Bowsette Jr.'s Mistake/Story

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Bwahaha!" Bowser's voice boomed as his airship took off. The crates goods they'd successfully raided from a Mushroom Kingdom supply train sat in a pile on the deck as the crew cheered. "Yeah!" "Long live King Koopa!" "That'll show the princess!"

"Take the booty below deck and get it properly stowed!" Bowser roared at the ship's first lieutenant, a magikoopa with an eyepatch named Brambles. "You heard King Koopa, we can celebrate after the goods are secured!" The crew of goombas and koopa troopa began their work, as a small sulking figure stomped out of the captain's cabin, mumbling to himself.

"Dad, why'd you make me stay on the ship?" Bowser Jr. complained to his father, flicking the large paintbrush he was carrying in vexation, his bib with fangs drawn on it billowing in the wind. "I coulda squashed those lousy toads with one swipe of my claws!" The big koopa king looked down at his son, lifting him up onto his shoulder. "I told you, I needed you here supervising the bullet bill cannons, and you did what I asked. The cannons decimated their defenses." Bowser Jr. crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, but I barely had anything to do. The cannons aim and fire themselves, you know!"

Bowser scowled, setting his son back down. "Fine, you want the truth? After what happened on the airship that you were in command of, I'm not trusting you to fight alone. You lost me an entire airship, Jr." The smaller koopa kicked at the deck. "Yeah, well it was all that stupid red plumber's fault..." Bowser smacked the back of his son's head. "No excuses. You have to earn my trust back, same as any of the men in my army." His scowl deepening, Bowser Jr. looked up at his father, balling his claws into fists. "How can I do that if you won't let me DO anything, father!?" Bowser let out a low growl as he put his face right up in his son's with one of his big clawed hands pressing tightly on his shoulder. "ENOUGH! You want to know how? By doing what I tell you, and not acting like a spoiled brat!" Bowser Jr. winced, and his father let go of his shoulder. "You can start by helping the other men secure the cargo." Bowser Jr. gave his father one more look, before the large koopa pointed angrily at the nearby stairs. "Right. NOW!"

Shoulders slumping, the young koopa turned and ambled down the stairs to the lower decks, muttering to himself. "Stupid old turtle, he never lets me do anything fun!" Bowser Jr. Kicked the wall angrily as he arrived at the lower cargo hold, entering the room. Goombas were busy stacking the crates while koopas of various shell colors secured them with ropes. "Bowser Jr." Brambles floated over and landed next to the smaller koopa kid, examining him from behind his glasses. "What brings you down here?" Looking down at the wooden planks on the floor, Bowser Jr. scowled. "I'm supposed to help secure the cargo."

Brambles raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. "Ah yes, we could use your help." A coil of rope was pressed into the koopa kid's mitts. "Take one of the crates over to the stack and lash the ropes around it. If you need help-" Bowser Jr. cut him off. "I don't!" he stomped over to one of the smaller crates and picked it up easily, though it was easily as big as he was. Still grumbling to himself, he didn't hear when one of the nearby koopas shouted, "Hey, watch it! It's gonna fall!" A crash echoed throughout the big room as one of the unsecured boxes slid from some unexpected turbulence, smashing open and scattering banana peels across the floor. With the big crate in front of his face, Bowser Jr. didn't see the peel in front of him until his foot slipped on it. Falling flat on his belly, the crate he was carrying smashed against the floor.

With a snarl, the young koopas hopped to his foot, glaring at the green shelled koopa soldier that had called out before. "What's the big idea? Get these stupid peels off the floor." The soldier's yellow face went pale as he saw who had slipped. "Y-Yes, right away Bowser Jr.! It was an accident, it won't happen again!" The soldier babbled as he ran around picking up peels. Bowser Jr. huffed and rubbed his banged jaw, picking the coil of rope and the box he'd been carrying back up and moving towards one of the better secured stacks of crates. Grumbling to himself, he set the box down and started tying the rope ends through metal loops set in the wall and floor.

As the koopa kid moved around the crate to secure the side facing the wall, something caught his eye. One corner of the craft had been smashed in his fall, and something glittered in the torch light through the small hole. His curiosity peaked, the small koopa looked around, but nobody was watching him. Pressed up between the crate stack and the wall like this, it would be very hard for anyone to see what he was doing. A slow grin crossed his wicked face as he hooked a claw inside the hole and pulled more of the smashed wood out of the nails holding the crate together. The boy let out an audible gasp at what he saw inside - a four-pronged solid gold crown with some kind of pink and white mushroom secured in the center sat staring at him with beady black eyes.

