and lay flat on her back, legs spread wide. Greg looked at her and couldn't resist leaning down to kiss her cheeks, her forehead, her nose. And then, after a brief hesitation, her mouth.
“I really like you, Zoe. I … is this what adults call love?”
Zoe shrugged.
“Dunno. But I like you too. Your lips on mine … when you did it you surprised me and I thought it would be gross, but it felt nice. Do it again?”
Greg pressed another kiss on her lips, lingering for a few precious seconds. But then Zoe grabbed his hand and led it to her young pussy.
“Now touch me there, Greg. Please?”

Greg marveled at the amazing soft and velvety feel of the skin just above her slit, the barely noticeable patch of soft hair, as his finger brushed past. Then he felt a cleft under his finger, and he was surprised how warm she felt there.
Following the example he had just been given, he pressed his finger gently, until he felt the sides of her slit part and accept this foreign digit. He felt the heat, the moisture, the slipperiness.
“Wow,” he whispered, “you feel ...”
“What?” Zoe asked when he didn't finish, “Weird? Bad?”
“No! Oh no, not at all! I just can't find the words. I want to say good, but that word is not good enough.”
“Can you start moving your finger I'm really very tingly. I need to be touched.”

Greg, hastily recalling the demonstration he had been given, moved his finger up and down her slit a few times, feeling the slick moisture coat his digit. Then he halted at the most downward point. He knew her opening had to be here, but he had to probe a bit.
“You can look, you know,” Zoe gently suggested.
“I know. But I want to see your face. Did I look so happy when you did me?”
And exactly at those words, his finger found the entry. He pushed a bit harder, then it felt as if a slick elastic band gave way, then closed again around his knuckle. He was in. He actually had his finger inside a real girl.
That real girl's eyes opened wide, and her mouth also opened in a soundless “ooohh”.
“I'm not hurting you?”
“No. No, not at all. It feels good. It's just … wow, it's just so special to feel a finger in me and know it's not mine. But yours. Go on. You can push deeper. And it feels good when you move it in and out a bit like I did before.”

Greg's eyes remained locked on Zoe's face as he followed her instruction. He was amazed at how soft and tight and wet and hot she felt on the inside. At the resistance he felt every time he pushed in, but also at how her muscles cramped and tried to keep his finger in as he pulled out.
In an impulse, his other hand found its way to her chest, and explored the soft flesh of her just forming breasts.
“Aaahhhh,” Zoe moaned as he touched her nipple, and Greg immediately withdrew his hand.
“Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ...”
“No, don't take it away,” Zoe panted, “put it back. I never knew. But it feels goo... Oooohhhh, yes, go on!”
Greg did, then once more recalled the example. He pulled his finger all the way out, then traced Zoe's little slit until he found her button. Softly, gently, afraid to hurt the girl, he tentatively touched it. His eyes were fixated on hers as he explored what motions made her look happy, which motions appeared to be less pleasurable. He learned on the spot, enjoying immensely every time the girl closed her eyes to sigh deeply, then open them again and look into his with a look of eternal happiness and gratitude.
Suddenly he understood why Zoe had liked rubbing him so much. He had had no idea that giving pleasure felt so good. Now he knew.

For the next few minutes, there was no other sound than Zoe's panting and moaning as Greg's inexperienced hand toyed with her small breastlets, while his other alternated between rubbing her little clitoris and pumping her tight love canal.
Then, all of a sudden, Zoe arched her back.
“Rub … my … button,” she panted heavily, “faster … harder ...”
Greg was a bit concerned over the almost painful look on her face, but she clearly didn't ask him to stop, she actually asked him to commit harder, so he did as requested.
“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yyyeessssss!!!!”
Zoe's entire body shivered and shuddered as an intense orgasm rippled through her.
“Okay. Slow down a bit.” she urged as her body started to relax, “slowly and softly, for just a bit longer.”
And then, a few minutes later.
“Wow. That was amazing. You can stop now. I need to rest.”

