7 Days of Incest/Day 1/Hotdog her Ass

From All The Fallen Stories
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On second thought, screw it... you already have Rose right where you want her, there's no way she can escape from your hold the way you have her in your grasp, and you've already got your dick out. Might as well take advantage of it. Unfortunately for you, it was one thing to get your dick out while wrestling with her, but it is still quite another to get your dick under her panties like this without her immediately noticing. Still, you are able to manage: with lighting speed that can only be produced when trying to slip your dick under someone's panties you flip Rose over pushing her under your body, and in one move manage to slip your dick under her panties and then flip back over so that she is back on top.

With all her weight on top of you, Rose's ass cheeks are quick to suck your dick in closer to her body, as even now you can feel the inner ring of her ass. A wave of confusion sets over Rose as she struggles to come to terms with the strange feeling of your dick being pressed against her plump ass cheeks.

"What are you doing?" She asks. Her voice sounds weak, almost lost in shock.

Not paying any mind to her question, you grip Rose's wrists a little tighter and begin pulling her up and down the length of your shaft, almost like she were a tool crafted uniquely for your pleasure. Your sister's butt was a perfect fit for your 10-inch prick as it slid up and down her ass cheeks, allowing you to feel the softness of her skin alongside the sensation of her panty's cotton fibers brushing against your skin.

"Wait... is that... your...?" Rose asks.

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