Life Hacks/Summer's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

If idle hands are the devil's playground, then Summer is a perfect and pure angel. She has heard the absolute abstainance until marriage message she has heard in school about sex mocked by her school social circle, but she knows she does not have time for a dating life so her actual opinions on the matter don't count for much.

Summer doesn't even really get enough time to masturbate. She has become slightly bi-curious, mostly due to her sexual frustrations, for her sister Winny. They have masturbated together on occasion since they share a room, but they both have a silent agreement that it means nothing sexually and doesn't count them as Lesbians.

Summer has a somewhat dark desire to get a male classmate with good prospects to knock her up while she is still in high school so that they can get married and he can take her out of this hectic life at home. However, she doesn't have time to date, so she doesn't see much chance of that ever happening.

Sexual Knowledge

Learned about sex from her catholic-school sex-ed class, witch spent 10 minutes looking at cross-sections of the internal male and female anatomy, briefly mentioned sperm in a single sentence, never even mentioned penis in vagina insertion (most of the kids found out about that one from talking to each other,) and spent the rest of the week long course talking about how pre-marital sex is evil.

  • Knows what sex is?: Is aware that the parts fit together and that's how babies are made.
  • Knows what male genitals look like?: Knows what a baby or toddler boy's genitals look like from diaper changes and bathing.
  • Knows about birth control?: Is aware of abortion and thinks of it as evil, is aware of the pill but knows it is against the church, does not know about condoms or any other form of birth control.

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • White-knight fantasy: (-20 to vaginal sex with a boy she wouldn't mind marrying, nulls pre-marital sex taboo.)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)


  • Incest Taboo: (+40 to sexual contact with male siblings)
  • Homophobia: (+20 to sexual contact with non-lesbian girls, +60 to sexual contact with an acknowledged lesbian.)
  • Pre-marital sex: (+20 to vaginal sex with any male.)