“Was that ...”
“Yes. My good feeling. I guess like when you shoot your stuff. Feels so good!!! And this time even better than when I do it myself. This was amazing, Greg. I never knew it could feel so good.”
“Yeah, me too,” Greg grinned, “told ya!”
“Can you hold me for a bit? Cuddle me? It's nice to feel you close to me.”

A few minutes later, both children were sound asleep. Naked as the day they were born, cuddled together, in the sweetest of embraces.

Chapter 8: Can't even wait for breakfast!

Greg opened his eyes after a deep, refreshing sleep. He saw Zoe next to him, already awake, looking at him.
“Good morning, Greg.”
“Good morning, Zoe.”

He looked her up and down, again admiring the beauty of her body. And feeling the luckiest guy alive to be allowed to see this. And to recall what had happened.
“Like what you see?” Zoe asked, while pointing down to where Greg's cock was starting to grow at the sight and memory.
“Yes,” Greg happily replied, “very much. I told you already. You are beautiful. I enjoy looking at you. And I also enjoyed doing … well, what we did. I don't know how to call it.”
“I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too. Uhm … I think it's called sex?”
“Sex? Really? I thought it's only real sex when I … you know …,” Greg suddenly felt his head turn red again, “when I put mine in yours.”

He felt his dick grow to full size and start to twitch at just the idea. He had been so happy and proud to have been the center of Zoe's attention just before, but now he got embarrassed again. His hand shot down.
“I'm sorry. I … It just happened. I didn't ...”
But Zoe just kissed his cheek.
“You're sweet. I like to see it when it does that. Grow hard I mean. Can I touch it again?”

She didn't even await his reply. With no hesitation, Zoe's hand shot down, brushed Greg's aside, and gripped the firm base of his twitching prick. She gently, lazily moved her hand along the length of Greg's shaft. Her other hand gently stroked his muscular young chest. Her eyes were locked on his face, as he enjoyed her inexperienced caresses.
Without stopping, Zoe thoughtfully asked: “So what caused it to go hard so all of a sudden. It was already growing, but slowly. And then suddenly it jumped up and was hard.
“Well, ...” Greg started, then paused.
“Don't be shy, Greg. You can tell me. I crossed my heart already, remember? You can be honest. I won't make fun of you and I won't tell on you.”
“But you might be mad. I don't want to upset you.”
“I won't. Promise. I just want to know. Understand how that part of boys … no, of you works.”
And then, after a short pause, she added: “I think I want to understand much more about you … all of you. But right now, I'm curious about this part.”
“Ouch! First thing to understand, don't squeeze that hard. It hurts!”
Zoe giggled.
“Well, then answer the question. Or I might, you know, squeeze again?”
“You wouldn't! Right? Would you?”
Zoe now laughed out loud.
“Of course not, silly. I'm sorry I hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. It was an accident and I won't do it again. But I do want to know.”

She had removed her hand from Greg's boy cock when she realized she had hurt him, but now she once more resumed the slow massage of his young cock, that by now was already slick from his precum.
“Hmmmm, yeah. That's good. Much better.”
He moaned, then kissed Zoe's cheek.
“So it was growing. Slowly. Because I saw you and you look so beautiful. And I thought about the stuff we did yesterday, and how good that felt. It would have gotten fully hard anyway.”
“Yeah, but ...”
Greg pressed a finger to her lips, to signal she should let him talk. And then instantly was surprised, and mesmerized, at how soft and warm her lips felt. He felt his dick twitch involuntarily, and heard the delightful sound of Zoe's giggle.
“And then we talked about sex and about putting it in,” Greg hastily blurted, knowing he could not put it off any longer, “and the older brother of a friend once told me that's the best feeling ever, even better than using hands, and that thought made this happen. It's not something I really control. It goes all by itself.”