"The heck are these?" he breathed, pulling one out of the box to look at more closely. He'd seen the mushrooms that plumber Mario had eaten to grow large during their fight on his airship last month, but those had been red, not pink, and they didn't have an expensive crown around them. He tested seeing if he could pull the mushroom out of the crown, but the two seemed fused together. "What are you..?" Turning the crown around in his paws, found in small letters engraved on the underside of the rim two words: "Super Crown".

"That's the last crate!" Brambles loud voice too close by for his comfort made Bowser Jr. jump. Whatever these things were, they looked like valuable powerups. Bower Jr. quickly pulled his magic brush off his back, pulling a sheet of paper out from underneath his shell. Tongue out in concentration, he swiftly painted a crude looking chest on the page. When the magic brush pulled back from the paper, the chest animated and opened. Bower Jr. pushed the super crown into the painting, where it disappeared inside the paper. The chest on the picture closed itself, and he quickly rolled up the paper and stuffed it back under his shell.

Strolling out from behind the crates, he saw Brambles dismissing the other soldiers. "Ahh, Bowser Jr. Thank you for your help." Brambles turned back to look at the young koopa. "Yeah, whatever. The crate's secured." The magikoopas floated around him, looking him over. "Are you hurt from your fall? I can go get-" The koopa kid rolled his eyes. "I'm FINE! It was just a tiny fall. My shell's MUCH harder than that, just like my father!"

Brambles nodded, floating back around to look at the koopa kid. "Yes, of course. The men are going to celebrate in the mess, you are welcome to join us." Bowser Jr. shook his head. "I erm, I'm not hungry. I'll be going to my room, if you see my father... tell him I did what he asked." Brambles nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, of course! I will let the koopa king know you were a great help!" Leaning in closer, the magikoopa put a hand on Bowser Jr.'s shoulder. In a hushed tone, he whispered to the boy, "Many of our finest soldiers lost to that blasted red plumber. Your father can't afford to show any weakness."

The koopa kid angrily shrugged off the affectionate hand. "He's mad at me, and he won't let me do ANYTHING now!" Brambles fiddled with his magic wand. "That plumber beat you half to death. It took me almost a week to heal you up. I think your father is merely worried about your safety, young kop-" Bowser Jr. turned and started walking away. "I can take care of myself! And if I EVER see that red plumber again, I'll crush him like a bug!"

Stomping out of the cargo hold, Bowser Jr. slammed the door. Winding his way through the airship's tight corridors, he worked his way back up to the upper deck. Any of the troops he passed politely let him past with bows. At least they respected him, he thought, trying to hold back tears as the guards outside the suite of rooms he shared with his father bowed and let him pass. Stomping through the throne room, the koopa kid pushed open the big red door to his chambers, slamming it shut behind him. With a sigh, he belly flopped onto the plush pillow pile he slept on, staring out an expensive glass window at the clouds. "How am I to impress him if he won't let me out of his sight?" He asked the clouds, sulking.

Shifting to take the large magic brush slung on his back out of its sling, the young koopa remembered what he'd found in the crate. Sitting up, he pulled the painting out from underneath his shell and unrolled it. Snapping his fingers, the chest opened, and the super crown popped out of the paper. Setting his hiding paper down on the low table next to the pile of pillows, he examined the crown more closely. "Creepy how the eyes always look like they're watching you..." He muttered, wondering what the thing did.

"That red plumber, Mario, he ate the red mushroom when he fought me..." The boy opened his mouth, licking the top of the pink mushroom part. "Pffftaaa! Ewww, gross!" The taste was not to his liking, and the koopa kid dropped the crown on the bed, spitting to try to get the taste out of his mouth as he tried to wipe his tongue on his bib.

Some of his saliva fell onto the crown, provoking a flash of rainbow sparks from the strange object. The saliva hardened and looked very different. Bad taste forgotten, the boy looked down curiously at what had happened, scooping some of it up on the end of a claw to sniff it. His eyes widened. "Frosting!?" putting the claw in his mouth, he sucked the icing off it. "It is! What the heck..." Picking up the crown, he looked at it again. "What else can you do, I wonder?"

