The Witches of Loliwick

From All The Fallen Stories
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© 2021, by P.D. Vile
NOTE: This story was written for edition 2021-I of the Lolicit Story Writing Contest, which had "Modern Magic" as the writing prompt .

Chapter 1: A strange request

If there was anything special about this particular afternoon in London, it had to be that there was nothing special. Nothing at all. Though arguably, that in itself is not really special for London.

The drizzle had stopped, but the sky was still grey. Humphrey Wolpertine had decided to avoid the tube and walk home today. He always enjoyed the quiet in the streets and the freshness of the air after a rain shower.

Suitcase in one hand, umbrella in the other. If he had not forgotten his bowler hat, Humphrey would have looked exactly how a foreigner sketches a Londoner. Humphrey was well aware of that, but he didn't mind. Not at all. He was proud to be a Londoner! Even when hardly any other Londoner still looked like this, Humphrey stubbornly clung to tradition.

His thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected sound. A voice. A girl's voice, coming from behind him.
He looked over his shoulder to locate the source. A young girl peeked her head around the corner of a small alley. She seemed distressed.
“Sir?” she repeated, sounding hopeful.
Humphrey looked around, but there was nobody else in sight that she could have been addressing. So he stopped in his tracks, turned towards her, and smiled his warmest smile.
“Yes, young lady?”

The girl burst into a fit of giggles.
“Young lady!” she repeated, “I'm not a lady. I'm Esmeryah.”
“Esmeryah?” Humphrey repeated, slowly, “that's a nice name. So tell me, Esmeryah, why did you call me?”
“Oh,” her face fell, as if she was reminded of something bad that had been off her mind for a short while, “it's because I'm … well, it's complicated. But I need your help. Will you help me, sir?”

Humphrey laboriously fished his great-grandfather's pocket watch out of his waistcoat to check the time.
“I think I can spare a minute or two. What is the issue, young Esmeryah?”
“Awww, thanks! Thanks, sir!”
The girl stepped out of the alley to grab Humphrey's hand, then dragged him along as she scooted back in the small, dark alley she had emerged from.
Humphrey felt a short urge to resist. Why was she dragging him there? But then, as her dark eyes focused his, he realized with sudden clarity. If a girl her age needs assistance, with anything, then of course she doesn't want the entire world to know. He meekly followed Esmeryah.

Once in the relative shade of the alley, he took a minute to look the girl over.
She was young. He estimated her to be 9 at most, perhaps even younger. Her face was round, her skin pale, almost white. Though perhaps it looked paler than it was because of the contrast with her raven black hair, long enough to flow all across the length of her back. Her eyes, that he had thought to be dark, almost black, turned out to be actually be light brown. Humphrey quickly looked away from those eyes. There was a somewhat creepy and unsettling depth there.
The girl wore a long dress, quite untypical for children her age as far as Humphrey knew. It was navy blue. The upper body of the dress hugged her chest tight; around her hips the fabric widened into a loose skirt that extended to below the knees.

What struck Humphrey most, was how tired she looked. Almost devoid of energy. Her shoulders hung down. Her face had briefly shown a smile when Humphrey had called her young lady, and again when he offered to help, but now he sensed sorrow in her face. A sorrow no child her age should experience. Humphrey briefly wondered why her parents were not around, but the thought fleeted before it could really settle in his brain.

“So, Esmeryah. You need my help you say. Pray tell, how can I help you?”
Esmeryah pulled his hand, a wordless gesture clearly indicating she wanted him to squat. Humphrey complied. And then Esmeryah moved her mouth close to his ear and whispered, barely audible,
“Sir, I need to have sex with you.”

Chapter 2: Finding Darell

It was a quiet day at Loliwick. Witches were casually strolling around on the castle grounds. Some just chatting and talking with each other. Others on their way to the Charger quarters, either because they needed to charge to full magical energy to prepare for a mission, or simply because they were in the mood for a good charging. Occasionally a Planner could be seen, hastily passing by, carrying a parchment clipboard or a laptop under their arm as they ran from one meeting room to another.

But though the grounds were quiet, the situation room was not. Far from. Ever since the Council had received word of renewed Darell sightings, the situation room was fully staffed around the clock.
The entire Council was assembled around a large conference table. Some of the Councillors were studying their parchments as symbols, texts, and drawings appeared and disappeared in quick succession. Others were hammering away on their keyboard, taking in the information displayed on the computer screens in front of them.

Langley, the Secretary General of the Council, inspected the large screens decorating the walls around the table, showing live footage from key areas around the world. The ones that were connected to security cameras were framed by a blue border, a clear warning to remind the viewer how fallible and falsifiable technology is. The rest, framed in soothing orange, were connected to a scrying orb, so they were sure to always be correct. Too bad the upgrade of all screens to the new Orb-2-HDMI interface had been delayed after the last budget cuts. The information for the Council could have been so much better.

Langley knew that the scrying room, situated immediately next to the situation room, was in full operation. Dozens of Witches were operating their orbs right now. Staring at them, in full concentration. At least ten or twenty more Witches would be on stand by, ready to take over from any Witch who ran out of energy – after all, magic use costs a lot of energy, and operating a scrying orb requires non-stop magic.
Langley also knew that a charging room had been set up immediately next to the scrying room. At least fifty Chargers, perhaps even more, were permanently there, ready to provide any Witch that ran out of energy with their elixir, to ready her for the next shift. For a moment, Langley's eyes turned dreamy as she remembered her own years in active Witch duty. Good times! But the one thing all Witches know is that their powers will disappear over time. Ageing cannot be stopped. At least Langley had been lucky to find a position as a Planner when her powers waned, so she could stay at Loliwick. Most Witches simply had their memory wiped and were returned to the world of the Norms.

Langley promised herself that as soon as she found time she would visit the Chargers quarters. Only Witches need to receive energy, but Planners were allowed to visit too. And whether it's needed or not, receiving that magical elixir of life from a Charger is always pleasurable.
But not now. There's a crisis now, Langley reminded herself. She should remain focused. The Council had always known that Darell would one day return. Why did he have to choose her term as Secretary General for that?

Langley looked at the clock. It was time to start the meeting.
“Members of the Council, we reconvene. We adjourned two hours ago, for a much-needed break and to touch base with our respective departments. We're back now. I know you are all tired and need more rest. God knows I do. But Darell is still out there. We need to find him, find out what he's planning, and stop those plans. Ideally, we also want to capture him and once and for all disarm this threat to the world. Does any of you have news?”
Langley's gaze wandered around the conference table, looking at each Council member in turn. Seven women, ranging in age from 20 to 70. Three men, all in their 50s. Each and every one of them sank their eyes as Langley's gaze fixated them.
“Nobody? No news at all?”

Langley's gaze ended on Pearson. He had still been on active Charger duty when Langley was just recruited as a Witch, and he was already famous back then. The youngest man to ever be recruited as a Charger, at only 17 years. And where most Chargers had to retire somewhere around the age of 40, Pearson had managed to remain active until he was 47. The only Charger to ever serve 30 full years. Nobody knew exactly how many Witches he had charged in those years, but it had to be in the tens of thousands. Langley still had fond memories of the many dozens of times he had charged her, back when …

She once more forced herself to focus on the present.
“Pearson. Darell was last sighted in London. That's your area. Even if nobody else has an update, surely you have?”
“I'm sorry, miss Secretary General. I wish I had. I'm sending dozens of Witches there around the clock, but so far they all return without information.”
“All of them?” Langley knew she shouldn't leash out like this, but she was tired and frustrated. Not an excuse, but definitely a good reason to be angry!
“Well ...”

