2T4U/Jack/Tiffany's room/pussy(C)/Try to ram it in again

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“All right, careful there.” You kneel down over her and nestle your glans against the split in her labia to her 3 year old pussy hole yet again, receiving a very excited smile from the kid in response. You haven't given up yet. You are going to fuck this toddler in the cunt properly no matter what. The kid's practically begging for it, so why not? She is obviously as horny as hell, so why not give her a proper fucking?

You try several times at this, but now it seems you are doing even worse than before. At least when you tried before her butt was in the air, with her on the ground like this the angles are just all wrong and you only wind up sliding your glans back and forth through her slit. Well, this is nothing but a failure, but at least Tiff seems to be enjoying the hell out of it. Every time the head of your penis slips through her groove, she squirms and giggles. “Stop!” She suddenly says, thrusting her hands down and putting both hands on your searching sex organ. “He-he, that tickles.” She says with pure joy on her face as she nestles herself even closer to you and begins bending her hips upward a little, grinding against you and trying to use her hands to slide you along her slit herself. “The pee-pee goes like this, see?” She tells you, rubbing it in little circles around her privates. “Let me do it.” With that, she starts to try getting her little hands in under yours in order to take full control of your penis.

The fuck did she just say? Wait, does she know something about sex? What the hell!? Who showed her!?.... Wait, maybe she is just being a kid, you know kids like to try and take charge of things and act like they know what they are doing when they don't. You have seen Missy and Aaron do that too when they were this age, but... Fuck! When they did it, it was about common things like how to play some video game. It was certainly not about sex. What if that's not what is going on here!?

Got to get to the bottom of this

No, she is probably just blowing smoke. Back to trying to fuck her.

No, it is probably nothing. As for you fucking her though, that doesn't look like it is going to work.