An image flashed through the young boy's mind. The last time his father had kidnapped Princess Peach, she'd been wearing a crown. "Ahh! Maybe these are HER special crowns!" The boy looked at the thing, a strange thought crossing his mind as he stared into those unsettling black eyes. "The only thing dad cares about is that stupid princess. I bet he'd like me better if I was her..."

Standing up, he walked over to the gilded standing mirror sitting in one corner of the room. A round and short koopa with a sprig of red hair looked back at him, the pink and white crown held in both paws. "Hmmph! I am the prince, after all, and this is my crown now! Screw you, dad!"

With a single violent motion, the koopa kid brought the super crown up and slammed it down on his head. A blinding flash of pink light filled the room along with the sound of magic being expelled. Bowser Jr.'s eyes watered and ran from the bright light getting reflected back at him by the polished mirror, making him stumble forward. With a yelp, his knee banged into the mirror and throbbed painfully. "Oww! Whaaa, why'd that hurt!? That hurt so much! Am I dying? Did the stupid princess' magic kill me!?"

Rubbing his watering eyes, he blinked many times to clear them. As his vision swam back into view slowly, a strange pink-ish form swirled into view in the mirror. The koopa kid blinked several times, in stunned shock at what he saw. The super crown indeed sat upon his scalp, but it was not HIS scalp that he saw. Blonde hair flowed back from a round, human face set with blue eyes. A little girl looked back at Bowser Jr., naked except for the bib around her neck.

"Who are you!?" He yelped, taking a step back. The figure in the mirror likewise took a step further away. "What is this? Is this magikoopa magic, imprisoning some little kid in my mirror?" He suddenly realized that the girl's mouth moved when he did. "S-Stop mocking me!" he stammered, thrusting a hand out to point accusingly at the mirror. A hand. He saw a hand in front of him, pointing from his arm. A peach colored hand, with no claws, but delicate finger nails.

Looking at his hands in horror, the koops slowly approached the mirror again. Leaning in close, he looked at his bright blue human eyes. It was then that he noticed the small horns sticking out from underneath the blonde hair, and the koopa tail swishing angrily behind him. Opening his mouth, he made a face in the mirror. The koopa kids had human teeth, though his canines were extra long and sharp fangs. Tilting his body to the side, he saw his shell, much smaller now, still properly fused to his back... his human back. The back of a little girl.

Eyes widening, he went back into the mirror and lifted up his bib. Two puffy, flat and pink mammal nipples sat on his chest where one would expect them to be. His eyes tracing lower, lingering on the belly button, and then down lower, to the plump and hairless slit between his legs. "I'm... a girl. A weak, human girl!? A.. A..." his voice trailed off as a lump caught in his human throat. "A PRINCESS!" he yelped, even his voice sounding strange to him. No, not to him - to HER.

"How the heck did this happen? I just put on the... THE CROWN!" Human hands flew up to clutch at the super crown still held fast on the top of her head. "Wait... was dad actually telling the truth when he said Princess Peach was my mom? Is that why her crown changed me into this? Into something that looks like HER!?" The girl's hips wiggled as she watched how her new body moved.

"So this dumb thing just makes you turn into a weak princess!? Well if that's all it does, I don't want it..!" She tried pulling on the crown, but it held fast to her scalp. "H-Huh? What the heck!? Get off, you dumb thing!" She tried tugging harder, wincing as pain lanced through her scalp. With a growl of vexation (sounding much different from a human throat), she tugged again, another sharp pain in her head making her gasp and see stars.

"The magic blast came from inside my son's room!?" Bowser Jr. felt fear shoot down her spine - that was her dad's voice, just outside! In desperation, she tried one final time to tear the crown off her head. A wave of dizziness came over her this time with the pain, setting her off-balance as she ended up hopping on one leg, wheeling her arms trying to get her balance back. "Eeeep!" the little girl's voice squeaked as she tumbled onto the pillow pile, naked rump sticking up in the air as the door slammed open.

"WHO DARES INFILTRATE THE LAIR OF THE KOOPA KING!?" A roaring voice Bowser Jr. knew all too well shook the room, making him freeze in fear. What the heck would he say to his father? The newly made girl knew she'd screwed up badly. "Who's that?" The girl let out a yelp as one of her legs was roughly grabbed, and suddenly she was dangling naked upside down in the air in front of the very angry face of Bowser.