Zoe's hand suddenly stopped moving. He saw her gaze inspecting his face. He knew she was upset. She had to be. How could she not consider him a terrible person for having such thoughts.
So he was actually surprised when her tone was not abusive or shocked but merely surprised.
“Better than using hands? How can that be? That was the best feeling ever, I don't think better is possible.”
Greg shrugged.
“Yeah, think you're right. That does feel very good. But … well, he is older, and I'm pretty sure he is already doing it, I don't understand it either. But he said it. So ...”

Greg hoped Zoe would return to massaging his prick. It had been great when she did it with determination yesterday. This lazy rubbing had been great in a whole different way, and he wanted to enjoy it a bit more. But he didn't want to ask, that seemed too ungrateful and too eager. Plus, he felt instinctively that he didn't want her to do this just because he asked. He wanted her to do this because she wanted it. Just like he wanted to touch her again, to give her that same great feeling.
But for that, too, this moment seemed inappropriate. Her hand was still resting on his stiff dick. Her other hand on his chest. Her eyes were open, staring at the ceiling, but they seemed out of focus as if she wasn't really watching; and she was biting her lip as if she was thinking about something.
Greg knew he'd have to give her the time.

And just as he realized that, Zoe turned her head and looked him in the eyes.
“Do you want to try?”
“Try? Try what?”
“Try real sex. Putting your penis in my vagina. To see if it really feels better.”

Greg wanted to jump, yell “yes”, climb on top of Zoe immediately. Without really knowing why, he felt deep down an instinctive urge to accept her offer.
But he didn't.
“Zoe, I … that's really sweet of you to offer, but you don't have to.”
“Who says I have to?” she responded; then after a short pause, “I'm now curious too. If it's really possible to feel even better, I want it.”
Greg leaned over to kiss her cheek. Then, recalling how soft her lips had felt under his finger, followed the impulse to press his lips against hers and kiss her there. And then he lingered, much longer than he had planned, because he loved the feeling, but also loved the connection he suddenly felt with this marvelous girl that fate (and a stupid TV show) had brought in his bed.

“Zoe, if you want to try sex, then I want it very much. But only if you really want to. But … I've heard that the first time is really special for girls. And there's only one first time, you know, like, ever. Do you really … want me to be your first?”
Zoe didn't let him finish. Her warm lips met his as he was still talking, and he felt her breath enter his mouth as she kissed him. He closed his arms around her shoulders and back, felt her do the same, and he pulled her body close as they kissed a kiss that lasted and lasted. He closed his mouth at first, thinking it was gross to kiss with open mouth. Then realized he immediately started to miss the feeling of her warm breath in his mouth, so he opened his lips again. He felt her lips follow his, and the two young kids just pressed their upper bodies together as their lips remained locked for a long time.
Finally, Zoe broke the kiss to respond: “Greg, I don't know if what I feel for you is what mom and dad call love. They always say I'll know it when I feel it, but I don't. I'm just confused over how much I like you. But I do know one thing. Yes, the first time is special. But I want my first time with you, because you are special. That is, if you want it. It's your first time too. Surely that's also special for boys?”
Greg eagerly nodded.
“Oh yes. Zoe, I so want you to be my first. I want to try this. With you. Not with anyone else, but with you. Do you?”

Zoe didn't respond. Instead, she simply rolled on her back and spread her legs wide.
“Can you use your hand first?”
Greg once more feasted his eyes on the delicate preteen sex that was so lewdly exposed before him. But not long. Now that he knew he was going to do it, he was eager, very eager. He had been ready to put it in when Zoe spread her legs in a very obvious invitation. But if she wanted to feel his hand first he would give her what she wanted. Because no matter how eager he was to do what he had been dreaming of for the past year and a half, he still wanted to be sure that Zoe was at least as happy as he.
And so he rubbed her finger on her little button, then down along her slit, to find her tight entrance. He pressed against the pressure and felt his finger slip inside, into that warm, tight tunnel. Where, he realized, soon his penis would be.
He took his finger out again, distributing the slippery moisture over the button that he had learned to be so sensitive. He dipped a few more times, until he felt that she was completely slippery, and then he started rubbing her faster, and with more pressure.