Pearson fell silent. Langley waited, and nobody else dared to speak. Until, finally, Langley's impatience got the better of her again.
“Speak up, man! We don't have all day! Darell is probably plotting to destroy the world right now, so stop squirming and share your information!”
Pearson visibly shuddered, but then straightened himself and cleared his throat.
“Special agent sixty-nine. Our best asset.”
Langley nodded. She recalled signing the order to transfer sixty-nine from the Paris area where she normally was stationed to the London area after the first Darell sightings there.

“She has reported back? What did she find?”
“No, miss Secretary General. She has not reported back.”
“Hmm. That's odd. For how long?”
“She went in two weeks ago now, miss Secretary General.”
Two weeks?! That's too long! Why is she still there? She'll run out of energy. Perhaps already has!”
“Our last contact was four days ago. I wanted her to come back, but she said she finally had a hot trail and didn't want to lose it. And then she broke off the telepathic link, to save as much energy as she could.”

Langley fell silent. Two weeks in the field. Four days without contact. While she was chasing Darell, of all creatures. This was bad. Really bad.
“Okay,” she then said resolutely, “we need to send help. We need to find her. Who knows what happened, she could be in trouble.”
“Or even dead?” another Councillor suggested. He had just started his term, and Langley had to rack her brain to even recollect his name. Silva. It returned to her just in time.
“No, mister Silva, that can't be. When a Witch dies, all living Witches know. She lives.”

“But she might be ...”
Azaz, a former Witch who had started her term when Langley became Secretary General, started, then hesitated. Until she realized everyone was gazing at her, waiting for her to say the unspeakable word.
“... she might be … depleted.”

Depleted. The most dreaded fate Witches could think of. Worse than everything, worse than death even.
Magic energy can always be recharged. No matter how low a Witch runs, she can find a Charger and replete her energy. Until she loses her last bit of energy. Once the energy level reaches zero, a Witch loses her magical powers, unavoidable and irreversible. She becomes a Norm. But a Norm with knowledge of the magical world. Knowledge of what she now is no longer part of.
Everyone around the table shuddered at the thought. All former Witches knew how they had dreaded depletion when a mission ran long. The former Chargers never knew this fear first hand, but had heard enough about it to understand.

Resolutely, Langley took the floor again. She knew she had to get the Council out of their sullen mood and get everyone in action mode.
“Well, that's only more reason to send help. Either she is running low and perhaps needs help to return here. Or perhaps Darell has her captured, and when we find her we have him as well. And if, indeed, she is … depleted ...” she struggled to say it herself, “... well, sixty-nine has done so much for us, in that case we owe her to do everything we can to find her, and wipe her. I don't want to condemn her to living a life as a Norm with her memories.”

Langley's words had the intended effect. People nodded and mumbled words of agreement. Some Councillors started typing commands on their keyboards, others closed their eyes to telepathically contact their staff.
“I need at least twenty Witches. I'll brief them myself. Make sure to provide them with all the available Chargers, I want them fully pumped before I send them out.”

Chapter 3: “I need to have sex with you”

“You … what?????”
“I need to have sex with you,” Esmeryah calmly repeated.
Humphrey didn't know what to say. Was this girl deluded? Groomed by an abuser who had led her to believe this is normal? Was this some person's idea of a sick joke? How could anyone, anyone even entertain the idea this girl so casually suggested?
Sure, he knew about pedophiles: sick, depraved people who secretly desire to have sex with minors. He had heard that some of them even went as far to actually abuse and molest children to fulfil their sordid desires. That thought alone was enough to sicken him to the bone.
But this? A young girl, not even ready to enter puberty, offering herself to a random man in the street? To him?

His stomach revolted. He was so shocked that he struggled to even speak. And at the same time, he could not help himself from looking around, checking for security cameras; but there seemed to be none in this alley.
The girl was still looking at him. Patiently. Apparently not even aware of the grotesqueness of her request. Eventually Humphrey regained sufficient control over his voice.
“That's impossible! It can't be! You're much too young! I mean, look at you, how old are you? Eight? Nine, perhaps?”
Esmeryah had continued to look at Humphrey, patiently, unsurprised at his outburst, until he guessed her age. Suddenly her face fell, and her eyes squinted dangerously.
Her foot stomping, she protested: “Eight? I'm not eight! I'm nine. In fact almost ten already! Just three months until my birthday!”
“Yeah, so what? Still too young! It's wrong! It's bad! And it's illegal. How can you, how can a girl your age, even possibly say that you want to have sex with me?”

Esmeryah sighed.
“Not want, sir. Need. Well, okay, I want it too. But I only ask because I need it. Real bad. I know this feels wrong for you. But really, it's not wrong and not bad. We'll both have fun and I get what I need. Oh, and don't worry about your silly law. Nobody will ever know, I promise.”
For some inexplicable reason the little girl giggled out loud at her last words.
Humphrey was surprised. She didn't sound like a normal 9-year-old. She sounded wiser and smarter in how she talked. Yet what she said made no sense at all.
“No. No way. No, Esmeryah, you are wrong. I don't know what you have experienced. I don't know what makes you think this is right, how you came to believe the things you said. I can assure you, none of this is your fault. But you do need help, I know that now.”

Esmeryah interrupted Humphrey. A confidence well beyond her years was in her voice, compelling Humphrey to stop talking and to listen to her.
“You are right with that last part, sir Humphrey Wolpertine. I do need help. But not the help you think I need. To help me, I need to have sex with you.”
“But … Wait, what? How do you ...”
She interrupted him, sounding even more confident and convincing than before.
“Look me in the eyes, Humphrey. And listen, very carefully.”

Humphrey didn't understand Esmeryah's weird demand. But he realized, if he wanted to help her get out of what appeared to be a very serious abusive relationship, he had to gain her trust. He could not just drag her to the London Child Protection Services, he had to convince her to come with him. He could just play along, right? Let her talk, gain her confidence. Yes. Yes, that was the best idea. He was sure, suddenly very sure of that.
And so Humphrey looked straight into Esmeryah's eyes. Eyes that suddenly changed colour, from brown back to the black colour he had seen before, the darkest black Humphrey had ever seen.
“I'm sorry,” the girl mumbled, “I have no choice. Time's running out.”

And then, with a firm and convincing voice, she continued.
“Humphrey Wolpertine, you will now listen very carefully. I know exactly what I ask. I need to have sex with you. I need you to make me orgasm, and I need you to orgasm in me. I need the sacred energy of your life-giving elixir. I need it now, and only you are here to help me. I am not an abused child. I am a strong person, asking you to give me what I want and what I need.”
The words resonated in Humphrey's brain. They made no sense, and yet they made sense. She did know what she was asking for. She really wanted this.
He realized how wrong he had been all his life. Why had he always been so convinced that children cannot be sexual? How can it be abuse when the child wants it and enjoys it?
But still … why? And why him?

