A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Devin/Friends/Cajole/Randall/1on1/Extend/Always/Forget/Track

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Devin‎ | Friends‎ | Cajole‎ | Randall‎ | 1on1‎ | Extend‎ | Always‎ | Forget
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Sally felt like a nice long walk. She considered going to the big park, or maybe the pond, just for the sake of having a destination, but then she had a better idea. It has been a while since she visited the train track. There she could walk as long as she felt like without any fear of getting lost, since she could always follow it right back.

She headed through the back gate, onto an unpaved footpath. Most of the houses in her neighborhood had these between them. It was almost like a second network of streets except without the cars. Keeping mostly to this kid-friendly route, she made her way to the tracks. She did have to cross a couple of small streets, but being early as it was, she encountered no one, either driving or walking.

The closest branch of the railroads that intersected in town was the line going east, away from the junction, and this is were Sally found herself shortly. She had, of course, been warned many time to treat the train tracks just like a street: look both ways before crossing and walk along the side, not on the tracks themselves. She turned left, heading out of town, since in the other direction she would quickly come to the switching yard, which wasn't pedestrian friendly.

Sally had the place to herself, and walked along for several minutes just enjoying the beautiful morning. But after a while she became aware of the distant rumble and clack-clack of a train approaching. At first she could barely see it, but it was coming fast—something which her father had once explained meant it wasn't planning to stop in town. Anyway, she moved even further away from the rails, as trains are quite loud, and stopped to watch it pass. She couldn't really see the driver, but she gave the train a friendly wave anyhow, which was rewarded with a short but hearty toot from the train's whistle as it passed.

The engineer had been flashed by adult women a time or two, which was always fun, but he was very surprised to see an entirely naked young girl waving at him! He almost thought he should notify someone, but in the brief glimpse he got, she was smiling and seemed completely at ease. So whatever that was about, she didn't appear to be in any distress. He wrote it off as normal small-town weirdness, and as an afterthought, gave the whistle a quick pull. Naked or not, it was charming to see kids excited at seeing a train.

Meanwhile Sally was, of course, still completely unaware that she was naked. Ironically, it did occur to her that she probably should have put shoes on, but that was something most kids in town regarded as optional, and she hadn't so far made the necessary connection to think about whether she'd put anything else on.

Once the train passed by, Sally continued on as well. She saw a few signs of activity on one side of the track or the other. Cars passing, some workers up on a roof, etc. But none of them were close enough to take notice of her. As she walked on, the houses gave way to light industry and farmland. It was in this area, at the edge of town, that she came upon two men camped out beside the railway.

Now, it's important to remember Willow's Junction is an idyllic place; the phrase "homeless encampment", though technically accurate, would be entirely misleading. Both in terms of what it looked like and how its occupants were viewed by people in town. Willow's Junction did not have "a homeless problem", it had "a few colorful characters". And in fact, Sally recognized one of the men and happily greeted him.

"Hey, Otto!"

Otto looked 40-something, though considering his rough life he was more likely in his 30s. He had brown hair, a mustache and a stubble-covered chin. In keeping with his role as colorful character, when he wasn't asking for handouts of food or looking for odd jobs to do, he enjoyed telling tall tales to anyone who would listen, Sally included. He didn't run into her often, but when he did he could easily entertain her (and himself) for an hour or more telling stories about the Skunk Ape, or the time he hitched a ride on a submarine. He was of course as surprised as anyone to see her naked in public.

"Hey Sally, are you alright?", he asked.

"Yeah! Just out for a walk. Nice day isn't it?"

The other man was slim with graying hair. He apparently hadn't been paying attention and only as Sally got closer did he look up. "Whoa, where are your clothes!?", he exclaimed.

She froze. Oh no! Had she really walked all this way naked? It seemed impossible... but a quick look down confirmed her fears. Although she called herself a nudist, she was well aware that it was by no means acceptable to be naked here, and worse, one of them men was a complete stranger. Further more, admitting that she had just walked a mile or so naked by accident would embarrassing in a whole different way.

What did she do?