Soon, Zoe was moaning and panting. She grabbed his other hand and pressed it hard against her little boobs. And then her mouth found his again, and her hands roamed his back as Greg fondled her breast, massaged her clitty, and savored her fast breathing in his mouth.
He continued until her body tensed up and shivered, like he had seen the day before. He knew that this was where she felt as good as he did when he shot his stuff. And after yesterday he also knew that she needed a short break to recover now, so he relented.

But Zoe had different ideas.
“Go on,” she moaned, still panting heavily, “go and, put your finger inside. And keep it there. Move it in and out. Your penis is bigger than your finger. I want to start with just a finger.”
Greg hastily obliged. His index finger found her slippery entry, and once more he pushed against the resistance of her tight tunnel until the sides opened enough to let his digit invade Zoe's special place.
“Deeper,” Zoe moaned, as Greg carefully pushed in just the first inch or so of his finger, “put it deeper!”
“It doesn't hurt?” Greg asked, as he felt more and more of his finger disappear in the wet tightness of his friend.
She didn't answer, but just grabbed Greg's hand and applied enough force to push his finger in all the way, until the back of his hand pressed firmly against her wet folds.
“No, it doesn't,” she then said, “and now move it in and out a bit. Slow at first. Then faster.”

Equally surprised at how deep Zoe's hole was and excited over how hot and slick it felt, wrapped tight around his finger, Greg gingerly withdrew his finger until only the tip was in, then slowly and carefully reinserted it.
“Hmmmm, yes. Nice.”
Encouraged by those words, Greg repeated the motion. A bit faster this time. And then again, and again, and again, as he saw Zoe's face extort from pleasure, felt the shivers of pleasure through her body, and tasted her hasted breath as they locked lips once more.

Faster and faster Greg rammed his finger all the way in. Harder and harder Zoe panted. Deeper and deeper the young lovers kissed, until Zoe's mouth opened in a silent scream, her body tensed, then relaxed again.
Greg withdrew his finger, then gently brushed a sweaty lock of hair from Zoe's forehead.
“Was that good?”
She nodded, still panting heavily. And then her hand shot down to Greg's crotch, to find his still rock hard erect young cock.
“Put … it … in,” she panted, “now! I'm … ready!”

Hastily Greg climbed on top of Zoe. Supporting his weight on his arms, but lowering his body enough that he felt the soft bumps of her growing tits press against his chest, he then moved his pelvis forward until his stiff member pressed against Zoe's crotch.
“A bit lower,” Zoe commented, and Greg adjusted his aim, but still to no avail.
“I'm sorry. I don't know how ...”
Instinct took over as Zoe's hand grabbed the stiff member that was still fruitlessly trying to find her entry, then guided it to where she wanted and needed him now.
“There. Now push. Slowly. It's bigger than your finger.”

Greg sharply inhaled as he felt for the first time the tip of his cock press against the heated moisture of Zoe's flesh. He pushed harder and the slick tight ring gradually gave way … until all of a sudden his head popped in.
“Aaaahhhhhh” two children exhaled at the same time, each in their own way savoring that very special feeling.

Greg had to fight the desire to push deeper. And the instinctive urge to start moving and pounding for maximum pleasure. He wanted to, but Zoe's request to go slow because it would hurt otherwise was burned into his mind, so he controlled himself.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not much. About the same as my hairbrush. But it feels better. It's warm. And alive. I can even feel it move and twitch a bit. That's … good. It's okay. You can go deeper. Slowly.”