Esmeryah's eyes suddenly were brown again. And her voice sounded normal once more, like that of the young girl she was, with a pleading, almost begging undertone.
“Sir, I can't force you. I've helped you understand that this is not wrong, The rest … it needs to be your choice. Please look at me, mister Wolpertine. Look at me, see what I have to offer.”
She stepped back, and Humphrey looked at her body. Somehow, without him ever noticing, she had removed her dress. And now she was completely nude.
The light in the alley was dim. But still sufficient that he could clearly see her. Everything of her.
Somehow, the first thing that Humphrey noticed was the smoothness of her skin. Just from seeing her skin, he knew that if he allowed himself to touch her, it would feel softer, warmer, smoother than any of his lady friends had ever felt. She was lightly tanned, and Humphrey saw no tan lines.
Checking her body, Humphrey noticed that her figure was slender and athletic. No excess fat at all, but not too skinny either. Even as she was standing still, allowing Humphrey to take her in fully, her posture betrayed the same grace and confidence he had already noticed in her movements before.

Despite knowing how wrong it was, Humphrey looked openly at the chest of this young girl, It was flat, as appropriate for her age, though there did seem to be a slight bit of extra fat starting to form the very first beginning of female assets. Apart from that, it could have been a boy's chest. But it was not, and for some strange reason that made the sight exciting.
But even more arousing was the area between Esmeryah's slender legs. Humphrey's last lady friend always shaved herself clean down there, but her skin never was as smooth, as soft, as this girl's skin that had not started to grow any hair yet. Seeing this softness of her slightly protruding pudendum, the inviting mystery of the slit separating her legs, made Humphrey desire to touch her, feel the softness of her skin, and sample the heat of her most private place.

“I see you like what I have to offer,” Esmeryah noted, as her eyes fixated Humphrey's hungry look, “so you will probably not mind if I do this.”
With movements so graceful it appears she was floating, the naked young girl approached Humphrey, then sank on her knees before him, finding support on a pillow Humphrey had not noticed before. With confident and apparently very practised movements she opened Humphrey's fly and fished out his cock, that was already starting to swell. A small voice in the back of Humphrey's head tried to tell him this was wrong, that she was too young. But a much louder voice reminded him that she clearly was truthful when she told him that she was a strong child; that she knew what she wanted, and that this was good.

His last resistance melted as he saw Esmeryah open her mouth to swallow his dick. He felt her tongue gently massage the sensitive head. He enjoyed the warmth, the wetness, the gentle suction she applied. And as he looked down, he was mesmerized by the obscenity of seeing how his now rock hard dick stretched the lips of his much too young but clearly very eager partner.
Esmeryah stopped her sucking for a while, to take Humphrey's cock out and inspect it in its state of maximum arousal.
“Hmmm, seems I'm lucky. Your dick is just the right size for me. And I like how hard and straight it is. Nice!”

Humphrey had been worried. While his erection had a girth of just 4.4 inches, it did grow to almost 7 inches in length when fully aroused. He had expected his size would scare off the girl, but it didn't seem to phase Esmeryah in the slightest. She drew a deep breath, opened her mouth, and took him in again.
And then she just kept going. Humphrey briefly felt a resistance as the tip of his dick touched the throat of his young lover, but she merely applied more pressure, and then he felt how she took him all the way. Until the warm wetness of her lips tickled his pubes.

Esmeryah held Humphrey all the way in her throat for what felt like an eternity. Finally she moved back her head to free her esophagus, drew a deep breath, then once more took his throbbing dick all the way inside. And now she didn't hold still; she made small movements with her head, forward and back again, giving Humphrey the sensation of fucking her tight throat. Once in every five or six pumps she retreated further to breathe, then continued without missing a beat.

Humphrey always prided himself in being a good lover. He always made sure to make his partner cum before thinking of himself. And he was very good at holding back, at postponing orgasm, to prolong both his and his partner's enjoyment.
But not today. The sight of this gorgeous girl, so young and innocent looking, yet clearly so experienced. The excellent technique she used, deep-throating him in a way he had never experienced before. The taboo. The profound sexuality of this little nymphet. The warmth and tightness of her throat as she moved across his dick like a professional hooker.
It all combined. It was too much. He was not even able to warn. He just grunted, panted, and then dislodged spurt after spurt of his hot sperm, delivering it directly deep inside Esmeryah's esophagus.

His legs trembling, Humphrey sought support against the wall. He closed his eyes momentarily as he felt how Esmeryah eagerly licked even the last small drop of cum off his now deflating manhood. Then opened them again because he realized it was just too sexy not to watch as this so clearly underage little girl hungrily lapped his jizz.
“I'm … sorry,” Humphrey began, as he finally regained sufficient control over his breath, “I can normally wait longer.”
“It's okay,” the young girl mumbled, “it's not the most efficient, of course. But it's still elixir. I'm safe for now. But I'll need more. And I want the rest directly in my centre.”

Humphrey didn't understand much of what she said. But he did notice she appeared to have changed. While she had looked exhausted before, she was now much more energetic. Her shoulders were straight. Her voice was clearer. Her movements were more secure.
The girl looked down at his crotch, and her face fell slightly.
“It's soft? Already? What ...”
She interrupted herself, nodding as if agreeing with her own thoughts.
“Ah of course. You're not a Charger. You are not trained.And this is the one thing I cannot do with ...”
She interrupted herself again, hastily looking around as if she was afraid someone would catch her saying a bad word.
“Guess we'll have to do this another way, then.”

Humphrey still stood there. Dazed by the words of the girl. The words were English, but the sentences made no sense to him.
Then she took his hand. She dragged him a few steps deeper into the alley, into a small alcove under the stairs of a fire escape. A mattress lay there on the ground. When Esmeryah nudged Humphrey, he took the hint and lay down. Humphrey did not remember stepping out of his trousers, or taking off his suit, waistcoat, tie, and shirt. But apparently he had, because he was now as naked as the little girl that has just given him the most amazing blow job of his life.

“Do you think you can get it up again, mister Humphrey Wolpertine?”
“I … I don't know, dear Esmeryah. When I was younger I could deliver repeat performances. But my age is getting to me. Usually I need a longer recovery period. I'm so sorry I didn't give you ...”
Esmeryah didn't wait for Humphrey to finish.
“Well, then you'll need to try harder. And I'm going to help you.”
“You are … What? How?”

She didn't respond. Instead, she crawled over him until she had one knee on each side of his head, her delicious little quim hovering just inches above Humphrey's face.
“Do you like the smell of my bald pussy, mister Humphrey Wolpertine? Do you like seeing the wetness of my juices? Would you want to taste?”
“Ah, now I see!” Humphrey exclaimed, “you want me to use oral to give you an orgasm.”
“No, sir. I told you already. I want you to get hard again, so you can deliver your life elixir in my centre.”
And with that, she lowered her pelvis on top of Humphrey's mouth, preventing him from talking more.
“Now, if you do give me one it would of course be a nice bonus,” she mumbled under her breath, as she leaned her torso forward, picked up Humphrey's spent softness, and put it back into the warmth of her soft little mouth.

Chapter 4: Preparation

Secretary General Langley sighed at the knock on her office door. Always these interruptions. She had finally allowed herself a short break, reliving the memories of her active witching duty, and the daily visits to the charging station. Why couldn't they have waited a bit longer? One, perhaps two minutes was all she needed.
She sighed again, then straightened herself. Duty first. There was a crisis after all.

