Wavebang/Chapter 5 - The Medical

From All The Fallen Stories
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Holly was in bed on Sunday morning. She was half awake and gently rubbing her clitoris as she thought about one of the bouncers who had been chatting to her in the VIP lounge the night before. Her phone pinged and she checked the message. It was yet another message from Manuel and she ignored it as usual. Ever since her promotion to pole dancer he had been more persistent than usual. She started to masturbate again but after a minute or so her phone rang. It was the club number so she quickly composed herself, stopped her heavy breathing, and answered.

She heard Madame's voice say, "Hello Holly, mon cheri. It's Madame. Sorry to disturb you on your day off but I'd like to book you in for a medical this afternoon. Are you free at 2pm today?"


"Good. We do it regularly for our dancers. A car will pick you up from home a 2pm." She rang off. It was standard procedure for regular medicals for the lap dancers but not for pole dancers.

Madame called the Hole Club doctor, "I'm sending you three girls today: Holly, Maddie and Jodie." Madame used the girls' real names as the club doctor, like club management, had full access to the background, real names, stage names and phone data including private messages, videos and photos.

Madame continued, "The usual for Maddie and Jodie but I need a full medical for Holly."

"The usual" meant STD checks. "Full medical" meant, in addition to STD checks, two extra special checks. Firstly there was a delicate investigation into the state of the girl's hymen and the production of a virginity report uploaded to the club's systems. Secondly it meant measuring her mouth to see if a full size ring gag can be fitted or, if not, what size she can take. A full size ring gag is big enough to accommodate even the widest cocks. The ring gag needs to fit in her mouth and have enough room for her to stretch the sides of her mouth to be able to blow semen and/or vomit out through the sides of the gag, in addition to through her nose, when a cock is blocking the ring.

When the limo arrived at Holly's house Maddie and Jodie were already in the car. Holly got in and sat facing the other two girls, who were facing forward. As soon as the car started moving the girls introduced themselves. Maddie said to Holly, "I haven't seen you lap dance before. Are you new to it?"

"I only do pole dancing." Holly replied.

"Why don't you do lap dances and have sex? You're real pretty and you'd earn a load."

"I earn enough and I'm saving myself for when I get married."

The two whores laughed and Jodie said with a tinge of anger, "You're crazy. It could be years before you get married."

Holly thought, "What trash." They didn't speak again.

When they arrived at the clinic the driver escorted the girls into the waiting area and let the receptionist know the girls' names. A few minutes later the receptionist called, "Holly and Maddie?" The girls stood up as they approached reception she said, "Holly, you're in room 1 with the doctor. Maddie the nurse in room 2 will see you."

Holly went into room 1 where the doctor was waiting at the door. The doctor smiled and asked, "Holly?"

"Yes," she replied and he closed the door.

The doctor knew exactly who she was because he had looked at the club website to see what Holly, aka Lolita, looked like. He had downloaded all her striptease videos onto his phone and was watching the fifth video when the receptionist informed him that Holly was in the waiting room. Before he called her in he positioned the leg rests on either side of the gynecological examination chair to the widest possible position, which was far too wide for someone Holly's size. But, he thought to himself, "She does the splits all the time." He also adjusted the back of the chair to the maximum reclining position. He had to wait a minute for his erection to be a little less obvious before notifying reception.

Holly was wearing gray sweats, white socks and sneakers. Not ideal for a gynecological examination. The doctor instructed her to take off her shoes, pants and panties. She stripped off and stood in the middle of the room waiting. "She looks so cute in her socks," he thought. He said, "Sit down."

Holly perched herself on the edge of the examination chair, sitting upright. He took a blood sample and swabbed her mouth. "Now for the fun part," he thought to himself. "Lie back," he said. She lay back and he strapped her legs to the leg supports. Holly had no idea what a normal gynecological examination should be like so she didn't think it strange how far apart her legs were stretched. He drew a curtain across at her waist so that she couldn't see him staring at her, licking his lips and recording videos for his video sharing chat room side-hustle.

Holding his phone in one hand to both shine a light and record for posterity, with other other hand he pushed apart her labia majora to get a good look at her vagina. When he saw it he had to take some deep breaths to stop himself from panting and drooling like a dog. "A perfect hymen microperforatus," he thought. He spent more time than usual recording this one and got a good shot of her tight little anus as well. "Some Hole Club customer is in for a real treat," he thought. He stopped recording, put the phone down and popped his head up above the curtain. He smiled and said, "That's all perfectly healthy my dear. I just need to take a swab." He mopped way more fluid than he needed from her vagina. He put his nose as close to it as he dared and inhaled deeply through his nose. After a few seconds he put away the sample and drew back the curtain. "All done down there. I just need to take a look at your jaw and teeth."

Leaving her with her besocked legs still strapped wide apart on the examination chair he went to a desk at the other side of the room and picked up an inside caliper. He returned slowly, taking in the lovely view being recorded by the high resolution room cameras. He went and stood to the side of her head and said, "Open wide." Holly opened her mouth. "Wider," he said. She opened as far as she could and he put the inside calipers into her mouth to measure vertically between her upper and lower teeth. He unscrewed the caliper and pushed her mouth as far open as it would go. As much as he was enjoying this Holly started to look distressed so he noted the measurement and screwed the calipers small enough to be able to take them out of her mouth. "Fun part done," he thought. He widened the calipers horizontally between her cheeks and took another measurement. "All done," he sighed. Reluctantly he unstrapped her legs and she got off the chair, got dressed and left.

Next morning Madame received a message from the doctor saying only "Clear. Micro. Full size." This was code for: clear of any STDs; hymen microperforatus; and a full size ring gag that can take any cock girth will fit in her mouth. "A perfect hymen," she said to herself out load. "We can charge the top rate for Primo. Also great news but surprising that a full size ring gag can fit for one so small."

Chapter 6 - Orphaned