2T4U/Jack/Morning/Fiona's/Ask about Samantha

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“Sure thanks,” you respond to her.

“Is Orange Juice Ok?” She asks.

“Yeah.” You reply again, playing the part of the good house guest. All your senses are on fire though after hearing about this Samantha. You know she said she was in middle school, but your brain is already trying to figure her as a potential sexual conquest. New pussy available. God you are a freaking man-whore.

“Here you go,” Fiona says cheerfully as she puts a glass in front of you and then pours out the contents of a bottle of Orange Juice she had retrieved from the refrigerator.

“Thanks,” you reply again, receiving the beverage. “So, anyway, could you tell me again about Samantha? I think I might have missed something when you were talking about her before.”

“Oh sure,” she says, almost rocking back on her heels and craning her neck up with a massive smile like a kid at Christmas. That is one thing you can count on about Fiona, she loves to talk, and her manner suggests it might not be every day she finds someone expressing genuine interest in something she wants to talk about. “Well, it is like I said, she got into a fight at school. Her mother couldn't handle her, so now she is living with me and we are just getting her registered for school. I call her my granddaughter, but really she is more of a grand-niece. She is my older sister's grandchild. Anyway, I know what her mother is going through, that child is SUUCH a hassle. She has no respect for her elders. Every time I talk to her, we wind up getting into a shouting match.”

Oh you couldn't possibly see how that might happen. (sarcasm)

Play towards Fiona

Dig for more information about Samantha