“Enter!” she yelled, as she removed the large pink dildo from her dripping cunt and looked around, trying to remember where she had left her robe. The man that entered was a young aide. She didn't remember his name; he had started just two weeks ago.
The man openly ogled Langley's neatly trimmed bush, her sopping cunny, then her firm cup C breasts, supported by a lace bra. Nodding at the glistening sex toy in her hand, he asked: “Would you need help with that, miss Secretary General?”
“Thanks for the offer. Sounds good, but I'll take a rain check. Work first. What is it?”
“The twenty Witches you asked for are ready, miss Secretary General. I've been told you want to brief them. I think the Chargers need a couple more minutes to pump them really full, so perhaps you can wait....”
His eyes hungrily grazed Langley's still naked body.
“No. They can listen while being charged. I'm heading there right … oh, there it is!”
With those last words, she nodded at a large couch where her discarded robe was. Her eyes squeezed as she seemed to focus the garment, then brief disappointment flashed across her face. Some habits just die hard. She sighed, walked to the couch, picked up the robe and donned it.

The scene Langley witnessed as she entered the pre-operation room was unusual even by Loliwick's standards. The large room was devoid of furniture, except for a huge soft mattress covering the entire floor. Twenty Witches were there, all completely naked, as the Chargers did their best to fill them with as much of their magical life-giving elixir as they could give.

It was hard to assess the total number of Chargers. At least 70, probably more. The ones that were not busy were sitting or leaning against a wall. Some were taking in water and protein drinks, as they tried to recover and get their sticky limp cocks back up again. Others were completely ready for action, gently stroking their hard dicks to keep them erect as they waited for another Charger to deposit his load, so they could take his place.

Langley let her eyes wander around the room, as she took in the scent of sex and the sound of almost non-stop orgasms. She knew all the Witches, and nodded as she realized her staff had made some excellent choices. Brahmira was eager as ever, merrily humping in the lap of one of the Chargers while taking another one deep in her mouth. Genevieve, on hands and knees while being taken doggy style, was squealing in delight as her Charger's pounding triggered an orgasm in her underage body. And to the left of Langley, she saw Yumii and Gretchen, often known as the lezzy twosome, embracing each other, exchanging saliva, and fondling each other's flat chests as two Chargers in their early twenties rhythmically slammed their erect cocks in and out of their tight fucktubes. It was a good thing, Langley realized, that despite their preference for each other the two still didn't turn down a good fucking once in a while. How else is a Witch supposed to receive the elixir of life?

Her eyes wandered further, then stopped as she saw Juanita. At 13 going on 14, her female forms were already rather developed. Her breasts were firm and small; they needed no support, but if Juanita would choose to wear a bra it would be an A size. Her vulva had already lost its youthful smoothness, as a patch of downy hair had started to develop in recent months. Not that it was visible right now. Her slender body was firmly enclosed between the muscular bodies of two Chargers, both in their 30s already, that were vigorously pounding her two nether entrances, while a third Charger had his dick balls deep in her eager mouth.

Langley carefully made her way to Juanita, ensuring to not step on or trip over the many smooth and female or hairy and male, but definitely sweaty, extremities that seemed to be everywhere. She tapped the third Charger on his shoulder. He looked, recognized the Secretary General, and obediently removed his throbbing penis from Juanita's sucking mouth.
“Juanita, I know you are one of my best Witches still, but is it safe to send you on this mission? You know you can start getting your monthlies any day now. Once you're fertile, your body will use the elixir of life to try to create new life, and your magic wanes.”
“I know, miss Secretary General,” the adolescent girl replied, “but I've use divination on myself. I know divination is never fully reliable, but I am almost certain I still have a week. Please allow me to go on this mission.”

Langley know how close Juanita and Esmeryah had always been. She couldn't bear to disappoint this girl, so she nodded her approval.
As she turned, she heard how the two Chargers that were double penetrating her, who had slowed down during the conversation, upped the pace again. And a slurping sound indicated that number three had his erection down her throat again. Juanita definitely took no risk, making sure to fill up on life elixir in all holes at once.

The Secretary General continued her inspection of the selected Witches for this mission, fighting hard to ignore her own dripping wetness and her urge to join in. Ghiselde just dismounted Lethobo, a Charger with a beautiful ebony skin, deep brown eyes, curly hairs, a well-trained body, and an 8.5-inch cock that Langley herself had fond memories of, but that now quickly shrivelled after delivering his load in Ghiselde's unready womb. Lethobo grabbed an energy drink; Langley knew he'd be ready to deliver another charge in a few minutes. But Ghiselde didn't have time to wait. She immediately mounted another Charger, a young lad with a shorter dick, but slightly curved at the edge. Langley knew for sure that he would pleasure Ghiselde in a different way, yet just as much.

And then she noticed Ludmilla. At only 6, she was clearly the youngest of all selected Witches. Langley wondered why she had been chosen. Was she not too young for this? How much experience did she even have in the field?
She made her way towards the young Witch and tapped the Charger on top of her on his shoulder. She recognized him as Bruno; known for his rather small dick and his gentle style of making love he was definitely an excellent choice for little Ludmilla. Ludmilla's lust-filled eyes changed to disappointment as her lover stopped moving. But then she recognized the Secretary General and her cheeks blushed. It was the first time the two had met face to face, apart from her inauguration, now nearly two months ago, when she had felt more anonymous, being part of a group of seven initiates.

Langley didn't waste any time on formalities. This was an emergency situation. There would be time to be nice later.
“Ludmilla. I've heard reports of how fast you have learned to control your powers. But yet, this is an important and dangerous mission. You have little experience in the field. I'm not sure if you are the right Witch for this mission.”
Ludmilla's face fell, and for a second she looked about to start pouting. But then she caught herself.
“Miss Secretary General, I know I am new. But my powers are strong. I think I can help. Esmeryah found me and recruited me. We often train together. We have a deep connection and I think I will sense her if I'm near enough.”
“Hmmm. That does make sense. And I did hear about your exceptional powers. But you have barely started self-defence lessons. I don't want to end up having to send two rescue missions.”
Ludmilla's voice trembled as she thrust her little flat chest forward in defiant pride.
“Miss Secretary General, you won't need to rescue. I have already practised some self-defence after hours. I will pair up with Marjory. She'll take care of me should it go wrong. Or leave me behind. Please can I go? Please?”

Langley looked around. Marjory, a red-haired freckled 10-year-old Witch, just dismounted a Charger, then immediately mounted a new one who was already lying on the floor. She was not known for huge magic power, but her self-defence skills were the best in the entire castle.
“She is right, miss Secretary General. I've been training her. She learns fast. I think a mission in the field will ...” she interrupted herself for a long moan as she lowered herself on the Charger's large erect dick, “... help her learn. I'll keep her safe, if needed.”
Langley nodded.
“Well, okay then. I trust your judgement.”

