7 Days of Incest/Day 1/Return Home and Enter the House

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At least I got a chance to see him, you thought as you walked back towards your house. I've just been so busy these last couple of months. It would've been fun to hang out again... especially with that crush of his coming over. The two of you did have a sort of understanding about this sort of thing; a wingman who aids, shall always get laid, was a common saying among guys your age. However, the two of you occasionally co-piloted as well. Too bad that didn't hold tonight... A good night's sleep and a good ol' threesome would've done wonders for your stress level. It could've been just like old times...

Still, it wasn't a complete bust; Scott still had your back when it counted. Between the sleeping pills and the casual yet reassuring way he talked to you, that much was still clear. Maybe it was the brief cat nap you had on his porch, but you were start feeling a little bit better! The stress of being both tired and fired must've gotten to you before, blowing things out of proportion. With the sleeping pills, you'd be able to sleep soundly for the first time in weeks. And as for your sisters, well... you've lived and dealt with them for most of your life. Parents or no parents, why should this time be any different? You can handle it; after all, you are in charge now. What could possibly go wrong?

You walk up the steps to your house, feeling far more confident in yourself than you had a half hour ago. You reach out and put your hand on the doorknob, still able to feel the vibrations of Rose's boombox. Either she was still in the living room or had "forgotten" to turn it off. Taking a deep breath, you push the door open and are greeted by a blast of punk rock that almost turns your legs to jelly.

God-dammit Rose, you know I don't like loud noises, nor your shitty choices of music! Grimacing in pain, you cover your ears with your hands, use your foot to kick the door shut, and stumble over to the bookshelf. You reach your hand up, fumbling for the boombox to stop that blasted sound. It takes a few moments, but eventually you are able to find the damn thing and slam your hand down on the power button. You breathe a sigh of relief as blessed silence descends upon the house, then you look up and let out a soft groan. Fresh piles of trash and crumpled paper were scattered across the living room floor.

"Its only been a few hours since our parents left, and this house has already gone to hell. Don't any of my sisters know how to keep things clean?" You mutter under your breath, stooping over to pick up a nearby paper ball. As you casually toss it into the trash, you hear a wailing cry of anger come from the couch. Spinning around just in time to see Rose leap up from where she was sitting, her phone clenched tightly in one fist.

"Just what the hell do you think you are doing?" She shouts as she struts toward you like a panther, her face flushed with anger and her eyes burning with fire. Despite how pretty Rose was, she had a temper.

Oh boy, here we go, you think to yourself. Its Rose being her usual bitchy self. She really needs to learn to show respect to those around her. Fifty years ago, this kind of bratty attitude would've earned her a good slap across the face… or at least a good paddling across her ass. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to help you focus and calm down enough to deal with your sister. However, after a couple of seconds you open them again to find that Rose is practically standing right in font of you.

"Well?" She asks, in that insufferably haughty tone of hers, “I’m waiting, Jake. Or are you such a big lug that you’ve forgotten how to answer a simple question?” Her blue eyes smolder up at you in anger and her foot taps impatiently against the floor as she waits for your answer.

From the looks of it, your sister was itching for a fight. A part of you is annoyed enough to just slap her, but the more sensible parts of your mind say that it'd be better to just walk away before you do something that you'd regret. Still you were the man of the house for the week, and the music will continue to bother you and your neighbors for the rest of the night. One way or another, logic reminded you that you'd have to deal with the boombox and that you should at least try to reason with Rose.

Do you: