Life Hacks/Trish's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Patricia was raised in a strict victorianly anti-sex Roman Catholic household. She had it drummed into her from an early age that sex was evil and that it was only just tolerated when she gets married and then it should only be done for the purpose of reproduction. Later in life, when she got out from under her parent's house, she reached the conclusion they were insane. However, the repressive values they taught her were not so easy to shake. Once she got married and started having her own children, she vowed to do nothing like that to her own kids, having reached the conclusion from her independent research and talking with her friends that it was harmful to a child to constrain their sexual exploration in any way so long as it stays behind closed doors.

Since she was raising her children, she never got the chance to let loose with her own sexuality. However, just under the surface, she is just looking for the right trigger to completely let loose and have wild sex with someone.

Sexual Knowledge

Trish has a fairly pedestrian level of knowledge about the biology of sex, if not slightly lacking. Does not know the specifics of how different types of birth control work, other than the pill and condoms, and has a rather poor knowledge of the psychology related to sex witch she substitutes with random bits she has heard about (particularly where it comes to developing child sexuality)

In terms of sexual performance, aside from the bland sex she had with her husband before he died, she has heard of a few fetish concepts. Some of these make her uncomfortable, but if you get her going she will probably want to try anything and everything (so long as it does not cause permanent damage or endanger lives)

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • Wants another child: (-20 to bare-back PIV sex)
  • Interested in dirty sex: (-20 to be persuaded into some form of fetish sex)
  • Surrogate child sexual exploration: (-20 to her children getting involved sexually, -60 if it is with each other)

Patricia laments her sexually repressed childhood, and will get a vicarious thrill from seeing her children exploring their budding sexuality like she never got the chance to. A part of her even wishes her father had touched her sexually, witch will allow her even to accept an adult performing mild sex acts with her children.

  • Mild taboo breaker: (-20 to any sex that is considered taboo but is regularly posted on porn sites.)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