She found a place where all Witches could easily see her without having to interrupt their sexual activities. A few had already stopped, filled and charged to maximum level with the life-giving elixir. The rest were still being pounded by Chargers in one, two, or all three cavities.
“Okay, Witches, listen up. Keep going. Keep charging. But listen. We have an important mission,”
The Chargers slowed their pace to help the Witches concentrate on the words of the Secretary General, while still maintaining enough pace to get themselves closer to their peak and the discharge of their elixir. Of course, all Chargers preferred to have the little Witches cum and squirm and orgasm on their dicks, giving as much joy as it was to them to fuck the girls, but duty always prevails.
“You will be going to London. Four days ago, we lost contact with special agent sixty-nine, known here as Esmeryah. We're afraid she might be depleted.”
A collective gasp went through the audience.
“She was chasing the Unmentionable. But your task is not to chase the Unmentionable. Your task is to find Esmeryah, nothing else. So you will go in pairs and split up from where we last contacted ...”

At that point she was interrupted by a loud shriek from Ludmilla.
“She's here! She's here! Esmeryah is back!”

Chapter 5: Farewell fuck?

The delicious smell of girly juice entered Humphrey's nose, and then the velvety soft wetness of Esmeryah's underage sex made contact with his lips. He could only think with his little head now. His little head that was once more enveloped in the young girl's experienced mouth.
As she started licking and sucking his limpness, he opened his mouth and enjoyed the sweet taste of her copiously leaking fluids. His tongue quickly found her little button, and he deliberately lapped and pushed, knowing she wanted to be pleasured, and finding his own pleasure in her increased panting and humming. More and more sweet sticky fluids were his reward.

Humphrey was at the age where he always needed at least a day to recover from orgasm. And after the mind-blowing way this little girl had just sucked him dry, he felt he would need even two days this time.
And yet, now that he was back in the mouth where he had just discharged, now that he once more experienced that wonderful tight, wet, warm, and soft feeling, now that he once more felt Esmeryah's clearly very experienced tongue tickle his glans and his sensitive dickhead, he got aroused again, and he felt his body get ready for more as blood pumped to his swelling member.
The delicious taste of her immature sex also contributed to his quickly returning excitement. He had tasted women before, often. He has always loved the taste. But this new sensation was better, so much better. It was the same taste of lust and raw sex, but sweeter, fresher. As if a sea breeze had been added in.

He couldn't help it, he had to try it. He moved his tongue a bit to find her tight entrance, then pushed. He encountered the pressure of her vaginal muscles, then felt how her wet walls gave way and allowed his probing tongue to enter the girl.
Crazed with lust, unable to think, not even considering asking, his hand found the firm and soft buttocks of his forbidden underage partner. He stroked them, pushed between them, found the opening and pushed a finger deep inside, while at the same time pushing his tongue as far in the girls' cunny as it would go.

“Aaaahhhh,” the girl moaned, as a deep orgasm rippled through her young body.
But even in her orgasm, she continued to suck Humphreys dick, without missing a beat. One hand closed around the base, pulling and pushing his skin back and forth as her head bobbed up and down, she kept pleasuring and stimulating him, making his dick grow harder and larger with each delicious suck.

And then, all of a sudden, she raised her head and got up.
“Wait,” Humphrey started to protest, as Esmeryah towered over the now completely sex-crazed man, but she did not give him the chance to finish his sentence.
“Yes, you are hard again. Good.”
With those words, she repositioned. As she lowered herself, she grabbed Humphrey's throbbing tool and pointed it straight up, then lowered herself on him until his pulsating dick had disappeared all the way into her immature vagina.

“Aaaaaahhhhh,” was all that Humphrey could say, as he felt the vice grip of Esmeryah's pre-teen tightness massage every bit of his excited fucktool.
And then, all of a sudden, she was on her back and he was on top. Had she just turned them around? Was she so much stronger than she looked? He shook the thought out of his head. It was not important. It didn't matter. What mattered was this little girl underneath him, clearly sex starved, wanting and needing attention of the type only a man could give her. A man such as Humphrey.

“Fuck me,” she whispered hoarsely, as Humphrey started to do just that, “fuck me hard. Is this exciting? Do you like using a little girl? Pound me with your large cock, sir! Do it hard! Use me, abuse me. I am your fuck toy now!”
Hearing these dirty words from this so innocent looking little girl, hearing her begging to be fucked and pounded hard, made the already exciting experience of this forbidden fruit even better than her insane tightness already did.
“You like it when I talk dirty, right? Will you cum for me, sir? Will you cum for me faster if I beg you? Do it! Do it! Yes, like that! Harder! Deeper! Slam it in! Use me like the little slut I am! Pound my tight little immature pussy! Don't hold back, do me hard, split me with your fat cock. Harder! Faster! Cum for me, Humphrey! Cum for me, cum IN me! Fill me with your dirty sperm, make me yours, take this little girl like you've never taken a woman before!!!”

It was too much for Humphrey. Fucking this girl felt better than anything he had ever experienced, and he wanted it to last. But seeing her immature body, her flat chest, her angelic face, while she was talking dirty, begging to be fucked and used, with her soft childish voice – it was too much.
He grabbed the girl by her hips, thrust hard forward one more time, pulling her as far on his fat cock as was possible, and then spewed load after load of his sticky white fluids inside the pre-teen's unready womb.
“Ah! Ah! Ah, yes! Yes! Yes, Esmeryah, yes. I'm cumming. Here it is! Here is my sperm!”
“Oh yes. Yes, mister Wolpertine! Give me your elixir. Give me the elixir of life. Charge me!”

As Humphrey deposited the last drops of his sticky sperm in the little girl, he realized that he did not even know whether she had orgasmed. That was not like him at all. He normally always made sure to ensure his partner's pleasure. But not now.
What had come over him? How had he become so lust-filled that he had forgotten about that?
He looked her immature body over. Her hairless cunny, leaking copious excess sperm mixed with her own fluids. Her flat chest. Her cute face.
How had he even allowed himself to go this far? What had he done? She was just a child, after all?

He noticed a flicker in her eyes, as she raised her head to kiss his lips.
“Thanks, mister Wolpertine. I needed that. Now you better get dressed, as I try to remember the wipe spell.”
“Huh? What?”

The girl didn't answer. Humphrey shrugged and mechanically put on his clothes.
As he was ready, the girl laid her hands on his shoulders.
“Look deep into my eyes.”
Humphrey nearly drowned in those black eyes. No wait. Brown. Or … grey? Blue? No, black, definitely black.
Then he turned and left the alley where he had just had … had done … a thing. Something. Something he felt he should remember. But what?

He looked over his shoulder, because he was sure he had heard something. A voice. A girl's voice, coming from behind him.
But there was nothing there. Just an alley. To make extra sure, he looked into the alley. Apart from some piles of rubbish underneath the stairs of a fire escape.
He shrugged and resumed his walk home. For some strange reason, he suddenly felt a desire to browse some porn. But not the normal porn. He had heard about loli stuff. Why had he never before considered looking at it? Had he really considered it disgusting in the past?
He should at least give it a chance, he realized.

Humphrey straightened his shoulder and increased his pace.
Yes. Loli porn. That's just what he wanted now!

Chapter 6: Darell Van Horney

“She's here! She's here! Esmeryah is back!”
Ludmilla had leapt up in pure excitement as she yelled this through the room. Bruno, the Charger she had been riding cowgirl style looked surprised, as his stiff dick twisted disappointedly now that it was no longer inside the girl's tight snatch.
“Oh, sorry,” Ludmilla giggled, as she noticed the poor guy's ordeal, then quickly lowered herself back on him with a happy sigh.

The other girls focused for a bit, then one by one agreed.
“Yeah, I feel her too!”
“Oh, wow. She's back!”

