Life Hacks/Danica/Seal the deal before she changes her mind

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“That’s great!” You say, hugging her naked body into your side with one arm as the other presses more firmly into the shy elementary schooler’s crotch. “That’s a really nice thing to offer Danica, not many girls are as nice as you.”

“Eh..heeem.” She giggles and blushes as she starts to shift uncomfortably in response to the hand you have cupping her pussy. And with that, she has lost her opportunity to object and her mind now seems to be accepting the deal that you can take her behind a shed any time and have her strip off her pants for you.

You are starting to realize just how easy this gender changed girl is to manipulate. In fact, you bet you could probably convince her to let you have full vaginal intercourse with her in a matter of minutes with how poor her defenses are. About the only thing that would be stopping you is how her mother might react. She seemed pretty permissive about letting you shower naked with… well… her son, but she also didn’t seem to see much problem with you showering with your sister either. That doesn’t necessarily mean though she would be Ok with you fucking her 8 year old daughter. There’s no way right? The strangest thing about this whole situation is probably that you actually feel there is legitimate reason to be asking yourself that question at all. It doesn't seem likely, but given how freely she just pushed you into showering with an 8 year old you actually feel there is room to think she just might be Ok with it.

What will you do?

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 4 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 60%
Focus: 52%
Stress: 50%
Arousal: 80%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Nerdy clothes, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Page Tally:
  • Grope Danica's bare genitals:

Base = 20 Younger bonus X1.5

  • (20 X 1.5 = 30)
  • 1182 + 30 = 1212)
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything
Danica Wells
Acquaintance 8 years old

Notes: '

Patricia "Trish" Wells
Acquaintance 33 years old

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: Dismissable count X1

Siobhan O'Connell
Acquaintance 16 years old

Notes: '

Ellen "Ellie" Wells
Acquaintance 5 years old

Notes: '

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Loki (Player)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '