Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Church/New Extreme/Private/Critique

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Well,” you say, “as the person who actually has to implement this kind of punishment, that places a pretty big burden on me.” Indeed, this crazy punishment is so extreme you could simply have any girl you want in town if you wait for it long enough. In fact, you bet even that girl “Pearl” who is the darling of the school could be caught on this one within a few weeks. You would never be able to keep up with all the cases if this policy went into action.

“I mean, I’m not against this idea,” you go on. In fact, you’re not against it at all, anything that lets you fuck more little girl pussies is great in your book. “It’s just… that would be almost impossible for me to keep up with the work-load. And also, the purpose of the program was to try and get the kids to start behaving better. I don’t think that every single case needs to be punished, but maybe if the children see a lot of their friends getting punished then they will start to avoid doing it. We just need a few examples to be made. Of course, the cases that are really bad where there is a very high chance they could have done that still need to be punished regardless of how many less likely cases I’m already punishing.”

“Well the head of the disciplinary office does have final say on matters to do with the children’s discipline now.” Your boss, the headmaster says. “I agree with Isidor though that we need to start cracking down on this. Do you think you could have a few cases done on this issue by the end of this week?”

You can feel your face and shoulders growing hot with his words. In other words, he wants you to have had sex with and ejaculated inside of two or more girls in one week on the basis of them having just left the sight of an adult with a member of the opposite gender for a little while. You get a sneaking suspicion at this. Is he, perhaps, sore that his own daughter has been made subject of an extreme punishment? The more that you think about it, the more likely it seems that he’s wanting to just get more girls put into the same situation his daughter is now in.

“Umm… well,” you say, “I am pretty sure I could, but there are still a few more issues I want to work out with this policy before I go out implementing it. For instance, what about brothers and sisters? Should we assume, for instance, that a brother and sister might have… err… disgraced themselves in the time it takes their mother to go outside and check the mail? There are a lot of issues of this sort that need consideration.”

“Hmm… I see what you mean there.” Your boss tilts his head in agreement to you, putting his hand to his chin. However, the Deacon, who of course has no children of his own, doesn’t seem too struck by this argument.

“I believe this punishment should especially be carried out on the children of parents who leave their sons and daughters alone as they leave the house,” he says, “how are the children supposed to learn to keep their boundaries if even their parents do not recognize this as a problem?” He seems to be quite full of rigtious morality as he sentences entire families of girls in the future to be raped simply for having their parents leave the house on errands for a bit while a sibling watches them.

This Deacon clearly has some sort of disconnect from reality on this issue. Your boss though, the important voice for you on the subject, doesn’t actually say anything and just casts an appraising and weary glance at the holy man in front of the both of you who just decreed such a thing. “How about this,” Your boss says, “I will leave that one to your judgement as well. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can certainly issue a warning on this subject for any case that you find in front of you. Another option is that if you can get the children to tell you exactly what happened while they were outside of adult supervision you can give them the appropriate punishment for that instead.”

“Hmm…” The Deacon, Isidor, does not look completely pleased with this ruling, you especially saw his face react at the end when the option of giving a lesser punishment was fielded.

“Umm… so long as the requisite examples are made in a few other cases that is,” The headmaster adds, meaning you can’t let off everyone in this manner. A few will have to be harshly punished for this mere possibility of a violation. You are amazed that the scope of these punishments has escalated so incredibly quickly, but then, once again they have already escalated it to the extreme of using rape as a punishment for offenses such as skipping school, so really all this actually is is a lowering of the threshold.

“Well, in that case, I think that for at least the issue of parents leaving their siblings alone we ought to give a bit more time leniency.” You offer. “I said 10 minutes before kinda out of hyperbole to see if what you were saying was really what I thought you were saying, but really the only way a couple of kids are going to get up to “those kinds” of activities after leaving an adult’s sight for only 10 minutes is if they were leaving the sight of the adults with that explicit purpose in mind and shed their cloths the very second they were out of sight. That’s going to be a pretty rare case.”

“Well, as I said,” Your boss gives you a pat on the shoulder, “I leave this up to your judgement. You are going to be the one hearing about each case, so when you get something you can consider how severe a punishment to give based on how likely the conditions are for them to have potentially done something. Is that a satisfactory enough conclusion Isidor?” He suddenly turns to the Deacon after finishing up talking to you.

“I believe that should be plenty,” The grey-haired Deacon responds with a heavy smile. “I am just glad this town finally seems to be going on the right track towards punishing the debauchery of these times. I wish you the best Mr. Gardner, may God’s blessings be upon you as you do his work toward guiding these lost lambs back to the correct path.”

This entire discussion from start to finish has made you feel a little dizzy, and the extreme dissonance of the content of what you just discussed together with such a holy and rigtious line of praise being slathered out on you at the end makes it almost feel like your heart is about to stop beating from the shock of the mental whiplash. Your brain simply refuses to put these to concepts together, and the physical reaction it produces is rather pronounced.