Langley knew to trust the Witches. In the past she would have felt it herself as well. But now that her body was mature, it no longer drew magical energy from the elixir of life; her body now only wanted to use that elixir for its original intended purpose regardless of whether she was in her fertile period of the month.
The sense of Witches for other Witches was infallible. If the girls had sensed Esmeryah return, she had returned. Langley felt how her whole body started to relax as the tension of the past hours fell off.

And just then the large doors of the pre-op room were slammed open, and Esmeryah entered. Naked as the day she was born, a small strain of semen running down her inner thighs.
“Oh, good,” she opened, “I see you're already preparing.”
“Well, we were actually preparing to resc...”
“I know!”
Langley was taken aback by this brusque interruption. But something in the voice of the young Witch made her listen.
“I know. But I'm back, and I don't need to be rescued. Appreciate the gesture, I'll thank you all later, right now we have work to do. I know where he is The Unmentionable. I've found Darell Van Horney's hideout.”

A collective gasp went through the room at the brazen use of not just the first name of the Unmentionable, but even the full name. Langley was the only one not shaken. She just smiled as she recognized the chutzpah she herself had been known, praised, and feared for in her own witching days.
“You have the exact location?”
“Yes, I do. But I don't know how long he'll stay there. We need to act now! So it's good you have all of these Witches already charged. Now we just needs some guns and lasers, magic alone will not do against Darell.”

Langley shot Esmeryah a long questioning look.
“You just got back from a very long mission, Esmeryah. We feared you were depleted. You must be close, so you're not going anywhere until you charge, rest, then charge again, to regain your stamina.”
“I was depleted. Well, almost, not completely of course. But I'll be damned if I'm going to let others finish this. I tracked down that motherfucker. I'm going to be there when we get him. I know where Darell is. Either you let me go, or you can figure out for yourself where the bastard hides.”
WHAT? That's ...”
“Blackmail? Unfair? Do I look like I give a damn? I've risked everything[/i] to find the fucker. Everything, you hear? I was [i]this close to depletion. I even had to recharge in the field!”
“You recharged in the field? Oh, no. Oh, dear. Please tell me you did wipe the poor man? Properly?”
“Yes. Yes, of course I wiped him properly.”
Then, with a flicker of doubt in her voice: “I think.”

“Well, we'll check that later. Dammit, Esmeryah. You leave me no choice. Permission granted, you can join. We will discuss your attitude later, but right now catching Darell is indeed the more pressing matter. Do you need additional charging?”
Esmeryah shook her head. “No. I was lucky to find a man with very potent elixir. I've got enough for the duration of this mission.”

At that time, aides entered the room, carrying heavy weaponry. The collection was large, and no Norm would ever understand the logic of the collection. Hand grenades were lying next to maces. A Colt SAA Peacemaker and a bazooka on top of a stack of AK-47's and laser guns.
All Witches inspected the available arsenal and made their picks. The Chargers, realizing their services were no longer needed for now, left the room, accompanied by the aides. Eventually, the only people left in the room apart from Langley, were the twenty-one Witches. Twenty-one young girls, ranging in age from 6 to 13. All armed to the teeth with the most diverse set of weapons imaginable, but otherwise completely naked. Cum dripping from their little bald pussy's, several of them also from other orifices.

The atmosphere was tense. Everyone knew the danger they were going to face. Everyone knew that if they failed this mission, unspeakable sorrow would befall the world.
The Witches stood in a circle, holding hands. They turned their heads to face Langley, as if waiting for a dramatic speech. But Langley just focused each and every one of them, one by one. Looked them in the eye, making sure that the Witches saw the confidence and encouragement she wanted to give them.
She ended her gaze on Esmeryah. Esmeryah looked back, confident, determined. Langley smiled, then firmly nodded her head. Esmeryah's eyes briefly changed colour as she shared the location with the other Witches in the room. And then Langley was alone in the room. Nothing left to do but wait. Wait, and pray.

Chapter 7: The battle of London

The rooftop of one of the tallest buildings in London. Chilly rain falling down, as the sun was about to set. And yet, a man was there. A man, looking to be in his thirties. Tall. Good-looking. Black hair, grey eyes, a Greek nose, and an impeccable shave. Wearing a very expensive looking tailored suit.
Despite the constant rain, the man and his suit were completely dry. As if the rain didn't want to have anything to do with him. He also appeared totally unaffected by the bitter cold as he just stood there, in the chilly wind. Hands behind his back. Gazing over London, and apparently in deep thought.

And then the peace was disturbed, as all of a sudden a group of young girls, fully naked but armed to the teeth, appeared on that same rooftop. In the fraction of a second it took the man to realize he was no longer alone, the Witches conjured a magical barrier, strong enough to keep all physical and magical energy within, to keep London safe from the violence they'd soon unleash.

And then the Witches discharged their weapons. Laser beams, grenade explosions, rains of bullets, and free floating maces and hammers all rained down on the man, combined with the green, purple, blue, violet, orange, and yellow flashes and beams that accompanied discharges of strong spells.
But that fraction of a second, needed to protect Norms, had been enough for Darell Van Horney. His clothes vanished, briefly exposing his tanned skin and strong abs, but then his skin changed colour and structure, making it seem as if he was a granite statue. But a granite statue that moved. Fast.
He whizzed around, avoiding bullets, escaping spells and explosions, and at the same time bright white beams of his own, destructive magic shot from his fingertips.

Marjorie was the first to realize the danger. She diverted some of her energy away from her attacks, erecting protective barriers whenever one of Darell's destructive discharges was about to hit a Witch. Soon other Witches joined in. It kept all Witches safe. But it also made it easier for Darell to evade the now reduced attacks directed towards him. Slowly but surely, he seemed to gain the upper hand, and the focused grin on his face turned more and more into an evil maniacal laughter.

But then Esmeryah screamed telepathically into the brains of all Witches.
“Come on, girls! We are more, and still losing. We are wasting our energy, because we don't cooperate. Marjorie, you're in charge of defence. Yumii, you make sure enough Witches are projecting the protection barrier to keep the Norms safe, but not more than needed. I'll coordinate the attacks.”
“Let me coordinate the attacks,” Juanita objected, “your magic is stronger than mine, and I have combat experience than you.”

The Witches all agreed. With the speed of telepathic communication, the Witches established bonds to the coordinators, updating them on their strengths, weaknesses, and energy level. Not even a second later, each Witch knew exactly what to do.
The barrier shimmered a bit as some energy was removed from it, but it held. The Witches' defence got more coordinated, with only one Witch blocking each of Darell's attacks. This freed up some energy to increase the offensive magic. But the offence also coordinated better, as Juanita coordinated weapon and spell attacks, to come from all directions at once, at the same time. No matter how fast Darell was, he would always get hit by at least some of the attacks.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the Witches regained lost ground. The fight lasted more than an hour. An hour of unrelenting never ending high energy discharges. Without the protective barrier, all of London would have been a crater.
But finally, finally, Darell's movements slowed down. His destructive beams got weaker. Less defensive force was needed to keep the Witches allowed, and Juanita immediately employed the extra power available to corner Darell even more, until she unleashed one final surge of power for the final blow.
Finally, Darell's skin changed back to that of a normal man. Explosions burned him. Spells shot through him, ripping him apart. And then he collapsed and fell on his back.

