2T4U/Jack/Raped Melony and Missy/Tiffany's room/pussy/propped/Get her to suck it and finish in her mouth

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God damn, this isn't going to work, she is just too fucking tight! But DAMN you are close! You gotta finish! You look down, considering your options, and what comes to your mind is how great it would be to shoot your sperm down her throat. Damnit, if you can't get her pussy, you have just got to get your dick in her cute pudgy little mouth.

“Agh! This isn't working.” You say, pulling the teddy-bear out from under her and then getting yourself up over her body. A long droplet of pre-cum drips from the head of your dick as you separate from her inadequately small entrance, and the droplet lands just above her navel as you knee-walk up her body and then hover it right over her chin.

As you get into position, your 3 year old sister clad in her disny princess nightshirt merely looks at your dick with a weird confused and half-disgusted grimace on her face as though to ask “why are you shoving your privates in my face?”