"I... I..." Bowser Jr.'s voice squeaked as he tried to think of something to say. The scowling face looked her up and down, pushing a finger into her soft human belly, pinching her horns and koopa tail, and rapping on the hard koopa shell fused to her back. "Who are you, brat? Better yet, what are you?" Bowser looked back at the doorway, where Brambles stood with his wand out flanked by several royal koopa guard. "Leave us! It’s a weakling, I will take care of it!" Bowser Jr. gasped at her father calling her a weakling, but she still dared not say anything until they were alone.

Brambles took one step forward, looking nervously at the girl child dangling in his king's iron grip. "My king, there was a very powerful royal mushroom kingdom magic cast in this room. If that... child, was the source, you should be-" Bowser cut his subordinate off with a snarl. "I WILL HANDLE IT! OUT!" Brambles bowed deeply, turning and walking back out of Bowser Jr.'s room. The royal guards traded uneasy looks as they swung the door closed with a loud thud.

Silence filled the chambers as Bowser stared intently at the little girl he still held dangling in the air by one leg. Bowser Jr.'s eyes widened as her father reached out and ran a claw along the girl's soft human pussy left slightly gaping by the angle of legs spread. A spark of some weird feeling shot through the koopa girl, making her gasp. What had that been?

With a huff, Bowser grabbed the girl by the waist with his other hand and turned her back right-side up, carrying her over to a nearby wall and pushing her up against it. "Talk. Whether or not you get to live depends on what you have to say." Bowser Jr. opened his mouth, human throat working, but no sound came out. Fear paralyzed him as he tried to swallow, wanting to shout out, "It's me dad, I'm sorry!" but unable to get the words out.

Bowser squeezed tighter around the little koopa girl's naked waist, making her let out a yelp. "You can talk, can't you? I don't know much about human children." Bowser Jr. gritted her teeth, squeaking out. "Y-Y-Yes...!" The pressure on her waist lessened, the little girl's knees trembling as the koopa king knocked her shell gently against the wall. "You came in with the crates we liberated, I assume. You were inside one of them, weren't you?" Bowser Jr.'s mind scrambled for an answer. "Urm... I.. y-yes, the c-crates!" the little girl stammered out. It wasn't TECHNICALLY a lie, the former boy thought to herself. After all, the super crowns had been in the crates.

"Hmmph. You know, you look a lot like someone I know. A certain princess... I was starting to think that stupid slut couldn't take my mighty seed properly again after the last time, but here you are." Bowser Jr. was pulled back away from the wall and up closer to her father. The koopa king pried apart her mouth with a big hand, examining the little girl's teeth. "So she conceived another child of my blood after all, and then kept her from me. How many years has it been? How old are you, little peachling?"

That was an easy question, at least. With hugs koopa fingers still in her mouth, she somehow managed to say, "If'mff tffen yffears olffd." Bowser Jr. didn't know what her father was talking about, but with each passing moment she wanted less and less to tell him the truth. It would be much better for her if he just thought she was someone else until she could work out how to get the stupid crown off. The huge fingers withdrew for her soft mouth. "Ten? Then you would be very close in age to my other child... How did she keep you from me?"

"Hmm..." He picked up the end of the bib around her neck, and Bowser Jr. began to sweat. Would his trademark bib give him away after all? Bowser lifted it and looked at the tiny mosquito bite nipples on her immature human chest. "You don't have the sacks that are fun to squeeze that your mother has. What an awkward hybrid you turned out to be. I was hoping my mighty seed would purge her weakness from any offspring she bore. How disappointing."

Tracing the tip of a claw down her chest to poke at her navel, the big king rumbled out, "We do not keep clothes, as we are koopa. You wear one of my son's bibs, or I suppose your half-brother's. They were a gift from his mother, but you may keep it for now." The claw traced down again, stopping at her groin just above the start of the girl's puffy feminine slit. "What is your name, whelp?"

Bowser Jr.'s mind raced. He needed a fake name fast. His father was sharp - he'd know it was a lie if he took too long. Saying the first thing that came to mind, he stammered out,"My name's... Bow.. Bowsette. Bowsette... Jr." The claw dipped down lower again, pressing into the soft flesh hole. Another wave of sparked emotion flooded over Bowser Jr's - no, Bowsette Jr.'s addled mind, making the little girl gasp.

