Life Hacks/Siobhan's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

While Siobhan may have been raised by Trish, she was not raised in the same manner as Dante and Ellie. She lived with her parents until she was 6, and it wasn't until just before Trish's husband died that she started getting big on the whole permissive child sexuality kick. As such, Siobhan grew up with fairly normal views on sex.

When she turned 12 was when Trish sat down with her and talked about her new values on sex and sexual experimentation and how she did not want for her to grow up like she had to. She took her surrogate mother up on this and took the chance to explore her then baby niece's pussy a little during diaper changes. However, she did not dare try it with Dante because he was old enough to talk by then. Despite what her older sister said, she always had a little bit of trouble believing it.

Since she has entered High School, she has been wanting to find a boy outside the family to have sex with, figuring that would be more in line with what her sister meant. However, she is a little socially awkward and does not know how to ask without everyone thinking she is a slut. She is shy bad at making friends.

(Note: She is aware of Xander as he was something of a social outcast like her. He is one of the people she has considered asking to be her first male sexual partner. As a matter of fact, he was the top of her list based on him being the most socially outcast and thus, in her mind, easily approachable. However, she never worked up the nerve to approach him.)

Sexual Knowledge

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

