
From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 04:44, 25 October 2016 by Kitkatevermore (talk | contribs)
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Hi! My name's Katherine, but I usually go by Kat. Feel free to call me either one of those, or just kitkatevermore, since it's the user I usually use on websites like this. I tend to write a lot, but on this site I get to write smut and people can actually read it for their own enjoyment, so I instantly fell in love with it. Common themes throughout my writing are incest, underage (obviously), father/daughter relationships, and pregnancies--- so if any of those don't fit your fancy, I'd advise for you to stay away from my stories, because they're absolutely filled with all that good stufff

Ongoing Stories

-- A Single Parent - You're the single parent of your children, but have recently started developing some less than appropriate feelings toward them.

-- Life of a Norse God - tbh I'm not completely sure where this one's going but it'll have a lot of incest and kinky shit


I take requests for stories, paths, and characters, so just go on over to my talk page if you want to tell me something. I'd love to hear it!