Life Hacks/Jan's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Jan has not had her sex-ed class in school yet, and so she has no real knowledge about sex. She started having her period when she was 10 and is a light bleeder, but tends to get really cuddly with her father or older brother when she is on the rag. She has noticed herself becoming more curious about the difference between boys and girls and has taken a liking to hanging out in March and Agust's room while the boys are in. She knows it probably won't happen, but she secretly hopes her brothers will start sexually exploring each other's bodies like she knows her older sisters do and forget she is there while they are doing it.

2 years ago, when her younger brother Octo was 3, she liked to "help him on the potty" when she could, but she realizes she lost interest when he got old enough she could no longer use that excuse to see his privates. While Decy has started potty training and she could probably get an even better look at his privates, she kind of wants to see the privates of a boy closer to her own age.

Sexual Knowledge

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

