Life Hacks/Xander Charity interrupts

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Well, you could always make Charity be a little bit nicer to you. You open up the relationships menu and look at the profile for your twin sister. The app nailed her pissed off look perfectly. As you look over the odd combination of the dislike she has for you mixed with the romantic love that this thing indicates she apparently has for you, your newly maxed psychological analysis skills begin to kick in. That may have seemed bizarre to you at first, but now it somehow makes perfect sense. She has this ilicit desire for you, but she doesn’t know how to express it. It is further complicated by the messages she gets that that kind of relationship is wrong, so this conflict in her mind expresses itself in her teasing you, and that teasing seems to eventually progress into a feed-back that if she is doing these mean things it must mean she dislikes you for some reason, and that feed-back then escalates the teasing into outright torment.

You sigh, wishing to yourself she could have just been more mature about the whole thing. The two of you used to have such a good relationship when you were kids. That is when the door bursts open.

“All right nerd breath! What the hell did you do to my phone!?”

Speak of the devil! It’s Chastity herself, off about who knows what. Feeling guilty about what you were just in the middle of, you hastily close out the window, but as it is winking out of existence your artificially enhanced eyes are able to capture a split-second image witch your similarly artificially improved memory is able to freeze and analyze. Somehow, the pink on her romantic love meter had jumped immensely in the two seconds you had looked away. There is only one explanation for that. You must have accidentally bumped it when she burst into your room. Great. Who knows how that’s going to manifest! Oh well, can’t exactly open the module back up to correct it now.

“Uh… what? I didn’t do anything to your phone.” You scramble to cover for the guilt you feel about having accidentally done what you just did to her.

“Bullshit!” She says, “I can’t get on the Internet! It’s not the wi-fi, my computer can still get on the Internet, but my phone can’t!”

“Did you check the wi-fi connection status?” You ask.

“Of course I did!” She growls. “It says that I’m on my mobile data!”

“Here, give it to me,” you say. “You want me to fix it right? That’s why your in here?” Of course that’s the reason. With your new social skills, it is fairly obvious. She knows you didn’t do anything to her phone, but she can’t bring herself to ask for your help either, so she accuses you of having been the one to break it. Well, figuring out the problem and fixing it is probably going to be the fastest way to make her leave. You flick open the control options and you see that indeed the wi-fi is simply turned off. It really is just as easy as pushing a button to turn it back on.

Out the corner of your eye, you can see Charity holding her thighs together and looking very uncomfortable, almost like she has to pee really bad. Could she… be masturbating? Well, that’s interesting. Well, you’ve solved the problem anyway. Time to get her out of here then. “Here, there you go,” you say, “problem solved,” practically thrusting the phone in her face with the wi-fi connection fan displayed where it should be in the upper right corner.

Charity’s cheeks have already turned a very heavy shade of pink, and they just seem to fall over the edge and turn red as you make eye contact with her. She angrily snatches the phone out of your hand and runs off without a word back to her room and slams the door.

Well, that was a real whirl-wind of an experience.

What now?