Life Hacks/Calm her down and make up with her

From All The Fallen Stories
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Based on the psychology of this situation, it would require very little effort to push her over the edge and send her flying off to her room to stew at all of this. However, that’s not what you want. What you want is to start building her back up again and turn your relationship in a positive direction. That’s going to require something of a high wire act, and the presence of Roni and Bastian who may very well make the comment themselves that is going to cast things over the edge whether you want it made or not makes it more like a high wire act while juggling live wild animals that want to bite your hands off. Great. This is sure going to be fun. Maybe it would be easier to just let her storm off and then use the duck afterwards, but that really isn’t what you want. It just feels like it would be more meaningful to do this right.

Well, first thing is that WHATEVER you say you’ve got to say it quick before Roni or Bastian speak up.

“Look,” you say, “I don’t know whether I’m going to be a police officer or not yet. If it bothers you that much, then I have 3 years to think on it. I don’t have to go for it right away.”

“Why would.. I.. be .. bothered...” Charity begins her line as a protest, but it seems to get more quieter and introspective as she completes the sentence.

“Well, a lot of sisters would be bothered about it,” you say. “Most of them because bad guys have guns, witch makes it a pretty dangerous line of work.”

“Heh!” Charity scoffs.

“But that’s not the reason it would bother you, I don’t think, not the main reason anyway.”

“Oh!? You gonna try to read my mind again!? Then what IS the real reason!?”

“Stop fighting!!!” Roni interrupts, practically in tears.

“Hold on,” you direct some quick words at Roni. So the juggling act begins. Well, time to calm her down somehow without loosing the momentum you have with Charity at the same time. “It’s Ok Roni,” you say, “we’re actually done fighting, this is how adults make up after a fight. We’re talking it out and trying to understand each other.”

“Right, you REALLY think you understand me that much, huh!?” Charity bites, leading you to sigh. It looks like that just wound her back up, but at least you didn’t lose her or send her into a rage. You’re still balanced on the high-wire. Actually, this sarcastic bite-back really would have been accurate this morning. You couldn’t make heads or tails of the way your sister thinks. But now, you have your enhanced skills in psychology and you can read her like a freaking book. You know exactly how her mind is operating.

“That’s not a bad thing Charity,” you say, “you’re my sister, you’re my TWIN sister, and I care about you. I just wish things could go back to how they were when we were younger.” Again, you seem to have pushed Charity to a point where she is completely out of biting come-backs. “Anyway, as for the real reason I don’t think you want me to join the police academy, it’s not because you are afraid of me dying in the future, it’s because you are scared of loosing me NOW.” Boom! Hit the nail on the freaking head! At those words, she just looks up at you with frightened vulnerable eyes. The eyes of someone who has been stripped bear of all their defenses. She may not have even known herself her reasons for doing and saying the things she did and said, but now that you have called it out she knows damn right well that you are right.

“Yeah,” you say, “your stupid twin brother went and grew up while you weren’t looking. I’m a completely different person from the Xander you grew up with, and that terrifies you. But you know what? I’m still Xander! I’m still your twin brother, and I love you! You’re my sister! We used to be best friends. Do you think we can be best friends again?”

By this point, she is actually crying for real. She gives a sniff, and then a moan as she just stands there with her arms at her side. Well, looks like her pride is still not allowing her to show her true feelings even after all of that. Guess that means you have to be the one to take the initiative and come to her.

“Heeey..” you say, coming forward and wrapping your arms around your sobbing twin sister, gently embracing her in your powerful arms as you hold her to your chest. “There now,” you say, “hug and make up, this is how we used to do things, remember?” She sniffles again, closing her tear-filled eyes and pressing herself into your chest. “Mmm-hmm.” She says. As you gently embrace your twin, Roni who also seems quite upset wraps her arms around both of your waists and joins in the hug.

“Haha! Now Xander won against Charity!” Bastian chimes up.

“God damn it Bastian!” You round on him quickly before Charity has a chance to feel the full sting of his words. “That wasn’t nice at all!” You say, looking around at him with one arm wrapped around Charity as Roni is still on your hip pressing the two of you together. “You don’t go saying things like that when someone is upset, now apologize!”

“What!? Why!? Charity is always such a bitch to me!” He argues.

“That doesn’t matter,” you say, “nobody in this family should be mean to anyone like that, and we are starting here. You apologize!”

Bastian gets down off his stool and groans, looking at the floor as he comes up to Charity, whos defenses seem to have come back up a little, ending that pure and open moment you had a mere few seconds ago before Bastian went and ruined it.

“I’m sorry,” he groans.

“All right,” you say, “now, come on over here and let’s all have a big group hug.”

Bastian sulks forward into the open space between you and Charity, and at the same time Roni runs around and fills the space between you and Bastian as you close your arm back around to grab Charity on the shoulder around Roni’s and Bastian’s backs.

“Hey, let me in on this too!” You hear Brittany say as she comes forward to embrace you and Charity as she presses her hips into Bastian and Roni’s backs. Well then, this just leaves Angelica the only one missing from the family group hug. Guess she is still up in her room. While Charity’s defenses seem to have gone back up and she is not quite as warm and open as a few seconds ago, you definitely sense that something has changed. Of course, it is not likely that all the fighting will just stop with one little conversation, but at least you have managed to smash through the wall that has been separating the two of you so you can start working on your differences.

As nice as this all is, it turns out to be you that ultimately finds the need to interrupt the moment as your nose begins to bring some information to you that is a bit concerning. “Wait,” you say, “I think your sandwich is burning,” you say to Brittany.

“Oh! What!? I don’t smell anything,” she says as she breaks out of the hug, signaling an end to it from everyone else as well, as she goes rushing over to the stove. “No, it’s not burning,” she says. “Just a little blackened in a few spots, but it’s fine.”

With those words, she plates the sandwich, bringing it over and proving her words. It actually looks pristine, exactly what you would have considered perfectly done before. She is right though, there are just one or two areas of the crust about the size of a grain of rice that are only a little blackened witch must have been producing the burnt smell you picked up on. Dang! This enhanced sense of smell you have developed is really something!

Well, that moment’s over, what do you do now?

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