Life Hacks/Brittany's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Brittany has had a fairly uneventful sexual history. Since she was the oldest, she was mostly trusted with the duty of babysitting her younger siblings when her mother was at work. A typical first child, she has been put under a lot of pressure to succeed like her mother. She discovered most of her younger siblings (excluding Xander) showing each other their privates and touching each other 4 years ago when she was 15. The fall out from this and her being given the duty to keep the four of them from continuing this activity has caused her to develop a fairly anti-sex mind set in terms of early sexual activity. Despite the way she dresses, she is still a virgin and has never had a boyfriend or even seriously thought about the prospect outside of some light fantasizing and enjoying how the way she dresses makes boys react.

Sexual Knowledge

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

