Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Local Settings

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This section allow a player to alter the settings for the local aspects of physical "virtual" reality. To do this the local area must first be defined. These settings alter the nature of physical "virtual" reality in the area. Memory management is automatic. People entering the area will believe that the laws of physics of the entire universe have always worked in the manner that they do in the local area, and will not remember anything strange about the physics of the area once they leave. Lifies will not attempt to leave a local area in a manner that cannot be sustained outside of it (e.g. if they can fly in the local area, but not outside of it, they will not fly out of the area). Players entering an area with different physical laws will be alerted to the changes upon entering the area, and given the username of the user claiming the local area.

Define(Redefine) Local Area

This setting brings up an overhead map that allows a player to define the confines of a local area by tracing an outline on the map with their finger. Each server sets their own limits on the size of local areas. The server that hosts Xander's universe has set the limit to fifty square miles. You can only define a local area that has not already been claimed by another player (by them defining it). Each server sets their own limits on the number of local areas that each player can control. The server that hosts Xander's universe has limited claimed local areas to one per player. If the player has not already defined a local area, this is the only option that appears. If an area is already defined, you can redefine it, or abandon it. If abandoned the local area reverts to the settings based on the planetary settings.

Adjust Local Conditions

This setting allows the user to adjust the physical conditions of the local area. These are sliders with reset buttons unless otherwise specified.

  • Gravity: This lets you adjust the local gravity.
  • Climate: This lets you adjust the local climate. It has many sliders, some of the important ones follow:
    • Temperature Range: This lets you adjust the local temperature range.
    • Precipitation: This lets you adjust the local levels of rainfall/snowfall.
  • Weather: This lets you adjust the current local weather. It actually consists of many sliders.
  • Atmospheric Density: This lets you adjust the local atmospheric density.
  • Atmospheric Composition: This lets you adjust the local atmospheric composition. There is a slider for each element that is a gas (or solid or liquid that can be airborne) at the current local temperature.
  • Ground Composition: This lets you adjust the local ground composition. There is a slider for each element.
  • Water Composition: This lets you adjust the local water composition of a selected water source. There is a slider for each element that is a liquid or soluble solid or gas at the current local temperature.

Adjust Local Society

This group of settings is for adjusting the society of the humans (and possibly other sentient races), in the local area.


These settings adjust the political structure of the local area. Changes do not have to match up with the surrounding areas due to memory management. You can have an absolute monarchy inside a representative democracy, and neither will acknowledge that the other is run differently than themselves. While many political factions also hold economic beliefs, that is handled separately. (needs expanded)

  • Executive Concerns:
    • Executive Authority:
    • Military Force:
    • Law enforcement:
  • Legislative Concerns:
    • Legislative Authority:
    • Local Laws:
  • Judicial Concerns:
    • Judicial Authority:
    • Judicial Processes:


These settings adjust the economic structure of the local area. (needs expanded)

  • Economic System:
    • Currency Model:


These settings adjust the cultural structure of the local area. (needs expanded)

  • Cultural Norms:
    • Cultural Expectations:
    • Cultural Taboos:
  • Religions:
    • Religious Authorities:
  • Artistry:
    • Expressive Freedom:
  • Technical Capacity:
    • Technology Level:
  • Education:
    • Education Model:


This is a slider to set the level of magic availability in the area to set levels. These levels are: None, Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High, and Universal. The magical abilities that can be attained depend on the level of magic available in the area.

Magical Distribution

This is a percentage slider that determines the percentage of the population with magical abilities.

Magical Origin

These are sliders that determine the types of magic that are available in the local area. Values are in relation to one another and do not directly relate to percentage of the magical populace.

  • Wizardry: This is the default style of magic, and cannot be turned off unless another type is turned on. This is the ability to learn to use arcane gestures, words, and materials to create magical effects. It is available at all levels of magic except None.
  • Faith Magic: This is the ability to employ faith in a higher power to create magical effects through prayer and ritual. It is available at all levels of magic except None.
  • Witchcraft: This is the ability to gain magical power from pacts with other-worldly beings. Extra-planar beings must be enabled in the population module for this to be available. It is available at Low level magic and above.
  • Druidic Magic: This is the ability to gain magical power from natural environments, and use that power to create magical effects. It is available at Moderate level magic and above.
  • Sexual Magic: This is the ability to gain magical power from sex, and use that power to create magical effects. It is available at Moderate level magic and above.
  • Bardic Magic: This is the ability to use music and song to create magical effects. It is available at High level magic and above.
  • Sorcery: This is the ability to use magical inherently. It is available at Very High level magic and above.
  • Divine: This is the ability to gain magical power from the adulation of others, and use that power to create magical effects. It is available at the Universal level of magic.


This is a slider to set the level of psionic availability in the area to set levels. These levels are: None, Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High, and Universal. The psionic abilities that can be attained depend on the level of psionics available in the area.

Psionic Distribution

This is a percentage slider that determines the percentage of the population with psionic abilities.

Psionic Types

These are sliders that determine the types of psionics that are available in the local area. Values are in relation to one another and do not directly relate to percentage of the psionic populace. There are only three types of psionic abilites, all other abilities are extensions, or focuses of these types.

  • Telepathy: Mind to mind communication.
  • Extra-Sensory Perception: The ability to use your senses in a remote space-time separate from the one your body occupies.
  • Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate the physical world through thought.

Super Powers

This is a slider to set the level of super power availability in the area to set levels. These levels are: None, Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High, and Universal. The super power abilities that can be attained depend on the level of super power available in the area.

Super Power Distribution

This is a percentage slider that determines the percentage of the population with super powers.

Super Power Types

These are sliders that determine the types of super power origins that are available in the local area. Values are in relation to one another and do not directly relate to percentage of the super powered populace.

  • Magical Investment: Must have magic enabled. This is magic taken to a comic book level.
  • Psionic Investment: Must have psionics enabled. This is psionics taken to a comic book level.
  • Alien: Must have aliens enabled in the Population Module. Powers derived from not being human, but originating extra-terrestrially.
  • Super Science: Abilities derived through technology that is not available in the rest of the world, and often defies the laws of physics.
  • Evolutionary Mutation: Born with a mutation that causes powers to develop either from birth, or more frequently during puberty.
  • Environmental Mutation: Powers derived through the mutation of DNA through an environmental incident like a laboratory accident. Usually requires the presence of a receptor gene (X Factor) to change instead of dying.
  • Divine: Powers derived from being a god.