"Princess Peach has been irritatingly difficult to kidnap of late. That plumber of hers has laid too many false trails this time. It's been almost a year since I had her, and I grow restless." Bowsette Jr. didn't know what her father was talking about, but the claw kept gently poking into the new hole between her legs. "D-Dad???" she gasped, wincing and clamping her mouth shut at the stupid slip.

"Hmm... yes, I suppose I must be your father. You bear all the marks of my proud bloodline, after all." Having misunderstood the context behind calling him 'dad', the big koopa king kept fingering his daughter gently. "Family is very important to us koopas. I bet your mother didn't teach you that. Family bloodlines are the most important of all."

Bowsette Jr.'s face was starting to flush from the attention being given to her new feminine hole. Suddenly, Bowser withdrew his claw from her little pussy, lifting the girl up onto his shoulder as he strode to the exit and opened the big red door. The nervous Brambles still stood outside with the royal koopa guards. "Sire?" He asked, eyeing the girl on his king's shoulder. "Today is a joyous day. My daughter has found her way home to us from the clutches of her mother." Brambles eyes went wide. "Your daughter, my king? Do you mean..?" Bowser nodded. "Yes, I do. I am taking her to my chambers. We have much to... discuss. We are not to be disturbed." Brambled nodded, bowing deeply. "Yes, sire."

Bowser walked past the lines of koopa royal guard, who all bowed deeply. "Not a word of this to anyone, or I'll have each and every one of you executed for treason." The big king strode towards his large throne and past it, heading for his personal bedchambers. Bowsette Jr. gulped, wondering if she should come clean now. If she inadvertently showed her father as incompetent to his men, she'd get in far more trouble than if she just told him that she'd stolen something from the loot they captured.

"F-Father, I..." she began as Bowser threw the massive red doors wide, walking in as they swung shut behind him. Before she could finish her thought, Bowser grabbed her by both wrists and swiftly pinned the little girl's light body down to the massive velvet covered bed in the center of the room. Letting out a squeak, the girl's breath caught in her chest as she saw the big vent in her father's underside pushing open, a steamy red and pointed rod elongating as it emerged. "Whaaa..?" she stammered as the big koopa king leaned down and licked her across her belly down to her petite pussy. "Mmm... you even taste like your mother." Bowser's voice was low and gruff, in a tone that Bowsette Jr. had never heard before. "Sating my desires on my own flesh and blood... you may think me cruel, Bowsette Jr. But I cannot resist, Princess Peach's magic has seeped deep into you, and your body will have inherited my koopa endurance."

Bowsette Jr. has no idea what was going on. The spot between her legs felt warm and tight. She felt the urge to cross her legs, and did so. "D-Dad, I... I need to tell you..." her voice was cut off by a gasp as Bowser roughly grabbed her small, soft legs and yanked them apart, his koopa strength bearing no resistance from her new weak form. "I don't care. I am going to rut inside you, small peachling." The moist, fleshy red rod that had pushed its way out from her father's lower vent was pressed up against her belly. Bowser began rubbing his rod back and forth along her groin and belly, making Bowsette Jr. gasp as the fiery sensation bloomed at with her sensitive slit getting well pressed and rubbed.

"What... what are you d-doing??" she gasped out, panting hard. Another squeak escaped her soft mouth as Bowser licked her across the face this time. "Your reactions are just like hers. I'm preparing your body for rutting, little one. I would not be this gentle with your mother, but you're so tiny, and of my bloodline. I just found you, I don't want you to break."

The little girl's pants and moans were music to Bowser's ears, and before long her groin was wet and slick with both her own juices and Bowser's precum. "You should be ready, my daughter." Bowsette Jr.'s mind was hazy with intense emotions she'd never felt before, and his words took several moments to register. "H-Huh? R-Ready for what..?" she said in a dreamy voice.

With a start, Bowsette Jr. came back to herself as Bowser roughly pulled her closer to him, pushing her legs up to her neck as he folded her human body in half. "Ready for rutting. If your airhead mother neglected to explain to you what that means, then you're about to find out." The tip of his ridgid, hot cock pressed against the little girl's slit, and Bowsette Jr. finally realized what her dad was about to try to do. "W-Wait...! You can't put that in... EEEEEE!" Bowser thrust forward with a grunt, spearing his koopa king cock into his daughter's tiny cunt.