Greg did. With every fraction of an inch he pushed forward, it kept feeling better and better. He alternated between locking his lips on Zoe's, and detaching to inspect her face, checking for signs of pain.
Slowly, ever so slowly, he went deeper and deeper. Until finally …
“I'm all the way in. You've done it”
“Yes! Yes, I can feel your hips against me. Wow. This feels so good. So much better than the brush.”
“Because it's warm? And alive?”
“Yes. No. A bit. But also … also because it's you. I like you so much. And now you are in me. And we are doing it! We are really doing it! Is it good for you too?”
“Good? Are you kidding me? It's awesome! It's … I don't know how to say it. You are squeezing me, but in a good way. It's tight. And warm. And soft. And … well, yeah. What you said. It's you. I'm so glad I do this with you!”

They kept stationary for a while. Greg lowered his lips on Zoe's again. Zoe's hand wandered all over Greg's back, then found and stroked his buttocks.
“Hmmm. Feels nice.”
“Yeah. Me too. I think you can move now. In and out. Like you did with your finger.”
“Tell me if it hurts, 'kay?”
“I will.”

In the minutes after, nothing was heard except for the panting and moaning of two excited children, and occasionally a slurping 'plop' sound as Greg pulled back too far and his little dick escaped from its tight confinement, only to quickly be reinserted by Zoe's tender hand.
Slow and gentle at first, but gradually Greg sped up his movements. Constantly eyeing his eager partner for signs of discomfort, constantly only seeing encouragement to go on, until eventually the young boy was slamming his underage prick in and out of his equally underage sex partner with all the speed and all the force his inexperienced body could muster.
“Oh … oh … oh, yes. Oh, Zoe, oh yes.”
“Greg! Oh, Greg. So good. So … Oh, Greg!!”

Greg realized Zoe's moans and mumbles were getting louder. As were his own. Recalling, just in time, that they were not alone in the house and probably not supposed to be doing this, Greg quickly forced his mouth over Zoe's again, and now their respective moans and pants were muffled as they resonated in each other's mouths.
And then the most amazing thing happened. That feeling, that great feeling, better than anything he ever imagined, of his cock being squeezed inside a tight, soft, moist, and warm tunnel, became even better. All of a sudden her tunnel seemed to contract. He felt the pressure increase and decrease, massaging his sensitive flesh in a wonderful way. And at the same time, Zoe's hands clawed his back, then her body tensed, and her flesh rippled.

And then Greg felt how his own body tensed. With an animalistic grunt, he thrust his pelvis forward, pushing his throbbing member even deeper in Zoe's no longer virginal tunnel. And then he felt his balls contract, and the world reduced to just two things: the immensely satisfying feeling as spurt after spurt of hot liquid shot through the shaft, to be delivered at full force, deep inside Zoe, and the surprised, happy, satisfied, and at the same time proud look in Zoe's eyes as she looked into his while he deposited his sperm in her unready womb.

And then it was over.
Still inside Zoe, Greg renewed their lip contact, as he enjoyed the closeness of his now very sweaty friend against him. He was not sure what was better, the explosive feeling of pleasure he had just experienced, or the satisfaction he now felt upon seeing the happy dreamy glaze in Zoe's eyes. Knowing he had given her so much pleasure, while at the same time pleasuring himself so much.

Finally, as his dick shriveled and fell out of Zoe's tight hole, followed by a large drop of gooey white stuff, he rolled over and lay beside Zoe.
“Wow,” was all he could say.
“Yeah, wow,” Zoe agreed, “guess your friend was right. This was indeed much better.”
Greg nodded, then laughed.
“Much better. Thanks, Zoe!”

His hand found hers. They laid on the bed, on their backs, side by side. Hands held. Fingers intertwined.
And then they heard footsteps on the porch.
“Oh, shit. Annabel and the crew. Guess we need to get up then.”
“Yeah. Don't forget, this stays secret. Focus on your role. I'm an annoying girl, but you try to accept me. I'll be jumpy and girly again. I know you hate that, but try to show only mild annoyance.”