One more explosion. Two more spells. Then, after a short deafening silence, a loud cheer, out of twenty exhausted young girl mouths, filled the air.
Esmeryah was the only one who didn't cheer. She knew it wasn't over yet.
She looked at the man. The severe damage just done to his body was already gone. She briefly admired his smooth tanned skin, his strong biceps, and his perfect six-pack.
He was still lying still, passed out. But who knew how long that would last?

Eventually, the screams of joy and celebration became less and the group of young Witches settled down.
“Good. We've won the battle. But the war isn't over. Not yet. There's one more fight to be fought, and we need to fight it now.”
The Witches gasped as they suddenly recalled what they knew about the Unmentionable. They knew the hardest part of their mission was yet to come. And this was a part they could not do together. One Witch needed to volunteer. Esmeryah did not give anyone time to step forward.
“I volunteer for this task. Please stay with me and lend me your strength. I'll need it.”
After all that Esmeryah had done to hunt down the Unmentionable, after all the risks she had put herself in, it made sense that she wanted to be the one to fight this fight. To finish what she started, despite the huge risk this posed to her.
Everyone nodded, and flashed their telepathic signs of approval.

Chapter 8: The final fight

Esmeryah swallowed, then firmly strode to where Darell's limp body was still laying. He was completely nude, of course, there was no way any clothing material could have survived the orgy of violence that had just taken place here. And yet, his body looked unscathed in its perfection.
“Darell!” Esmeryah said, soft but with authority, “Darell Van Horney! Wake up.”
She waited, until the man's eyelids fluttered, and then he opened his eyes and looked straight into hers. His gaze steady, filled with confidence.

“You may have won this battle, little Witch. But it won't help you. Your world is still doomed. I'll recover. You can't stop me.”
“I can't. You are right. Not by myself. But with 13 Witches and your cooperation, we can banish the evil out of you forever, and reshape you into the Norm you once were.”
She saw Darell's face distort with evil joy and knew his answer before he spoke it.
“Yes, young innocent stupid Witch. As you say, 'with my cooperation'. Well, no. Thanks for the offer. I like me as I am now. With all my power. Why would I ever want to be a Norm again?”
“Because it's your last chance to survive, Darell. You either cooperate … or you force me to drain you until there's no life left in you.”

He fell silent. For one short second. A surprised look on his face. But then he regained his composure, and his lips curled in a mocking smile.
“So it seems my secret is out. But you forget one thing, little Witch. I know of my weakness. I knew it would come out one day. So I'm prepared. I have practised for this, for centuries already. You can try to drain me; you won't succeed.”
And then, with a maniacal laughter, he added: “But I am really looking forward to the pleasure I'll have when you're trying. Go ahead!”

And with those words, he gestured towards his crotch, where his dick had risen to full erection.
Esmeryah licked her lips at the beauty of this uncut cock. It looked to be almost 10 inches long, the largest Esmeryah had ever seen.
It would be a tough task. It would be dangerous. It would take everything she had, and the risks for her were high. But still … that cock, that body – she was looking forward to this just as much as Darell was!

The so innocent looking young Witch grabbed Darell's swollen member and gave it a few tucks to ensure maximum hardness. Then, she slowly but decidedly lowered her body over him, pointing the hard stick in her hand directly to her dripping wetness. She sighed as the tip made contact with her eager entrance. Her face turned into a grimace of pain and pleasure as his girth obscenely stretched her labia, but she didn't hesitate. Helped by the weight of her body, inch by inch of the pulsating member of the arch foe disappeared into Esmeryah's sacred entrance.

Esmeryah smiled inwardly as she saw a brief look of intense happiness on Darell's face. But soon it returned to a deliberate uninterested look. She saw how his eyes lost focus and turned away, and she understood he tried not to look at the sight of how his large dick disappeared completely in her underage body.
“Look at me, Darell,” she whispered, then leaned down to kiss his lips, “look at me when I fuck you. You hurt me, you know. You are big. I'm stretched, and it burns. It hurts. But it's sweet pain. And I'm going to enjoy it, and I'll cum and cum and cum as I ride your dick, until you cum too. But now, look at me. Look at this sweet nubile body you'll get to violate.”

Darell opened his eyes, and kissed Esmeryah back.
“I'll look. I'll look and enjoy this. I love feeling how tight you fit around my cock. I love knowing you'll get off on me. I'll enjoy every minute. But I won't cum. I'm too strong. Yes, you are gorgeous. Yes, you are wonderful. You feel better than I've had in the past eight centuries. But yet, even for one as wonderful as you. I will not cum. I am stronger!”
“We'll see,” Esmeryah whispered, as she slowly started to ride the monster cock of the monster underneath her.

And so, as the sun rose above London and early traffic started to fill the streets, an aeons old demon was lying on his back on the roof of Citigroup Tower, a naked 9-year-old girl on top of him, riding his dick, surrounded by twenty other naked pre-teens who were all helping with mental support, while still keeping the magical shielding up. There was no more risk of damage to the world of the Norms, But they should still not know. Keeping the realities of Witchcraft and the evils from Hell hidden from public view was a guiding principle for all Witches.
Esmeryah gasped and bucked as a forceful orgasm rippled through her underage body. Her hands clawed in Darell's chest, as she arched her back. She knew her vagina muscles were now cramping and massaging Darell's cock, and no Charger, no matter how spent already, had ever been able to resist that feeling. Darell obviously struggled too. She felt his fuck-pole twitch inside her, adding to her pleasure. But with a look of intense concentration on his face, Darell managed the impossible. He held back.

Once she was past her peak, he grabbed her face and pulled her close.
“Liked that, little Witch? Think you can take more?”
“Oh, I can take more. And I want more!”
Her continued up and down motion on his steel hard dick proved her words right.
“But I need more participation. Certainly, even a demon like you knows how to treat a girl properly?”
He smiled.
“Oh. Now you want me to help? Even when you try to fuck me to death? Well, worry not little Witch. I like you. I'll give you what you ask for.”

And with that, one of Darell's hands found its way to Esmeryah's perfectly flat chest, and his fingers started to gently fondle her nipples. His other hand soon rested on her perfect buttocks.
“You like this, hmmm?”
Esmeryah nodded, as she increased the pace and intensity of her riding his long dick.
“So do you like this too?”
And with one unexpected thrust, Darell Van Horney slammed his index finger into the young Witches' ass, stretching her already very filled lower body even more with this unexpected penetration.

The sudden shock, the pain, and the stimulation all came together to make Esmeryah cum again. And again. Two invisible hands held her by her side and moved her young body up and down on the still raging hardness, controlling the pace when she was too far into orgasm to do anything. Whenever her orgasm subsided, Darell increased the pace again, while at the same time relentlessly pumping his finger in and out of her abused asshole. And she just could not stop orgasming, as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her immature body.

At one point she felt that Darell slowed down. The sweat gushing from her forehead over her eyes blurred her vision, but she did see how he had to fight for control. So now she herself mustered her strength, helped by the choir of mental support from the other Witches, to speed up the pace. But too late. Darell had already regained control. With a huge grin on his face, he slammed his dick deep inside her once more, made it twitch and dance in her tight tunnel.
“Not. Cumming. For. You.” he grunted, then smiled as Esmeryah exploded again.