Bowsette Jr.'s head went back as her eyes rolled up, cumming on the spot from the intensity of the pain mixed with pleasure from her father edging her for so long. The big koopa cock bulged out her tummy as it sank inside her small body, her new human pussy stretching open wide to accommodate his impressive girth. "Excellent... Ahhh... Your rutting chamber feels more pleasing even than your mother's. Or perhaps it has simply been far, far too long..."

The little girl was too busy wheezing and twitching as she rode out a VERY intense first-time female orgasm to answer, or even hear what her father had just said. Her small human hips twitched as the girl's koopa tail writed and slapped at the bedspread. Bowsette Jr. felt like she was going to die, the intensity was overwhelming her young brain. Bowser grunted, liking how her twitching was causing the inner walls of her immature vagina to camp up, release, and massage his member. "Very good..." he placed a big paw on the little koopa kid's belly as he began to thrust, pistoning in and out of her tiny body and watching her belly bulge and shift.

"I've only stuffed half of my mighty length inside your small, weak body, princess. You can do better than that." Bowsette Jr.'s vision was wobbling as her father grabbed her thighs, getting up to a better angle as he pressed his entire weight down on top of her in the mating press. "AHHH!" The little koopa kid let out a yelp of pain and shuddered as the koopa king's cock buried itself deeper in her gut, penetrating her cervix and stretching her flesh to its limits. Her belly looked fat and plump with how much mighty koopa cock was buried in it as Bowser let out a feral snarl. "Yessss! I'm going to force all of my seed inside your egg chamber, my daughter!"

Bowser's movements became rougher as he slammed in and out of his kid's gaping cunt. Big jaws opened to clamp around Bowsette Jr.'s head, making her shudder as thick globs of saliva dripped into her hair. The koopa king's teeth pressed into her flesh. Though not hard enough to break it, it was enough to convey the meaning of dominance: don't move, you are not in control. His tongue lapped and licked at her scalp and forehead as the king koopa's cock grinded around inside her belly.

The little koopa kid's vision was growing spotty as the cock slamming inside her reached a fever pace. The sensations in her groin, while painful, were still supplying the girl child with ample amounts of ecstasy. The little girl's knees trembled as waves of pleasure crashed over her. "D-Dad... Nggghhh... It f-feels... g-guddd..."

"Yes! Give into desire, and take my seed, my child!" Bowser snarled, his voice vibrating into her skull as he let out a roar. Bowsette Jr.'s eyes widened as a new feeling hit her. The koopa king's cock exploded inside her, dumping gouts of piping hot koopa semen into her little womb. It gushed as her belly swelled, what could not fit leaking out and splattering her naked thighs and ass. Bowser pumped into his daughter several more times, properly inseminating her immature body as the little girl came hard a second time, her inner pussy walls clamping down and milking Bowser's cock for all it was worth.

"Guuhhh..." Bowsette Jr. gurgled, her body going limp as her father's jaws released her head. Sitting up he yanked hard, ripping his cock out of his little girl's abused little cunt. More gouts of hot cum struck Bowsette Jr.'s chest, belly, and face as Bowser stroked his cock over her, dumping what remained in her balls all over her. "Hahhh... to think, the best rut I've ever had... was with my own daughter." Bowsette Jr.'s body was wet and sticky from head to toe with koopa semen by the time Bower let his member drop from his grip.

Still gurgling and twitching, Bower picked up his daughter by the arms and pulled her closer as she gasped and tried to catch her breath, her poor cute belly looking pregnant with how round it was with cum inflation. "I want MORE." Bowsette Jr. gasped, looking up at her father with wide blue eyes as she tried to stammer out what she'd been trying to say before. "D-Dad, s-s-stop! I'm n-not really-"

A large paw clamped itself around her jaw, cutting off the rest of her words as he growled deep and low in this throat. The little girl could feel something hard poking into her chest. "I'm trying this hole next." he declared, prying her small mouth open. Before she could so much as get a word out, the koopa king's cock tip was in her mouth, pressing forward. Bowsette Jr. gagged as her father grabbed her head by her small koopa horns, jamming more of his thick cock down her tight little throat. "Amazing..! So tight and warm!~"

She struggled in her father's grip, unable to breathe or make any sounds . Her jaw hurt with how wide it had to open to get his girth past her human lips. Bowser grunted, pulling his cock back slightly before slamming it back in. "Gahhh! I can already tell you're going to be just as useful as your mother is when she gets kidnapped. Maybe I won't even need her anymore!" Bowsette Jr.'s vision was starting to go dark as she fought for air, her fists beating pathetically against Bowser's scaly arms. "Hmm, what's the matter? Ahh, is it too large for you? Hmmph, fine." He pulled his cock back out of her throat, though not all the way out of her mouth.