And then they heard the much too happy voices of Greg's parents from downstairs.
“Children! Time to rise and shine!”
“Annabel is here with the plans for today. We're going to have fun!”
“So much fun! You don't want to miss any of it. Come down, quick! Mom's already cooking breakfast!”

The kids looked at each other and had to fight back their laughter as they saw their own look of disgust reflected on each other's face.
“Coming!” Greg hollered.
“After showers!” Zoe added.
Then, softer, “if only they knew how much we need one!”
The two children broke into a fit of laughter.

Epilogue: Happy end

The day was long. Incredibly long.
It was very clear that the adults had their own, very unique idea of what constitutes “fun activities”. All of them were somehow related to one or more of the show's sponsors, and whenever the cameras were not rolling Annabel would remind the family to keep smiling, and to drop the sponsor name at every possible opportunity.

When the family returned home, it was already very late, due to a “spontaneous” decision to stop for a “quick and refreshing meal, healthy, affordable, and yet so yummy!” at “Cherrybee's, your local restaurant, always one around the corner”. The nearest Cherrybee's turned out to be a 70 miles drive. Needless to say, the atmosphere in the family car was overall moody when the cameras were not around.

Annabel knew better than to try to coerce the children into any more filming.
“Yes, they can go to sleep,” she agreed when mom suggested so, “but can Dorian and you stick around for a bit? There's good evening light. An interview on the porch would be great.”

Zoe and Greg just crashed on their beds after they closed the door behind them.
“Holy hell. That was a long day.”
“Yup.” Greg knew he could become very terse when he was this tired. He didn't want to, not to Zoe, but he simply couldn't muster the energy for more.
Zoe didn't mind. She rolled over on her stomach. Her head propped on her elbows, she looked at Greg as he was sprawled on his bed.
“But you did well, Greg. You really played your part very good.”
“I know I acted very girly and childish. I know you hate that. But it's a part of me, and it's the part I need to show for the camera. Plus, acting as if that's all is easier than to play something completely different altogether. But, you know, you really hid your annoyance very well.”

Greg adjusted his position. He realized that the way Zoe's lay on her bed allowed him to look down her blouse, and get a glimpse of her two perky buds. Zoe noticed, giggled, then adjusted her blouse to give him an even better view.
“You know, Zoe? Hiding my annoyance wasn't even the hardest part. Because it's not there anymore. Well, hardly. Of course, I still prefer the Zoe that plays Fortnite and talks shit about soccer over the girly Zoe. But … I really like you, all of you. So the hardest part was pretending I don't. When all I wanted was to hold your hand. And to ...”
He didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he leaned in, closed his lips on hers, and then her hand wrapped around his neck to hold his head against hears as their lips remained in full contact.

Finally they broke their kiss.
“Thanks,” Zoe panted, still a little out of breath.
“No, thank you,” Greg replied.

“So, do you think you'll manage?” Zoe then informed.
“Manage what?”
“Manage to keep up the game. To keep doing all these so-called fun things. To keep pretending your mild distaste of me. To keep seeing only my girl side. And to keep keeping it together with Annabel and her clipboard.”
“It'll be hard. But for you too. If you can, then I can too. We'll have to.”
“Yeah.” Zoe sighed, “we'll have to. Indeed.”
“ For twelve more days,” Greg grumbled, “twelve fucking more days!”

“But you know what? There's also good news!”
Zoe positively beamed as she said that.
“Really? What?”
“We've got twelve more days. But also twelve more nights!”
And with those words, she quickly squeezed her hand inside Greg's jeans, to place it firmly on top of the bulge in his boxer short, that immediately started to grow.
Greg was surprised for just a short second, then thrust his hand deep inside the opening of Zoe's shirt, to find the soft flesh of a budding breast.
“That's true,” he whispered, as he felt Zoe's hand crawl under the waistband of his boxer short and grab his cock, “twelve … fucking … more nights.”