They kept going. Esmeryah went through orgasm after orgasm, and though it was clear for all to see that Darell got close multiple times, he never got over the edge. Never.
Meanwhile, the strains of hours of fucking, hours of almost non-stop orgasm, started to show on Esmeryah's poor abused body. Sweat was streaming out of all her pores, and it was only thanks to one of the other Witches quickly going out to buy a three litre bottle of Diet Coke that she wasn't suffering from dehydration yet. All colour was gone from her face. And the determined look that had been in her eyes when she started was gone, replaced by desperation.

Ghiselde looked worried. She didn't say anything, but, carefully shielding her thoughts from Esmeryah, addressed the other Witches telepathically.
“How much longer can she keep this up? Even with all the strength and energy we're lending her, she looks like shit. She can't keep going? And he … Darell … he's come close but always wins, how will she break him?”
The other Witches looked at her. They all signalled that they shared Ghiselde's worries.
“What happens if she doesn't manage to drain the Unmentionable?” Genevieve asked.
Tears shot to Juanita's eyes as she whispered the answer.
“A fate worse than death. If her stamina runs out, … She's hooked on the Unmentionable now, if she doesn't drain him she'll be left with an everlasting, insatiable lust for him. For him only. That lust will corrupt her, will make her his tool, ready to do all his bidding just for a taste of his cock.”
She paused, then sobbing continued: “Though it would break my heart, I'd rather kill her than leave her to that fate.”

A long silence followed. Broken, eventually, by Yumii.
“Would it help if I ...” she hesitated, fear flashed in her eyes, then made way for resolve. “... would it help if I take over from Esmeryah? Or will she have … that fate as soon as she gives up and stops fucking the Unmentionable?”
“No,” Juanita replied thoughtfully, “no, she won't. It doesn't matter who drains the Unmentionable. If he is defeated, she'll be fine. But if not, …, if you try, and you fail too, then you will suffer the same fate.”
“Don't, Yumii,” Gretchen begged, tears flowing, “don't. It's too dangerous. I'd rather do it myself, I can't bear to expose you to that risk!”

“I'm sure all of us would volunteer to take over,” Marjory chimed in, “but what's the point? I've never met a man who can resist the feeling of a tight underage pussy. And we all know that Esmeryah is the tightest of us all. If she can't make Darell cum, then none of us can. He has prepared himself. I don't know how, but he has. Everyone who takes over from here is just as doomed as she is.”

“No. Not everyone.”
The other Witches had already forgotten that Ludmilla was there with them, until she suddenly chimed in.
“I'm only six. I'm the youngest Witch ever. I bet my pussy is tighter than Esmeryah's. I know I'm not experienced like her. I know she can make Chargers and other men cum harder than I can. But this man is not normal. He has prepared. But has he prepared for one as young as me? As tight as me?”
“But have you seen his cock? You are so inexperienced! Will it even fit? Won't it hurt like hell?”
“That's the whole point!” Ludmilla angrily snapped back, “it'll be tighter than anything that monster has ever felt. Yes, it will hurt me. But it's something he won't expect. Something he is, perhaps, not prepared for. I don't know if it works. But does anyone have a better idea?”
She looked around defiantly. Nobody responded. As Ludmilla's eyes focused each and every Witch in turn, they all either looked away or shrugged.
“See? It's out only chance. I'm not going to just sit here and watch Esmeryah get … get ...”
Her voice broke. But the determination in her eyes didn't.

And then Marjory nodded.
“I don't like it. I hate it. But you are right. It's our only chance.”
The Witches knew there was no point in trying to talk to Esmeryah. She would never accept anyone taking over, if they had been able to talk to her at all. Which they were not. Esmeryah was by now in a complete sex-induced trance, caring only about more and more orgasms. No communication was possible.
Two Witches cast a quick attraction spell on a dose of propofol in the nearest hospital. They'd have to deal with the Norms working there later. Explaining the missing dose would be hard due to the high resistance of computer technology to magic. But the Planners would find a way. In emergencies, Witches were allowed some freedom with the rules. And this definitely was an emergency.

Esmeryah kicked and screamed as three other Witches levitated her off the Unmentionable, but after administering the propofol she quickly fell asleep. Juanita picked up the limp body to find a safe spot, then quickly returned to the other Witches where she knew she was needed to support Ludmilla.

The other Witches had not waited, there was no time to lose.
As soon as Esmeryah was no longer bouncing on Darell's hard dick, he opened his eyes, that he had closed before in an attempt to focus on whatever kept him from cumming.
“What? Giving up already?” he breathed heavily, “I was only just getting started!”
“No, Darell,” Ludmilla replied, as she towered above him, hands in her side, showcasing all the determination a six-year-old can have, “not giving up. Swapping around. My turn now!”

And with those words, she lowered herself, grabbed Darell's throbbing man-meat, and impaled herself on it. His girth split her labia further than they had ever been. And as Ludmilla let out a loud and high-pitched shriek of pain, she used determination and gravity to sink lower. Even as the pain inside her vagina became unbearable, she didn't give up.
Whimpering and crying, tears in her eyes, she bottomed out, then lifted herself and dropped down again. Teeth gritted, pain in her eyes.

Darell felt his dick gripped by the tightest cunny he had ever felt. He saw the pain of the girl riding him. And it was that pain, the knowledge how much he was hurting the little girl, that did what all of Esmeryah's experienced fucking had not achieved.
“Aaaaahhhhhhhhh” he blubbered, as his orgasm, built up and refused for hours, finally erupted. The force of his first spurt was so strong that it actually lifted Ludmilla's tender frame by a few inches. But she slammed down again, through the excruciating pain, knowing that now she had to make sure he kept cumming. It was not enough to drain some of his life elixir. She had to drain it all.

And as Ludmilla started to feel her own orgasm build, through the still overbearing pain, she also felt how her body filled with life elixir more powerful than she had ever received. And more than she had ever received. She kept riding, and Darell kept shooting, spurt after spurt after spurt. Her womb was already completely full. Rivers of sperm were pushed through the narrow space between her vaginal walls and Darell's spurting manhood. As it flew down his buttocks and dripped to the ground, an ever larger puddle formed.
He kept cumming and cumming. Until, finally, as he was already lying in a pool of sperm at least two inches deep, the flow became less.

Darell wearily opened his eyes.
“You beat me. I thought it was impossible. I thought I was prepared. But I was not prepared for ...”
His eyes fell shut, then opened one more time.
“... for the pleasure your pain gave me.”

And then his eyes closed again. Being drained of his power, his anti-ageing magic fell off. Within seconds, his face changed from that of a healthy young man to a geriatric. And then his skin and flesh crumbled to dust, falling off his bones, that lingered for a bit longer before also changing to dust.
And then Ludmilla sat in a puddle of sperm and dust. The Unmentionable had been defeated. The world was safe again.

Epilogue: An acquired taste

The Chargers were surprised when Ludmilla entered their quarters. They knew she would need charging eventually. But after what she had been through, they had expected her to take more time to heal and recover.

Dae-Ho was the first to greet her.
“Ludmilla, how nice to see you ready for charging again. I think Bruno is in his personal quarters, his next scheduled shift starts in two hours. Shall I send for him and ask him to start early?”
Ludmilla just smiled.
“Thanks, but I don't think I will need Bruno any more. Where is Lethobo?”