Life Hacks/nude/Lead by example and strip off your own cloths ahead of her

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Well,” you say, “I guess it might be easier if I go first then.” With that, you hook your thumbs into your pants and underwear and shove them down to your ankles, then pull your shirt up and over your head and toss it onto the floor. In that smooth motion, you are completely without clothing in just about exactly 1 second. Well, not quite. You’ve still got your socks.

“Mmm.” You hear Trish let out an involuntary sound of appreciation. It really is no surprise either. You haven’t had time to look at your bare chest in your body since the enhancements until now, but turning around to glance at yourself you have to admit you are pretty impressive. Strength is one thing, but you have hardly an ounce of fat on you, and that makes for some fantastic definition in your muscles.

“Ehh.. haha.” You respond in a similar manner to Patricia’s “comment.” “Well, there you go.” You say, “Now you can see my penis. I’m not gonna let you touch it though until you are naked.” At this, you indicate the one part of your body that is not large and impressive. Even your balls grew with the modifications, you suppose from increasing your “male fertility” stat, but your circumcised penis still stands there at a mere 4 inches.

Roni blusters with a smile and half jumps, eager to go check out your goods, but restrains herself remembering the condition you just set and bringing her hands up to her tank top before freezing nervously again. “Ummm…. mom’s not gonna find out, right?” She asks.

“Well,” you say, “I’m not gonna tell her, are you?”

“You don’t have to be worried about that,” Patricia tells her, “I don’t want you to be nervous at all about your privates or touching other people’s privates while you are in this house. And you know what? Any time you want to touch your brother’s penis without your mom finding out, you two can come over here just to do that if you want to.”

Oh god! You feel the pre-cum bubbling up from the depths of your loins at that idea. She is saying you can keep doing this in the future here!?

“Ok!” Roni chirps, apparently convinced now as she throws off her clothing almost as fast as you did. After that, she bounces over with a giddy little laugh. “I’m gonna touch Xander’s naughty place!” She declares with a mischievous grin and a giggle as she grabs on to your dick for a second and then switches to cradling your rather decent size balls. They still could be bigger, but they have at least doubled in size from the wall-nut size testicles you had before. “Wooow!” She says, “your scrotum is big!”

Well, you are glad she is impressed, but the feeling of her probing little hands on your balls and your penis is about ready to push you over the edge.

What do you do?