7 Days of Incest/Day 1/Confiscate Cable/Pick up the money from the office

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As you are trying to figure out what it is you wish to do next, your stomach growls. Since your dad left you some money for food and activities, you figure that you might as well use it. Slipping down the hallway, you head upstairs and into the small room that your dad used as an office. Searching for the desk, you open the main drawer and sure enough, there's the envelop with cash inside.

You open the envelope and count the amount of money, which comes out to be $500. You whistle appreciatively, not sure exactly how to spend it all, or why dad had given you so much if they were only going to be gone a week. Thinking back, you recall your dad's text: "Spend time with your sisters this week; it will do you all some good. Call Aunt Barbra if there's an emergency. Left some money for groceries and activities in an envelope hidden in my desk drawer."

So the money is for groceries, as well as family activities, You think. Wait... what activities was dad thinking my sisters and I would need this much money for? You let out a sigh. Whatever, it doesn't matter, You think as you stuff a little over half of the money into your pocket, then return the rest to the envelope and hide it under a magazine, Its got to last all week, so better not take too much... or let Rose get her hands on it. You shuddered a bit at the thought. Rose had a bit of a spending problem.

Feeling a little better now that you had the cash to purchase some food, you are about to turn around to leave the office, when suddenly you hear an excited squeal from the door.

What Happens Next?

Bailey Happens!