A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Chat/Pics/Mirror/Yes/Join/No/Pond/Lori/Talk/Maybe/More/All/Yes/Chat

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< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Chat‎ | Pics‎ | Mirror‎ | Yes‎ | Join‎ | No‎ | Pond‎ | Lori‎ | Talk‎ | Maybe‎ | More‎ | All‎ | Yes
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Sally clicked off the private chat.

   Pumpkin: I'm going back to my bedroom now.
   DrippingMommy: Goodnight dear, come back soon.
   KidsRpog: gn
   Pumpkin: No, I'm not leaving yet. I'll keep talking on my phone!
   Pumpkin: Just feels to risky to stay in dad's office.
   LidKicker69: Even better!
   *Pumpkin left. Reason: Quit*

Sally closed the browser window, disconnected her phone and double-checked that the folders hadn't reappeared somehow... but everything looked good, so she hit shutdown, left the computer behind, and made for her bedroom. But as soon as she stood up, she was surprised to realize how damp her lap had gotten. It felt cool in the still air off the office. She knew she hadn't actually wet herself, there's no way should wouldn't notice that, but she still didn't understand what it all meant exactly, and she wondered if this was a common problem she'd have to contend with as nudist. But there was no sense worrying about it right then; she needed to get back to bed.

So she carefully shut the office door behind her, and tiptoed back to her room. She pulled out her phone, it still showed 100% charged so she didn't even bother plugging it in, she just tossed the cable next to the bed where she usually charged it and got into bed. This was a lot more comfortable, she decided. It didn't feel like spy stuff now, but in her own bed she felt safe and comfortable, even if that tingly feeling was still really distracting. At first she tried to ignore this, as she went back to her chat bookmark, but it wouldn't last long.

   Stalin: Hey, welcome back.
   LidKicker69: My princess has returned!
   Pumpkin: Hi. Back in bed now, I can talk without worrying too much.
   DrippingMommy: So how are you feeling about publishing your first nudist photoshoot?
   ObviousFed: You know, I just wanted to say, we all love your pictures, but you friend, "tomboy", deserves praise too.
   ObviousFed: She did a better job than some adults. She really has any eye for this.
   KidsRpog: An eye for cunny!
   RichardHardt: LOL
   Pumpkin: Thanks. And I'm excited. I was starting to think I'd never take a good nudist picture.
   LidKicker69: Well you and your friend certainly succeeded. 
   LidKicker69: She doesn't hold back either! I love those closeup shots.
   Pumpkin: I guess she thinks if you're taking naked pictures, you should show the parts that are hidden with clothes.
   Stalin: Well, there's a certain logic to that! Maybe it took a child to see the obvious.
   Pumpkin: Also, I think she just likes pussys.
   KidsRpog: I like this girl, when can we meet? (*^ ^*)
   Pumpkin: Except she calls them kittys.
   DrippingMommy: Aww, how cute.
   LidKicker69: Almost as cute as your "kitty" itself.

But all this talk about her "kitty" wasn't helping Sally calm down one bit. She quickly found herself touching it again. Now, that's not to say her hand was actually moving of its own volition of course, on some level she was fully aware that she had reached under the covers and started rubbing herself again. She just wasn't sure why she did it. It did feel pretty good, but it wasn't actually making that weird feeling go away. If anything it was getting stronger. It was really starting to bother her, so Sally decided to do the logical thing and ask for advice.

   Pumpkin: While we're on that subject, my pussy feels weird. Is that a common problem for nudists?
   ObviousFed: Well now, I guess that would depend on what kind of weird feeling you mean.
   Pumpkin: It's like an itchy tingle. Like I need to rub it.
   KidsRpog: LMAOOOOOO
   ObviousFed: Heh, yeah I'd say that's a normal reaction to sharing naked pictures online.
   Pumpkin: Oh, I guess that's good, but what do I do about it?
   RichardHardt: Well, you said yourself it feels like you need to rub it, so just do that.
   Stalin: That's right, nothing to worry about. And it feels kinda good, doesn't it?
   Pumpkin: It does. So I should just enjoy it and not worry?
   Stalin: Exactly!
   LidKicker69: Oh wow, you don't know about masturbating yet?

Sally knew the word... but she kind of thought it was only something boys did. Still, it wasn't too hard to make the connection once it was pointed out like that.

   Pumpkin: I've heard of it, so that's what this is?
   LidKicker69: Yep. Are you doing it right now?
   Pumpkin: Yeah.
   DrippingMommy: Good for you!
   DrippingMommy: It's actually quite good a useful thing to know.
   Stalin: Especially for folks like us.
   RichardHardt: LOL yeah. When you can't (or shouldn't) have sex it's a great alternative.
   LidKicker69: Oh my god, the thought of your touching yourself right now while talking to us is almost too much.
   KidsRpog: I bet you're doing it too lol
   LidKicker69: Haha, guilty.

What happens next?