2T4U/Bandit in the park/Take both girls to the bathroom to get them cleaned

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You look over to the little one, Maria was it? “Sorry you had to see that,” you say.

“Mmmm, that hurt!” little Raquel says, rolling over and sitting straight up with an angry look in her eyes.

“It was supposed to hurt,” you tell her, causing her to look down where your sperm is now leaking out of her onto the cold metal of the merry-go-round. She pouts for a moment and then bandit comes over and starts aggressively sniffing at her causing her to defensively put up her hands to ward him off.

“Aaahh, go away doggie!” She wines.

“Ok,” you say to them, pushing Bandit away from her a little and helping your little rape victim to her feet. “How about I get the two of you to the bathroom so we can clean you up a little?”