"There, you may use your fists again when you need more." Bowsette Jr. was just barely able to get a little bit of air before her father slammed his cock back down her throat, pumping away, using her like a sex doll. "I always wanted a daughter. Koopa daughters serve their fathers when their mother is busy. That selfish slut Peach kept you from me for so long, when you could have been used to sate my mating urges all this time." The king of the koopas skull fucked her tight little throat pussy for what felt like forever as he talked about how happy he was to have a daughter to fuck, Bowsette Jr.'s vision going blurry and dark and only really hearing or remembering parts of what he said to her.

"Here it comes... You'll drink all of it peachling brat, since you spilled so much the first time." Bowsette Jr.'s eyes widened as she felt the cock slamming down her throat begin to unload, her little throat reflexively swallowing the hot liquid as she gulped it down obediently. He grunted, grinding his cock around in her throat a few more times until the last few ropes of koopa cum shot down into her expanding belly. Yanking his cock back out, he slapped it across the little girl's forehead as she gasped, gagged, and spluttered.

A paw came down to rub the side of her head affectionately. Bowsettle Jr. coughed, the touch unexpected and making her blush. Bower reached out and wiped a little semen off of her chin as she stared at him with wide eyes, still panting. "D-Daddy...?" He cupped her head in both hands, looking at her small human face. "You did a good job, little one. You didn't complain, and you took all of me. You certainly are my daughter." Bowsette Jr.'s throat caught up. She couldn't remember the last time her father had praised her.

Blinking rapidly, she thought about what had just happened. Vaguely she remembered her tutor telling her about how koopa babies were made, though she rarely paid much attention to her lessons. Her father had tried making a baby with her... because she was a girl now. A horrible thought crossed her mind - what if the crown couldn't be removed?

"D-Daddy, I have to tell you something..." she stammered, her mouth dry with fear. Bowser let go of her face and wrapped his hands around the crown on her head, making her wince as he tried removing it. "Owww! That h-hurts!" she yelped, and he stopped tugging. "Hmm, is it stuck?" Bowsette Jr. shook her head, looking down at her feet where cum was still dripping out of her messy pussy. "Erm, I d-don't think it comes off..." she managed to stammer. "Hrrmph. How odd. More mushroom kingdom magic, no doubt. Now what did you want to tell me?" The hand went back down to her cheek where it stroked gently. Bowsette Jr. swallowed a lump in her throat. She's sought her father's approval for so long... and in a way she'd never imagined, she now had it. She was useful to him, in a way no one else could be.

Raising her eyes up to look at him, a big part of her couldn't believe what she was about to say. "I... I'm glad you found me, daddy."

Bowsette Jr. settled into her new life eagerly, each day she learned from her father about how to manage a kingdom, something she surprised herself and her father both with how well she took. For once she was paying attention to lessons, craving her father's praise. A single "good job" was enough to make those same intense feelings she felt when they rutted well up. As for "Bowser Jr.", the airship was searched. The little girl sneakily released her junior clown car from the hanger with the autopilot set to keep going until it ran out of power. They'd never find it, and her father would think Bowser Jr. had simply run away. Her father seemed sad that his son left, something that made her feel guilty. But, he seemed even happier to have gained a daughter, even going so far as to give her her "brother's" old room next to his.

"Good job. Your lessons are over for the day." Bowser smiled at his daughter, who hugged his arm like a lovesick puppy. "Ehehe... Yay, thank you, daddy!" She'd long since gotten over any feelings of shame over what she'd done. She was happier, and her father was happier. She didn't ever plan on telling him the truth.

Bowser picked up the small girl child, running his hands over her shell. Her belly was starting to swell up with an egg, testament to their religious routine of intense mating each and every night. "Just because you're with egg now doesn't mean you get out of your daughterly duties. I'm shoving it in there every night till the egg is laid." Bowsette Jr. shivered contentedly at the thought. "Mmmph... Do whatever you want to me, daddy. Anything that makes you happy.~"

The End