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You walk to Mom and Dad's room to see if they're awake. Usually their door is locked if they're still asleep, so you check the handle before you knock.

It's unlocked. You open the door a little and peek inside. It's quiet in their room. You can see Dad sleeping in bed, but you can't see mom.

To one side of the room is a walk-in closet, and to the other is the master bathroom. At the foot of the bed is what sort of looks like a shallow wardrobe but it's only about waist high to an adult. It opens from the center and there's a big padlock on the front of it. Also on the front in the center is a circular rubber disc about half a foot from the top, with a loop and a small chain that's attached to the box.

A love seat sits in one corner of the room, with plenty of clearance underneath.