7 Days of Incest/Day 1/Slap Some Sense into Rose

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That's it; you're sick of her antics, and must put a stop to it! Day in and day out, she has been giving you so much shit; all too often she strutted around the house like she owns the damn place and running roughshod over your other sisters too.

Now, with the new found responsibility, you can't afford to let her do so. Anger bubbles up from deep inside and without thinking, you raise sweep your hand down through the air. SMACK! The palm of your hand strikes Rose's cheek, sending her stumbling backwards a step. Rose stares up at you, her watery eyes now filled with a mixture of shock, anger, and fear. For a moment, she clenches her fist and it looks like she was about to swing back at you. But surprisingly, she instead turns the music off, then with a muttered "fucking bastard," she retreats to her room.

Shaking your head with a sigh, you back away from the shelf and plop yourself down on the couch, intending to watch some TV in order to help clear your head. "Peace at last," You mutter as you grab the remote and turn the TV on, idly flipping through the channels. Rose was a handful, and harsh treatment was often the only way to really get her attention. Still, this was the first time you did something like this, and a part of you can't help but wonder if you went too far by smacking her. It wasn't hard enough to leave a mark, but there have been times where you've underestimated your strength. Maybe you should go check on her?

You consider it. On the one hand you may have been just bit too harsh on Rose, and as you settled in to watch a show that looked interesting, you realize that you do her an apology.

Then again, your more primal side argued back, Rose can be quite the bitch. Maybe you need to treat her even harsher...

Do you: